University of Virginia Library

Ffowre thowsand sex vndryd foure ȝere I telle
Man ffor his offens and ffowle foly
Hath loyn ȝerys in þe peynes of helle
And were wurthy to ly þer-in endlesly
But thanne xulde perysche ȝour grete mercye
good lord haue on man pyte
haue mende of þe prayour seyd by Ysaie
lete mercy meke þin hyest mageste.
wolde god þou woldyst breke þin hefne myghtye
and com down here in to erth
And levyn ȝerys thre and threttye
thyn famyt ffolke with þi fode to fede


To staunche þi thryste lete þi syde blede
ffor erste wole not be mad redempcion
Cum vesyte vs in þis tyme of nede
of þi careful creaturys haue compassyon.
A woo to vs wrecchis of wrecchis be
ffor god hath haddyd ssorwe to sorwe
I prey þe lord þi sowlys com se
How þei ly and sobbe ffor syknes and sorwe
With þi blyssyd blood ffrom balys hem borwe
thy careful creaturys cryenge in captyvyte
A tary not gracyous lord tyl it be to-morwe
The devyl hath dysceyved hem be hys iniquite.
A quod Jeremye who xal gyff wellys to myn eynes
Þat I may wepe bothe day and nyght
to se oure bretheryn in so longe peynes
here myschevys Amende may þi mech myght
As gret as þe se lord was Adamys contryssyon ryght
Ffrom oure hed is falle þe crowne
Man is comeryd in synne I crye to þi syght
Gracyous lord Gracyous lord Gracyous lord come downe.

Lord plesyth it þin hyȝ domynacion
On man þat þou made to haue pyte
Patryarchys and prophetys han made supplycacion
oure offyse is to presente here prayerys to the
Aungelys Archaungelys we thre
þat ben in þe fyrst ierarchie
Ffor man to þin hy mageste
Mercy mercy mercy we crye.


The Aungel lord þou made so gloryous
whos synne hath mad hym a devyl in helle
he mevyd man to be so contraryous
man repentyd and he in his obstynacye doth dwelle
Hese grete males good lord repelle
And take man on to þi grace
lete þi mercy make hym with Aungelys dwelle
of locyfere to restore þe place.

Propter miseriam inopum nunc exurgam
et gemitum pauperum nunc exurgam
Ffor þe wretchydnes of þe nedy
And þe porys lamentacion
now xal I ryse þat am Almyghty
tyme is come of reconsyliacion
My prophetys with prayers haue made supplicacion
my contryte creaturys crye all for comforte
All myn Aungellys in hefne with-owte cessacion
they crye þat grace to man myght exorte.

Lord I am þi dowtere trewth
þou wylt se I be not lore
thyn vnkynde creaturys to saue were rewthe
the offens of man hath grevyd þe sore
Whan Adam had synnyd þou seydest þore
þat he xulde deye and go to helle
And now to blysse hym to resstore
twey contraryes mow not to-gedyr dwelle.
Thy trewthe lord xal leste with-owtyn ende
I may in no wyse ffro þe go
þat wretche þat was to þe so vnkende
he may not haue to meche wo
He dyspysyd þe and plesyd þi ffo
þou art his creatour and he is þi creature
þou hast lovyd trewthe it is seyd evyr mo
þerfore in peynes lete hym evyr more endure.


O Ffadyr of mercy and god of comforte
þat counsell us in eche trybulacion
lete ȝour dowtere mercy to ȝow resorte
And on man þat is myschevyd haue compassyon
hym grevyth fful gretly his transgressyon
All hefne and erthe crye ffor mercy
Me semyth þer xuld be non excepcion
ther prayers ben offeryd so specyally.
Threwth Sseyth she hath evyr be than
I graunt it wel she hath be so
and þou seyst endlesly þat mercy þou hast kept ffor man
than mercyabyl lorde kepe us bothe to
Thu seyst Veritas mea et misericordia mea cum ipso
Suffyr not þi sowlys than in sorwe to slepe
þat helle hownde þat hatyth þe byddyth hym ho
þi love man no lengere lete hym kepe.

Mercy me merveylyth what ȝow movyth
ȝe know wel I am ȝour systere ryghtwysnes
God is ryghtful and ryghtffulnes lovyth
man offendyd hym þat is endles
Ther fore his endles punchement may nevyr sees
Also he forsoke his makere þat made hym of clay
And þe devyl to his mayster he ches
xulde he be savyd nay nay nay.
As wyse as is god he wolde A be
this was þe Abhomynabyl presumpcion
it is seyd ȝe know wel þis of me
þat þe ryghtwysnes of god hath no diffynicion
Therffore late þis be oure conclusyon
he þat sore synnyd ly stylle in sorwe
he may nevyr make A seyth be reson
whoo myght thanne thens hym borwe.

Systyr Ryghtwysnes ȝe Are to vengeabyl
Endles synne god endles may restore


Above all hese werkys god is mercyabyl
þow he for-sook god be synne be feyth he for-sook hym never þe more
And þow he presumyd nevyr so sore
ȝe must consyder þe frelnes of mankende
lerne and ȝe lyst þis is goddys lore
þe mercy of god is with-owtyn ende.

To spare ȝour speches systerys it syt
It is not onest in vertuys to ben dyscencion
the pes of god ovyr comyth all wytt
þow trewth and ryght sey grett reson
ȝett mercy seyth best to my pleson
ffor yf mannys sowle xulde abyde in helle
be-twen God and man evyr xulde be dyvysyon
And than myght not I pes dwelle.
Therefore me semyth best ȝe thus Acorde
than hefne and erthe ȝe xul qweme
putt bothe ȝour sentens in oure lorde
And in his hyȝ wysdam lete hym deme
This is most syttynge me xulde seme
And lete se how we ffowre may all A-byde
þat mannys sowle it xulde perysche it wore sweme
or þat ony of vs ffro othere xulde dyvyde.

In trowthe here-to I consente
I wole prey oure lord it may so be.

I Ryghtwysnes am wele contente
Ffor in hym is very equyte.

And I mercy ffro þis counsel wole not fle
tyl wysdam hath seyd I xal ses.

Here is god now here is vnyte
hefne and erth is plesyd with pes.

I thynke þe thoughtys of pes and nowth of wykkydnes
this I deme to ses ȝour contraversy


If Adam had not deyd peryschyd had ryghtwysnes
And Also trewth had be lost þer-by
Terrewth and ryght wolde chastyse ffoly
ȝiff a-nother deth come not mercy xulde perysch
þan pes were exyled ffynyaly
So tweyn dethis must be ȝow fowre to cherysch.
But he þat xal deye ȝe must knawe
þat in hym may ben non iniquyte
þat helle may holde hym be no lawe
But þat he may pas at hese lyberte
Qwere swyche on his prevyde and se
And hese deth for mannys deth xal be redempcion
All hefne and erth seke now ȝe
Plesyth it ȝow þis conclusyon.

I trowthe haue sowte þe erthe with-owt and with-inne
and In sothe þer kan non be fownde
þat is of o day byrth with-owte synne
nor to þat deth wole be bownde.

I mercy haue ronne þe hevynly Regyon rownde
and þer is non of þat charyte
þat ffor man wole suffre A deddly wounde
I I can nott wete how þis xal be.

Sure I can fynde non sufficyent
Ffor servauntys vn-profytable we be ech on
He love nedyth to be ful Ardent
that for man to helle wolde gon.

That god may do is non but on
þer fore þis is Pesys A-vyse


he þat ȝaff þis counsell lete hym ȝeve þe comforte A-lon
Ffor þe conclusyon in hym of all þese lyse.

It peyneth me þat man I mad
þat is to seyn peyne I must suffre fore
A counsel of þe trinite must be had
Whiche of vs xal man restore.

In ȝour wysdam son man was mad thore
And in wysdam was his temptacion
þerfor sone sapyens ȝe must ordeyn here-fore
and se how of man may be salvacion.

Ffadyr he þat xal do þis must be both god and man
lete me se how I may were þat wede
And syth in my wysdam he be-gan
I am redy to do þis dede.

Spiritus Sanctus
I the holy gost of ȝow tweyn do procede
this charge I wole take on me
I love to ȝour lover xal ȝow lede
þis is þe Assent of oure vnyte.

Now is þe loveday mad of us fowre fynialy
now may we leve in pes as we were wonte
Misericordia et veritas obviauerunt sibi
Justicia et pax osculate sunt

et hic osculabunt pariter omnes.
Ffrom vs god Aungel Gabryel þou xalt be sende
In to þe countre of Galyle
the name of þe cyte Nazareth is kende
to A mayd w[e]ddyd to A man is she
Of whom þe name is joseph se
of þe hous of davyd bore
The name of þe mayd ffre
Is Mary þat xal Al Restore.


Say þat she is with-owte wo and ful of grace
And þat I þe son of þe godhed of here xal be bore
Hyȝe þe þou were there A pace
ellys we xal be there the be-ffore
I haue so grett hast to be man thore
In þat mekest and purest virgyne
Sey here she xal restore
Of ȝow Aungellys þe grett Ruyne.

Spiritus Sanctus
And if she Aske þe how it myth be
telle here I þe holy gost xal werke al this
Sche xal be savyd thorwe oure vnyte
In tokyn here bareyn cosyn Elyzabeth is
Qwyk with childe in here grett Age i-wys
Sey here to vs is no thynge impossyble
Here body xal be so ful-fylt with blys
Þat she xal sone thynke þis sownde credyble.

In thyn hey inbassett lord I xal go
It xal be do with a thought
be-holde now lord I go here to
I take my fflyth and byde nowth
Ave maria gratia plena Dominus tecum.
Heyl fful of grace god is with the
Amonge All women blyssyd art thu
here þis name Eva is turnyd Aue
þat is to say with-owte sorwe ar ȝe now.
Thow sorwe in ȝow hath no place
ȝett of joy lady ȝe nede more
Therfore I Adde And sey Fful of grace
Ffor so Ful of grace was nevyr non bore
ȝett who hath grace he nedyth kepyng sore
therfore I sey god is with the


Whiche xal kepe ȝow endlesly thore
So amonge All women blyssyd are ȝe.

A mercy god þis is a mervelyous herynge
In þe Aungelys wordys I am trobelyd her
I thynk how may be þis gretynge
Aungelys dayly to me doth Aper
But not in þe lyknes of man þat is my fer
And Also thus hyȝly to comendyd be
and am most vn-wurthy I can-not Answere
grett shamfastnes and grett dred is in me.

Mary in þis take ȝe no drede
Ffor At God grace ffownde haue ȝe
ȝe xal conceyve in ȝour wombe in dede
A childe þe sone of þe trynyte
His name of ȝow jhesu clepyd xal be
He xal be grett þe son of þe hyest clepyd of kende
and of his ffadyr davyd þe lord xal ȝeve hym þe se
Reynyng in þe hous of jacob of which regne xal be no ende.

Aungel I sey to ȝow
In what manere of wyse xal þis be
Ffor knowyng of man I haue non now
I haue evyr more kept and xal my virginyte
I dowte not þe wordys ȝe han seyd to me
But I Aske how it xal be do.

The holy gost xal come fro A-bove to the
and þe vertu of hym hyest xal schadu þe so.
Ther fore þat holy gost of þe xal be bore
he xal be clepyd þe son of god sage
And se Elyzabeth ȝour cosyn thore


She hath conseyvid A son in hyre Age
This is þe sexte monyth of here passage?
Of here þat clepyd was bareyn
no thynge is impossyble to goddys vsage
they thynkyth longe to here what ȝe wyl seyn

here þe Aungel makyth a lytyl restynge and mary be-holdyth hym and þe Aungel seyth
Mary come of and haste the
And take hede in thyn entent
Whow þe holy gost blyssyd he be
A-bydyth þin answere and þin assent
Thorwe wyse werke of dyvinyte
the secunde persone verament
is mad man by fraternyte
With-inne þi self in place present.
Fferther more take hede þis space
Whow all þe blyssyd spyrytys of vertu
þat are in hefne by-ffore goddys face
And all þe gode levers and trew
That Are here in þis erthely place
thyn owyn kynrede þe sothe ho knew
And þe chosyn sowlys þis tyme of grace
þat Are in helle and byde rescu.
As Adam Abraham and davyd in fere
And many othere of good reputacion
þat þin Answere desyre to here
and þin Assent to þe incarnacion
In which þou standyst As persevere
of All man-kende savacion
Gyff me myn Answere now lady dere
to All these creaturys comfortacion.

With All mekenes I clyne to þis A-corde
Bowynge down my face with All benyngnyte


Se here þe hand-mayden of oure lorde
Aftyr þi worde be it don to me.

Gramercy my lady ffre
Gramercy of ȝour Answere on hyght
Gramercy of ȝour grett humylyte
Gramercy ȝe lanterne off lyght.

here þe holy gost discendit with iij bemys to our lady the sone of be godhed nest with iij bemys to þe holy gost the fadyr godly with iij bemys to þe sone And so entre All thre to here bosom and Mary seyth
A now I ffele in my body be
parfyte god and parfyte man
havyng Al schappe of chyldly carnalyte
Evyn Al at onys þus god be-gan.
Nott takynge ffyrst o membyr and sythe A-nother
but parfyte childhod ȝe haue A-non
of ȝour hand-mayden now ȝe haue mad ȝour modyr
With-owte peyne in Fflesche and bon
Thus conceyved nevyr woman non
þat evyr was beynge in þis lyff
O myn hyest ffadyr in ȝour tron
It is worthy ȝour son now my son haue A prerogatyff.
I can not telle what joy what blysse
now I fele in my body
Aungel Gabryel I thank ȝow for thys
most mekely recomende me to my faderys mercy
To haue be þe modyr of god fful lytyl wend I
Now myn cosyn Elyzabeth ffayn wold I se
how sche hath conseyvid as ȝe dede specyfy
Now blyssyd be þe hyȝ trynyte.

Ffare weyl turtyl goddys dowtere dere
Ffare wel goddys modyr I þe honowre
Ffare wel goddys sustyr and his pleynge fere
Ffare wel goddys chawmere and his bowre.


Ffare wel Gabryel specyalye
Ffare wel goddys masangere expresse
I thank ȝow for ȝour traveyl hye
Gramercy of ȝour grett goodnes.
And namely of ȝour comfortabyl massage
Ffor I vndyrstande by inspyracion
þat ȝe knowe by syngulere preuylage
most of my sonys incarnacion
I pray ȝow take it in to vsage
be A custom ocupacion
to vesyte me ofte be mene passage
ȝour presence is my comfortacion.

At ȝour wyl lady so xal it be
Ȝe gentyllest of blood and hyest of kynrede
þat reynyth in erth in ony degre
be pryncypal incheson of þe god-hede.
I comende me on to ȝow þou trone of þe trinyte
O mekest mayde now þe modyr of jhesu
qwen of hefne lady of erth and empres of helle be ȝe
socour to All synful þat wole to ȝow sew
Thour ȝour body beryth þe babe oure blysse xal renew
to ȝow modyr of mercy most mekely I recomende
and as I began I ende with An Ave new
Enjonyd hefne and erth with þat I Ascende.

cantando istam sequenciam.
Ave maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum uirgo sesena