University of Virginia Library

Petir. petir prynce of aposteles all

Sanctus petrus

Primat of the chirche and goue rnore
Of the fflokke. O pastor principall
Which for my love suffridest dethes showre
Come have thy mede ordeyned for thy laboure
Come on petir syt downe at my knee
Here is a place preparate for the.
Doctour of Jentiles o pa rfite paule

Sanctus paulus

By grace conue rtid from thy grete erroure
And cruelte chaunged to paule fro sawle
Of fayth and trowth moost pa rfyte pr echoure
Slayne at Rome vndir thilke empe roure
Cursyd Nero· paule sit downe in this place
To the ordeyned by purveaunce of grace.
Jon the wangelyst o virgyn pure

Sanctus Johannes

Ffor thy clennesse and pure virginite
Crystes Moder was cōmytte to thy cure
Exiled to pathmos thurgh cruelte
wrote the booke of goddis privitee
Of boylyng oyle venquysshing the heete
Com sit downe John this place for the is mete.


Andrewe myldist of othir seyntys all

Sanctus Andreas

To whom for meekenesse and mansuetude
All worl[dl]y swetnesse semed bitte r gall
Whos lustis all thowe dyd pleynly exclude
And in the crosse vndir Egeas roode
Thowe suffrydeste deth remembring my passion
Come nere andrew to receyve thi guerdoun.
Blessid Barthylmews Hevens blisse to wynne

Sanct. Bartholomeus

Aftir grete passion and bittre tormente
O myghty martir right owte of thyn owne skynne
Thow were torne and cruelly to rent
ffor thy constaunce cowde not from feith be bent
Of rightwisnesse thi laboure most be qwytte
Come Barthilmewe and right downe here thow sitte.
Thomas. Thomas that suffridest deth mynde

Sanctus Thomas

Persid with a spere the feith for to susteyne
Harde of beleeve but yff thow did vnkynde
By thyn hardnesse from mys bylevys cleyne
Many a sowle aue so kept hem fro peyne
Syt downe therfore here in this bath of blisse
Welcome Thomas welcome to me y wis.
Seynte Simon thow dyd the feith reherce

Sanctus Simon

Taught my lawe and prechyd my doctrine
Vnto the peple of the Reame of perce
Wher to the deth they dydden the diffyne
Therfore Simon by purviaunce divine
Right here with me shall be thy dwellyng place
Sit downe simon in the see of grace.
Mathy chosen yn by very sort and grace

Sanctus Mathias

Vnto the nūbre of Apostolacye
Whan cursid Judas/has forsake his place
Thurgh his falshede and wrecchyd trechery
Thy pa rfite lyfe brought the to pr elacye
Thy blyssyd lif and pa rfite goue rnaunce
Vnto this seete shall the now avaunce.


James brother to John my ffrend so dere

Sanctus Jacobus

Preching my peeple in the lande of ynde
Vnder hermogenes martyred thow were
Thy counstaunce shall neue r be sette be hynde
Of hevens blysse thowe shall all ffoysen fynde
Come sitte downe heere right in this place of blisse
Which for thy mede to the ordayned is.
Philippe thowe preched peple of Sythye

Sanctus Philippus

By pa rfyte doctrine the feith to susteyne
In trewe byleeve howe they shuld multyplye
Ammonyshing theire erroure to restreyne
Wherfore there thowe suffryd passion and peyne
And for thy passyon and sufferaunce
Come sitte downe here in this place of plesaunce.
Blessed Barnabe electe by grace divine

Sanctus Barnabe

To be oon of the chosen companye
And sitte vpon the seetes twelfe in kyne
Of thi triūphe laureat and victorie
Come and receive reward of glorie
Come sitte here in this seete celestiall
ffor reward of thi palme victoriall.
Mathewe thow scribe of truth and verite

Sanctus Matheus

labouryng in the wyne of Scripture
Wyne of doctrine broching gret plente
By grete tribulacion and reddure
Suffrid passion worthi to endure
Ete rnally in blisse for thy greete constaunce
Come and reioice thyne owne inheritaunce.