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The Story of England

by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Edited from mss. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall

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De Insulto Walwyny ad Inperatorem.

Lucius knew wel sire Wawayn,
& he hym ful wel ageyn;
Ilk on oþer auisement sett,
But þemþerour ful wel he let;
He hoped wyþ Wawayn for to fight,
ffor he was man preised of myght,
& ȝif he myghte ascape of chaunce,
Þer-of at Rome wold he auaunce.
Right anon no þrowe abyden,
But swyþe smertly to-gydere riden;
Þeir schaftes schiuered, & fleye in feld,
But þey fel nought, ne donward held;
Gode were þer brunyes, & stronge of maille,
Þer-fore þer dyntes myghte nought vaille;


Wiþ swerd to smite þen þey hem hasted,
On many manere ilk oþer tasted
Ilk oþer to slo, ilk oþer to wounde,
How eyþer myght oþer brynge to grounde:
Þei proued byneþen and a-bouen,
Wyþ swerdes poyntes sadly þei schouen;
fful wel þei couþe ilk oþer assaye,
& þer as was peril ilk oþer affraye;
fful sone schuld eyþer to deþ haue gon,
ȝyf þey nadde be let of non.
Þe Romayns perceyued þer bataille hard,
& relyed þem to þe standard,
& come to socoure þemperour
Þat was in a perilous stour;
fful litel failled he nadde ben lorn.
Þen were þe Bretons bakward born,
Bretons wyþ-drowe, & Romayns wonne,
& many on ouer riden & ronne.
Þer was Wawayn in gret doute,
Þe pris of Rome was hym aboute;
Ohel & he a-scaped þorow,
& wente & teld hit til Arthorow
Þat þey had ben at þat standard,
& ner al slayn, & dryue bakward.