University of Virginia Library

[Songs of 6 parts]

[Retire my thoughts]

Retire my thoughts, vnto your rest againe,
Your proffred seruice may incur disdaine,
the dice are cast, and if the gamsters please,
Ile take my chance, & rest my selfe at ease.

[Say deere, when will your frowning leaue]

Say deere, when will your frowning leaue,
which doth my hart of ioy bereaue,
to sing & play becomes you better,
Such pleasurs makes my hart your detter,
But whē you frowne, you wound my hart,
And kill my soule with duble smart.

[Those spots vpon my Ladyes face]

Sit still & sturre not stur not

Those spots vpon my Ladyes face, apeering, the one of black, the other bright Carnation, are like the Mulberies, in gardens growing, in dainty gardens growing, where growes delight, & pleasures of each facion, they grow to hie, & warely kept from mee, which makes mee sing, aye me, aye me, aye mee twill neuer bee.

[If beautie be a treasure]

If beautie be a treasure,
sweet hart, enioy your pleasure,
you neede not feare the wasting,
of beautie euerlasting,
for yours exceeds the measure,
of any earthly treasure.

[My teares do not auaile mee]

My teares do not auaile mee,
& hope doth euer faile mee,
wherfore my comforts treasure,
shall be to liue pleasure,
the more I spend, the more I may,
then welcome pleasure eu'ry day.