University of Virginia Library

To any Woman that hath beene no Weather-Cocke.

I did determine, not to haue Dedicated my Play to
any Body, because forty shillings I care not for,
and aboue, few or none will bestowe on these matters,
especially falling from so famelesse a pen as
mine is yet. And now I looke vp, and finde to whom
my Dedication is, I feare I am as good as my determination:
notwithstanding I leaue a libertie to
any Lady or woman, that dares say she hath beene
no weather-Cocke, to assume the Title of Patronesse
to this my Booke. If she haue beene constant,
and be so, all I will expect from her for my paynes,
is, that she will continue so, but till my next Play
be printed, wherein she shall see what amendes I
haue made to her, and all the sex, and so I end my
Epistle, without a Latine sentence.

N. F.