University of Virginia Library




At Siforde
setin kingis monie,
fele biscopis,
and fele booc-lerede,
erles prude,
and cnihtes egleche;
þer was erl [Alfrich],
of þe lawe suiþe wis,
and eke Alfred,
Englene herde,
Englene derling;
in Engelonde he was king.
Hem he gon lerin,
so ȝe muȝen i-herin,
hu [hi hure] lif
lede shuldin.


Alfred, he was in Engelonde a king,
wel swiþe strong and lufsum þing.
He was king and clerc,
ful wel he louede Godis werc.
He was wis on his word,
and war on his werke;
he was þe wisiste mon
þat was in Engelonde on.
Þus quad Alfred,
Englene frouere:
‘wolde ȝe, mi leden,
lustin ȝure louird,
and he ȝu wolde wissin
of wi[s]liche þinges,
hu ȝe mihtin in werelde
wurshipe weldin,


and eke ȝure saulle
samne to Criste.’
Wise werin þe sawen
of king Alfred:
‘Arme and edie ledin,
of liuis dom:
þat ȝe alle dredin
ȝure drihtin Crist,
lovin him and likin;
for he is louird ouir lif.
He is one god
ouer alle godnesse;
and he is gleu
ouer alle glade þinges;
He is one blisse
ouer alle blithnesse.
He is one mon[ne]
mildist maister;


He is one folkes
fadir and frouere.
He is one riht-wis,
and suo riche king,
nat him shal ben wone
no-þing of his wille,
hwo him her on worulde
wurþin þenkeþ.’
Þus quad Alfred,
Englene frouere:
‘May no riche king
ben onder Crist seluen,
bote-ȝif he be
and [he] hi[s] writes
wel [i]kenne,


and bote he cunnie letteris
lokin him-seluen,
hu he shule his lond
laweliche holden.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Þe erl and þe eþeling
þo ben vnder þe king,
þe lond to leden
mid laweliche dedin.
Boþe þe clerc and þe cniht
demen euenliche riht.
For aftir þat mon sowiþ
al suich shal he mowin;
and eueriches monnes dom
to his oȝe dure cherrið.’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Þe cniht bihouiþ
kenliche to cnowen
forto weriin þe lond
of here and of heregong;
þat þe riche habbe gryþ,
and the cherl be in friþ
his sedis to sowin,
his medis to mowen;
his plouis to driuin
to ure alre bi-lif:
þis is þe cnihtes laȝe;
loke þat hit wel fare.’

The line numbering follows a second ms. printed in parallel with the Trinity ms. in the source volume. There are additional lines in the second manuscript at this point, but no indication that any text is missing from the Trinity ms.


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Wiðouten wisdom[e]
is wele ful vnwurð;
for þau[h] o mon hadde
hunt-seuinti acreis,
and he [is hauede sowen
al] mid rede golde,
and þe gold grewe
so gres deþ on þer erþe,
ne were his wele
nouht þe vurþere,
bote he him [of] fremede
frend y-werche.
For hwat is gold bute ston,
bute it habbe wis mon?’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Shulde nefere wis mon
ȝiuen him to uuele,
þoch he his wise
wel ne like;
ne þeoh he ne welde
al þat he wolde.
For God may ȝiuen, þanne he wele,
good after yuil,
wele after wrake;
so wel him þet mot shapen.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Stronge it is to rowen
aȝen þe se-flod;
so it is to swinkin
again unselþe.
Ac wel is him a-ȝueþe
þe [swich swinker] was,
þanen her on werlde
welþe to winnen,
[þat] he muȝe on elde
ed[i]nesse holdin,


[þat h]e mihte [mid] his welþe
werchin Godis wille;
[þ]enne is his ȝueþe
swiþe wel bitoȝen.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Monimon weniþ
þat he wenen ne þarf,
longes liuis;
ac him schal leȝen þat wrench!
For þanne he his lif
alre beste trowe,
þenne shal he letin
lif his oȝene.
Nis no wurt woxen
on wode ne on felde,
þet euure muȝe
þe lif up-helden.
wot no mon þe time
hwanne he shal henne rimen;
ne no mon þen ende
hwen he shal henne wenden.
Drihtin hit one wot,
domis louird,
hwenne we ure lif
letin schullen.’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘ȝif þu hauest welþe
a wold in þis werlde,
ne þinc þu neure for-þi
al to wlonc wurþen.
Ahte nis non eldere stren,
ac it is Godis lone;
hwanne hit is his wille,
þer-fro we shullen wenden,
and ure oȝene lif
mid sorw letin.
Þanne schullen ure fon
to ure fe gripen,
welden ure madmes,
and lutil us bimenen.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Leue þu þe nouht to swiþe
up þe se-flod;
ȝif þu hauest madmes
monie and moch[e],
gold and siluir,
it shal wurþen to nouht;
to duste it shal driuen.
Drihtin shal liuin eure.


Moni mon for his gold
hauið Godis erre,
and þuruh his siluer
his saulle he forleseð.
Betere him were
iborin þat he nere!’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Lustlike lust me,
lef [and] dere,
and ich her ȝu wille leren,
þenes mine,
wit and wisdom
þe[t] alle welþe ouer-goð.
siker he may [sitte],
and hwo [him] mid senden.
For þoch his welþe him at-go,
his wit ne wen[t] him neuere fro.
Ne may he neuir for-farin
hwo him to fere haueþ,
hwilis þat his lif
lesten may.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘ȝif þu hauist sorwe,
ne say þu hit þin areȝe;


sey it þin sadilbowe,
and rid þe singende.
Þanne saiþ þe mon
þat ti wise ne can,
þat þe þine wise
wel þe likiþ.
Soreȝe ȝif þu hauist,
and te areȝe hit seð,
bi-foren, he þe bimenið,
bi-hindin, he þe scarneð.
Þu hit miht seien swich mon
þat it þe ful wel on;
swich mon þu maist seien þi sor,
he wolde þat þu heuedest mor!
For-þi hit, in þin herte one,
for-hele hit wið þin areȝe.
Let þu neuere þin areȝe witin
al þet þin herte þenkeþ.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Ne shal þu [neuer] þi wif
bi hire wlite chesen;
ne [hire] for non ahte
to þine bury bringen,
er þu hire costes
[lerne, þe he] cuþe.


For moni mon for ahte
iuele ihasteð;
and ofte mon on faire
fokel cheseð.
wo is him þat iuel wif
bringið to his cot-lif!
So [him] is oliue
þat iuele wiueð.
For he shal him often
dreri maken.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘wurþu neuere swo wod,
ne so [wyn]-drunken,
þat euere sai[ȝe] þu þi wif
al þat þi wille be.
For if hue seȝe þe biforen
þine fomen alle,
and þu hire mid worde
wraþed hauedest,
he ne shold it leten,
for þinge liuiȝinde,
þat he ne sholde þe up-breidin
of þine bale-siþes!
wimmon is word-wod,
and hauiþ tunge to swift;


þauh he hire-selue wel wolde,
ne mai he it nowiht welden.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Idilschipe and orgul-prude,
þat leriþ ȝung wif leþere þewes,
and often to þenchen
don þat he ne scholde;
ȝif he for-swunken swoti were
swo hie ne þohte;
ac þoh hit is iuel to bewen
þat [trewe] ben ne wille.
For ofte museð þe catt
after þe moder.
[Hwoso] lat his wif
his maister wurþen,
[ne] shal he neuer ben
his wordes louerd;
ac he shal him rere
dreiȝe, and moni tene
selliche hauen. Selden
shal he ben on sele.’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Moni appel is wið-uten grene,
briht on leme,
and bitter wið-innen.
So is moni wimmon
in hire [fader] bure;
schene under schete,
and þoh hie is [schondes ful]
in an stondes hwile.
Swo is moni gadeling
godelike on horse,
wlanc on weiȝe
and unwurþ on wike.’
Þus quad Alfred:
[‘Ared-tu] noht to swiþe
þe word of þine wiue;
For þanne hue beð iwraþed
mid wordes oþer mid dedes,
wimmon wepeð for mod
ofter þanne for eni god;
and ofte, lude and stille,
for to wurchen hire wille,


Hue wepeð oþer-hwile
hwen hue þe wille biwilen.
Salomon hit hauith isaid,
hue can moni yuel reid.
Hue ne mai hit non oþir don,
for wel erliche hue hit bi-gan.
Þe mon þat hire red folewiþ,
he bringeþ him to seruȝe.
For hit is said in lede,
“Cold red is quene red.”
I ne sa[i]ȝe it nocht bi-þan
þat god þing [n]is god wimmon,
þe mon þat michte hire cnowen
and chesen hire from oþere.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Mani mon weniþ
þat he wenin ne þarf,
frend þat he habbe
þer mon him faire bihait;
seieþ him faire bi-foren,
fokel at-hinden.
So mon mai welþe
lengest helden.


Gin þu neuere leuen
alle monnis spechen,
ne alle þe þinge
þat þu herest singen.
For moni mon hauiþ fikil mod,
and he is monne cuð;
Ne shaltu neuere knowen
hwanne he þe wole bikechen.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Þurh saȝe mon is wis,
and þurh selþe mon is gleu;
þurh lesin[ge] mon is loð,
and þurh luþere wrenches vnwurþ;
And hokede honden make þen mon
his heuid to lesen.
Ler þu þe neuer
ouer mukil to leȝen;
ac loke þine nexte,
he is atte nede god;
and frendschipe o werlde
fairest to wurchen
wið pouere and wið riche,
wið alle men iliche.
Þanne maist þu sikerliche
seli sittin,


and faren ouer londe
hwar-so beþ þi wille.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Werldes welþe
to wurmes shal wurþien;
and alle cunnes madmes
to noht shulen melten:
and ure lif shal
lutel lasten.
For [þoh] þu, mon, weldest
al þis middelerd,
and alle þe welþe
þat þer-inne woniþ,
ne miht þu þi lif
lengen none hwile.
Bote al þu it shalt leten
one lutele stunde;
and al þi blisse
to bale shal iwurþen,
bote-ȝif þu wurche
wille to Criste.
For[þi] biþenk[e] we
[on] þe wis us seluen
to leden ure lif
so God us ginnið leren;


þenne muȝe we wenen
þat he us wile wurþen.
For swo saide Salomon,
þe wise Salomon,
wis is þat wel [deþ]
hwile he in þis werld[e] [beþ];
euere at þen ende
he comið þer he hit findiþ.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘Be þu neuere to bold
to chiden aȝen oni scold,
ne mid manie tales
to chiden aȝen alle dwales.
Ne neuere þu biginne
to tellen newe tidinges
at neuere nones monnis bord;
ne haue þu to fele word.
Þe wise mon mid fewe word
can fele biluken;
and sottis bolt is sone ischoten;
for-þi ich telle him for a dote
þat saiþ al his y-wille
þanne he shulde ben stille.
For ofte tunge brekiþ bon,
[þeih he habbe] hire-selue non.’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Wis child is fadiris blisse.—
Ȝif it so bitidiþ
þat þu child weldest,
þe hwile þat hit is litil
þu lere him monnis þewis.
Þanne hit is woxin,
he shal wende þerto;
þanne shal [þi] child
þas þe bet wurþen.
Ac ȝif þu les him welden
al his owene wille,
þanne he comiþ to elde,
sore it shal him rewen;
and he shal banne þat wiht
þat him first taȝte;
þanne shal þi child
þi forbod ouer-gangin.
Beter þe were,
child þat þu ne hauedest;
for betere is child vnboren
þenne vnbeten.’


Þus quad Alfred:
‘Drunken and vndrunkin,
eyþer is wisdom wel god;
þarf no mon drinkin þe lasse
þan he be wið-alle wis.
Ac [ȝif] he drinkiþ
and desieþ þere amorȝe,
so þat he, fordrunken,
desiende wercheþ,
he shal ligen long a-nicht,
litil shal he sclepen;
him sukeþ soreȝe to
so deð þe salt on fles[she];
sukeþ þuru his liche
so [deþ þuru] liche blod.
and his morȝe-sclep
shal ben muchil lestin[de],
[hwoso] þe swo on euen
yuele haueð ydronken.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘wurþu neuere so wod,
ne so desi of þi mod,
þat euere s[a]iȝe þi frend


al þat þe likiþ,
ne alle þe þonkes
þat þu þoh hauist;
for ofte sibbie men
foken hem bituenen,
and ef it so bilimpiþ
lo[þ]e þat ȝe wurþen,
þanne wot þi fend
þat er wiste þi frend.
Betere þe bicome
þi word were helden;
for þanne muð mameliþ
more þanne hit sholde,
þanne schulen his eren
ef[t] it iheren.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘ȝif þu frend bi-ȝete
mid þi fre biȝete,
loke þat þu him þeine
mid alle þeuues þine,
loke þat he þe be mid
bi-foren and bi-hinden;
þe bett he shal þe reden
at alle þine neden;
on him þu maist þe tresten
ȝif his trowþe deȝh.


Ac ȝif þu hauist a frend to-day,
and to-moreuin driuist him awei,
þenne bes þu one
al-so þu er were;
and þanne is þi fe for-loren,
and þi frend boþen;
betere þe bicome
frend þat þu neuedest.’
Þus quad Alfred:
‘ȝif þu hauist duȝeðe,
and drihten [it] þe sendeþ,
ne þenk þu neuere þi lif
to narruliche leden,
ne þine faires
to faste holden.
For þer ahte is [i]hid,
þer is armþe i-noh;
and siker ich it te saiȝe,
letet ȝif þe likeþ,
swich mon mai after þe
þi god welden,
ofte binnen þine burie
bliþe wenden,


þat [þe] ne wele heren
mid muþe moneȝen;
ac euere him of-þinkeþ
þen he [of] þe þenkeð.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Elde cumið to tune
mid fele vnkeþe costes,
and doþ þe mon to elden,
þat ne mai he him noht welden.
Hit makiþ him wel vn-meke,
and binimiþ him his miȝte.
Ȝif it swo bitideð
þat þu her so longe abidist,
and þu in þin elde
werldes welþe weldest,
þi duȝeþe gin þu delen
þine dere frend[e]
hwile þine daȝes duȝen,
and þu þe-seluen liue mowe.
Haue þu none leue to [þo]
þat after þe bileueð,
to sone ne to douhter,
ne to none of þine foster.
For fewe frend we schulen finden
þanne we henne funden;


for he þat is ute bi-loken
he is inne sone for-ȝeten.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Ȝif þu i þin elde
best welþes bidelid,
and þu ne cunne þe leden
mid none cunnes listis,
ne þu ne moȝe mid strenȝþe
þe-seluen steren,
þanne þanke þi louerd
of alle his lone,
and of alle þine owene liue,
and of þe daȝis liht[e],
and of alle murþe
þat he for mon makede;
and hweder-so þu wendes,
sei þu, atten ende,
“wurþe þat iwurþe,
iwurþe Godes wille!”’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Sone min swo leue,
site me nu bisides,
and ich þe wile seiȝen
soþe þewes.—
Sone min, ich fele
þat min her falewiþ,


and min wlite is wan,
and min herte woc.
Mine daȝis aren nei done,
and we shulen unc to-delen;
wenden ich me shal
to þis oþir werlde,
and þu shalt bileuen
in alle mine welþe.
Sone min, ich þe bidde,
þu art mi barin dere,
þat þu þi folk[e] be
fader, and for louerd;
fader be þu wið child,
and be þu widewis frend;
þe arme gin þu froueren,
and þe woke gin þu coueren;
þe wronge gin þu rihten
mid alle þine mihten;
and let þe, sune, mid lawe,
and louien þe [shal] driȝten;
and ouer alle oþir þinge
God be þe ful [in] minde,
and bide þat he þe rede
at alle þine dedis;
þe bet shal [he] þe filsten
to don al þine wille.’


Þus quad Alured:
‘Sone min so dere,
do so ich þe lere.
Be þu wis on þi word[e]
and war o þine speche;
þenne shulen þe louien
leden alle.
Þe ȝunge mon do þu lawe,
[þan] elde lat his lond hauen.
Drunken mon ȝif þu metes
in weis oþer in stretes,
þu ȝef him þe weie reme,
and let him forð gliden.
Þanne miht þu þi lond
mid frendschipe helden.
Sone, þu best bus [to]
þe sot of bismare-word,
and bet him siþen þer-mide
þat him ginne to smerten.
And, baren, ich þe bidde,
ȝif þu on benche sittest,
and þu þen beuir hore sixst
þe bi-foren stonden,
buh þe from þi sete,
and bide him sone þer-to;
þanne welle he saȝin
sone on his worde,


“wel worþe þe [wite]
þat þe first taȝte!”
Site þanne siþin
bisiden him-seluen,
for of him þu miȝt leren
listis and fele þeues;
þe baldure þu miȝt ben;
lere þu his reides!
for þe elder mon me mai of-riden
betere þenne of-reden.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Sone min so dere,
ches þu neuere to fere
þen luþere lusninde mon;
for he þe wile wrake don.
From þe wode þu miht te faren
wið wilis and wið armes;
ac þanne þu hit lest wenest,
þe luþere þe biswikeþ.
Þe bicche bitiþ ille
þauh he berke stille;
so deþ þe lusninde luþere mon,
ofte, hwen he dar it don;
hwan he be wiþ-uten stille,
he bit wiþ-innin ille.


and al bi-fuliþ he his frend
hwen he him vnfoldiþ.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Leue sone dere,
ne ches þu neuere to fere
þen hokerfule lese mon;
for he þe wole gile don.
He wole stelin þin ahte and keren,
and listeliche onsuerren;
so longe he wole be [þe] bi,
he wole bringin on and tuenti
to nouht, for soþe ich tellit þe;
and oþer he wole liȝen
and hokerful ben þuru hoker,
and lesing þe aloþeð
alle men þat hen ycnoweð.
Ac nim to þe a stable mon
þat word and dede bi-sette con,
and multeplien eure god;
a such fere þe is help in mode.’
Þus quad Alured:
‘Leue sone dere,
ne ches þu neuere to fere


littele mon, ne long, ne red,
ȝif þu wult don after mi red.
Þe luttele mon he is so rei,
ne mai non him wonin nei;
so worð he wole him-seluen ten,
þat his louird maister he wolde ben;
bute he mote himseluen pruden,
he wole maken fule luden;
he wole grennen, cocken, and chiden,
and euere faren mid vn-luden.
ȝif þu me wult ileuen,
ne mai me neuer him quemen.
Þe longe mon is leþe-bei,
selde comið his herte rei;
he hauiþ stoni herte,
no-þing him ne smerteþ;
bi forð daȝes he is aferd
of sticke and ston in huge werd;
ȝif he falliþ in þe fen,
he þewiþ ut after men;
ȝif he slit in-to a diche,
he is ded witerliche.


Þe rede mon he is a qued,
for he wole þe þin iuil red;
he is cocker, þef, and horeling,
scolde, of wreche-dome he is king.
Ich ne s[e]iȝe nouht bi-þan
þat moni ne ben gentile man;
þuru wis lore and genteleri[e]
he amendiþ huge companie.