University of Virginia Library

here Enteryth þe Apostyl petyr and johan þe euangelyst with hym.
O ȝe pepyl dyspeyryng be glad
A gret cause ȝe haue and ȝe kan se
þe lord of all þing of nowth mad
is comyng ȝour comfort to be
All ȝour langorys salvyn xal he
ȝour helthe is more þan kan wete.

Ffrendys be-holde þe tyme of mercy
The whiche is come now with-owt dowth
mannys sowle in blys now xal edyfy
and þe prynce of þe werd is cast owth.
Go to ȝon castel þat standyth ȝow Ageyn
sum of myn dyscyplis go forth ȝe to
þere xul ȝe ffyndyn bestys tweyn
An Asse tyed and here fole Also
Vn-losne þat Asse and brynge it to me pleyn
Iff any mas Aske why þat ȝe do so
Sey þat I haue nede to þis best certeyn
and he xal not lett ȝow ȝour weys for to go
þat best brynge ȝe to me.

1us Apostolus
holy prophete we gon oure way
we wyl not ȝoure wourd de-lay
Also sone as þat we may
We xal it brynge to the.

here þei ffecch þe Asse with þe ffole and þe burgeys seyth
Herke ȝe men who ȝaff ȝow leve
Thus þis best ffor to take Away


but only ffor pore men to releve
this Asse is ordayned as I ȝow say.

Good sere take this At no greff
Oure mayster us sent hedyr þis day
he hath grett nede with-owt repreff
þerfore not lett us I þe pray
þis best for to lede.

Sethyn þat it is so? þat he hath ȝow sent
werkyth his wyll and his intent
take þe beste as ȝe be bent
and evyr wel mote ȝe spede.

jacobus minor
This best is brought ryght now here lo
holy prophete At þin owyn wylle
And with þis cloth Anon Also
þis bestys bak we xal sone hylle.

Now mayst þou ryde whedyr þou wylt go
Thyn holy purpos to ffulfylle
thy best fful redy is dyth þe to
bothe meke and tame þe best is stylle
And we be redy Also
Iff it be plesynge to þi ssyght
The to helpe A-non forth ryght
Vpon þis best þat þou were dyght
þi jurney ffor to do.

here cryst rydyth out of þe place And he wyl and Petyr and Johan Abydyn stylle And at þe last whan þei haue don þer prechyng þei mete with jhesu,
O ȝe pepyl dyspeyryng be glad
A grett cawse ȝe haue and ȝe kan se
þe lord þat all thynge of nought mad
is comynge ȝour comforte to be
All ȝour langoris salvyn xal he


ȝour helthe is more than ȝe kan wete
He xal cawse þe blynde þat þei xal se
þe def to here þe dome for to speke.
þei þat be crokyd he xal cause hem to goo
In þe wey þat johan baptyst of prophecyed
Sweche A leche kam ȝow nevyr non too
Wher-fore what he comawndyth loke ȝe Applyed
þat som of ȝow be blynd it may not be denyid
Ffor hym þat is ȝour makere with ȝour gostly ey ȝe xal not knowe
of his comaundement in ȝow gret necglygens is Aspyed
Where-fore def fro gostly heryng clepe ȝow I howe.
And some of ȝow may not go ȝe be so crokyd
For of good werkyng in ȝow is lytyl habundawns
Tweyn fete heuery man xuld haue and it were lokyd
Wyche xuld bere þe body gostly most of substawns
Ffyrst is to love god Above all other plesawns
þe secunde is to love þi neybore as þin owyn persone
and yf þese tweyn be kepte in perseverawn̄s
Into þe celestyal habytacion ȝe Arn habyl to gone.
Many of ȝow be dome why for ȝe wole not redresse
Be Mowthe ȝour dedys mortal but þer-in don perdure
Of þe wych but ȝe haue contrycyon and ȝow confesse
Ȝe may not in-heryte hevyn þis I ȝow ensure
And of All þese maladyes ȝe may haue gostly cure
For þe hevynly leche is comyng ȝow for to vicyte
And as for payment he wole shewe ȝow no redrure
Ffor with þe love of ȝowre hertys he wole be Aqwhyte.

Apostolus johannes
On to my brotherys for-seyd rehersall
þat ȝe xuld ȝeve þe more veray confydens


I come with hym as testymonyall
Ffor to conferme and fortefye his sentens
þis lord xal come with-out resystens
On to þe Cety-ward he is now comyng
Where-fore dresse ȝow with all dew dylygens
To honowre hym as ȝour makere and kyng.
And to fulfylle þe prophetys prophese
Vp-on An Asse he wole hedyr ryde
Shewyng ȝow exawmple of humylyte
Devoydyng þe Abhomynable synne of pryde
Whech hath ny conqweryd all þe werd wyde
Grettest cause of All ȝour trybulacyon
Vse it ho so wole for it is þe best gyde
þat ȝe may haue to þe place of dampnacyon.
Now brothyr in god syth we have intellygens
þat oure lord is ny come to þis cete
To Attend up-on his precyous presens
it syttyth to us as semyth me
Wherfore to mete whit hym now go we
I wold fore no thyng we where to late
to þe cete-ward fast drawyth he
me semyth he is ny at þe gate

here spekyth þe iiij ceteseynys þe fyrst þus seyng
1us ciues de jherusalem
Neyborys gret joye in oure herte we may make
þat þis hefly kyng wole vycyte þis cyte.

ijus ciues
Yf oure eerly kyng swech a jorne xuld take
to don hym honour and worchepe besy xuld we be.

iijus ciues
Meche more þan to þe hevynly kyng bownd Are we
Ffor to do þat xuld be to his persone reuerens.


iiij ci[ues]
late vs þan welcome hym with flowrys and brawnchis of þe tre
Ffor he wole take þat to plesawns becawse of redolens.

here þe iiij ceteseynys makyn hem redy for to mete with oure lord goyng barfot and barelegged and in here shyrtys savyng þei xal haue here gownys cast A-bouth theme and qwan þei seen oure lorde þei xal sprede þer clothis be-forn hyme and he xal lyth and go þer upone and þei xal falle downe up-on þer knes alle atonys þe fyrst þus seyng
ius ciues
Now blyssyd he be þat in oure lordys name
to us in Any wyse wole resorte
And we be-leve veryly þat þou dost þe same
For be þi mercy xal spryng mannys comforte.
here cryst passyth forth þer metyth with hym a serteyn of chylderyn with flowrys and cast be-forn hyme and They synggyn Gloria laus and be-forn on seyt[OMITTED]
Thow sone of davyd þou be oure supporte
At oure last day whan we xal dye
Where-fore we Alle Atonys to þe exorte
Cryeng mercy mercy mercye.

Ffrendys be-holde þe tyme of mercy
þe wich is come now with-owtyn dowth
Mannys sowle in blysse now xal edyfy
And þe prynce of þe werd is cast owth
As I haue prechyd in placys A-bowth
And shewyd experyence to man and wyf
In to þis werd goddys sone hath sowth
Ffor veray loue man to revyfe.
The trewthe of trewthis xal now be tryede
and A perfyth of corde be-twyx god and man
Wich trewth xal nevyr be dyvide
Confusyon on to þe fynd sathan.

ius pauper homo
þou sone of davyd on vs haue mercye
As we must stedfast be-levyn in þe


þi goodnesse lord lete us be nye
Whech lyth blynd here and may not se.

ijus pauper homo
Lord lete þi mercy to us be sewre
and restore to us oure bodyly syth
We know þou may us wel recure
With þe lest poynt of þi gret myth.

ȝowre be-leve hath mad ȝou for to se
And delyveryd ȝou fro All mortal peyn
blyssyd be All þo þat be-leve on me
And se me not with here bodyly eyn.

here Cryst blyssyth here eyn and þei may se þe fryst seyng
ius pauper homo
Gromercy lord of þi gret grace
I þat was blynd now may se.

ijus pauper homo
Here I for-sake al my trespace
And stedfastly wyl be-levyn on þe.