University of Virginia Library

Sceane. 3:

By his woundes, I feare nott, but it is cocke sure now,
Hir he hath a goodly graec in swearyng.
Under the Legates Seale, in Office I am placed:

Therefore who so resist me I will make him to bow,

HIP. he is gracelesse alredy.

Who can make Tyranny now be disgraced?
With a head of brasse I will not be out faced,
But will execute mine office with extreeme crueltie,
So that all men shall knowe me to be playne Tyranny.

Nay Master Zeale be ruled by me,
To such as resist, such rigor you may show,

Zeale nay, no Zeale, my name is Tyranny,
Neither am I ashamed who doth my name knowe,
For in my dealings the same I will showe,

HIP. he is Kit carelesse.

None dare reprooue me of that I am sure,
So long as Authority on my side endure,
But to thy wordes a while I will list,
Therefore in briefe saye on what you will.

I would haue you show rigor to such as resiste.
And such as be obstinate spare not to kill,
But those that be willing your hestes to fulfill,
If they offend and not of obstinacie,

HIP. harke the practis of spiteful Sumners.

For money excuse them though they vse villanie,
Thus shall you performe your office aright,
For fauour or money to spare the offendent.

So maye I also of mallice or spight,
Or ranckor of myne punnish the innocent,
But I wilbe ruled by thine arbitrament,
And will fauour such as will my hand greaze,
The deuil is a good fellow if one can him please,

HIP. and you are one of his sonnes mee think by your head.

But to follow our busines great paynes we do take,
On an hastie message we were fit to be sent.

When I lye a dying I will you messengers make,
You plye you so fast you are too to dilligent,
Hoope how, Master Zeale whether are yee bent?

Harke me thought one hallowed & called you by name.

I would it were Hypocrisy.

It is the very same,
What Master Hypocrisie for you I haue sought,
This howre or two but could you not finde.

That is no meruaile it is not for nought,
For I am but litle and you two are blinde,
Neither haue you eyes to see with behinde,
Yet may the learned note herein a mystery,
That neither Tyran. nor Auar. can finde out Hypôcrisie.
But what earnest busines haue you in charge,
That with so great speede must presently be finished.

Mary see here.

what is it?

a commission large
From my Lord Legate him selfe aucthorized,
The effect whereof must presently be practised.

What is the tenure I pray you let me know.

Auarice hath red it, not I, let him showe.

He hath firstly in charge to make inquisition,
Whether Aulters be reedified whether chalice and booke,
Uestments for Masse, sacraments and prosession,
Be prepared againe: if not he must looke,
And finde out such fellowes as these cannot brooke:
And to my Lord Legate such Marchants present,
That for their offence they may haue condign punishmēt.
If any we take tardy Tyranny them threat,
That for their neglygence he will them present,
And I desirous some money to get,
If ought they will giue me, their euill will preuent,
Yea somtime, of purpose, such shifts we inuent.

Peace, yonder coms one (me thinke) it is a preest,

By his gowne cap and tippet, made of a list.