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[IX. The first part. Naught vnder heauen so strongly doth allure]

Naught vnder heauen so strongly doth allure

Naught vnder heauen so strongly doth allure, the sence of man, and all his minde posesse, as bewties louely baite, louely baite, as bewties louely baite, that doth procure, great warriours oft, their rigor to represse, And mightie hands forget, forget their manlinesse, drawne with the power, of an hart robbing eye, of an hart robbing eye, an hart robbing eye, and wrapt in fetters, of a golden tresse, of a golden tresse, that can with melting pleasaunce mollifie, that can with melting pleasaunce

mollifye, with pleasaunce molifie, their hardned harts, envrde to blood and crueltie.

[X. The second part. So whilome learn'd that mighty Iewish swaine]

So whilome learn'd that mighty Iewish swaine

So whilome learn'd that mighty Iewish swaine, So whilome learn'd that mighty Iewish swayne, Each of whose locks dyd match a man of might, did match a man of might, To lay his spoiles, to lay his spoiles before his lemans traine, So also did that great OEtean knight, dyd that great OEtean knight, for his loues sake, his Lyons skinne vndight, And so dyd warlike Antonye neglect, & so dyd warlike Antonye neglect the worlds whole rule, for Cleopatras sight, for Cleopatras sight, such wonderous powre, such wonderous powre, hath

womens faire aspect, to captiue men, and make them all the world reiect, them all the world reiect.