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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. VIII.
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Illvstr. VIII.

[When, all the yeare, our fields are fresh and greene]

When wee have greatest Griefes and Feares,
Then, Consolation sweet'st appeares.

When, all the yeare, our fields are fresh and greene,
And, while sweet Flowers, and Sunshine, every day,
(As oft, as need requireth) come betweene
The Heav'ns and earth; they heedles passe away.
The fulnes, and continuance, of a blessing,
Doth make us to be senseles of the good:
And, if it sometime flie not our possessing,
The sweetnesse of it, is not understood.
Had wee no Winter, Sommer would be thought
Not halfe so pleasing: And, if Tempests were not,
Such Comforts could not by a Calme, be brought:
For, things, save by their Opposites appeare not.
Both health, and wealth, is tastles unto some;
And, so is ease, and every other pleasure,
Till poore, or sicke, or grieved, they become:
And, then, they relish these, in ampler measure.
God, therefore (full as kinde, as he is wise)
So tempreth all the Favours he will doe us,
That, wee, his Bounties, may the better prize;
And, make his Chastisements lesse bitter to us.
One while, a scorching Indignation burnes
The Flowers and Blosomes of our Hopes, away;
Which into Scarsitie, our Plentie turnes,
And, changeth vnmowne-Grasse to parched Hay;
Anon, his fruitfull showres, and pleasing dewes,
Commixt with cheerefull Rayes, he sendeth downe;
And then the Barren-earth her cropp renewes,
Which with rich Harvests, Hills, and Vallies Crowne:
For, as to relish Ioyes, he sorrow sends,
So, Comfort on Temptation, still, attends.