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The second part of the honest whore, with the hvmors of the Patient Man, the Impatient Wife

the Honest Whore, perswaded by strong Arguments to turne Curtizan againe : her braue refuting those Arguments. And lastly, the Comicall Passages of an Italian Bridewell, where the Scaene ends

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Enter Duke, Carolo, Astolfo, Beraldo, Fontinell, three or foure Masters of Bridewell: Infælice.
Your Bridewell that the name? for beauty, strength,
Capacity and forme of ancient building,
(Besides the Riuers neighbourhood) few houses
Wherein we keepe our Court can better it.

1. Master.
Hither from forraigne Courts haue Princes come,
And with our Duke did Acts of State Commence,
Here that great Cardinall had first audience,
(The graue Campayne,) that Duke dead, his Sonne
(That famous Prince) gaue free possession
Of this his Palace, to the Cittizens,
To be the poore mans ware-house: and endowed it
With Lands to'th valew of seuen hundred marke,
With all the bedding and the furniture, once proper
(As the Lands then were) to an Hospitall
Belonging to a Duke of Sauoy. Thus
Fortune can tosse the World, a Princes Court
Is thus a prison now.

'Tis Fortunes sport:
These changes common are: the Wheele of Fate
Turnes Kingdomes vp, till they fall desolate.
But how are these seuen hundred Markes by'th yeere
Imployde in this your Worke-house?

1. Master.
Warre and Peace
Feed both vpon those Lands: when the Iron doores
Of warres burst open, from this House are sent
Men furnisht in all Martiall Complement.
The Moone hath thorow her Bow scarce drawn to'th head,
(Like to twelue siluer Arrowes) all the Moneths,

Since 1600. Soldiers went aboord:
Here Prouidence and Charity play such parts,
The House is like a very Schoole of Arts,
For when our Soldiers (like Ships driuen from Sea,
With ribs all broken, and with tatterd sides,)
Cast anchor here agen, their ragged backes
How often doe we couer? that (like men)
They may be sent to their owne Homes agen.
All here are but one swarme of Bees, and striue
To bring with wearied thighs honey to the Hiue.
The sturdy Begger, and the lazy Lowne,
Gets here hard hands, or lac'd Correction.
The Vagabond growes stay'd, and learnes to 'bey,
The Drone is beaten well, and sent away
As other prisons are, (some for the Thiefe,
Some, by which vndone Credit gets reliefe
From bridled Debtors; others for the poore)
So this is for the Bawd, the Rogue, and Whore.

An excellent Teeme of Horse.

1. Master.
Nor is it seene,
That the whip drawes blood here, to coole the Spleene
Of any rugged Bencher: nor does offence
Feele smart, or spitefull, or rash euidence:
But pregnant testimony forth must stand,
Ere Iustice leaue them in the Beadles hand,
As Iron, on the Anuill are they laid,
Not to take blowes alone, but to be made
And fashioned to some Charitable vse.


Thus wholsom'st Lawes spring from the worst