University of Virginia Library

Scena. 6.

Dalia from Market.
In good sweete sooth, I feare I shalbe shent,
It is so long: since I to market went,
But trust me, wyldfowle are such costly geare,
Specially, woodcoks, out of reason deare,
That this houre, I haue the market bett,
To driue a bargayne to my most profyt:
And in the end I chaunst to light on one,
Hyt me as pat, as a pudding Pope Ione.
Other market maydes pay downe for their meate,
But that I haue bought, on my score is set.
Well fare credit when mony runneth low,
Marry yet, Butchers, the which do credit so:
(As much Good meate, as they kyll) may perchaunce,
Be glad and fayne at heryng cobs to daunce.
What force I that? euery man shyft for one,
For if I starue, let none my fortune mone,

She faynes to goe out.