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The destrvction of Troy

or the acts of Aeneas. Translated ovt of the second booke of the Aeneads of Virgill, that peerelesse Prince of Latine Poets. With the Latine verse on the one side, and the English Verse on the other, that the congruence of the translation with the Originall may the better appeare. As also a Centurie of Epigrams, and a Motto vpon the Creede, thereunto annexed. By Sr Thomas Wrothe

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In quendam Richardum. Ep. 78.


In quendam Richardum. Ep. 78.

Dick went to Dunmowe for a

The old custome was, that whosoeuer repented not within a yeare after their marriage, they might go to Dunmowe for a flitche of Bacon, and haue it vpon demaund.

Bacon flitch,

And claim'd the custome there: But one replide,
Although I know you (Sir) exceeding rich,
And well may pay; you shall not be denide,
So you will fetch your wife, for then I vow
You shall beare hence two sides of a fat Sow.