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[Songs of 5 parts]

[Your beauty it allureth]

Your beauty it allureth,
and wanton loue procureth,
which makes me wait on you,
though tirde with griefe I know not how,
which makes mee waight on you.

[If thy deceitful lokes haue incheind my hart]

If thy deceitful lokes haue incheind my hart,
oh bee not cruell to procure my smart,
rather loue, prety Doue,
thy true and louing friend,
then so to hasten my end,
for if by thee I suffer paine,
right reson would thou help my hart againe.

[Those sweet delightful Lillies]

Those sweet delightful Lillies,
which nature gaue my Phillis,
aye mee, ech houre makes me to languish,
So greeuous is my paine & anguish,

[Lady, Lady your spotles feature]

Lady, your spotles feature,
noteth a heauenly creature,
& heauenly things by course of kind,
Both liue & loue desire to find.

[Make hast yee louers playning]

Make hast yee louers playning,
to see my sighes & hir disdaining,
my hart his grief espying,
comfortles is dying.

[What hast faire Lady]

What hast faire Lady,
leaue mee not beehind thee,
I faint alas, stay, oh stay thee,
or else returne and kill mee,
For thus will I complaine, mee
Oh heauens she doth disdaine mee.
Heere endeth the songs of fiue parts.