University of Virginia Library

Sceane. 1.

Too true (alas) too true I say, was our Diuination,
The whiche Mathætes did foresee, when last we were in place,
For now (in deede) we feele the smart and horrible vexation,
Whiche Romysh power vnto vs did threaten and manace:
Wherfore, great neede we haue, to call to God alway for grace:
For feeble flesh is farre too weake, those paynes to vndergo:
The whiche all they that feare the Lord, are now appointed too.
The Legate from the Pope of Roome, is come into our Coastes,
Who doth the Sainctes of God eche where, with Tiranny oppresse,
And in the same most gloryously himselfe he vawnt and boast,
The more one mourneth vnto him, he pittieth the lesse,
Out of his cruell Tyranny, the Lorde of Heauen me blesse:
For hitherto, in blessed state, my whole lyfe I haue spent:
With health of body, wealth in Gooddes, and minde alway content.
Besides, of friendes, I haue great store, who do me firmely loue,
A faithfull wife and children fayre, of wooddes and pasture store,
And diuers other thinges, whiche I haue got for my behoofe,
Whiche nowe to be depraued off, would grieue my hart full sore:
And if I come once in their clawes, I shall get out no more.
Unlesse I wyll renounce my fayth, and so their minde fulfyll,
Whiche if I do, without all doubt, my soule for ay I spyll.
For sith I haue receiued once the first fruictes of my faith,
And haue begon to ronne the course, that leadeth to saluation,
If in the midst therof, I stay or cease, the Scripture sayth,
It booseth not that I began with so good preparation,
But rather, maketh muche the more, vnto my condempnation:
For he alone shall haue the Palme, whiche to the ende doth ronne,
And he which plucks his hand frō Plough, in Heauē shal neuer com.
Those Labourers which hyred were in Uineard for to moyle,
And had their Peny for their payne, they taried all whyle night,

For if they ceassed had, when Sunne their flesh with heat did broyle,
And had departed from their worke, they should haue lost by right,
Their wages Peny: I likewise, shalbe depriued quight
Of that same Crowne, the whiche I haue in fayth longe looked for,
But for this time, I wyll depart, I dare here say no more.
