A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XLV.
[An Emblem's meaning, here, I thought to conster]
Where many-Forces joyned are,
Vnconquerable-pow'r, is there
Vnconquerable-pow'r, is there
Emblem's meaning, here, I thought to conster;
And, this doth rather fashion out a Monster,
Then forme an Hieroglyphicke: but, I had
These Figures (as you see them) ready made
By others; and, I meane to morallize
Their Fancies; not to mend what they devise.
Yet, peradventure, with some vulgar praise,
This Picture (though I like it not) displayes
The Morall, which the Motto doth imply;
And, thus, it may be sayd to signifie.
And, this doth rather fashion out a Monster,
Then forme an Hieroglyphicke: but, I had
These Figures (as you see them) ready made
By others; and, I meane to morallize
Their Fancies; not to mend what they devise.
Yet, peradventure, with some vulgar praise,
This Picture (though I like it not) displayes
The Morall, which the Motto doth imply;
And, thus, it may be sayd to signifie.
He, that hath many Faculties, or Friends,
To keepe him safe (or to acquire his ends)
And, fits them so; and, keepes them so together,
That, still, as readily, they ayd each other,
As if so many Hands, they had been made;
And, in One-body, usefull being had:
That man, by their Assistance, may, at length,
Attaine to an unconquerable strength;
And, crowne his honest Hopes, with whatsoever
He seekes for, by a warranted Endeavour.
To keepe him safe (or to acquire his ends)
And, fits them so; and, keepes them so together,
That, still, as readily, they ayd each other,
As if so many Hands, they had been made;
And, in One-body, usefull being had:
That man, by their Assistance, may, at length,
Attaine to an unconquerable strength;
And, crowne his honest Hopes, with whatsoever
He seekes for, by a warranted Endeavour.
Or, else, it might be sayd; that, when we may
Make our Affections, and, our Sense, obay
The will of Reason, (and, so well agree,
That, we may finde them, still, at peace to be)
They'l guard us, like so many Armed-hands;
And, safely keepe us, whatsoere withstands.
If others thinke this Figure, here, inferres
A better sense; let those Interpreters
Vnriddle it; and, preach it where they please:
Their Meanings may be good, and so are these.
Make our Affections, and, our Sense, obay
The will of Reason, (and, so well agree,
That, we may finde them, still, at peace to be)
They'l guard us, like so many Armed-hands;
And, safely keepe us, whatsoere withstands.
If others thinke this Figure, here, inferres
A better sense; let those Interpreters
Vnriddle it; and, preach it where they please:
Their Meanings may be good, and so are these.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||