University of Virginia Library

Hic de muliere in adulterio deprehensa. Nolo mortem peccatoris.
Man for þi synne take repentaunce
If þou amende þat is amys
Than hevyn xal be þin herytaunce
Thow þou haue don Aȝens god grevauns
ȝett mercy to haske loke þou be bolde
his mercy doth passe in trewe balauns
All cruel jugement be many folde.


thow þat ȝour synnys be nevyr so grett
Ffor hem be sad and aske mercy
sone of my ffadyr grace ȝe may gett
with þe leste teer wepynge owte of ȝour ey
My ffadyr me sent the man to bye
All þi Raunsom my-sylfe must pay
Ffor loue of þe my-sylfe wyl dye
Iff þou aske mercy I sey nevyr nay.
In to þe erth ffrom hevyn A-bove
þi sorwe to sese and joye to restore
man I cam down all ffor þi loue
Loue me ageyn I aske no more
þow þou mys-happe and synne ful sore
ȝit turne Aȝen and mercy craue
it is þi fawte and þou be lore
haske þou mercy and þou xalt haue.
Vppon þi neybore be not vengabyl
Ageyn þe lawe if he offende
lyke as he is þou art vnstabyl
thyn owyn frelte evyr þou attende
Euer more þi neybore helpe to Amende
evyn as þou woldyst he xulde þe
Ageyn hym wrath if þou accende
the same in happ wyll falle on the.
Eche man to othyr be mercyable
And mercy he xal haue at nede
What man of mercy is not tretable
Whan he Askyth mercy he xal not spede
Mercy to graunt I com in dede
Who so Aske mercy he xal haue grace
Lett no man dowte for his mysdede
But evyr Aske mercy whyl he hath space.

Alas Alas oure Lawe is lorn
A fals Ypocryte jhesu be name
þat of a sheppherdis dowtyr was born
Wyl breke oure lawe and make it lame
he wyl us werke ryght mekyl shame


his fals purpos if he up-holde
all oure lawys he doth defame
þat Stynkynge beggere is woundyr bolde.

Sere scrybe in feyth þat ypocryte
wyl turne þis londe al to his lore
þerfore I councell hym to indyte
And chastyse hym ryght wel þerfore.

On hym be-leve many A score
In his prechynge he is so gay
Ech man hym ffolwygh ever more and more
Aȝens þat he seyth no man seyth nay.

A Ffals qwarel if we cowde feyne
þat ypocrite to puttyn in blame
All his prechynge xulde sone disteyne
and than his wurchepp xuld turne to shame
with sum falshede to spyllyn his name
lett vs assay his lore to spylle
þe pepyl with hym yff we cowde grame
than xulde we sone haue al oure wyll.

Herke sere pharysew and sere scrybe
A ryght good sporte I kan ȝow telle
I vndyr-take þat ryght a good brybe
We all xul haue to kepe councell
A fayre ȝonge qwene here-by doth dwelle
both ffiesch and gay upon to loke
And a tall man with here doth melle
the wey in to hyre chawmere ryght evyn he toke.
lett us thre now go streyte thedyr
the wey fful evyn I xall ȝow lede
and we xul take them both to-gedyr
Whyll þat þei do þat synful dede.

Art þou sekyr þat we xal spede
Shall we hym fynde whan we cum there.

be my trowth I haue no drede
þe hare fro þe fforme we xal a-rere.


We xal haue game and þis be trewe
lete us thre werke by on Assent
We wyl here brynge evyn be-forn jhesu
and of here lyff þe truth present
How in advowtrye hyre lyff is lent
Than hym be-forn whan she is browth
We xul hym Aske þe trew jugement
What lawfull deth to here is wrouth.
Of grace and mercy hevyr he doth preche
And þat no man xulde be vengeable
Ageyn þe woman if he sey wrech
Than of his prechynge he is vnstable
And if we fynde hym varyable
of his prechynge þat he hath tawth
than haue we cawse bothe juste and Able
Ffor a fals man þat he be cawth.

Now be grete god ȝe sey fful well
If we hym fyndyn in varyaunce
We haue good reson as ȝe do tell
Hym for to brynge to foule myschauns
If he holde stylle his dalyauns
and preche of mercy hire for to saue
than haue we mater of gret substauns
hym for to kylle and putt in graue.
Grett reson why I xal ȝow telle
Ffor moyses doth bydde in oure lawe
that Euery Advowterere we xuld qwelle
and ȝitt with stonys thei xulde be slawe
Ageyn moyses if þat he drawe
þat Synful woman with grace to helpe
he xal nevyr skape out of oure Awe
but he xal dye lyke a dogge whelpe.


ȝe tary ovyr longe serys I sey ȝow
they wyl sone parte as þat I gesse
þerfore if ȝe wyl haue ȝour pray now
lete us go take them in here whantownnesse.

Goo þou be-forn þe wey to dresse
We xal þe ffolwe with-in short whyle
Iff þat we may þat quene dystresse
I hope we xal jhesu be-gyle.

Breke up þe dore and go we inne
Sett to þe shuldyr with all þi myght
We xal hem take evyn in here synne
here owyn trespas shal þem indite.

hic juuenis quidam extra currit indeploydo calligis non ligatis et braccas in manu tenens et dicit accusator
Stow þat harlot sum erthely wyght
that in advowtrye here is ffownde.

ȝiff Any man stow me þis nyth
I xal hym ȝeve a dedly wownde.
I Any man my wey doth stoppe
or we departe ded xal I be
I xal þis daggare putt in his croppe
I xal hym kylle or he xal me.

Grett goddys curse mut go with the
With suche a shrewe wyll I not melle.

That same blyssynge I ȝyff ȝow thre
And qwheth ȝow alle to þe devyl of helle.
In feyth I was so sore affrayd
Of ȝone thre shrewys þe sothe to say
my breche be nott ȝett well up-teyd
I had such hast to renne A-way


Thei xal nevyr cacche me in such affray
I am full glad þat I am gon
Adewe Adewe a xxt i devyl way
and goddys curse haue ȝe every-chon.

Come forth þou stotte com forth þou scowte
com forth þou bysmare and brothel bolde
com forth þou hore and stynkynge bych clowte
how longe hast þou such harlotry holde.

Com forth þou quene com forth þou scolde
com forth þou sloveyn com forth þou slutte
we xal the tecche with carys colde
A lytyl bettyr to kepe þi kutte.

A mercy mercy serys I ȝow pray
Ffor goddys loue haue mercy on me
of my mys-levynge me not be-wray
haue mercy on me for charyte.

Aske us no mercy it xal not be
We xul so ordeyn ffor þi lott
þat þou xalt dye for þin Advowtrye
Þerfore com forth þou stynkynge stott.

Serys my wurchepp if ȝe wyl saue
And helpe I haue non opyn shame
bothe gold and sylvyr ȝe xul haue
So þat in clennes ȝe kepe my name.

Mede ffor to take we were to blame
to save suche stottys it xal not be
We xal brynge the to suche a game
þat all advowtererys xul lern be the.

Stondynge ȝe wyl not graunt me grace
but for my synne þat I xal dye
I pray ȝow kylle me here in þis place
and lete not þe pepyl up-on me crye
If I be sclaundryd opynly


to all my frendys it xul be shame
I pray ȝow kylle me prevyly
lete not þe pepyl know my defame.

Ffy on þe scowte þe devyl þe qwelle
Ageyn þe lawe xul we þe kyll
Ffyrst xal hange þe þe devyl of helle
or we such folyes xulde ffulfyll
thow it lyke þe nevyr so ill
be-fforn þe prophete þou xalt haue lawe
lyke as moyse doth charge ut tyll
With grett stonys þou xalt be slawe.

Com forth a-pase þou stynkynge scowte
be-fore þe prophete þou were þis day
or I xal ȝeue þe such a clowte
þat þou xalt fall down evyn in þe way.

now be grett god and I þe pay
Such a buffett I xal þe take
þat all þe teth I dare wel say
with-inne þin heed ffor who xul shake.

Herke sere prophete we all ȝow pray
to gyff trewe dom and just sentence
Vpon þis woman which þis same day
In synfull advowtery hath don offense.

hic ihesus dum isti accusant mulierem continue debet digito suo scribere in terra.
Se we haue brought here to ȝour presens
be-cawse ȝe ben a wyse prophete
þat ȝe xal telle be consyens
What deth to hyre ȝe thynke most mete.

In moyses lawe ryght þus we fynde
þat such fals louers xul be slayn
streyte to a stake we xul hem bynde
and with grett stonys brest out þer brayn


Of ȝour concyens telle us þe playn
with þis woman what xal be wrought
Shall we lete here go qwyte agayn
or to hire deth xal she be brought.

Jhesus nichil respondit sed semper scrybyt in terra.
Now holy prophete be mercyable
vpon me wrecch take no vengeaunce
Ffor my synnys Abhomynable
In hert I haue grett repentaunce
I am wel wurthy to haue myschaunce
Both bodyly deth and werdly shame
but gracyous prophete of socurraunce
þis tyme pray ȝow for goddys name.

Ageyn þe lawe þou dedyst offens
þerfore of grace speke þou no more
As moyses gevyth in law sentens
þou xalt be stonyd to deth þer-fore.

Ha don sere prophete telle us ȝoure lore
xul we þis woman with stonys kyll
or to hire hous hire home restore
In þis mater tell us ȝour wyll.

In a colde stodye me thynkyth ȝe sytt
good sere awake telle us ȝour thought
xal she be stonyd telle us ȝour wytt
or in what rewle xal sche be brought.

Loke which of ȝow þat nevyr synne wrought
but is of lyff clennere þan she
Cast at here stonys and spare here nowght
Clene out of synne if þat ȝe be.

hic ihesus iterum se inclinans scribet in terra et omnes accusatores quasi confusi separatim in tribus locis se disiungent,'


Alas Alas I am ashamyd
I am a-fferde þat I xal deye
all myn synnys evyn propyrly namyd
ȝon prophyte dede wryte be-for myn eye
Iff þat my felawys þat dude Aspye
they wyll telle it bothe ffer and wyde
my synfull levynge if þei out crye
I wot nevyr wher myn heed to hyde.

Alas for sorwe myn herte doth blede
All my synnes ȝon man dude wryte
If þat my felawys to them toke hede
I kan not me ffrom deth Acquyte
I wolde I wore hyd sum-where out of syght
þat men xuld me no-where se ne knowe
Iff I be take I am afflyght
In mekyl shame I xal be throwe.

Alas þe tyme þat þis be-tyd
Ryght byttyr care doth me enbrace
All my synnys be now vnhyd
ȝon man be-for me hem all doth trace
If I were onys out of þis place
to suffyr deth gret and vengeauns Able
I wyl nevyr come be-for his face
þow I xuld dye in a stable.

Thow I be wurthy ffor my trespas
to suffyr deth ab-homynable
ȝitt holy prophete of ȝour hyȝ grace
In ȝour jugement be mercyable
I wyl nevyr more be so vnstable
O holy prophete graunt me mercy
of myn synnys vnresonable
With all myn hert I am sory.

Where be þi fomen þat dude þe Accuse
Why haue þei left us to Alone.


By-cawse they cowde nat hemself excuse
With shame they ffled hens Euery-chone
But gracyous prophete lyst to my mone
of my sorwe take compassyon
now all myn enmyes hens be gone
Sey me sum wurde of consolacion.

Ffor þo synnys þat þou hast wrought
hath Any man condempnyd the.

Nay for-soth þat hath þer nought
but in ȝour grace I putt me.

Ffor me þou xalt nat condempnyd be
go hom A-geyn and walk at large
loke þat þou leve in honeste
and wyl no more to synne I þe charge.

I thanke ȝow hyȝly holy prophete
Of þis grett grace ȝe haue me graunt
all my lewde lyff I xal doun lete
and ffonde to be goddys trewe servaunt.

What man of synne be repentaunt
of god if he wyl mercy craue
God of mercy is so habundawnt
þat what man haske it he xal it haue.
Whan man is contrite and hath wonne grace
God wele not kepe olde wreth in mynde
but bettyr loue to hem he has
Very contryte whan he them fynde
Now god þat dyed ffor all mankende
saue all þese pepyl both nyght and day
and of oure synnys he us vnbynde
hyȝe lorde of hevyn þat best may.