University of Virginia Library


Festival of Hermits.


Thy Servants Militant below
Have each, O Lord, their post;
As Thou appoint'st, Who best dost know
The soldiers of Thine host:
Some in the van Thou call'st to do.
And the day's heat to share;
And in the rearward not a few
Thou only bidd'st to bear.
No brighter Crown, we know, is theirs
To the mid-battle sent;
For he their equal glory shares
Who waits beside the tent:


More bravely done, in human eyes,
The foremost post to take;
The Man of Griefs will not despise
The sufferers for His sake.
The Hermits, in their cave or den,
They fought a quiet fight;
But playing none the less the men,
Made manifest His might.
They followed Thee in Thy distress;
Were with Thee all alone;
And they that shared the wilderness
Shall also share the Throne.

1 Sam. xxx. 24, 25.