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The Worlde and the Chylde[Mundus & Infans]

A propre newe Interlude of the worlde and the chylde otherwyse called & it sheweth of the estate of Chyldehode and Manhode. Mundus



Syrs seace of your sawes what so befall
And loke ye bow bonerly to my byddyng
For I am ruler of realmes I warne you all
And ouer all fodys I am kynge
For I am kynge and well knowen in these realmes rounde
I haue also paleys ypyght
I haue stedes in stable stalworthe and stronge
Also stretes and strondes full strongely ydyght
For all the storlde wyde I wote well is my name
All rychesse redely it renneth in me
All pleasure worldely bothe myrthe and game
My selfe semely in sale I sende with you to be
For I am the worlde I warne you all
Prynce of powere and of plente
He that cometh not whan I do hym call
I shall hym smyte with pouerte
For pouerte I parte in many a place
To them that wyll not obedyent be
I am a kynge in euery case
Me thynketh I am a god of grace
The floure of vertu foloweth me
Lo here I sette semely in se
I commaunde you all obedyent be
And with fre wyll ye folowe me

Cryst our kynge graūte you clerly to know ye case
To meue of this mater that is in my mynde
Clerely declare it cryst graunte me grace
Now semely syrs beholde on me
How mankynde doth begynne
I am a chylde as you may se
Goten in game and in grete synne
xl. wekes my moder me founde

Flesshe and blode my fode was tho
Whan I was rype from her to founde
In peryll of dethe we stode bothe two
Oow to seke dethe I must begyn
For to passe that strayte passage
For body and soule that shall than twynne
And make a partynge of that maryage
Fourty wekes I was frely fedde
Within my moders possessyon
Full oft of dethe she was adred
Whan that I sholde parte her from
Now in to the worlde she hathe me sent
Poore and naked as ye may se
I am not worthely wrapped nor went
But powerly prycked in pouerte
Now in to the worlde wyll I wende
Some comforte of hym for to craue
All hayle comely crowned kynge
God that all made you se and saue

Welcome fayre chylde what is thy name

I wote not syr withouten blame
But ofte tyme my moder in her game
Called me dalyaunce

Dalyaunce my swete chylde
It is a name that is ryght wylde
For whan thou waxest olde
It is a name of no substaunce
But my fayre chylde what woldest thou haue

Syr of some comforte I you craue
Mete and clothe my lyfe to saue

And I your true seruaunt shall be

Now fayre chylde I graunte the thyne askynge
I wyll the fynde whyle thou art yinge
So thou wylte be obedyent to my byddynge
These garmentes gaye I gyue to the
And also I gyue to the a name
And clepe the wanton in euery game
Tyll .xiiij. yere be come and gone
And than come agayne to me

Gramercy worlde for myne araye
For now I purpose me to playe

Fare well fayre chylde and haue good daye
All rychelesnesse is kynde for the

Aha wanton is my name
I can many a quaynte game
Lo my toppe I dryue in same
Se it torneth rounde
I can with my scorge stycke
My felowe vpon the heed hytte
And wyghtly from hym make a skyppe
And blere on hym my tonge
If brother or syster do me chyde
I wyll scratche and also byte
I can crye and also kyke
And mocke them all be rewe
If fader or mother wyll me smyte
I wyll wrynge with my lyppe
And lyghtly from hym make a skyppe
And call my dame shrewe
Aha a newe game haue I founde

Se this gynnne it renneth rounde
And here another haue I founde
And yet mo can I fynde
I can mowe on a man
And make a lesynge well I can
And mayntayne it ryght well than
This connynge came me of kynde
Ye syrs I can well gelde a snayle
And catche a cowe by the tayle
This is a fayre connynge
I can daunce and also skyppe
I can playe at the chery pytte
And I can wystell you a fytte
Syres in a whylowe ryne
Ye syrs and euery daye
Whan I to scole shall take the waye
Some good mannes gardyn I wyll assaye
Perys and plommes to plucke
I can spye a sparowes nest
I wyll not go to scole but whan me lest
For there begynneth a sory fest
Whan the mayster sholde lyfte my docke
But syrs whan I was seuen yere of age
I was sent to the worlde to take wage
And this seuen yere I haue ben his page
And kept his commaundement
Now I wyll wende to the worlde ye worthy emperou
Hayle lorde of grete honour
This .vij. yere I haue serued you in hall & in boure
With all my trewe entent

Now welcome wanton my derlynge dere
A newe name I shall gyue the here
Loue lust lykynge in fere

These thy names they shall be
All game and gle and gladnes
All loue longynge in lewdnes
This seuen yere forsake all sadnes
And than come agayne to me

Lust & Lykynge
Aha now lust and lykynge is my name
I am as fresshe as flourys in maye
I am semely shapen in same
And proudely apperelde in garmentes gaye
My lokes ben full louely to a ladyes eye
And in loue longynge my harte is sore sette
Myght I fynde a fode that were fayre and fre
To lye in hell tell domysdaye for soue I wolde not let
My loue for to wynne
All game and gle
All myrthe and melodye
All reuell and ryotte
And of bost wyll I neuer blynne
But syrs now I am .xix. wynter olde
Iwys I waxe wonder bolde
Now I wyll go to the worlde
A heygher scyence to assaye
For the worlde wyll me auaunce
I wyll kepe his gouernaunce
His plesynge wyll I praye
For he is a kynge in all substaunce
All hayle mayster full of myght
I haue you serued bothe day and nyght
Now I comen as I you behyght
One and twenty wynter is comen and gone

Now welcome loue lust and lykynge
For thou hast ben obedyent to my byddynge

I encreace the in all thynge
And myghtly I make the a man
Manhode myghty shall be thy name
Bere the prest in euery game
And wayte well that thou suffre no shame
Neyther for londe nor for rente
Yf ony man welde wayte the with blame
Withstonde hym with thy hole entent
Full sharpely thou bete hym to shame
With doughtynesse of dede
For of one thynge manhode I warne the
I am moost of bounte
For seuen kynges sewen me
Bothe by daye and nyght
One of them is the kynge of pryde
The kynge of enuy doughty in dede
The kynge of wrathe that boldely wyll abyde
For mykyll is his myght
The kynge of couetous is the fourte
The fyfte kynge he hyght slouthe
The kynge of glotony hath no Iolyte
There pouerte is pyght
Lechery is the seuenth kynge
All men in hym haue grete delytynge
Therfore worshyp hym aboue all thynge
Manhode with all thy myght

Yes syr kynge without lesynge
It shall be wrought
Had I knowynge of the fyrst kynge without lesynge
Well Ioyen I mought

The fyrste kynge hyght pryde


A lorde with hym fayne wolde I byde

Ye but woldest thou serue hym truely in euery tyde

Ye syr and therto my trouthe I plyght
That I shall truely pryde present
I swere by saynt Thomas of kent
To serue hym truely is myn entent
With mayne and all my myght

Now manhode I wyll araye the newe
In robes ryall ryght of good hewe
And I praye the pryncypally be trewe
And here I dubbe the a knyght
And haunte alwaye to chyualry
I gyue the grace and also beaute
Golde and syluer grete plente
Of the wronge to make the ryght

Gramercy worlde and emperour
Gramercy worlde and gouernoure
Gramercy comforte in all coloure
And now I take my leue fare well

Farewell manhode my gentyll knyght
Fare well my sone semely in syght
I gyue the aswerde & also strength and myght
In batayle boldly to bere the well

Now I am dubbed a knyght hende
Wonder wyde shall waxe my fame
To seke aduentures now wyll I wende
To please the worlde in gle and game


Lo syrs I am a prynce peryllous yprobyde
I preuyd full peryllous and pethely I pyght
As a lorde in eche londe I am belouyd
Myne eyen do shyne as lanterne bryght
I am a creature comely out of care
Emperours and kynges they knele to my kne
Euery man is a ferde whan I do on hym stare
For all mery medell erthe maketh mencyon of me
Yet all is at my hande werke both by downe & by dale
Bothe the see and the lande and foules that fly
And I were ones moued I tell you in tale
There durst do sterre stere that stondeth in the sky
For I am lorde and leder so that in londe
All boweth to my byddynge bonerly aboute
Who yt styreth wt ony stryfe or wayteth me with wrōge
I shall myghtly make hym to stamer & stowpe
For I am rychest in myne araye
I haue knyghtes and Toures
I haue ladyes bryghtest in bourys
Now wyll I fare on these flourys
Lordynges haue good daye

Peas now peas ye felowes all aboute
Peas now and herken to my sawes
For I am lorde bothe stalworthy and stowte
All londes are ledde by my lawes
Baron was there neuer borne that so well hym bare
A better ne a bolde nor a bryghter of ble
For I haue myght & mayne ouer countrees fare
And manhode myghty am I named in euery coūtre
For Salerne and samers and ynde the loys
Caleys kente & cornewayle I haue conquered clene
Pycardye and Pountes and gentyll artoys
Florence Flaunders and Fraūce & also Gascoyne

All I haue conquered as a knyght
There is no emperour so kene
That dare me lyghtly tene
For lyues and lymmes I lene
So mykyll is my myght
For I haue boldely blode full pyteously dyspylde
There many hath lefte fyngers/& fete both heed & face
I haue done harme on hedes & knyghtes haue I kyld
And many a lady for my loue hath sayd alas
Brygaunt Ernys I haue beten to backe & to bonys
And beten also many a grome to grounde
Brestplates I haue beten as Steuen was wt stonys
So fell a fyghter in a felde was there neuer yfounde
To me no man is makyde
For manhode myghty that is my name
Many a lorde haue I do lame
Wonder wyde walketh my fame
And many a kynges crowne haue I crakyd
I am worthy and wyght wytty and wyse
I am ryall arayde to reuen vnder the ryse
I am proudely aparelde in purpure and byse
As golde I glyster in gere
I am styffe stronge stalworthe and stoute
I am the ryallest redely that renneth in this route
There is no knyght so grysly that I drede nor dout
For I am so doughtly dyght ther may no dint me dere
And ye kynge of pryde full prest wt all his proude p̄sens
And ye kynge of lechery louely his letters hath me sent
And the kynge of wrathe full wordely wt all his entent
They wyll me mayntayne wt mayne & all theyr myght
The kynge of couetous and the kynge of glotony
The kynge of slouthe and the kynge of Enuy
All those sende me theyr leuery
Where is now so worthy a wyght

A wyght
Ye as a wyght wytty
Here in this sete sytte I
For no loues lette I
Here for to sytte

Cryst as he is crowned kynge
Saue all this comely company
And graunte you all his dere blessynge
That bonerly bought you on the roode tre
Now praye you prestly on euery syde
To god omnypotent
To set our enemy sharpely on syde
That is the deuyll and his couent
And all men to haue a clere knowynge
Of heuen blysse that hye toure
Me thynke it is a nessarye thynge
For yonge and olde bothe ryche and pore
Poore conscyence for to knowe
For conscyence clere it is my name
Conscyence counseyleth both hye and lowe
And conscyence comenly bereth grete blame
Ye and oftentymes set in shame
Wherfore I rede you men bothe in ernest & in game
Conscyence that ye knowe
For I knowe all the mysterys of man
They be as symple as they can
And in euery company where I come
Conscyence is out cast
All the worlde dothe conscyence hate
Mankynde and conscyence ben at debate
For yf mankynde myght conscyence take
My body wolde they brast

Brast ye and warke me moche wo

Say how felowe who gaue the leue this way to go
What wenest thou I dare not come the to
Say thou harlot whyder in hast

What let me go syr I knowe you nought

No bychyde brothell thou shalte be taught
For I am a knyght and I were sought
The worlde hath auaunced me

Why good syr knyght what is your name

Manhode myghty in myrthe and in game
All powere of pryde haue I tane
I am as gentyll as Iay on tre

Syr thoughe the worlde haue you to māhode brought
To mayntayne maner ye were neuer taught
No conscyence clere ye knowe ryght nought
And this longeth to a knyght

Conscyence what the deuyll man is he

Syr a techer of the spyrytualete

Spyrytualyte what the deuyll may that be

Syr all that he leders in to lyght

Lyght ye but herke felowe yet lyght fayne wolde I se

Wyll ye so syr knyght than do after me

Ye and it to prydes pleasynge be
I wyll take thy techynge

Nay syr beware of pryde and you do well
For pryde lucyfer fell in to hell
Tyll domysdaye ther shall he dwell
Withouten ony out comynge
For pryde syr is but a vayne glorye

Peas thou brothell and lette those wordes be
For the worlde and pryde hath auaunced me
To me men lewte full lowe

And to beware of pryde syr I wolde counsayll you
And thynke on kynge robert of cysell
How he for pryde in grete pouerte fell
For he wolde not conscyence knowe

Ye conscyence go forthe thy waye
For I loue pryde and wyll go gaye
All thy techynge is not worthe a straye
For pryde clepe I my kynge

Syr there is no kynge but god alone
That bodely bought vs with payne and passyon
Bycause of mannes soule redempcyon
In Scrypture thus we fynde

Saye conscyence syth yu woldest haue pryde fro me
What sayest thou by the kynge of lechery
With all mankynde he must be
And with hym I loue to lynge


Nay manhode that may not be
From lechery fast you fle
For in combraunce it wyll brynge the
And all that to hym wyll lynde

Saye conscyence of the kynge of slouthe
He hath behyght me mykell trouthe
And I may not forsake hym for ruthe
For with hym I thynke to rest

Manhode in scrypture thus we fynde
That slouthe is a traytour to heuen kynge
Syr knyght yf you wyll kepe your kynge
Rrome slouthe clene you cast

Say conscyence the kynge of glotonye
He sayth he wyll not for sake me
And I purpose his saruaunt to be
With mayne and all my myght

Thynke manhode on substaunce
And put out glotonye for combraunce
And kepe with you good gouernaunce
For this longeth to a knyght

What conscyence frome all my maysters yu woldel haue me
But I wyll neuer forsake enuy
For he is kynge of company
Bothe with more and lasse

Nay manhode that may not be
And ye wyll cherysshe enuy
God wyll not well pleased be
To comforte you in that case

Ey/ey from fyue kynges thou hast counseyled me
But from the kynge of wrathe I wyll neuer fle
For he is in euery dede doughty
For hym dare no man rowte

Nay manhode beware of wrathe
For it is but superfluyte that cometh and goeth
Ye and all men his company hateth
For ofte they stonde in doubte

Fye on the false flaterynge frere
Thou shalte rewe the tyme that thou came here
The deuyll mote set the on a fyre
That euer I with the mete
For thou counseylest me from all gladnes
And wolde me set vnto all sadnes
But or thou brynge me in this madnes
The deuyll breke thy necke
But syr frere euyll mote thou thye
Frome .vi. kynges thou hast counseyled me
But that daye shall thou neuer se
To counsayll me frome couetous

No syr I wyll not you from couetous brynge
For couetous I clepe a kynge
Syr couetous in good doynge
Is good in all wyse
But syr knyght wyll ye do after me
And couetous your kynge shall be

Ye syr my trouthe I plyght to the
That I wyll warke at thy wyll


Manhode wyll ye by this worde stande

Ye conscyence here my hande
I wyll neuer from it fonge
Neyther loude ne styll

Manhode ye must loue god aboue all thynge
His name in ydelnes ye may not mynge
Kepe your holy daye from worldly doynge
Your fader and moder worshyppe aye
Coueyte ye to sle no man
Ne do no lechery with no woman
Your neyboures good take not be no waye
And all false wytnesse ye must denaye
Neyther ye must not couete no mannes wyfe
Nor no good that hym be lythe
This couetys shall kepe you out of stryfe
These ben the commaundementes ten
Mankynde and ye these commaundementes kepe
Heuen blysse I you behete
For crystes commaundementes all full swete
And full necessary to all men

What conscyence is this thy couetous

Ye manhode in all wyse
And coueyte to crystes seruyse
Bothe to matyns and to masse
Ye must manhode with all your myght
Mayntayne holy chyrches ryght
For this longeth to a knyght
Playnly in euery place

What conscyence sholde I leue all game and gle

Nay manhode so mote I thye
All myrthe in measure is good for the
But syr measure is in all thynge

Measure conscyence what thynge may measure be

Syr kepe you in charyte
And from all euyll company
For doubte of foly doynge

Folye/what thynge callest thou folye

Syr it is Pryde Wrathe and Enuy
Slouthe Couetous and Glotonye
Lechery the seuente is
These seuen synnes I call folye

What thou lyest to this
Seuen the worlde delyuered me
And sayd they were kynges of grete beaute
And most of mayne and myghtes
But yet I praye the syr tell me
Maye I not go arayde honestly

Yes manhode hardely
In all maner of degre

But I must haue sportynge of playe

Sykerly manhode I say not naye
But good gouernaunce kepe bothe nyght and daye
And mayntayne mekenes and all mercy


All mercy conscyence what may that be

Syr all dyscrecyon that god gaue the

Dyscressyon I knowe not so mote I the

Syr it is all the wyttes that god hathe you sende

A conscyence/conscyence now I knowe and se
Thy cunnynge is moche more than myne
But yet I praye the syr tell me
What is moost necessary for man in euery tyme

Syr in euery tyme beware of folye
Folye is full of false flaterynge
In what occupacyon that euer ye be
Alwaye or ye begyn thynke on the endynge
For blame
Now fare well manhode I must wende

Now fare well conscyence myne owne frende

I praye you manhode haue god in mynde
And beware of folye and shame

Yes/yes/ye come wynde and rayne
God let hym neuer come here agayne
Now he is forwarde I am ryght fayne
For in faythe syr he had nere counsayled me all amys
A/a now I haue be thought me yf I shall heuen wyn
Conscyence techynge I must begyn
And clene forsake the kynges of synne
That the worlde me taught
And conscyence seruaunt wyll I be

And beleue as he hath taught me
Upon one god and persones thre
That made all thynge of nought
For conscyence clere I clepe my kynge
And his knyght in good doynge
For ryght of reason as I fynde
Conscyence techynge is trewe
The worlde is full of boost
And sayth he is of myghtes moost
All his techynge is not worthe a coost
For conscyence he dothe refuse
But yet wyll I hym not forsake
For mankynde he dothe mery make
Thoughe the worlde and conscyence be at debate
Yet the worlde wyll I not despyse
For bothe in chyrche and in chepynge
And in other places beynge
The worlde fyndeth me all thynge
And dothe me grete seruyse
Now here full prest
I thynke to ro rest
Now myrthe is best

What hey/how care awaye
My name is folye I am not gaye
Is here ony man that wyll saye naye
That renneth in this route
A syr god gyue you good eue

Stonde vtter felowe where doest yu thy curtesy preue

What I do but clawe myne ars syr be your leue
I praye you syr ryue me this cloute


What stonde out thou fayned shrewe

By by faythe syr there the cocke crewe
For I take recorde of this rewe
My thedome is nere past

Now trewely it may well be so

By god syr yet haue I felowes mo
For in euery countre where I go
Some man his thryfte hath lost

But herke felowe art thou ony craftes man

Ye syr I can bynde a syue and tynke a pan
And therto a coryous bukler player I am
Aryse felowe wyll thou assaye

Now truely syr I trow thou canst but lytell skyl of playe

Yes by cockes bones that I can
I wyll neuer fle for no man
That walketh by the waye

Felowe thoughe thou haue kunnynge
I counsayll the leue thy bostynge
For here thou may thy felowe fynde
Whyder thou wylte at longe or shorte

Come loke and thou darest aryse and assaye

Ye syr but yet conscyence byddeth me naye

No syr thou darest not in good faye

For truely thou faylest no false herte

What sayst thou haue I a false herte

Ye syr in good faye

Manhode wyll not that I saye naye
Defende the folye yft you maye
For in feythe I purpose to wete what thou art
How sayste thou now folye hast thou not a touche

No ywys but a lytell on my pouche
On all this meyne I wyll me wouche
That stondeth here aboute

And I take recorde on all this rewe
Thou hast two touches thoughe I saye but fewe

Ye this place is not without a shrewe
I do you all out of dewe

But herke felowe by thy faythe where was thou bore

By my faythe in englonde haue I dwelled yore
And all myne auncetters me before
But syr in London is my chefe dwellynge

In London/where yf a man the sought

Syr in holborne I was forthe brought
And with the courtyers I am betaught
To westmynster I vsed to wende

Herke felowe why doost thou to westmynster drawe


For I am a seruaunt of the lawe
Couetous is myne owne felowe
We twayne plete for the kynge
And poore men that come from vplande
We wyll take theyr mater in hande
Be it ryght or be it wronge
Theyr thryfte with vs shall wende

Now here felowe I praye, ye whyder wendest yu thā

By my feyth syr in to London I ran
To the tauernes to drynke the wyne
And than to the Innes I toke the waye
And there I was not welcome to the osteler
But I was welcome to the fayre tapester
And to all the housholde I was ryght dere
For I haue dwelled with her many a daye

Now I praye ye whyder toke yu than the waye

In feythe syr ouer London brydge I ran
And the streyght waye to the stewes I came
And toke lodgynge for a nyght
And there I founde my brother lechery
There men and women dyde folye
And euery man made of me as worthy
As thoughe I hadde ben a knyght

I praye the yet tell me mo of thyne aduentures

In feythe euen streyght to all the freres
And with them I dwelled many yeres
And they crowned folye a kynge


I praye the felowe whyder wendest thou tho

Syr all englande to and fro
In to abbeys and in to nonneryes also
And alwaye folye dothe felowes fynde

Now herke felowe I praye the tell me thy name

Iwys I hyght bothe folye and shame

Aha thou arte he that conscyence dyd blame
Whan he me taught
I praye the folye go hens and folowe not me

Yes good syr let me your seruaunt be

Naye so mote I thye
For than a shrewe had I caught

Why good syr what is your name

Manhode myghty that bereth no blame

By ye roode and manhode mystereth in euery game
Somdele to cherysshe folye
For folye is felowe with the worlde
And gretely beloued with many a lorde
And yf ye put me out of your warde
The worlde ryght wroth wyll be

Ye syr yet had I leuer the worlde be wrath
Than lese the cunnynge that Conscyence me gaue

A cucko we for Conscyence he is but a dawe

He can not elles but preche

Ye I praye the leue thy lewde claterynge
For Conscyence is a counseler for a kynge

I wolde not gyue a strawe for his techynge
He dooth but make men wrothe
But wottest thou what I saye man
By that ylke trouthe that god me gaue
Had I that bychyde Conscyence in this place
I sholde so hete hym with my staffe
That all his stownes sholde stynke

I praye the folye go hens and folowe not me

Yes syr so mote I thye
Your seruaunt wyll I be
I axe but mete and drynke

Peace man I may not haue the for thy name
For thou sayst thy name is bothe folye and shame

Syr here in this cloute I knyt shame
And clype me but propre folye

Ye folye wyll thou be my trewe seruaunt

Ye syr manhode here my hande

Now let vs drynke at this comnaunt
For that is curtesy

Mary mayster ye shall haue in hast
Aha syrs let the catte wyncke

For all ye wote not what I thynke
I shall drawe hym suche a draught of drynke
That conscyence he shall awaye cast
Haue mayster and drynke well
And let vs make reuell/reuell
For I swere by the chyrche of saynt myghell
I wolde we were at stewes
For there is nothynge but reuell route
And we were there I had no doubte
I sholde be knowen all aboute
Where conscyence they wolde refute

Peas folye my fayre frende
For by cryste I wolde not yt conscyence sholde me here fynde

Tusshe mayster therof speke no thynge
For conscyence cometh no tyme here

Peace folye there is no man that knoweth me

Syr here my trouthe I plyght to the
And thou wylte go thyder with me
For knowlege haue thou no care

Pease but it is hens a grete waye

Parde syr we may be there on a daye
Ye and we shall be ryght welcome I dare well saye
In estchepe for to dyne
And than we wyll with lombardes at passage playe
And at the popes heed swete wyne assaye
We shall be lodged well a fyne

What sayest thou folye is this the best

Syr all this is manhode well thou knowest

Now foly go we hens in hast
But fayne wolde I chaunge my name
For well I wote yf conscyence mete me in this tyde
Ryght well I wote he wolde me chyde

Syr for fere of you his face he shall hyde
I shall clepe you shame

Now gramercy folye my felowe in fere
Go we hens tary no lenger here
Tyll we be gone me thynke it seuen yere
I haue golde and good to spende

Aha mayster that is good chere
And or it be passed halfe a yere
I shall the shere ryght a lewde frere
And hyther agayne the sende

Folye go before and teche me the waye

Come after shame I the praye
And conscyence clere ye cast awaye
Lo syrs this foly techeth aye
For where conscyence cometh with his cunnynge
Yet folye full fetely shall make hym blynde
Folye before and shame behynde
Lo syrs thus fareth the worlde alwaye

Now I wyll folowe folye/for folye is my man
Ye folye is my felowe and hath gyuen me a name
Conscyence called me manhode folye calleth me shame

Folye wyll me lede to london to lerne reuell
Ye and conscyence is but a flaterynge brothell
For euer he is carpynge of care
The worlde and folye counseylleth me to all gladnes
Ye and conscyence counseylleth me to all sadnes
Ye to moche sadnes myght brynge me in to madnes
& now haue good daye syrs to london to seke folye wyll I fare

Saye manhode frende whyder wyll ye go

Nay syr in faythe my name is not so
Why frere what the deuyll hast thou to do
Whyder I go or abyde

Yes syr I myll counsell you for the best

I wyll none of thy counsell so haue I rest
I wyll go whyder my lest
For thou canst nought elles but chyde

Lo syrs a grete ensample you may se
The freylnes of mankynde
How oft he falleth in folye
Throughe temptacyon of the fende
For whan the fende and the flesshe be at one assent
Than conscyence clere is clene out cast
Men thynke not on the grete Iugement
That the sely soule shall haue at the last
But wolde god all men wolde haue in mynde
Of the grete daye of dome
How he shall gyue a grete rekenynge
Of euyll dedes that he hathe done
But nedeles syth it is so
That manhode is forthe with folye wende

To seche perseueraunce now wyll I go
With the grace of god omnypotent
His counseylles ben in fere
Perseueraunce counsell is moost dere
Nexte to hym is conscyence clere
From synnynge
Now in to this presence to cryst I praye
To spede me well in my Iournaye
Fare well lordynges and haue good daye
To seke perseueraunce wyll I wende

Now cryst our comely creature clerer thā crystal clene
That craftly made euery creature by good recreacyon
Saue all this company that is gathered here bydene
And set all your soules in to good saluacyon
Now good god yt is moost wysest and welde of wyttes
This company/counsell/comforte and glad
And saue all this symylytude that semely here syttes
Now good god for his mercy that all men made
Now mary moder mekest that I mene
Shelde all this company from euyll Inuersacyon
And saue you from our enemy as she is bryght & clene
And at ye last day of dome delyuer you frō euerlastynge dampnacōn
Syrs perseueraunce is my name
Conscyence borne broder is
He sente me hyder mankynde to endoctryne
That they sholde to no vyces enclyne
For ofte mankynde is gouerned amys
And throughe foly mankynde is set in shame
Therfore in this presens to cryst I praye
Or that I hens wende awaye
Some good worde that I may saye
To borowe mannes soule from blame

Alas/alas/that me is wo
My lyfe my lykynge I haue forlorne
My rentes my rychesse it is all ygo
Alas the daye that I was borne
For I was borne manhode moost of myght
Styffe stronge both stalworthy and stoute
The worlde full worthely hath made me a knyght
All bowed to my byddynge bonerly aboute
Than conscyence clere comely and kynde
Mekely he met me in sete there I sate
He lerned me a lesson of his techynge
And the .vij. deedly synnes full lothely he dyde hate
Pryde wrathe and enuy and couetous in kynde
The worlde all these synnes delyuered me vntyll
Slouthe couetous & lechery yt is full of false flaterynge
All these conscyence reproued both lowde and styll
To conscyence I helde vp my hande
To kepe crystes commaundementes
He warned me of folye yt traytour & bade me beware
And thus he went his waye
But I haue falsly me forsworne
Alas the daye that I was borne
For body and soule I haue forlorne
I clynge as a clodde inclaye
In london many a daye
At the passage I wolde playe
I thought to borowe and neuer paye
Than was I sought and set in stockes
In newgate I laye vnder lockes
If I sayd ought I caught many knockes
Alas where was manhode tho
Alas my lewdenes hath me lost
Where is my body so proude and prest

I coughe and rought my body wyll brest
Age dothe folowe me so
I stare and stacker as I stonde
I grone glysly vpon the grounde
Alas dethe why lettest thou me lyue so longe
I wander as a wyght in wo
And care
For I haue done yll
Now wende I wyll
My selfe to spyll
I care not whyder nor where

Well y met syr/well y met/and whyder awaye

Why good syr wherby do ye saye

Tell me syr I you praye
And I with you wyll wende

Why good syr what is your name

Forsothe syr perseueraunce the same

Syr ye are conscyence brother that me dyd blame
I may not with you lynge

Yes/yes Manhode my frende in fere

Nay syr my name is in another maner
For folye his owne selfe was here
And hath clepyd me shame

Nay Manhode let hym go

Folye and his felowes also
For they wolde the brynge in to care and wo
And all that wyll folowe his game

Ye game who so game
Folye hath gyuen me aname
So where euer I go
He clypped me shame
Now manhode is gone
Folye hath folowed me so
Whan I fyrst from my moder cam
The worlde made me a man
And fast in ryches I ran
Tyll I was dubbed a knyght
And than I met with conscyence clere
And he me set in suche manere
Me thought his techynge was full dere
Bothe by daye and nyght
And than folye met me
And sharpely he beset me
And from conscyence he fet me
He wolde not fro me go
Many a daye he keped me
And to all folkes he cleped me
Fro shame
And vnto all synnes he set me
Alas that me is wo
For I haue falsely me forsworne
Alas that I was borne
Body and soule I am but lorne
Me lyketh neyther gle nor game

Nay/nay/manhode saye not so
Be ware of manhode for he is a fo

A newe name I shall gyue you to
I clepe you repentaunce
For and you here repente your synne
Ye are possyble heuen to wynne
But with grete contrycyon ye must begynne
And take you to abstynence
For thoughe a man had do alone
The deedly synnes euerychone
And he with contrycyon make his mone
To cryst our heuen kynge
God is also gladde of hym
As of the creature that neuer dyde syn

Now good syr how sholde I contrycyon begyn

Syr in shryfte of mouthe without varyenge
And another ensample I shall shewe you to
Thynke on Peter and Poule and other mo
Thomas/Iames/and Iohan also
And also mary Maudeleyn
For Poule dyde crystes people grete vylany
And Peter at the passyon forsoke cryst thryes
And Maudelayne lyued longe in lechery
And saynt thomas byleued not in the resurreccyon
And yet these to cryst are derlynges dere
And now be sayntes in heuen clere
And therfore thoughe ye haue trespased here
I hope ye be sory for your synne

Ye perseueraunce I you plyght
I am sory for my synne bothe daye and nyght
I wolde fayne lerne with all my myght
How I sholde heuen wynne


So to wynne heuen .v. nessarye thynges there ben
That must be knowen to all mankynde
The .v. wyttes doth begynne
Syr bodely and sprytually

Of the .v. wyttes I wolde haue knowynge

Forsoth syr herynge/seynge/and smellynge
The remenaunte tastynge/and felynge
These ben the .v. wyttes bodely
And syr other .v. wyttes there ben

Syr perseueraunce I knowe not them

Now repentaunce I shall you ken
They are the power of the soule
Clere in mynde there is one
Imagynacyon and all reason
Understondynge and compassyon
These belonge vnto perseueraunce

Gramercy perseueraunce for your trewe techynge
But good syr is there ony more behynde
That is necessary to all mankynde
Frely for to knowe

Ye repentaunce more there be
That euery man must on byleue
The .xij. artycles of the fayth
That mankynde must on trowe
The fyrst that god is in one substaunce
And also that god is in thre persones
Begynnynge and endynge without varyaunce
And all this worlde made of nought

The seconde that the sone of god sykerly
Toke flesshe and blode of the vyrgyn mary
Without touchynge of mannes flesshe companye
This must be in euery mannes thought
The thyrde that that same god sone
Borne of that holy vyrgyn
And she after his byrthe mayden as she was beforne
And clerer in all kynde
Also the fourthe that same cryst god and man
He suffred payne and passyon
Bycause of mannes soule redempcyon
And on a crosse dyde hynge
The fyfte artycle I shall you tell
Than the spyryte of godhed went to hell
And bought out the soules that there dyde dwell
By the power of his owne myght
The .vi. artycle I shall you saye
Cryst rose vpon the thyrde daye
Uery god and man withouten naye
That all shall deme and dyght
He sent mannes soule in to heuen
Alofte all the aungelles euery chone
There is the/fader the sone/and ye sothfast holy goost
The eyght artycle we must beleue on
That same god shall come downe
And deme mannes soule at the daye of dome
And on mercy than must we trust
The .ix. artycle with outen stryfe
Euery man mayden and wyfe
And all the bodyes that euer bare lyfe
And at the daye of dome body and soule shall pere
Truely the .x. artycle is
All they that hath kepyd goddes seruyce

They shall be crowned in heuen blysse
As crystes seruauntes to hym full dere
The .xi. artycle the sothe to sayne
All that hath falsely to god gayded them
They shall be put in to hell payne
There shall be no synne couerynge
Syr after the .xij. we must wyrche
And byleue in all the sacramentes of holy chyrche
That they ben necessary to both last and fyrste
To all maner of mankynde
Syr ye must also here & knowe ye commaūdemētes .x.
Lo syr this is your beleue and all men
Do after it and ye shall heuen wyn
Without doubte I knowe

Gramercy perseueraunce for your trewe techynge
For in the spyryte of my soule wyll I fynde
That it is necessary to all mankynde
Truely for to knowe
Now syrs take all ensample by me
How I was borne in symple degre
The worlde ryall receyued me
And dubbed me a knyght
Than conscyence met me
So after hym came folye
Folye falsely deceyued me
Than shame my name hyght

Ye and now is your name repentaunce
Throughe the grace of god almyght
And therfore withoute ony dystaunce
I take my leue of kynge and knyght
And I praye to Ihesu whiche as made vs all
Couer you with his mantell perpetuall