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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXIX.

[The Picture of a Crowned-king, here, stands]

When Law, and Armes, together meet,
The World descends, to kisse their feet.

The Picture of a Crowned-king, here, stands
Upon a Globe; and, with outstretched hands,
Holds forth, in view, a Law-booke, and a Sword:
Which plaine and moderne Figures, may afford
This meaning; that, a King, who hath regard
To Courts for pleading, and a Court of Guard,
And, at all times, a due respect will carry,
To pious Lawes, and Actions military;
Shall not be Monarch, onely in those Lands,
That are, by Birth right, under his commands:
But, also, might (if just occasion were)
Make this whole Globe of Earth, his power to feare;
Advance his Favorites; and, bring downe all
His Opposites, below his pedestall.
His conquering Sword, in forraigne Realmes, he drawes,
As oft, as there is just, or needfull cause:
At home, in ev'ry Province of his Lands,
At all times, armed are his Trayned bands.
His Royall fleets, are terrours to the Seas;
At all houres, rigg'd, for usefull Voyages:
And, often, he his Navy doth increase,
That Warres Provisions, may prolong his Peace.
Nor, by the tenure of the Sword, alone,
Delighteth he to hold his awfull Throne,
But, likewise, labours, Mischiefes to prevent,
By wholsome Lawes, and rightfull Goverment.
For, where the Sword commands, without the Law,
A Tyrant keepes the Land in slavish awe
And, where good Lawes doe want an Armed pow'r,
Rebellious Knaves, their Princes, will devoure.