A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XLVI.
[Why doe men grudge at those, who raysed be]
The Hearts of Kings are in God's Hands;
And, as He lifts, He Them commands.
And, as He lifts, He Them commands.
Why doe men grudge at those, who raysed be,
By royall Favour, from a low degree?
Know this, Hee should be honour'd, whom the King,
To place of Dignity, shall please to bring.
Why should they blame their Kings, for fav'ring such,
Whom, they have thought, scarce meriting so much?
God rules their Hearts; and, they, themselves deceive,
Who dreame, that Kings exalt, without Gods leave.
Why murmure they at God, for guiding so
The Hearts of Kings, as oft they see him doe?
Or, at his Workes, why should they take offence,
As if their Wit, could teach his Providence?
His just, and his all-seeing Wisedome knowes,
Both whom, and why he crownes, or overthrowes;
And, for what cause, the Hearts of Princes, bee
Inlarg'd, or shut; when we no cause can see;
By royall Favour, from a low degree?
Know this, Hee should be honour'd, whom the King,
To place of Dignity, shall please to bring.
Why should they blame their Kings, for fav'ring such,
Whom, they have thought, scarce meriting so much?
God rules their Hearts; and, they, themselves deceive,
Who dreame, that Kings exalt, without Gods leave.
Why murmure they at God, for guiding so
The Hearts of Kings, as oft they see him doe?
Or, at his Workes, why should they take offence,
As if their Wit, could teach his Providence?
His just, and his all-seeing Wisedome knowes,
Both whom, and why he crownes, or overthrowes;
And, for what cause, the Hearts of Princes, bee
Inlarg'd, or shut; when we no cause can see;
We sometime know, what's well, and what's amisse;
But, of those Truths, the root concealed is;
And, False-hoods, and Uncertainties, there are,
In most of those things, which we speake, or heare.
Then, were not Kings directed by God's hand,
They, who are best, and wisest in the Land,
Might oft misguide them, either by receiving
A False-report, or, by some wrong-believing.
God's Grace it is, that Good-men rays'd have bin:
If Sinners flourish, we may thanke our Sin.
Both Good and Bad, so like in out-sides be,
That, Kings may be deceiv'd, in what they see;
And, if God had not rul'd their Hearts aright,
The World, by this time, had been ruin'd quite.
But, of those Truths, the root concealed is;
And, False-hoods, and Uncertainties, there are,
In most of those things, which we speake, or heare.
Then, were not Kings directed by God's hand,
They, who are best, and wisest in the Land,
Might oft misguide them, either by receiving
A False-report, or, by some wrong-believing.
God's Grace it is, that Good-men rays'd have bin:
If Sinners flourish, we may thanke our Sin.
Both Good and Bad, so like in out-sides be,
That, Kings may be deceiv'd, in what they see;
And, if God had not rul'd their Hearts aright,
The World, by this time, had been ruin'd quite.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||