University of Virginia Library

Her is hwon ihesu crist aros from deþe to lyue.

Seoþþe crist from deþe aros. þet is of sunnes clene.
Þe vorme þat he myd spek. wes Marie Maudeleyne.
Þo heo com to his buryles. hyne for to seche.
Heo wende þat þe gywes hedde fur-stole vre soule leche.
Marie stod wiþ-vte þe dure. and sore wepe bi-gon.
Þo heo ne funde nouht ihesu crist. þet wes hire leof-mon.
He adun stupede. and lokede myd eye.
If heo of vre louerde. ouht þer iseye.
Þo seyh heo þer twey engles. myd hwite cloþes and swote.
Þe on set at þe heuede. þe oþer at þe vote.
Wymmon hwi wepestu. hi seyden hire to.
For hi habbeþ myne louerd. i not hwer i-do.
Marie hire drouh abak. and lokede heo bi-hynde.
Þo yseyh heo ihesu crist. þet heo þer wende vynde.
Vre louerd hire gon axi. for hwi and for hwan.
Wepestu. and hwam þu seche. say me wymmon.
Marie him onswerede. and þus him seyde to.
Þe gywes habbeþ mynne louerd. of þisse stude i-do.
Ich not neuer hwydere. hi habbeþ hyne ibrouht.
Þer-vore ich am ful sori. and habbe hyne isouht.
Hauestu hyne awey ibore. seye me gode mon.
And ich hyne vecche wille. al my seolf on.
Heo nuste nouht þat he hit wes. þet vre bendes to-brek.
Heo wende hit were þe leyhtunward. þat to hire spek.
Iesus þo nemde marie. and cudde hwat he wes.
Marie in hire lyue. neuere so blyþe nes.
Heo clepede hyne mayster. þet is rabony.
And fel to his fote. and bed hym mercy.
Ihesuc spek to marie. and hire þo for-bed.
Þat heo attryne ne scolde. his honde ne his fet.
Ich ne astey nouht yete. vp to myne vadere.
Ac go to myne broþren. þer hi beoþ to-gadere.


Saye heom þat ich astye. to mynes vader riche.
Þer is my vader and eke heore. and ioye euer ilyche.
After þet ihesu crist. myd marie hedde ispeke.
Heo nolde vor none þinge. his heste þo to-breke.
Heo com to his disciples. þer hi to-gadere were.
Neuer of tydinge. hy er so glad nere.
Heo seyde to heom þe wordes. þet hire heyhte ihesuc.
And þat he wes from deþe aryse. and to me seyde þus.
Þo hi þis iherde. hi were swyþe blyþe.
Þat vre louerd wes aryse. from deþe to lyue.
As heo stode and speken. and weren at wenynge.
Of vre louerdes aryste. and fele oþer þinge.
Vre louerd ihesu crist. þe wes ibore. of þe meyde.
He stod amydde heom alle. and to heom þus seyde.
Sibsumnesse eu beo among. ne beo ye nouht of-dredde.
Ich hit am þat her bi-vore. eu alle myd me ledde.
Hi weren aferd and offruyht. and no wunder nes.
Heo wenden þet hit were a gost. þat a-mong heom wes.
Ihesuc to heom seyde. of hwan beo ye of-ferde.
And beoþ in eure heorte. þouhtes fele a-rerde.
Iseoþ nuþe boþe myne vét. and ek myne honde.
Þat ich hit am ihesu crist. þat her myd eu stonde.
Hondleþ nv and iseoþ. þat gost naueþ none bon.
Ne vleys ne bon nouþer. as me is vp-on.
Þo he hedde so yseyd. he dude more yet.
He schewede heom his honde. and so he dude his fet.
Yet heo hit nyleuede. þe more ne þe lesse.
Ac þuhte muche wunder. of heore gladnesse.
Vre louerd ihesu crist. myd heom bi-gon to speke
Habbe ye ouht here. þat mon may of ete.
Hi hym bivore brouhten. of one visse ibred.
And ek enne huny-comb. hi weren swiþe gled.
Vre louerd nom and et þer-of. to-uore heom euervychone.
And sewede þat he wes a-ryse. myd fleysse and myd bone.
Aveole kunne wise. vre louerd him tok on.
To schewen his apostles. þet he wes god and mon.


Seoþþe þat he wes a-ryse. from deþe to lyue.
Þet vs alle bouhte. myd his wndes fyue.
Ofte he heom myd spek. þer hi weren to-gedere.
Er he wolde astyen. to heuene to his vedere.
He heyhte heom holde treowe luue. euerych to oþre.
As ich habbe eu yluued. for ye beoþ alle broþre.
Vre louerd heom bleu vp-on. þet alle þing con dyhte.
Vnder-uongeþ he seyde. þe holigostes myhte.
Þeo þat ye aleseþ here. of heore sunnes bende.
Hi schulle beon vnbunden. euer buten ende.
And þeo þat ye her byndeþ. ine lyue þisse.
Hi beoþ euer ibunde. wyteþ ye myd iwisse.
Þo vre louerd astye wolde. from eorþe to heuene
He seyde to his apostles. hi weren elleouene.
Herkneþ alle to me. þe more and þe leste.
Ich eu wille senden on. mynes fader biheste.
Sytteþ in þe burewe. and ich eu wille dihte.
Fort ye beon byweued. of heueliche myhte.
He seoþþe heom vt ledde. in-to bethany.
And myd his swete honde. gon heom blessy.
Þo he heom hedde iblessed. þat scop þe sunne and mone.
He astey to heuene. þer-after ful sone.
Hi stoden and biheolden. hw he to heuene asteyh.
Mid his swete moder. he wes hire heorte neyh.
Þer stoden twei veyre men. neren hi nouht ihud.
Ac were myd hwite cloþes. swyþe veyre iscrud.
And hi to heom seyden. men of galile.
Toward þare heuene. hwat bi-holde ye.
Þe ilke sulue ihesuc. þat is from eu y-nume.
He wile hym sulf eft-sone. hider to ev cume.
Mid fleysse and myd bone. as he heonne ywende.
He wile eft hider cume. þeos word he eu sende.
Þo heo þis iherden. hi turnden heom ayeyn.
Mid muchele gladnesse. eft to iherusalem.
And weren in þe temple. god heryinde.
And þene king of heuene. euer blessynde.


At þon heye vndarne. a wit-suneday.
Þer hi were to-gadere. as ich eu segge may.
And heryeden vre louerd crist. and heore bede sunge.
Þe holy gost heom com vp-on. in fury tunge.
So sone so hi weren. of þe holy goste attende.
Heo arysen alle to-gadere. and vt heom iwende.
And speken godes wordes. hi weren swiþe gled.
Of none monne in eorþe. nere hi þo of-dred.
Þo were in iherusalem. as ich me vnderstonde.
Men wunyinde. of alle kunnes londe.
Þo heo iherden þe apostles. godes lore teche.
Eueruych þer vnderstod. his icunde speche.
Heo seyden heom bi-twenen. hwat may þis beo.
Þeos men þat we heren speke. hi beoþ of galile.
And we iherden heom heryen. in heore preching.
After vre tunge. þen heoueliche kyng.
Seoþþe in alle londes. hi eoden vor to prechen.
And for to fully þat folk. and godes lawe techen.
Hi nolden þo bileue. vor kayser. ne vor kynge.
Ne vor nore pyne. heore prechynge.
Þer-vore heo iwenden. in-to alle londes.
And fullede kinges. eorles. and bondes.
And alle men and wymmen. þat wolde to heom cume.
And bileuen on ihesu crist. þet is godes sune.
Þer-uore þe veond of helle. hedde muchel onde.
Vor hi by-nomen him saulen. in water. and in londe.
Þer-vore he hine bi-þouhte. hw he don myhte.
And euer wes abute. bi daye. and bi nyhte.
Vor bryngen heom to deþe. þet spek myd his y-corene.
Þat wes. Nerun. and Dacyen. and mo þet beoþ vor-lorene.
Þeos nómen þe apostles. and heom to deþe dude.
And vre louerd heom vnderveng. a-non i þe stude.
Nv hi beoþ ine blisse. myd þon heuene kynge.
Þat is heore mede. vor heore prechinge.
Bidde we alle ihesu crist. vor heore erndinge.
Þat he vre saule. to þare blisse brynge.


Vor his swete moder luue. of hwam he vleyss nom.
He habbe mercy of vs. þat is god and mon.
And lete vs so her libben. in þisse wrecche lyue.
Þat we moten to him cume. for his wundes fyue.
And he þat haueþ þis rym iwryten. beo hwat he beo.
God in þisse lyue. hyne lete wel iþeo.
And alle his iveren. boþe yonge and olde.
God heom lete heore ordre. trewliche her holde.
Þat hi mote to-gadere cume. to heueriche blysse.
Hwanne hi schullen to-party. vt of lyue þisse.
He þet alle þing ischop. þis vs graunty.
Vor his leue moder luue. seynte Mary.
And heo vre erende bere. so is hire ywune.
Mid alle oþer halewe. to hire swete sune.