University of Virginia Library

They goe out, and the Prologue entreth.
Heare haue you heard good Audience, the end of this our worke,
Wherein we trust no cause of greefe in any poynt doth lurke,
And though we cannot bewtify the same with musickes song,
Beare with our rudenesse in that part, we troubled you not long,
And if our Authour may perceaue you take this in good part,
To doe the lyke you comfort him, agayne with all his hart.
If any thing hath bene amis, informe him if you please,
If euery thing doe lyke you well, to God giue all the prayse,
To whome I leaue you euery one, and eke my selfe withall,
Who graunt vs all eternall lyfe. Amen now say you all.