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The Harrowing of Hell.


Digby MS. Text O.

Hou ihesu crist herowede helle
Of harde gates ich wille telle.
Leue frend, nou beþ stille,
Lesteþ þat ich tellen wille
Ou ihesu fader him biþoute
And adam hout of helle broute.
In helle was adam and eve
Þat veren ihesu crist wel leve,
And seint iohan þe baptist
Þat was neweu ihesu crist,
Dauit þe prophete and abraham,
For þe sunnes of adam;
And moni oþer holi mon
Mo þen ich ou tellen con;


Til ihesu fader nom fles and blod
Of þe maiden marie god,
And suþþen was don ful muchel some,
Bounden and beten and maked ful lome
Tille þat gode friday at non;
Þenne he was on rode idon,
His honden from his body wonden,
Mit here miȝte hoe him shenden.
To helle sone he nom gate
Adam and eve hout to take;
Þo þe he to helle cam
Sucche wordes he bigan:
“Harde gates haui gon,
Serewes soffred moni hon,
þritti winter and half þritti ȝer
Haui ben wend alonde her;
Almest so muchel hit is agon
Suþþen þat i bicom furst mon;
Suþþen haui þoled and west
Boþe chele, hounger and þurst;
Men duden me so muchel same,
Wiþ wounden stronge makede me lame;


Hi nomen me wiþouten sake,
Bounden min honden to mi bake,
Hi beten me þat I ran ablode,
And suþþen me duden one þe rode;
ffor adam sunful, I wis,
Al haui þoled þis.
Adam, þu hauest about hit sore,
And I ne mai soffren hit na more;
Hit wille þe bringen of helle pine,
Þe, adam, and alle þine.”
“Wo is þat ich here þere?
Ne red ich him speken na more,
He may nou so muchel do,
Þat he sal ous comen to
To ben houre fere
And witen hou we pleyeþ here.”
Þenne spak ihesu, þe king:
“Stille be þu, lording,
Þat ich here greden þere;
Ich rede þat þou ne speke na more,
Þou miȝt wel witen bi mi play
Þat ich wile hauen mine away;
Wost þu neuere wat ich am?
More þen .xxx. vinter hit is agon
Þat þu hauest fonded me


fforto witen wat I be;
Sunne ne foundest þou neuer non
In me as in anoþer mon;
Þou miȝt wel witen þe bi þon
Þat ich more þen ani mon;
Þou salt wel witen þe to-day
Þat ich wyle hauen mine away;
Þenne þou letest þe alone,
Þenne þou miȝt grunten and grone.”
Þenne spak him satanas,
Maister-fend in helle he was:
“Par ma fey! ich holde mine
Alle þo þat here ben hine;
Wiþ reisoun willy tellen þe,
Þer aȝein ne miȝt þou nout be;
Adam þe houngrie com me to,
Mani redes he gan me do;
ffor on appel þat ich ȝaf him
He is min and al is cun.”
“Satanas, hit was min,
Þe appel þat þou ȝeue him,
Þe appel and þe appeltre,
Boþen veren maked þoru me;
Hou miȝtest þou in eni cunnes wyse
Of oþer monnes þing maken marchaundise?


Seþþen þou boundest him wiþ min,
Wiþ reisoun wil ich hauen him.”
“Ihesu, welcomen þou be,
Þat ful sore reweþ me;
Þou art louerd ouer al,
Þou hauest þat þou habbe shal;
Heuene and erþe weldest þou þe,
Þe soules in helle let þou be;
Þat ich haue let me helde,
Þat þou hauest wel mote þou welde.”
Stille, stille, satanas!
Þe is fallen aunbesas.
Wendest þou i were ded for nout?
ffor mi deþ was monkun boust;
Hy þat habbeþ serued me
Sulen wiþ me in blisse be;
Þo þat nolden on me bileuen
Sulen wiþ þe here bileuen;
Þou salt hauen more pine
Þen alle þo þat her ben ine.”
“May mon me so worse do
Þene I haue aved hiderto?
Ich aue þoled so muchel wo
Þat I ne recche weder I go;
If þou bireuest me of mine,
I sal bireuen þe of þine;
I shal gon from mon to manne
And bireuen þe moni anne.”
“God hit wot, I shal speken þe wiþ,
Þat wel shaltou holde griþ;


So faste shal I binden þe,
Þat fewe shalt þou bireuen me;
Þou salt here ben bounden ay,
Tille þat comeþ domesday;
If þou were hounbounden among men,
Almest woldest þou bireuen me hem;
Þe smale deuelen þat beþ hounstronge,
Hoe sulen among moncun ȝonge
Forto hauen alle hem
Þat hem ne willeþ stonden aȝein.
Helle ȝates ich come nou to,
Nou ich wille þat hy ben houndo;
Wer is nou þe ȝateward?
Ich holde him for a couard.”
“Ich haue Iherd wordes harde,
Ne am ich na more ȝatewarde;
Ich haue Iherd wordes stronge,
Ne dar ihc duellen er nout longe;
Loke hem nou, wose may,
Ich lete hem stonden and renne away.”
“Helle ȝates her I falle
And suþþen go into helle;
Satanas, here I þe binde,
Ne salt þou neuere hene winde;
Ne salt þou neuere wenden away
Tille þat comeþ domesday.


Fare so þou euere fare,
Ne salt þou neuere do mon kare.”
Uuelcome, louerd god in londe,
Godes sone and godes sonde;
Welcome, louerd, wel þou be,
fful longe haueþ ous þout after þe;
fful welcomen art þou ous,
Þou bring ous out of þis loþe hous.
Welcome, louerd, ich am adam
Þat þou makedest of erþe mon;
Ihesu crist, bide I þe
Þat mine sunnen forȝef þou me.”
“Welcome, louerd, ich am eve,
Adam and I þat weren so leve,
Þou ȝeue ous leue to loken parais,
And we hit lokeden al amis;
We þi comaundement forleten
Þo we of þen appel eten;
So longe hauen we ben herinne,


Þa fewe nou beþ oure sunne;
Leue louerd, ȝef ous leue,
Adam and I þat weren so leue,
To faren hof þis loþe lis
Into þe blisse of parais.”
Adam, adam, ich ȝaf mi lif
ffor þe and for eve, þi wif;
Wendest þou I were ded for nowt?
ffor mi deþ was monkun bout;
Adam, nou i sege hit þe,
To-day þou salt alesed be
And comen to paraises blisse,
Þerof ne salt þou neuere misse.”
“Louerd crist, ich hit am
Þat þou clepedest abraam;
Þou bihete þat of mire more
Sulde a god chil ben Ibore
Þat sulde bringen of helle pine
Alle þat þou clepedest for þine;
Þou art þat child, þou art þat mon
Þat boren was of abraom!”
“Wel ich wot þat þou art abraam,
Of mine cunne þat þou cam,
More þe bereweþ þi riȝtwisnese
Þene þe doþ þi sibnesse;
Abraam, I wot ful wel
Þat hit is soþ, eueruch del,
Þat mi suete moder was
Bigeten of þy suete fles;


Abraam, I suge hit þe,
To-day þou sal alesed be
And comen to paradises blisse,
Þerof ne salt þou neuere misse;
Bringen ich will out of pine
Abraam þe and alle þine.”
Louerd, ich am daui, þe king,
Þat boren was of þin ofspring;
Do also þo me bihete
Þoru þe wordes of þe prophete;
Ihesu crist, godes sone,
Hou þou art hider Icome,
Let ous out of helle pine,
Alle þat þou holdest for þine.”
“Daui, þou art boren of mi kun,
ffor þi godnese art þou min,
More for þi godnesse
Þen for þine sibnesse.
Daui, I suge hit þe,
To-day þou salt alesed be
And comen to paradises blisse,
Þerof ne salt þou neuere misse.”
“Louerd crist, ich am iohan
Þat þe heuede of þe flim iordan;
Twelue winter hit is agon
Þat ich þolede martirdom;
Þou hete me to helle ware
And þat I sulde sugen þare
Þat art þou crist, godes sone,
Þat solde sone þider come
fforto lesen of helle pine,
Louerd, þat keneden for þine;


Þou art comen, nou þou do
Þat þu seidest me to.”
“Iohan, iohan, ich hit wot
þat I seide þe þat,
Þat þou salt comen me to,
Þat I seide þe do.”
“Louerd, ich am moises, þe prophete,
Ich dude þe lawen, þat þou hete,
Ich dude þe lawen þat þou astolde
Wor to ben oþin on wolde;
Þou teitest me þene riȝte wey
Opone þe mounte of sinay,
Þat me sulde comen to bote,
Þe sune þat adam þoute suete.”
“þou dedest wel wiþhouten delay
Þe comaundement of þe lay;
Þou mi comaundement wel helde wiþ þe,
ffor þou nou salt in blisse be;
Hy þat habbeþ me serued treuliche
Comeþ wiþ me to heuene riche,
Hy sulen alle to heuene blysse,
Þe curssede gostes sulen misse;
Hy þat nolde nout on me bileue,
Hy sulen in helle wiþ satanas bileue;
Long is O and long is ay
Tille þat comeþ domesday;
Þou, satanas, and alle þine,
Wenden ȝe sulen to helle pine.”



Harley MS. Text L.

Alle herkneþ to me nou!
a strif wolle y tellen ou
of ihesu ant of Sathan,
þo ihesu wes to helle ygan
fforte vacche þenne hys,
ant bringen hem to parays.
þe deuel heuede so muche pouste
þat alle mosten to helle te;
nas non so holy prophete
seþþe Adam & eue þen appel ete,
ant he were at þis worldes fyne,
þat he ne moste to helle pyne;
ne shulde he neuer þenne come
nere ihesu crist godes sone.
vor þat wes seid to Adam ant eue,
þat were ihesu crist so leeue;
ant so wes seyd to habraham,
þat wes sothfast holy man;
an[t] so wes seid to dauyd þe kyng,
þat wes of cristes oune ofspryng;
ant to Iohan þ[e] baptist,
þat folewede ihesu crist;
ant to Moyses þe holy whyt,
þe heuede þe lawe to ȝeme ryht;


ant to mony oþer holy mon
mo þen ich telle con,
þat weren alle in more wo
þen y con ou telle fro.
Ihesu crist arew hem sore
ant seide he wolde vacche hem þore;
he lyhte of ys heȝe tour
into seinte Marie bour;
he wes bore for oure nede
in þis world in pore wede,
In þis world he wes ded
forte losen vs from þe qued;
þo ihesu heuede shed ys blod
for oure neode vpon þe rod,
In godhed toke he þen way
þat to helle gates lay;
þe he com þere þo seide he,
asse y shal nouþe telle þe.
Harde gates hauy gon,
sorewen soffred mony on;
þritty wynter ant þridde half yer
hauy woned in londe her;
almost ys so muche agon
seþþe y bycom furst mon;
Ich haue seþþe þoled ant wyst
hot, cold, honger ant þurst;
Mon haþ do me shome ynoh
wyþ word ant dede in heore woh;


bounden ant bueten yron of blode,
demeden me to deȝe on rode;
for Adames sunne fol ywis
Ich haue þoled al þis.
Adam, þou hauest aboht sore,
Inul soffre þat no more;
Adam, þou hast duere aboht,
þat þou leuedest me noht;
y shal þe bringe of helle pyne
ant wyþ þe alle myne.
Sathan ait.
Who ys þat ych here þore?
Ich him rede speke na more,
for he may so muche do
þat he shal vs come to
forte buen oure fere
ant fonden hou we pleyen here.

Dominus ait.
þou miht wyten in þy lay
þat mine woll y haue away;
wost þou neuer whet ych am?
almost ys þritti wynter gan
þat þou hast fonded me


forte knowe wet y be;
Sunne fond þou neuer non
In me as in oþer mon;
ant þou shalt wyte wel to-day
þat mine wolle y haue away;
wen þou bileuest al þyn one,
þenne myht þou grede ant grone.

Par ma fey! ich holde myne
alle þo þat bueþ heryne;
resoun wol y telle þe
þer aȝeyn myht þou nouht be;
Whose buyþ any þyng,
hit is hys ant hys ofspryng;
Adam hungry com me to,
Monrade dude y him me do;
ffor on appel ich ȝef hym
he is myn ant al hys kun.

Sathanas, hit wes myn,
þe appel þat þou ȝeue hym,
þe appel ant þe appeltre
boþe were maked þourh me;
hou myhstest þou en eny wyse
of oþer monnes þyng make marchandise?


Seþþe he wes boht myn,
wyþ resoun wolle ich hauen hym.

Ihesu, wel y knowe þe,
þat ful sore reweþ me;
þou art louerd ouer al,
wo ys him þat þe knowe ne shal!
heouene ant erþe tac to þe,
Soules in helle lef þou me;
Let me hauen hem ant helde,
þat þou hauest wel mote þou welde.

Stille be þou Sathanas!
þe ys fallen ambesaas.
Wendest þou ich were ded for noht?
þourh my deþ ys monkune boht;
þey þat haued serued me,
wyþ me he shulen in heuene be;
þou shalt buen in more pyne
þen eny þat þer is heryne.

Ne may non me worse do
þen ich haue had hiderto;
Ich haue had so muche wo
þat y ne recche whyder y go;
ȝef þou reuest me of myne,
y shal reue þe of þyne;
y shal gon from mon to mon
ant reue þe of mony on.

God wot y shal speke þe wyht
ant do þe to holde gryht;


so faste shal y bynde þe,
Lutel shalt þou reue me;
þou shalt buen in bondes ay
o þat come domesday;
þou shalt neuer out wende
monkunne forte shende;
for were þou among men,
þou woldest me reuen moni of hem;
þe smale fendes þat bueþ nout stronge,
he shulen among men yonge;
þilke þat nulleþ aȝeyn hem stonde,
Ichulle he habben hem in honde.
helle gates y come nou to
ant y wole þat heo vndo;
wer ys nou þis ȝateward?
me þuncheþ he is a coward.

Ich haue herd wordes stronge,
ne dar y her no lengore stonde;
kepe þe gates whose may,
y lete hem stonde ant renne away.

Helle gates wolle y falle
ant out taken myne alle;
Sathanas, y bynde þe, her shalt þou lay
o þat come domesday.


Welcome, louerd god of londe,
godes sone ant godes sonde;
welcome, louerd, mote þou be,
þat þou wolt vs come & se,
Louerd, nou þou art come to ous,
bring ous of þis loþe hous;
bryng vs of þis loþe lond,
louerd, henne into þyn hond;
louerd, wost þou whet ych am?
þou me shuptest of eorþe Adam;
for y þyn heste hueld noht,
duere ich habbe hit her aboht;
haue merci of vs, godes sone,
let ous no more her wone;
alle þat herynne be
Ȝore haueþ ȝyrned after þe;
we hopeþ wel þourh þy comyng
of oure sunnes hauen froryng.

Knou me, louerd, ich am eue,
Ich ant Adam þe were so leoue;
þou laddest ous to parays,
we hit forgulten ase vnwys;
we þin heste dude forleten,
þo we þen appel eten;
So longe we haueþ buen herynne,


deore haue we aboht vr synne;
Louerd god, ȝef vs leue,
Adam ant me, ys wyf eue,
to faren of þis loþe wyke
to þe blisse of heueneryke.

Adam, ich haue ȝeue mi lyf
for þe & for eue þi wyf;
wendest þou ich were ded for noht?
ffor my deþ wes monkune yboht.

Louerd crist, ich am
þat þou calledest habraham;
þou me seidest þat of me
shulde such a child ybore be
þat vs shulde brynge of pyne,
Me ant wyþ me alle myne;
þou art þe child, þou art þe man
þat wes ybore of habraham;
do nou þat þou byhihstes me,
bring me to heuene vp wiþ þe.

Habraham, ych wot ful wel
wet þou seidest, eueruch del,
þat mi leue moder wes
boren & shaped of þi fleyhs.


Louerd, ich am dauid þe kyng,
þat bore was of þyn ofspring;
do me ase þou bihete
þourh þe lawe of þe prophete;
nou þou art come to ous,
bring vs from þis dredful hous.

Dauid, þou were bore of my kyn,
for þi godnesse art þou myn,
More for þi godnesse
þen for eny sibnesse.

Louerd crist, ich am Iohan
þat þe folewede in flum iordan;
Tuelf moneþ is agon,
þat y þolede martirdom;
þou sendest me þe ryhte wey
into helle forte sey
þat þou, crist, godes sone,
Sone shuldest to helle come
forto lesen of helle pyne
alle þat þou holdest þyne;


nou þou art come, nou þou do
þat þou seidest fer ant þo.

Iohan, iohan, ich wot ful wel
whet þou seidest, eueruch del;
þou shalt seo whet y shal do
þat y seyde er þe to.

Louerd, þou knowest al wyþ skyl
þe lawe of Synay vpon þe hyl;
Ich am moyses, þe prophete
þat hueld þe lawes þat þou byhete,
þat þou ihesu, godes sone,
woldest to þe helle come,
ant þat þou woldest come to bete
þe sunnes þat Adam þohte suete.

Moyses, þat ich hihte þe
In þe olde lawe þou dudest me;
& alle þe oþer þat mine buen
shule to blisse wiþ me tuen;
þey þat nolden on me leuen
shule wiþ Sathanas bileuen;
þer hue shulen wonen ay
o þat come domesday.



Auchinleck MS. Text E.


Vntil crist loked þaim vnto,
as man auȝt to prisouns do;
he liȝted out of his heiȝe tour
Into seynt mari bour;
he was born for our misdede
In þis world in pouer wede,
In þis world he suffred dede,
forto deliuer ous fram þe qued;
þan ihesu hadde spilt his blod
for our sinnes on þe rode,
he nam him þe riȝt way
vnto helle for soþe to say;
þan he com þer þan seyd he,
as y schal now telle þe.
dominus ait.
Hard gates haue y gon
& suffred pines mani on;
þritti winter & þridde half ȝere
haue y wond in lond here;
almast is so michel gan
seþþen y bicom first man;
seþþen haue y fond & wist
hot & cold, hunger & þrest;
Man haþ don me schame & þouȝ
wiþ word, wiþ dede & michel wouȝ;


þai tok me wiþouten sake,
þai bond min honden bihinde mi bac,
þai bete me til y ran on blode,
þai dempt me to hong on rode;
alle for adams sinne ywis,
þan haue y þoled þis.
adam, þus dere haue y bouȝt,
& þou no louedest me neuer nouȝt;
adam, y haue bouȝt ful sare
& y wil suffre it na mare;
to-day y schal bring of pine
adam, þe & alle þine.

satanas dixit.
Who is þat ich here þare?
y rede þat he spek na mare,
for he may so michel do
þat he schal comen ous vnto
forto ben our fere
& loke hou we playen here.

dominus ait.
Þou may wele wite mi play
þat min wil y haue oway;
wele þou wost wat ich am,
More þan þritti winter is gan
þat þou hast frained me


forto wite what y be;
seþþen fondestow neuer nan
wiþ me as wiþ anoþer man,
& þou wost wele for þan
þat ich am more þan ani man;
þou schalt wite þis ich day
þat y schal haue min oway,
& y schal þe leue here
In sorwe among þine fere.

satanas dixit.
Par ma fay! ich hald mine
al þat ben hereinne;
wiþ resoun wil y telle þe
þat þer ogain may þou nouȝt be,
þat me bihoueþ haue & hald
& wiþouten ende wald;
for whoso biggeþ aniþing,
It owe to ben his wiþouten lesing;
adam hungri come me to,
manred y made him me to do;
for an appel þat y ȝaf him
he is min & al his kin.

dominus ait.
Satanas, he seyd, it was min,
þe appel þat þou ȝaf him,
þe appel & þe appeltre,
boþe war maked þurch me;
hou may þou on ani wise
of oþer mennes þing mak marchandise?


seþþen þou bouȝtest him wiþ mine,
wiþ resoun schuld ichaue him.

satanas dixit.
Ihesu, wele y knawe þe,
þat ful sore reweþ me;
þou art lord ouer al,
& euer was & ay be schal;
heuen & erþe weld þou þe,
þe soules in helle lat þou be;
lat me haue þat ich halde,
þat þou hast wele mot þou it wald.

dominus ait.
Sitte now stille, satanas!
þe is fallen amesas.
wenestow þat y dyed for nouȝt?
wiþ mi dede was mankin bouȝt;
þai þat haue serued me,
In blis schal þai euer be;
þai þat noþing serued me,
þai schal in helle be wiþ þe;
bot þou schalt ben in more pine
þan ani oþer þat is þereinne.

satanas dixit.
Þer may me no man wers do
þan ichaue had hiderto;
Ich haue hadde so michel wo,
þat me no rek whider y go;
Ȝif þou bireuest me of mine,
y schal bireue þe of þine;
y schal go fro man to man
& bireue þe mani an.

[d]ominus ait.
So y schal speke þe wiþ,
þat y schal do þe hold grip;


so fast schal y binde þe,
þat fewe schaltow binim me;
were þou vnbounde among men,
al þou wost binim me hem;
þe smale deuels þat er vnstrang,
þai schal among mankin gang,
& al schul þai haue pain
þat wil nouȝt stond hem oȝain.
helle ȝates, y com ȝou to,
now ich wil þat ȝe vndo;
whare is he þat ȝateward?
Ich hold him for a coward.

Iannator ait.
Ich haue herd wordes hard
whi y no may be no steward;
y lete hem stond & ren oway,
lete hem ȝeme whoso may.

dominus ait.
Helle ȝates, here y ȝou felle,
& seþþen wil ich herwe helle;
lucifer, here y þe binde,
schaltow neuer heþen winde
vntil it com domesday.
fare þou seþþen whare þou may,


fare þou seþþen ware þou fare,
no dostow neuer man care.

adam dixit.
Welcom, lord god of lond,
godes sone & godes sond,
welcom, lord, mot þou be,
long haues ous þouȝt after þe;
lord, seþþen þou art comen to ous,
þou bring ous out of þis hous;
lord, þou wost what ich am
þou me schope of erþe man,
& þou me madest formast man,
& þou me clepetest sone, adam;
& ȝif ich haue sinnes wrouȝt,
ful dere now here ichaue hem bouȝt;
whoso sinneþ ani wiȝt,
þe sinne is more þan þe pliȝt.
ȝa, leue lord, godes sone,
welcom be þou & worþ come;
al, lord, þat here be
haue ȝerned, lord, after þe;
we hope wele of þi coming
of our sinnes haue botening.

eua ait.
Knawe me, lord, ich am eue,
adam & ich ware þe so leue,
þou ȝaue ous to ȝeme paradis,
& we it ȝemed as vnwise
when we þi comandment forlete,
when we of þat appel ete;
so long haue we ben herinne,


þat wele haue we bet our sinne;
leue lord, ȝiue ous leue,
adam & his wiif eue,
to fare out of þis foule wike
Into þe blis of heuenrike.

dominus ait.
Adam, y haue ȝouen mi liif
for þe & for eue þi wiif;
wenestow ichadde ben ded for nouȝt?
for mi ded is mankin bouȝt.

abraham ait.
Lord crist, ich it am
þat þou cleptest abraham;
þou schust com to helle pine
forto haue ous, lord, for þin[e];
do astow bihet me,
bring me lord to heuen wiþ[þe].

dominus dixit.
Abraham, it was wel
þat þou seydest, eueri del,
for mi swete moder wes
born & schapen of þi fles.


dauid dixit.
Hord, ich am dauid þe king,
þat was born of þine ofs[pring]
also astow me bihet
þurch þe lore of þat prophete,
þou bring ous of þis foule [hous]
to þe blis of heuen ycore[n ous].

dominus ait.
Dauid, þou was born of mi [kin]
for þi godenes þou art m[in],
more for þi godenesse
þan for ani sibbenesse.

Iohannes dixit.
Hord crist, ich am Iohan
þat þe hof in þe flom Iordan;
now a gode while is agon,
þat y suffred martirdom;
þou sentest me þe riȝt way
Into helle, for soþ to say,
þat þou schust deliuer of hell[e pine]
þat þou þerin fond, lord, of þi[ne];


now artow comen forto do
þat þou saidest me vnto.

dominus ait.
Iohan, Iohan, ich it wat
þat y sent þe þe gat;
þou schalt se þat y schal do
þat þou seydest me vnto.

moyses dixit.
Lord þou ȝaue me al wiþ skil
þe lay sinay on þe hil.