University of Virginia Library


Maundy Thursday.


Can it, Master, can it be
These shall be ashamed of Thee?
In the danger and the gloom
On the pathway to Thy tomb?
Wilt Thou give their speech the lie,—
“If all leave Thee, yet not I?”
“Yea, they did: but, faithless one,
Thou thyself hast likewise done;
When our time of woe drew near,
(For I suffered with thee here)


Look within thy heart, and say,
Canst thou, dar'st thou, tell Me, nay?”
Can it, Master, can it be
Such hard speech should come from Thee?
If Thine own would keep Thee nigh,
They must leave Thee first and fly?
This the love that all things bears,
All things ventures, all things dares?
“Willing spirit, some one day,
O'er weak flesh shall bear the sway:
By the paths I shall have trod
They shall then go home to God;
Rack or beast or flame or sea,
All shall bring them Home to Me.”