University of Virginia Library


To such as stand idle in the Market-place.

Why do you trifle thus your Time away?
Why are you of such Treasure so profuse?
Do you expect to have another Day,
Who of the present make so ill a Use?
How can it be?
The Moment that is past, will come no more,
The Hour mispent, can never be recall'd,
Old Cronos has but one poor Lock before,
His Head behind is altogether bald;
Take that from me.
Be therefore wise in Time, while yet an Hour
Is lent you, lest when that is vainly spent,
It never should again be in your Pow'r
(Although with Tears ye seek it) to repent;
For God is just.
And tho' He frequently doth Man invite,
To cease from Evil, and accept of Grace,
Yet, if fond Man persists His Love to slight,
Mercy withdraws, Justice steps in her Place,
And die he must.