University of Virginia Library

This solenne fest to be had in remembraunce
Of blissed Seynt Anne, modere to Oure Lady,
Whos right discent was fro kynges alyaunce—
Of Dauyd and Salamon, winesseth the story.
Hir blissid doughtere, that callid is Mary,
By Goddes provision an husbond shuld haue,
Callid Joseph, of nature old and drye,
And she, moder vnto Crist, that alle the world shalle save.
This glorious maiden doughter vnto Anna,
In whos worshippe this fest we honoure,
And by resemblaunce likenyd vnto manna,
Wiche is in tast celestialle of savoure,
And of Jerico the sote rose floure,
Gold Ebryson callid in picture,
Chosyn for to bere mankyndes Savyoure,
With a prerogative aboue eche creature!
These grett thynges remembred, after oure entent,
Is for to worshippe Oure Ladye and Seynt Anne.
We be comen hedere as seruauntes diligent,
Oure processe to shewe you, as we can.
Wherfor of benevolens we pray euery man
To haue vs execused that we no better doo—
Another tyme to emende it if we can,
Be the grace of God, if oure cunnyng be thertoo.


The last yeere we shewid you in this place
How the shepherdes of Cristes birthe made letificacion,
And thre kynges that come fro þer cuntrees be grace
To worshippe Jhesu with enteere deuocion.
And now we purpose with hoolle affeccion
To procede in oure matere as we can,
And to shew you of Oure Ladies purificacion
That she made in the temple, as the vsage was than.
And after that shalle Herowde haue tydynges
How the thre kynges be goon hoom another way,
That were with Jhesu and made ther offrynges,
And promysed Kyng Herowde without delay
To come ageyn by hym—this is no nay;
And whan he wist that thei were goon,
Like as a wodman he gan to fray,
And commaundid his knyghtes for to go anoon
Into Israelle, to serche euery town and cite
For alle the children that thei cowde ther fynde
Of too yeeres age and within, sparyng neither bonde nor free,
But sle them alle, either for foo or frende—
Thus he commaundid in his furious wynde,
Thought that Jhesu shuld haue be oon.
And yitt he failed of his froward mynde,
For by Goodes purviaunce, Oure Lady was into Egipte gon!
Frendes, this processe we purpose to pley, as we can,
Before you alle here in youre presens,
To the honor of God, Oure Lady, and Seynt Anne,
Besechyng you to geve vs peseable audiens!
And ye menstrallis, doth youre diligens!
And ye virgynes, shewe summe sport and plesure,
These people to solas, and to do God reuerens!
As ye be appoynted, doth your besy cure!
Et tripident.