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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XLVI.

[While these two Champions for the Conquest fight]

None knowes, untill the Fight be past,
Who shall bee Victor, at the last.

While these two Champions for the Conquest fight,
Betwixt them both Victoria takes her flight,
On doubtfull wings; and, till the fray bee past,
None knowes, to whether, shee the Wreath will cast.
Which Emblem serves, not onely, to expresse
The danger, and the issues doubtfulnesse,
In all Contentions; but, may warne us too,
That, wee no strivings rashly undergoe;
Since they, who long with painfull skill have striv'd,
Of likely Conquests, are at length depriv'd.
Force, much prevailes; but Sleight and Wit hath pow'r,
Sometime, to hurle downe Strength upon the floore.
Sometimes againe, our Ingineeres doe faile,
And, Blowes, doe more than Stratagems, prevaile.
Though, I, upon mine honest-Cause depend,
Another may o'rethrow it, by his Friend:
And, hee that boasteth of his Patrons grace,
May lose his hopes, if Bribing come in place.
To say the Truth, in whatsoever Cause,
Wee by the Sword contend, or by the Lawes,
There's no event or issue more assured,
Than this, that, losse to both shall bee procured:
And, that, sometime, as well as innocent,
As guilty-cause, may finde an ill event.
Let, therefore, our endeavours be, to strive,
Who, shall hereafter, least occasion give
Of those contentions, and of those debates,
Which hurt our honor, safetie, or estates:
That, we, a Conquest, may be sure to gaine,
And, none repine, at that which we obtaine.