University of Virginia Library

[OMITTED] howe may I do wyth hime to mete my hert ys set on fire
till I hime se in prsent place which is my hartes desyre

No doubt but love will present be his succour for to lend
he will vnto youe feloshipe his favors Large extend
enter love vnfayned
loe where he dothe approch one vertewes which doth smell
his nature lo e in vertewous wayes dothe passinglie excell


oh wellcome sure vnfayned love right welcome loving brother
whome I (as nature doth me bynd) I love above all other

love vnfayned
I thancke youe familiaritie for youre curtesye allwayes
right glad I ame your healthe to se condigne of worthie prayse
but who ys this which by youe standes declare my loving brother

yea feloship which should you love in harte above all other

o feloship right glad I ame to se youe in god healthe
and wishe frome herte that youe may live in like increase of wealthe

Prayse be to chryst wc h love hath to me sent
god give me grace not frome his counsailes to relent
youre ayd I crave me to assist agaynst my deadlie foe
youe ar the same wc h may me ayd and bringe me out of woe

Love vnfayned
Since my advise ye do desyre yf me ye would Imbrace
my qwaleties and fotestep all ye must pursewe apace
love ys my name indede whome all mē do pursew
the sinfull creatures and lovers of vertewe
bute marke what added ys vnto my name of love
vnfayned by which word by reason we may prove
that love vnfayned meanethe well and fre frome crewell vice
the holie wryt doth tearme me grave & wise
love by yt selfe may be addyct as we may prove by reason
to vertewe or to vice accordinge to the season
there ys love fayned contrarye to my kynd
which will provide the to assalt and change frome the my mynd
I knyt betwixe god and his churche tranquilitie & peace


in labors good to spend my tyme I love do never cease
as my belovers may by paule declare whose wordes ar these
who can devyde thē frome the love of christ wc h wold hime pleas
wherfore me love Imbrace for paule dothe mention make
to people of corinthia myne Autor whome I make
with tonge evangelicall my wordes thoughe I should showe
and have no love in me nor to his wishes should ******
a soundinge brasse I should be calld of reputation small
in happie state that mā doth live wc h to me is bovnd & thrall
I love ame stedfast & in conversation myld
I do not swell nor envye mā womā or child
Saint Iohn in his thyrd episle me love commendeth
Saint peter like wyse whose wrytinge wnto me greting sendeth
the holie prophete salomon in eclesiasticus declareth
that eche beaste for his owne passinglye carethe
whense let one mā an other Imbrace
that ys the meane to attayne god his grace
christ in his gospell had me in mynd
as a thinge most certayne the learned may fynd
thoughe a mā had of treasures aboundances
and lived with out love or his vertewous assistances
all were as nothinge & assuredlye vayne
wherefore good feloship me love vnfayned attayne

staye these yr exhortatons o frend love celestiall
I give youe harte thanckes as one of my frendes principall
I feloship cannot quale whil familiaritie and love
to me be assistant no vice my sense may move

well brother love vnfayned since feloshippe is bent
our advise to Imitate he will sure be obsequent


let vs departe for a season out of place

I will awayte on youe go we in godes grace

love vnfayned
content go we

enter Enter falshode
God save ye my mr s god save ye this blessed day
why stare ye at me thus I wene ye be come to se a play
and in faythe so **me I can teach youe yf youe come to my schole
for of all worldlye thinges I disdayne a foole
salomon in his proverbes disdanethe foles so do I
yf ye rede his boke of wysdome ye may se yf I lye
yt ys a strange world when a foole begynes thus to prayt
of holye scripture ye may se I ame a mā of blessed stayt
my name ys falshode and of great reputac̄on
all wordlye mē and wyse hav me in admiration
I can speake fare to a mā and Imbrace hime as my brother
whome Inwardlie I disdayne and hate above all other
all states of mē me cherishe and falshode Imbrace
I ame accepted as a mā of noble grace
falshod by ye mas ys beloved none at all hime detest
but such as be Idyetes and wyth beggrye opprest
wherefore my masters yf in riches and wealthe
ye would abound ye must practise deceipt and stealth
fere nothinge to sweare by his nales woundes or blode
so thowe may have thy purpose and increase thy good
thoughe some mā should say that of wealthe thowe hast plētye
thowe must allwayes fayne that thy purse ys but emptye
I praye ye what mā goeth throwe the wode
but he that can play two faces in one hode
by the mas he may live in tranquilitie & ease
everye mā will be glad & studious hime to please
but some mā would marvill admiration have
what I do prate here ever as god me save
to speake with one feloshippe whome I thought to be in place


but godes knowes I must wepe loe I must wepe apace
Eter love fayned
becawse I cannot fynd hime but who ys this love fayned
alas deare brother vpō feloship we shall both be disdaned
oh I must nedes wepe I oh I have a great losse
feloship promisd to be here but he is a knave by ye mas

Love fayned
be merye mā let lamentations paes
feloship will be our owne as he ever waes
feloshippe quoth he yf he want h** and his me***
by the mas I love shall cawse hime his *************************
yf feloshippe be long absent I sweare by my finger
I will fetche hime out by ye masse yf that he do linger

oho yf that feloshippe were here present he should se what I could do
I falshode could properlie alure hime frome love to great wo
but loe by the masse here he commethe vnto place
youe shall se how brave I shall shall salute his grace

Enter felo -shpp
fayned love
nowe by the masse I ame glad of this hys prsences

O heavenly father of an celestiall Intelligences
to the be prayse for thy giftes Innumerable
through thy vertewous I ame becōme stable
to knowe thy blessed will and such cōpanye to vse
as may be for thy glorye god bless me frome abuse
thie favor I aske my lyfe to direct
and frome my enemyes my deadlye foes abiect

ah gogs blode here ye all holye popeholye by the masse
good mā feloshippe is more holie thā ever he was

love fayned
we must worke by pollicyes for to cōverte his mynd
or els our labor is lost we shalbe sure to fynd


but oh Loving god what wightes be there in sight

youre frends mr feloshipe yf ye vs merke aright

yf yowe be my frendes the more welcōe to my pr[OMITTED]

love fayned
syr we would gladlie make youe a mā of Intelligences
yf youe to our counsailes attendances would give
we shall teach youe a passinge trade to live

oh god I ame sorye I must wepe at yr loste stat[OMITTED]
that youe make youe a foole and wyth fooles yo w mate
those wc h be youre frendes be sorye for yr case
to se such beastlie fooles your woship disgrace

love fayned
yea and I frome wepinge may not my selfe refrayne
alle mē of honestye youre follyes disdayne
a begger they do tearme youe they say ye so will d[OMITTED]
consyder mā consyder familiarytye eschewe
with love vnfayned that brother followe me vertewe
hange the slaves hang thē yf they cōe in my wa[OMITTED]
what do I force withe my sword theme to slaye

yf anye I should displeased thē of mrcye I crave
at their obidiences or ther pleasure they surelye
-shall me have

oh livelye sayd by goges woundes I se yowe wilbe a mā
feloshippe is ours say nay who can
yea but feloshipe since to hus ye do Inclyne


ye must eschewe familiaritie that lout & swyne
must youe be a cōpanion wythe everye slave
must youe give to ye beggers all that youe have
let thē goon packinge to sainct quintans hall
whip thē out of your cōpanye whē on youe ye i call
marke there wede & there prtensed holynes
theye would make one beleve theye were mē of greate godlinees
yf youe accord with solomō my counsales Imbrace
for he all fooles disdanethe as mē devoyd of grace

love fayned
yea and youe must love faynedlie your christiā brother
tell hime one tale and thinke in herte one other
should everye slave knowe the secretes of your mynd
no no I would deceve thē [OMITTED]
thus e****rs be*s****** *** p*y***********
marke me nowe adayes yf there be an heire of landes
howe they practyse by falshode to have yt out of his handes
well yf youe should studye familiarite to please
where youe be a gentle mā should not be worthe two p****
oh they will cap hime and sugred wordes render
they will seme as that much your selfe they do tender
all is to have your landes in theyre posession
which yf the may attayne by any condicion
then may ye go alone wyth a flea in youre eare
yender goeth the ayre of lyn ye may se by his geare
let hime packe as a begger vnto the beggeres shoole
such ys the end of everye foole

Love fayned hath touched your state verye learnedlye
wherfore Imytate hime & his wayes attentivelye


yea surelie that he hath I perceve by reason
that feloship came hither in a verye fyt season
I se my landes might have come frome hundreth to pences
they would have Intysed me to suche expencees
thene youe as my lovers I feloshippe Imbrace
desyring your assistances as god shalle give me grace
I perceve by your comunication and Ingenious talke
ye can easilye descerne good chese frome chalke

yea or els god defend I ame one of Antiquitye
I have regned many yeares ago in the ancyent progenye
yf Rebecca & Iacob had not had my advice
they had not wrought Esawe such a proper guise

I se youe feloshipe have Intelligenc of divinitye

be sure the best learned be of my affinitye
I reigne as an Imperiall magystrate at rome
I ame honored in all nations whersoe I come
he that hath not my practyse in his conversation
ys tearmed an asse and rude in comunicatyon

love fayned
since we well accord and have Ioyes at our pleasure
let vs Indyte a songe for myrth ys a treasure

to that I coud I my selfe will sustayne wyth youe a part

& I will followe youe wyth all my hart


Singe we Singe we wyth Ioyfull harte
Since feloship so doth Inclyne
a trustye frende wich will not start
but be a faithfull frende in fyne
let one an other his Imbrace
as faithfull frendes be wont to do
where love comaunds there ys godes grace
they leade there lives devoyd of wo
me feloshipe Imbrace so deare
thee lovinge as my senses meve
oh pleasant frend oh brother neare
in health & wealthe god grant ye grow
god give vs Ioyes and nestors daye[OMITTED]
a lyfe in vertewes to excel
for thy vertewes I must ye prayse
& so I must for ay fare well

well songe my frendes I would we shulld go hences
go we to banquete & spare no pences

content go we ye marrye mr s falshode cannot quale

love fayned
bee sure then I shall allways prvaile
