University of Virginia Library

Scena. 1.

Dalia, Lamias Maide, going to market.
With my Mistresse, the worlde is chaunged well,
She fearde of late, of whipping cheere to smell:
And nowe againe, both gallant, fresh and gaye,
Who in Iulio flauntes it out, lyke Lamia?
A luckie friende (yea, one that beareth swaye)
Is nowe become, a proppe, of such a staye
To hir good name, as who is he dare saye:
That Lamia doeth offende, nowe any waye?
This, hir good friende, wyll be hir Geast this night,
And that he maye in his welcome delyght.
To market I, in haste, am sent to buye,
The best cheare, that, I fasten on my eye.
