University of Virginia Library

I finde it faithfully recorded in Authors of reuerend Antiquity, that when Godfrey, Duke of Boloigne (beeing chosen Generall of the Christian Army, for the freedome and deliuerance of Ierusalem from Saladine, and al his other heathen miscreants;) Euery Christian Kingdome did ayde him with their best assistance: because it was a businesse to Gods high honour, and generall comfort of poore distressed Christians. As from all other Kingdomes, so from England (among other bands of worthy men) went the Merchants (trading in fish, oyle, flaxe, silkes and other commodities) most frequently then termed Fishmongers, and the Goldsmithes, then in a late begun league of loue and amity, by many friendly helpes and furtherances each to other, in diuers dangerous aduentures, as well on the Seas, as the land, no men being more forward in those affaires, and in those times then they.

After the most glorious victory obtained against the Pagans, & Ierusalem regained, they ioined together in as glorious an action, of helping to build the ruined Wall againe, from the Water-gate of comfort, to the Sheepe-gate of innocencie, or holinesse. And so much the rather, because there was then much necessity of their paines and endeuour, not only (by Fishing and Shipping) to supply the daily wants of the Souldiours: but also for bringing Gold and Siluer thither, for beautifying Gods City and Temple:

And as this league of loue and fellowship began vpon so good an occasion: So they continued, and declared it in Englands Ierusalem, our famous Metropolis London, building the Wall and two North Gates therein, Moore-gate, and Criples-gate, as yet their Armes and Memories on them do sufficiently testifie. The one performed by Thomas Faulconer, Fishmonger, and the other by William Shaw Goldsmith.

Moreouer, Fish and Oyle, as well as Golde, Spices, Silkes, &c. were first brought in by those forenamed Merchants: That the golden Lampe might not want holy and precious oyle, nor rich and orient Pearles (first found in shelles by painfull and industrious Fishermen) faile to be set in Iewels & Rings of Gold, as beeing the purest mettall that the earth can affoord. And hereupon, honourable Antiquity thought meete, to bestow such armory on them, as (for euer) might continue their brotherly affection. First, Peters keies, he being called from the condition of a poore Fisherman, to be the prime Apostle:

and those supposed keyes, the Fishmongers beare in their Ensignes of Armes, not superstitiously any way, but to declare an earnest zeale, of entring into heauens Kingdome. Next, Dauids Cup of sauing health, which the Gold-Smiths also beare in their Banners. So much briefly, in approuing their long continued loue and amity.

The Reason of our present Shewe.

Time hauing turned his yearely Glasse, for election of a Magistrate, a Brother of the Fishmongers Societie, comming (by right of place, and general Sufferages of the Citizens) to the high dignitie of Lord Maior of this Citie for the yeere ensuing: our deuices for that solemne and Iouiall day, were and are accordingly proportioned, by the discreete and well aduised iudgement of the Gentlemen, thereto chosen and deputed, in manner and forme as followeth.

First therefore, because Fishing is the absolute Embleme of our present intendement, and Fishmongers, hauing beene such worthy Merchants in those reuerend and authentique times: leauing their matter of Commerce and Merchandise, and ayming at their true Hierogliphical impresse for the dayes intended honour, thus we marshall the order of proceeding.