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Ego sum alpha et oo,
primus et novissimus.
It is my will it shoulde be soe;
hit is, yt was, it shalbe thus.
I ame greate God gracious,
which never had begyninge.
The wholl foode of parente is sett
in my essention.
I ame the tryall of the Trenitye
which never shalbe twyninge,
pearles patron ymperiall,
and Patris sapiencia.
My beames be all beawtitude;
all blisse is in my buyldinge.
All meirth lyeth in mansuetude,
cum Dei potentia,
bouth viscible and inviscible.


As God greatest and glorious,
all is in mea licencill.
For all the meirth of the majestye
is magnifyed in me.
Prince principall, proved
in my perpetuall provydence,
I was never but one
and ever one in three,
set in substanciall southnes
within selestiall sapience.
The three tryalls in a throne
and true Trenitie
be grounded in my godhead,
exalted by my exelencie.
The might of my makeinge
is marked in mee,
dissolved under a deadem
by my devyne experience.
Nowe sithe I am soe soeleme
and set in my solatacion,
a biglie blesse here will I builde,
a heaven without endinge,
and caste a comely compasse
by comely creation.
Nyne orders of angells,
be ever at onste defendinge;
doe your indevoure and doubte you not
under my dominacion
to sytt in celestiall saftye.
All solace to your sendinge!
For all the likeinge in this lordshipp


be laude to my laudacion.
Through might of my most majestie
your meirth shall ever be mendinge.

Lorde, through thy mighte thou hast us wrought,
nine orders here that we maye see:
Cherubyn and Seraphin through thy thought;
Thrones and Dominationes in blisse to bee;
with Principates, that order brighte,
and Potestates in blisfull lighte;
also Vertutes, through thy greate mighte,
Angell and also Arkeangelle.
Nine orders here bene witterlye,
that thou hast made here full right.
In thy blisse full brighte the bee,
and I the principall, lorde, here in thy sighte.

Here have I you wrought with heavenly mighte,
of angells nine orders of greate beautye,
iech one with others, as it is righte,
to walke aboute the Trenitie.
Nowe, Luciffer and Lightborne, loke lowely you bee.
The blessinge of my begyninge I geve to my first operacion.


For crafte nor for cuninge, cast never comprehension;
exsalte you not to exelente into high exaltation.
Loke that you tende righte wisely, for hence I wilbe wendinge.
The worlde that is bouth voyde and vayne, I forme in the formacion,
with a dongion of darkenes which never shall have endinge.
This worke is nowe well wrought by my devyne formacion.
This worke is well donne, that is soe cleane and cleare.
As I you made of naughte, my blessinge I geve you here.

Wee thanke thee, lorde, full soveraignely,
that us hath formed soe cleane and cleare,
ever in this blesse to byde thee bye.
Graunte us thy grace ever to byde here.

Here for to byde God grante us grace
to please this prince withouten peare;
him for to thanke with some solace,
a songe now let us singe here.

‘Dignus Dei’
Nowe seeinge I have formed you soe fayer
and exalted you so exelente—
and here I set you nexte my cheare,


my love to you is soe fervente—
loke you fall not in noe dispaier.
Touche not my throne by non assente.
All your beautie I shall appaier,
and pride fall oughte in your intente.

Ney, lorde, that will we not in deed,
for nothinge tresspasse unto thee.
Thy greate godhead we ever dreade,
and never exsaulte ourselves soe hie.
Thou hast us marked with greate might and mayne,
in thy blesse evermore to byde and bee,
in lastinge life our life to leade.
And bearer of lighte thou hast made me.

And I ame marked of that same moulde.
Loveinge be to our creator
that us hase made gayer then goulde,
under his dieadem ever to indure.

I have forbyd that ye neare shoulde;
but keepe you well in that stature.
The same covenante I charge you houlde,
in paine of heaven your forfeyture.
For I will wende and take my trace
and see this blesse in every tower.
Iche one of you kepe well his place;
and, Lucifer, I make thee governour.
Nowe I charge the grounde of grace
that yt be set with my order.


Behoulde the beames of my brighte face,
which ever was and shall indewer.
This is your health in every case:
to behoulde your creator.
Was never none so like me, soe full of grace,
nor never shall as my fygure.
Here will I bide nowe in this place
to be angells comforture.
To be revisible in shorte space,
it is my will in this same houre.

Aha, that I ame wounderous brighte,
amongest you all shininge full cleare!
Of all heaven I beare the lighte
though God hymselfe and he were here.
All in this throne yf that I were,
then shoulde I be as wise as hee.
What saye ye, angells all that bene here?
Some comforte soone now let me see.

Wee will not assente unto your pride
nor in our hartes take such a thoughte;
but that our lorde shalbe our guyde,
and keepe that he to us hath wroughte.

Our lorde comaunded all that bene here
to keepe there seates, bouth more and lesse.
Therfore I warne the, Luciffer,
this pride will torne to greate distresse.


Destresse? I commaunde you for to cease
and see the beautie that I beare.
All heaven shines through my brightnes
for God himselfe shines not so cleare.

Of all angells yee beare the price
and most beautie is you befall.
My counsell is that you be wise,
that you bringe not yourselves in thrall.

Yf that ye in thrall you bringe,
then shall you have a wicked fall;
and alsoe your ofspringe,
away with you they shall all.

Our brethers counsell is good to here,
to you I saye, Lucifer and Lightborne.
Wherfore beware you of this cheere,
least that you have a fowle spurne.

In fayth, brother, yet you shall
sitt in this throne—arte cleane and cleare—
that yee maye be as wise withall
as God himselfe, yf he were heare.
Therfore you shalbe set here,
that all heaven maye ye behoulde.
The brightnes of your bodie cleare
is brighter then God a thousandfoulde.


Alas, that beautie will you spill
yf you keepe it all in your thought;
then will pride have all his will
and bringe your brightnes all to naughte.
Let yt passe out of your thought,
and caste awaye all wicked pride;
and keepe your brightnes to you is wrought,
and let our lorde be all our guyde.

Alas that pride is the wall of beautye
that tornes your thought to greate offence.
The brightnes of your fayer bodyes
will make yee to goe hense.

Goe hense? Behoulde, sennyors one every syde,
and unto me you caste your eyen.
I charge you angells in this tyde
behoulde and see now what I meane.
Above greate God I will me guyde
and set myselfe here; as I wene,
I ame pearlesse and prince of pride,
for God hymselfe shines not so sheene.
Here will I sitt nowe in his steade,
to exsaulte myselfe in this same see.
Behoulde my bodye, handes and head—
the mighte of God is marked in mee.
All angells, torne to me I read,
and to your soveraigne kneele one your knee.


I ame your comforte, bouth lorde and head,
the meirth and might of the majestye.

And I ame nexte of the same degree,
repleth by all experience.
Methinkes yf I mighte sit him bye
all heaven shoulde doe us reverence.
All orders maye assente to thee and me;
thou hast them torned by eloquence.
And here were nowe the Trenitie,
we shoulde him passe by our fullgens.

Alas, why make yee this greate offence?
Bouth Luciffer and Lightborne, to you I saye,
our soveraigne lorde will have you hense
and he fynde you in this araye.
Goe too your seates and wynde you hense.
You have begone a parlous playe.
Ye shall well witt the subsequence—
this daunce will torne to teene and traye.

I redd you all doe me reverence,
that ame repleth with heavenly grace.
Though God come, I will not hense,
but sitt righte here before his face.

‘Gloria tibi Trinitas’
Saye, what araye doe ye make here?
Who is your prince and principall?


I made thee angell and Lucifer,
and here thou woulde be lorde over all.
Therfore I charge this order cleare,
faste from this place looke that yee fall.
Full soone I shall chaunge your cheare—
for your fowle pride to hell you shall.
Lucifer, who set thee here when I was goe?
What have I offended unto thee?
I made thee my frende; thou arte my foe.
Why haste thou tresspassed thus to me?
Above all angells there were no moe
that sitt so nighe my majestye.
I charge you to fall till I byd ‘Whoo,’
into the deepe pitt of hell ever to bee.

Nowe Lucifer and Lightborne fall.
Alas that ever we were wroughte,
that we shoulde come into this place!
Wee were in joye; nowe we be naughte.
Alas, we have forfayted our grace!

And even heither thou hast us broughte
into dungeon to take our trace.
All this sorrowe thou hast us soughte—
the devill maye speede thy stinckinge face.

My face, false feature, for thy fare!
Thou hast us broughte to teene and treay.


I cumber, I congere, I kindle in care.
I sincke in sorrowe; what shall I saye?

Thou haste us broughte this wicked waye
through thy mighte and thy pryde,
out of the blesse that lasteth aye
in sorowe evermore to abyde.

Thy witt yt was as well as myne,
of that pryde that we did shewe;
and nowe bene here in hell fier
till the day of dome that [beames] shall bloo.

Then shall we never care for woo,
but lye here like two feeyndes blacke.
Alas, that ever we did forgett soe
that lordes love to lose that did us make.

And therfore I shall for his sake
shewe mankynde greate envye.
As soone as ever he can hym make,
I shall sende, hym to destroye,
one—of myne order shall he bee—
to make mankinde to doe amisse.
Ruffyn, my frende fayer and free,
loke that thou keepe mankinde from blesse


that I and my fellowes fell downe for aye.
He will ordeyne mankinde againe
in blesse to be in greate araye,
and wee evermore in hell paine.

Out, harrowe! Where is our mighte
that we were wonte to shewe,
and in heaven bare soe greate lighte,
and nowe we be in hell full lowe?

Out, alas! For woo and wickednesse
I ame so fast bounde in this cheare
and never awaye hense shall passe,
but lye in hell allwaye heare.

A, wicked pryde! A, woo worth thee, woo!
My meirth thou hast made amisse.
I maye well suffer: my will is not soe
that they shoulde parte this from my blesse.
A, pryde! Why mighte thou not braste in two?
Why did the that? Why did they thus?
Behoulde, my angells, pride is your foe.
All sorrowe shall shewe wheresoever yt is.
And though they have broken my comaundement,
me ruse yt sore full sufferently.
Neverthelesse, I will have myne intente—
that I first thought, yet soe will I.


I and two persons be at one assente
a sollempne matter for to trye.
A full fayer image we have imente,
that the same stydd shall multiplye.
In my blessinge here I begyne
the first that shalbe to my paye.
Lightenes and darkenes, I byde you twene:
the darke to the nighte, the lighte to the day.
Keepe your course for more or myne
and suffer not, to you I saye;
but save yourselfe, bouth out and in.
That is my will, and will allwaye.
As I have made you all of noughte
at myne owne wisheinge,
my first day heare have I wroughte.
I geve yt here my blessinge.
