University of Virginia Library



Of a mon Matheu þohte,
þo he þe wynȝord wrohte,
ant wrot hit on ys boc.
In marewe men he sohte,
at vnder mo he brohte,
ant nom, ant non forsoc.
At mydday ant at non
he sende hem þider fol son
to helpen hem wiþ hoc;
huere foreward wes to fon
so þe furmest heuede ydon,
ase þe erst vndertoc.
At euesong euen neh
ydel men ȝet he seh
lomen habbe an honde.
To hem he sayde an heh
þat suyþe he wes vndreh
so ydel forte stonde.
So hit wes bistad
þat no mon hem ne bad
huere lomes to fonde.
Anon he was byrad
to werk þat he hem lad;
for nyht nolde he nout wonde.
Huere hure anyht hue nome,
he þat furst ant last come,
a peny brod ant bryht.
Þis oþer swore alle ant some,
þat er were come wiþ lome,
þat so nes hit nout ryht,
ant swore somme vnsaht
þat hem wes werk bytaht
longe er hit were lyht;
for ryht were þat me raht
þe mon þat al day wraht
þe more mede anyht.


Þenne seiþ he ywis:
‘Why, naþ nout vch mon his?
Holdeþ nou or pees.
Away, þou art vnwis!
Tak al þat þin ys,
ant fare ase foreward wees.
Ȝef y may betere beode
to mi latere leode,
to leue nam y nout lees;
to alle þat euer hider eode
to do to-day my neode
ichulle be wraþþelees.’
Þis world me wurcheþ wo;
rooles ase þe roo,
y sike for vnsete,
ant mourne ase men doþ mo
for doute of foule fo,
hou y my sunne may bete.
Þis mon þat Matheu ȝef
a peny þat wes so bref,
þis frely folk vnfete,
ȝet he ȝyrnden more,
ant saide he come wel ȝore,
ant gonne is loue forlete.