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Coelum Brittanicum

A Masqve At White-hall In the Banquetting house


The first Song.
Raise from these rockie cliffs, your heads,
Brave Sonnes, and see where Glory spreads
Her glittering wings, where Majesty
Crown'd with sweet smiles, shoots from her eye
Diffusive joy, where Good and Faire,
Vnited sit in Honours Chayre.
Call forth your aged Priests, and chrystall streames.
To warme their hearts, and waves in these bright beames.

From your consecrated woods,
Holy Druids.

Silver stoods,


From your channels fring'd with flowers,

Hither move; forsake your bowers

Strew'd with hallowed Oaken leaves,
Deck'd with flags and siedgie sheaves,
And behold a wonder.

What doe your duller eyes survay?

We see at once in dead of night
A Sunne appeare, and yet a bright
Noone-day, springing from Starre-light.

Looke up, and see the darkened Spheare
Depriv'd of light, her eyes shine there;

These are more sparkling then those were.

These shed a nobler influence,

These by a pure intelligence


Of more transcendent Vertue move,

These first feele, then kindle Iove,

1., 2.
From the bosomes they inspire,
These receive a mutuall sire;

1., 2., 3.
And where their flames impure returne,
These can quench as well as burne.

Here the fare victorious eyes
Make Worth only Beauties prize,
Here the hand of Vertue tyes
'Bout the heart lov's amorous chayne,
Captives tryumph, Vassals reigne,
And none live here but the slaine.

These are th'Hisperian bowers, whose faire trees beare
Rich golden fruit, and yet no Dragon near.

Then, from your impris'ning wombe,
Which is the cradle and the tombe
Of Brittish Worthies (faire sonnes) send
A troope of Heroes, that may lend
Their hands to ease this loaden grove,
And gather the ripe fruits of Love.


1. 2. 3.
Open thy stony entrailes wide,
And breake old Atlas, that the pride
Of three fam'd kingdomes may be spy'd.

Pace forth thou mighty Brittish Hercules,
With thy choyce band, for only thou, and these,
May revell here, in Loves Hesperides.

At this the under-part of the Rocke opens, and out of a Cave are seene to come the Masquers richly attyred like ancient Heroes, the Colours yellow, embroydered with silver, their antique Helmes curiously wrought, and great plumes on the top; before them a troope of young Lords and Noble-mens sonnes, bearing Torches of Virgin-wax, these were apparelled after the old Brittish fashion in white Coats, embroydered with silver, girt, and full gathered, cut square coller'd, and round caps on their heads, with a white feather wreathen about them; first these dance with their lights in their hands: After which, the Masquers descend into the roome, and dance their entry.

The dance being past, there appeares in the further part of the heaven comming downe a


pleasant Cloud, bright and transparent, which comming softly downe-wards before the upper part of the mountaine, embraceth the Genius, but so as through it all his body is seene; and then rising againe with a gentle motion beares up the Genius of the three kingdomes, and being past the Airy Region, pierceth the heavens, and is no more seene: At that instant the Rocke with the three kingdomes on it sinkes, and is hidden in the earth. This strange spectacle gave great cause of admiration, but especially how so huge a machine, and of that great height could come from under the Stage, which was but six foot high.

The second Song.
Here are shapes form'd fit for heaven,

Those move gracefully and even,

Here the Ayre and paces meet
So just, as if the skilfull feet
Had struck the Vials,

1. 2. 3.
So the Eare
Might the tunefull footing heare.


And had the Musicke silent beene,
The eye a moving tune had seene.

These must in the unpeopled skie
Succeed, and governe Destinie,
Iove is temp'ring purer fire,
And will with brighter flames attire
These glorious lights. I must ascend
And helpe the Worke.

We cannot lend
Heaven so much treasure.

Nor that pay
But rendring what it takes away.
Why should they that here can move
So well, be ever-fix'd above?

Or be to one eternall posture ty'd,
That can into such various figures slide.


Iove shall not, to enrich the Skie,
Beggar the Earth, their Fame shall fly
From hence alone, and in the Spheare
Kindle new Starres, whilst they rest here.

1., 2., 3.
How can the shaft stay in the quiver,
Yet hit the marke?

Did not the River
Eridanus, the grace acquire
In Heaven and Earth to flow,
Above in streames of golden fire,
In silver waves below?

1., 2., 3.
But shall not we, now thou art gone
Who wert our Nature, wither,
Or breake that triple Vnion
Which thy soule held together?


In Concords pure immortall spring
I will my force renew,
And a more active Vertue bring
At my returne. Adieu.

Kingdomes adieu, Chorvs adieu.

The Masquers dance their maine dance; which done, the Scæne againe is varied into a new and pleasant prospect, cleane differing from all the other, the nearest part shewing a delicious Garden with severall walkes and perterra's set round with low trees, and on the sides against these walkes, were fountaines and grots, and in the furthest part a Palace, from whence went high walkes upon Arches, and above them open Tarraces planted with Cypresse trees, and all this together was composed of such Ornaments as might expresse a Princely Villa.

From hence the Chorus descending into the roome, goes up to the States


The third Song.
By the Chorus going up to the Queene.
VVhilst thus the Darlings of the Gods
From Honours Temple, to the Shrine
Of Beauty, and these sweet abodes
Of Love, we guide, let thy Divine
Aspects (Bright Deity) with faire
And Halcyon beames, becalme the Ayre,
We bring Prince Arthur, or the brave
St. George himselfe (great Queene) to you,
You'll soone discerne him; and we have
A Guy, a Beavis, or some true
Round-Table Knight, as everfought
For Lady, to each Beauty brought.
Plant in their Martiall hands, War's seat,
Your peacefull pledges of warm snow,
And, if a speaking touch, repeat
In Loves knowne language, tales of woe;
Say, in soft whispers of the Palme,
As eyes shoot darts, so Lips shed Balme.
For though you seeme like Captives, led
In triumph by the Foe away,


Yet on the Conqu'rers necke you tread,
And the fierce Victor proves your prey,
What heart is then secure from you,
That can, though vanquish'd, yet subdue?

The Song done they retire, and the Masquers dance the Revels with the Ladies, which continued a great part of the night.

The Revels being past, and the Kings Majestie seated under the State by the Queene; for Conclusion to this Masque there appeares comming forth from one of the sides, as moving by a gentle wind, a great Cloud, which arriving at the middle of the heaven, stayeth; this was of severall colours, and so great, that it covered the whole Scæne. Out of the further part of the heaven begins to breake forth two other clouds, differing in colour and shape; and being fully discovered there appeared sitting in one of them, Religion, Truth, and Wisdome. Religion was apparelled in white, and part of her face was covered with a light vaile, in one hand a Booke, and in the other a flame of fire. Truth in a Watchet Robe, a Sunne upon her fore-head and bearing in her hand a Palme, Wisedome in a mantle wrought with eyes and hands, golden rayes about her head, and Apollo's Cithera in her hand. In the other Cloud sate Concord, Government, and Reputation. The habit of Concord was Carnation, bearing in her hand a little faggot of sticks bound together, and on the top of it a hart, and a garland of corne on


her head: Government was figured in a coat of Armour, bearing a shield, and on it a Medusa's head; upon her head a plumed helme, and in her right hand a Lance. Reputation, a young man in a purple robe wrought with gold, and wearing a laurell wreath on his head. These being come downe in an equall distance to the middle part of the Ayre, the great Cloud began to breake open, out of which stroke beames of light; in the midst suspended in the Ayre, sate Eternity on a Globe, his Garment was long of a light blue, wrought all over with Stars of gold, and bearing in his hand a Serpent bent into a circle, with his tayle in his mouth. In the firmament about him, was a troope of fifteene stars, expressing the stellifying of our Brittish Heroes; but one more great and eminent than the rest, which was over his head, figured his Majestie. And in the lower part was seene a farre off the prospect of Windsor Castle, the famous seat of the most honourable Order of the Garter.


The fourth Song.
Eternity, Eusebia, Alethia, Sophia, Homononia, Dicæarche, Euphemia.
Be fix'd your rapid Orbes, that beare
The changing seasons of the yeare
On your swift wings, and see the old
Decrepit Spheares growne darke and cold;
Nor did Iove quench her fires, these bright
Flames, have ecclips'd her sullen light:
This Royall Payre, for whom Fate will
Make Motion cease, and Time stand still;
Since Good is here so perfect, as no Worth
Is left for After-Ages to bring forth.

Mortality cannot with more
Religious zeale, the gods adore.

My Truths, from humane eyes conceal'd,
Are naked to their sight reveal'd.


Nor doe their Actions, from the guide
Of my exactest precepts slide.

And as their owne pure Soules entwin'd,
So are their Subjects hearts combin'd.

So just, so gentle is their sway,
As it seemes Empire to obey.

And their faire Fame, like incense hurl'd
On Altars, hath perfum'd the world.



Pure Adoration.



Cleare Reputation.

Crowne this King, this Queene, this Nation.

Wisedome, Truth, &c.


Brave Spirits, whose adventrous feet
Have to the Mountaines top aspir'd,
Where faire Desert, and Honour meet,
Here, from the toyling Presse retyr'd,
Secure from all disturbing Evill,
For ever in my Temple revell.
With wreathes of Starres circled about,
Guild all the spacious Firmament,
And smiling on the panting Routs
That labour in the steep ascent,
With your resistlesse influence guide
Of humane change th'incertaine tide.

But oh you Royall Turtles, shed,
When you from Earth remove,
On the ripe fruits of your chaste bed,
Those sacred seeds of Love.

Which no Power can but yours dispence,
Since you the patterne beare from hence.


Then from your fruitfull race shall flow
Endlesse succession.
Scepters shall bud, and Lawrels blow
'Bout their Immortall Throne.

Propitious Stars shall crowne each birth,
Whilst you rule them, and they the Earth.

The Song ended, the two Clouds, with the person sitting on them, ascend; the great Cloud closeth againe, and so passeth away overthwart the Scæne; leaving behind it nothing but a Serene Sky. After which, the Masquers dance their last dance, and the Curtaine was let fall.