University of Virginia Library

fyrst his clothis ȝe xal of don
and makyn hym nakyd for to be
bynde hym to A pelere as sore as ȝe mon
þan skorge hym with qwyppys þat al men may se
Whan he is betyn crowne hym for ȝour kyng
and þan to þe cros ȝe xal hym bryng
And to þe crosse þou xalt be fest
And on thre naylys þi body xal rest
On xal thorwe þi ryth hand go
Anothyr thorwe þi lyfte hand Also
þe thred xal be smet thour bothe þi feet
Whech nayl þer-to be mad ful mete
And ȝet þou xalt not hange A-lone
but on eyther syde of þe xal be on
Dysmas now I deme þe
þat on hese ryth hand þou xalt be
And Jesmas on þe left hand hangyd xal ben
on þe mownth of caluerye þat men may sen.

here pylat xal rysyn and gon to his schaffalde, and þe busshoppys with hym and þe jewys xul crye for joy with a gret voys and Arryn hym and pullyn of his clothis and byndyn hym to A pelere and skorgyn hym on seyng þus
ius judeus
Doth gladly oure kyng
for þis is ȝour fyrst begynnyng.