University of Virginia Library


The Father and founder of saith and felicitie,
That zour fassioun formed to his similitude
And his Sone our Sauiour scheild in necessitie,
That bocht zow from baillis ranson rude,
Repleadgeand his presonaris with his hart-blude
The halie Gaist gouernour and grounder of grace
Of wisdome and weilfair baith fontaine and flude,
Gifzow all that I sie seasit in this place,
And scheild zow from sinne.
And with his Spreit zow inspyre
Till I haue shaw in my desyre
Silence Soueraine I requyre
For now I begin.
Tak tent to me my freinds and hald zow coy,
For I am sent to zow as messingeir,
From ane nobill and rycht redoubtit Roy:
The quhill hes bene absent this monie zeir,


Humanitie giue ze his name wald speir:
Quha bade me shaw to zow but variance,
That he intendis amang zow to compeir,
VVith ane triumph and awfull ordinance:
VVith crown and sword and scepter in his hand,
Temper it with mercie quhen penitence appeiris:
Howbeit that hee lang tyme hes bene sleipand,
Quhair throw misreull hes rung thir monie zeiris:
That innocentis hes bene brocht on thair beiris,
Be fals reporteris of this natioun:
Thocht zoung oppressouris at the elder leiris,
Be now assurit of reformatioun.
Sie no misdoeris be sa bauld,
As to remaine into this hauld:
For quhy be him that Iudas sauld
Thay will be heich hangit.
Now faithfull folk for ioy may sing:
For quhy it is the iust bidding
Of my soveraine lord the king
That na man be wrang it.
Thocht he ane quhyll into his flouris
Be gouernit be vylde trompouris:
And sumtyme lufe his paramouris,
Hauld ze him excusit.
For quhen he meittis with Correctioun,
VVith Veritie and Discretioun,
Thay will be banisched aff the toun,
Quhilk hes him abusit.
And heir be oppin proclamatioun,
I wairne in name of his magnificence,
The thrie estaitis of this natioun,
That thay compeir with detfull diligence:


And till his grace mak thair obedience.
And first I wairne the Spritualitie,
And sie the burgessis spair not for expence:
Bot speid thame heir with Temporalitie.
Als I beseik zow famous auditouris,
Conveinit in this congregatioun,
To be patient the space of certaine houris,
Till ze haue hard our short narratioun.
And als we makzow supplicatioun,
That na man tak our wordis intill disdaine:
Althocht zehear be declamatioun,
The common-weill richt pitiouslie complaine.
Rycht so the verteous ladie Veritie,
VVill mak ane pitious lamentatioun:
Als for the treuth sho will impresonit be,
And banischit lang tyme out of the toun:
And Chastitie will mak narratioun,
How sho can get na ludging in this land,
Till that the heauinlie king Correctioun,
Meit with the king and commoun hand for hand.
Prudent peopill I pray zow all,
Tak na man greif in speciall:
For wee sall speik in generall,
For pastyme and for play.
Thairfoir till all our rymis be rung,
And our mistoinit sangis be sung,
Let euerie man keip weill ane toung,
And euerie woman tway.