University of Virginia Library

The Preface.

Being through weakness to the house confin'd,
My mentall powers seeming long to sleep,
were summond up, by want of wakeing mind
Their wonted course of exercise to keep,
And not to waste themselves in slumber deep;
Though no work can bee so from error kept
But some against it boldly will except:
Yet sith it was my morning exercise
The fruit of intellectuals to vent,
In Songs or counterfets of Poesies,
And haveing therein found no small content,
To keep that course my thoughts are therfore bent,
And rather former workes to vindicate
Than any new concepcion to relate.
Our glorious God his creatures weaknesse sees,
And therefore deales with them accordingly,
Giveing the meanes of knowledg by degrees,
Vnfoulding more and more the Mystery,
And opening the Seales successively,

Rev. 6.

So of his goodnesse gives forth demonstracions,
To his Elect in divers Dispensacions.

In legall wise hee did himself expresse
To be the only Lord Omnipotent
A just avenger of all wickednesse,
A jelous God in power emminent,
Which terror workes, and pale astonishment;
Sith plagues for sin are holden forth thereby,
But with no strength to crush inniquity.
Now with the Law the Gospell oft appeares,
But under vailes, perspicuous unto few
Who were as those which of good tyding's heares,
Rejoyceing much at the report or show
Of that the Saints now by possessing know;
Oft spake the Prophets Evangelicall,
Whose words like kindly drops of rain did fall.
But when the plenerie of time was come
The springs of grace their plesant streams out deald
Felicitie did evidence on her some
Salvacion and the way thereto reveald,
Who wounded were in spirit, might be heald;
Here God declares the Beauties of his Face,
Great Love, rich Mercy, free Eternall Grace.
This time was when the Sonne of Righteousnesse
His Luster in the world began to spread,
Which more and more to his he doth expresse
in tearms so large that they that run may read,
And to himselfe he doth the weaker lead;
He to his bosum will his Lambs collect,
And gently those that feeble are direct.

Isa. 40. 11

And so in them a life of grace instill
Whereby they shall be able to obay
All Gospell precepts suting with his will,
And that without regard of servill pay,
But with free hearts, where Christ alone doth sway
Causing the apprehensions of his love,
To gender love, which still doth active prove.
Where Christ thus ruleth, I suppose remaines
No heart that hankers after Novelties
Whose ground is but the Scum of frothy braines
Perhaps extracted from old Heresies,
New form'd with Glosses to deceiue the eyes
Of those who like to Children, do incline
To every new device that seemes to shine.
I am perswaded they that relish right,
The Dainties of Religion, Food divine,
Have therby such a permanent delight,
And of best Treasures, such a lasting mine,
As that their hearts to change do not incline,
I therfore think theyr tastes of Truth is all,
Who Truths profession quickly alter will.
I speak not this to manifest despight
To tru Religions growth or augmentacion,
Nor do J take offense of greater Light
Which brings probatum est, or commendacion
From Truth it selfe, having therto relacion,
But rather with the Saints I doe rejoyce,
When God appeares to his in Gospel voyce.

Now touching that I hasten to expresse
Concerning these, the ofspring of my mind,
Who though they here appeare in homly dresse
And as they are my works, I do not find
But ranked with others, they may go behind,
Yet for theyr matter, I suppose they bee
Not worthlesse quite, whilst they with Truth agree.
Indeed I grant that sounder judgments may
(Directed by a greater Light) declare
The ground of Truth more in a Gospel-way,
But who time past with present will compare
Shall find more mysteries unfolded are,
So that they may who have right informacion
More plainly shew the path-way to Salvacion.
Yet this cannot prevayl to hinder me
From publishing those Truths I do intend,
As strong perfumes will not concealed be,
And who esteemes the favours of a Freind,
So little, as in silence let them end,
Nor will I therfore only keep in thought,
But tell what God still for my Soule hath wrought.
VVhen Clouds of Melancholy over-cast
My heart, sustaining heavinesse therby,
But long that sad condicion would not last
For soon the Spring of Light would blessedly
Send forth a beam, for helps discovery,
Then dark discomforts would give place to joy,
Which not the World could give or quite destroy.

So sorrow serv'd but at springing raine
To ripen fruits, indowments of the mind,
VVho thereby did abillitie attaine
To send forth flowers, of so rare a kinde,
VVhich wither not by force of Sun or VVinde;
Retaining vertue in their operacions,
VVhich are the matter of those Meditacions.
From whence if evill matter be extracted
Tis only by a [illeg.]ider generacion,
Whose natures are of vennom so compacted,
As that their touch occasions depravacion
Though lighting in the fragrantest plantacion:
Let such conceale the evill hence they pluck
And not disgorg themselves of what they sucke.
So shall they not the humble sort offend
Who like the Bee, by natures secret act
Convert to sweetnesse, fit for some good end
That which they from small things of worth extract,
Wisely supplying every place that lackt,
By helping to discover what was meant
Where they perceive: here is a good intent.
So trusting that the only Sov'rain Power
Which in this work alwaies assisted mee,
Will still remain its firme defensive Tower,
From spite of enemies the same to free
And make it usefull in some sort to bee,
That Rock I trust on whom I doe depend,
Will his and all their works for him defend.


The Discourse.

You that indeared are to pietie,
And of a gracious disposicion are,
Delighting greatly in sinceritie
As your respects to godly ones declare;
For whose society you only care:
Dain to survay her works that worthlesse seem,
To such as honnest meanings dis-esteem.
But those that in my love I have preferd
Before all creaturs in this world beside,
Me works, I hope, will never dis-regard,
Though some defects herein may be espide;
Which those that have their judgments rectifide:
Can but discern, yet not with scornfull eye,
As their mild censures cheefly testifie.
Vnto the publick view of every one
I did not purpose these my lines to send,
Which for my private use were made alone:
Or as I said, if any pious friend
Will once vouchsafe to read them to the end:
Let such conceive if error here they find,
Twas want of Art, not true intent of mind.


Some may desirous bee to understand
What moved mee, who unskilfull am herein,
To meddle with, and thus to take in hand,
That which I cannot well, end or begin;
But such may first resolve themselves herein,
If they consider, tis not want of skill,
Thats more blame worthy than want of good will
Then know, I cheefly aim that this should bee
Vnto the praise of Gods most blessed name,
For by the mouths of sucking babes doth he,
Reveal his power, and immortall fame;

Psal. 8.

Permitting Children to extall the same:
When those that were profound, and worldly wise
In ignominious sort did him dispise.
Next in respect of that I have receiv'd
Is nothing to that some have, I do confesse,
Yet he to whom one Tallent was bequeath'd,
Was cald to strict account, nevertheless;
As well as he that many did possess,

Mat. 25.

From which I gather, they have no excuse,
Which of ability will make no use.
Moreover this is thirdly in respect
Of some neare Kindred, who survive mee may,
The which perhaps do better works neglect,
Yet this, they may be pleased to survay
Through willingnesse to heare what I could say,
VVhereby they may bee haply drawn to look,
And read the Scriptures touched in this book.


And lastly in regard of any one,
VVho may by accident hereafter find,
This, though to them the Auther bee unknown,
Yet seeing here, the image of her mind;
They may conjecture how she was inclin'd:
And further note, that God doth Grace bestow,
Vpon his servants, though hee keeps them low.
Even in my Cradle did my Crosses breed,
And so grew up with me, unto this day,
Whereof variety of Cares proceed,
Which of my selfe, I never could alay,
Nor yet their multiplying brood destray,
For one distemper could no sooner dy,
But many others would his roome supply,
Yea like the messengers of Iob, they hast,
One comes before another can be gon,
All mocions of delight were soon defast,
Finding no matter for to feed upon,
They quickly were disperced every one,
Whereat my minde it self, would much torment,
Vpon the rack of restless discontent.
The summers day, though chearfull in it selfe,
Was wearisom, and tedious, unto me,
As those that comfort lack, content or health,
To credit this may soon'st perswaded be,
For by experience truth hereof they see,
Now if the summers day, cause no delight,
How irksome think you was the winters night.


'Twere to no end, but altogether vain,
My several crosses namely to express,
To rub the scar would but encrease the pain,
And words of pitty would no griefe release,
But rather aggrevate my heaviness
Who ever chose my crosses to conseale
Till to my griefe they would themselves reveale
So (to be briefe) I spent my infantcy,
And part of freshest yeares as hath been sayd
Partaking then of nothing cheerfully
Being through frailty apt to be affraid,
And likely still distempered or dismaid,
Through present sence of some calamity,
Or preconceipt of future misery.
But as the longest winter hath an end
So did this fruitlesse discontent expire,
And God in mercy some refreshing send,
whereby I learn'd his goodnesse to admire,
And also larger blessings to desire:
For those that once, have tasted grace indeed,
Will thirst for more, and crave it till they speed.
But that I may proceed method call,
When first the restlesse wanderings of my minde,
Began to settle and resolve with all
No more to bee disturb'd with every winde
It such a pleasing exercise did finde,
Which was to ponder what Worth ech day,
The sense of Heareing should to it convay.


But liveing where profanenesse did abound,
VVhere little goodnesse might be seen or heard;
Those consolacions, could be but unsound
Haveing to godlinesse no great regard:
Because that of the means I was debard,
Through ignorance of better exercise
I then delighted plesant histories
Whereof the most part were but fain'd I knew
Which not-with-standing I no whit dispiled,
Imagining although they were not true,
They were convenient being moralized;
Such vanities I then too highly prised:
But when profane discourses pleasd mee best
Obscenities I allwaies did detest.
But all this while, the sumes of vanities
Did interpose betwen my soules week sight,
And heavenly blisse, devine felicities;
Vntill that morning starr so matchlesse bright
The Sun of righteousnesse reveald his light
Vnto my soule, which sweet refreshings brings,
Because he coms with healing in his wings.

Mal. 4. 2.

Whose blessed beames my mind eradiates
And makes it sensible of pietie,
And so by consequence communicates
Celestiall health to ev'ry faculty:
Expeling palpable obscurity;
Which made my soule uncapable of grace,
Which now she much desires for to imbrace.


Perceiving well that nothing can afford
Her either finall rest, or full content,
But saveing Graces, and Gods holy word,
Which is a means those Graces to augment;
VVith Praier, and the blessed Sacrament:
VVhich means with reverence my soul affects
And former pleasing vanities rejects.
Together with unnecesary griefe,
VVhose ill effects can hardly bee exprest,
For certainly it argues unbeleife
Which hinders many from eternall rest,
who do not seek in time to be redrest;

Heb. 3. 19.

Therefore I would establish inward peace,
How-ever out-ward crosses doe increase.
If cross disgrace or dismall accident,
Indignity or loss, befalleth mee,
Immediatly distempers to prevent,
I cald to mind how all things orderd bee,
Appointed, and disposed, as we see.
By Gods most gracious providence, which is,
I am perswaded, for the good of his.
Yet am I not so firm I must confess
But many times discomforts will intru'd,
VVhich oft prevailes to hinder quietness,
And by that means, some sorrows are reneu'd:
VVhich hope will help mee quickly to exclu'd:
So though distress continue for a night,

Psal. 30. 5

Yet joy returneth by the morning light.


VVith confidence these favours will increase
My soule hath recolected all her powers,
To praise the auther of this blissfull peace,
VVhich no untimely crosse event devouers;
So permanent are the celestiall Flowers:
Those graces which are ever conversent,
VVhere holyness combinds with true content.
O! what trancendant ravishing delights
VVhat bliss unspeakable they doe posesse,
VVhose merth to holy praises them excites,
And cheers them to go on, in godlynesse,
The very quintisence of happinesse,
As is attainable, or may be had
In this life present, which were elce but bad.
There is a kind of counterset content,
VVherwith some are deceivd, tis to be feard,
VVho think they need not sorrow, or lament,
Being to sensuall pleasures so indeard;
VVhose minds are stupid, & their concience ceard
Elce might they see all Earthly delectacion,
To be but vanity, and hearts vexacion.

Eccl. 2.

To lightning, carnall merth we may compare,
For as a flash it hastes and soon is gon,
Foretelling of a Thunder clap of care,
It also blastes the heart it lighteth on;
Makes it to goodnesse, senceless as a ston:
Disabling every part, and faculty,
Of soul and body unto piety.


But sacred joy is like the Sunnes clear light,
VVhich may with clouds, be sometimes overcast,
Yet breaks it forth anon, and shines more bright,
VVhose lively force continually doth last;
And shews most Orient, when a storm is past:
So true delight may bee eclips'd we see,
But quite extinguisht, can it never bee.
So now I will go on with my Discourse,
VVhen knowledg, plesant to my soul became,
Unto Gods word, I often had recourse,
Being informed rightly that the same;
VVould bee as fuell to encreace the flame
Of holy Zeal, which must with knowledg dwell,
For without other, neither can do well,

Rom. 10.

Then sought I carefully to understand,
The grounds of true Religon, which impart
Divine Discreshion, which goes far beyand,
All civill policy or humane Art;
VVhich sacred principles I got by heart:
VVhich much enabled me to apprehend,
The sence of that whereto I shall attend.
First touching God, there is one God I know,
who hath his being of himself alone.

Rom. 1. 20.

The fountain whence all stream of goodnesse flow
But body parts, or passions hath he none;

Is. 1. 7

And such a Diety there is but one;

1 Cor. 8. 4.

Eternal, Infinite, alone is hee,

1 Iohn. 5. 7.

One perfect Silence, distinct Persons Three.


The first whereof for order, is the Father,
The Glorious Fountain of the Trinity,
Having his being, nor begining neither
Of no one but himselfe, undoubtedly;
Begets his Sonne, from all eternity,
And with his Sonne, the Holy-Ghost forth sends
From ever-lasting which for aye extends.
The Sonne, the second Glorious person is,
For Power, Substance, and Eternity,
Alone as is the Father, who it is,
Of whom he hath his being, too, only;
Yea the whole being of his Father, by
A Sacred and Eternall Genneracion,
A mistrey past all imaginacion.

Jsaiah. 53. 8.

In Trinity the Holy-Ghost is third,
Proceeding and so sent forth equally,

Iohn. 15. 7.

Both from the father & the son or word,

Iohn. 1. 1

Being of their Power, Substance, Magisty;
And thus distinguished are the Trinity:
By whom were all things made, that ever were,
And by whose Providence preserved are.
VVhat hath been sayd of God shall now suffice,
Of whom I frame no Image in my mind,
But I conceive him by his properties,
Hee is incomprehensible I find;
Filling all places, in no place confind;
I will therefore his wondrous works admire,
Not vainly after secret things inquire.


Next unto God, my selfe I sought to know,
A thing not so facile, as some suppose,
But that I may the faster forward goe,
I leave to speak, what may bee said of those,
And haste to that I purpose to disclose:
VVhich being well considered may convert,
To lowest thoughts, the proudest haughty heart.
Touching my selfe and others I conceive,
That all men are by nature dead in sin,

Eph. 2. 1.

And Sathans slaves; not able to receive,
The things of God, which brings true comfort in:
Good accions still they faile in managing;
But apt they are to every vanity,
As vowed servants to inniquity.
Doe but observe the carnallist how he
Neglects all calings, fitt to be profest,
Waits all occasions, ill implyd to be,
Consumes his wealth, deprives himself of rest;
To please that darling sinn that likes him best:
Iudg what a hellish bondage he is in,
That's Sathans slave, and servant unto sin;
As all men in the state of nature be,
And have been ever since mans wofull fall,
Who was created first, from bondage free,
Untill by sinn he thrust himself in thrall;
By whose transgression we were stained all,
Not only all men but all parts of man,
Corrupted was: since sin to reign began.


The Soul who did her makers Image bear,
Which made her amiable fair and bright,
Right Orient and illustrious to appear,
To his omniscient eye and pure sight,
Who doth the inward Purity delight,
Lost all her beauty, once so excellent,
As soon as unto sinn she did consent.
The eye of understanding was so bleared,
That no spirituall thing it could behold,
The will corrupted, and the concience ceared,
And all th'affections were to goodness cold,
But hot to evill, not to be contrould;
The members of the body then proceeds
As instruments to execute bad deeds.
But see what was the consequence of this,
The curse of God which did the fault ensue,
Thus man by sin deprived was of bliss,
The thoughts hereof might cause us to eschew
That bitter root whence all our sorrows grew:
Sickness of body, and distresse of mind,
With all afflictions layd upon mankind.
Whether in body goods or name it be,
And which is worce, the soules p'rplexity,
Whose concience is awake, from deadnesse free
When she considers what felicity,
She hath exchang'd for endlesse misery;
Can but torment her selfe with bootlesse care,
Fore-see-ing that her pains eternall are.


If this be so, the vilest liveing creature
Is in a better case then man; for why?
When this life ends with such by course of nature,
There with is ended all his misery;
But man tormented is eternally;
Twere so, but that our God we gracious find,
Who sent a Saviour to restore mankind.
The second person of the Trinity,

Iohn. 1. 1

The only Son of God omnipotent,
Who being God from all eternity,
To take our nature freely did assent,

Heb. 2. 16.

With all afflictons thereto insident:
In all things, like to other men was he,
Save that from sins he still remained free.
So that two whole and perfect natures were,
In the same person joyned really.
And neither of them both, confounded are,
Nor doth the Humane of it selfe rely;
But it subsisteth in the Deity,
Nor can these natures seperated be,
Both perfect God, and perfect man was he.
This much touching our Saviours person; Now,
His Offices we ought to know likewise,
And what he hath performd for us, and how
He freed us from the foresaid miseries,
And how God's dreadfull wrath he satisfies;
His Offices shall briefly named be,
A Priest, a Prophet, and a King, is he.


A Priest, for that he hath for mans transgression
Full satisfaction made to God the father,

Heb. 7. 15.

And likewise makes continuall intercession
For those who to his fould he means to gather;
Or to eternall heavenly mancions, rather:
The means wherby Gods wrath he satisfies,
Was his obedience and his sacrifice.
The Law of God he perfectly fulfild,
VVith full obedience and integrity,
As God had pre-ordained, then did he yeild
A painfull ignominious death to dy,
The wrath of God appeased was thereby,
Which in full measure came upon him then,
Even what was due unto the sins of men.
A Prophet to instruct his Church he is,
Which doth him honour by sinceare profession,
His Spirit qualifies the hearts of his,
And makes them pliable to such profession,
His word doth take when grace shall have possession,
For by the word no good efect is wrought
But where the heart is by Gods spirit taught.
Our Saviour is a King undoubtedly,
Although he seemes to have no Kingdoms here,
Yet in their hearts he means to Glorify,
A Kingdome he erects of grace, and there
Hee raignes, and by his spirit rule doth beare,
But here appears his machlesse dignity
Hee King of Glory is Eternally.


For when he by his death had finished
The work of our redemcion, freed from paines,
He took his body that before was dead,
With all that to a perfect man pertaines;
With which he gloriously ascends and reignes:
At the right hand of God he doth remain
Vntill to Iudgment he returns again.
Christs sufferings are sufficient for to free,
All men from wo and endlesse misery,

2 Thes. 3. 2

But all men have not faith, and therfore be,
Vnlikely to have benefit thereby,
For it is Faith with which we must apply,
The merrits of our blessed Redeemer
And to our selves each in particuler.
Faith is a Grace which doth the soul refine,
Wrought by the Holy-Ghost in contrite hearts,
And grounded on Gods Promises divine,
Things superexcellent this same imparts,
To those that have it planted in their hearts:
But ere this faith is wrought, the heart must be,
Made capable of it, in some degree.
First God doth take the hammer of his Law,
And breaks the heart which he for Grace will fitt
Then the seduced soul is brought in aw,
And doth immediatly it selfe submitt,
When sight of sinne, and sorrowing for it,
Hath wrought humility, a vertu rare
VVhich truly doth the soul for Grace prepare.


The Law of God is most exact and pure
Requireing of us perfect holinesse,

Psal. 19. 1.

To which is life eternall promis'd sure,
But curses unto them that it transgresse,
Whether by frailty or by wilfullnesse;
Though none but Christ, and Adam ere his fall
Could keep this Law, yet it may profit all.
For here we may perceive how much we fail,
VVithall what danger we incur thereby,
Then if we can our own defects bewail,
We may for succur to our Saviour fly,
Whose Righteousnesse will all our wants supply:
Then here are Rules set down for Gods Elect
Whereby they will their course of life direct.
This Law by Gods most skilfull Hand was wrot,
And placed in two Tables orderly,
Shewing what's to be done, and what is not;
Withall what good or evill coms thereby,
In Ten Commandements so distinctly,
Wherewith as with a Touch stone try we may,
How we offend our God, or him obay.
They sin against the first who think or say,
As doth the fool, there is no God at all,
So they that through profanenesse disobay,
And want of knowledg is a breach not small,
Who loves or fears a creature most of all,
And puts trust therein and seeks there-to
Makes that their God, and so break this they do.


The second violated is by those
That Images erect, or them adore,
By such also who in devocion goes
To Saint or Angell, succor to implore,
VVho set by superstisious Reliques store,
And worship God after mens fantasies,
And not as he commands, breaks this likewise
When those that seem religious prove profane,
Gods name is much dishonoured therby;
Even so likewise their error is the same,
Who use his word, or works, or Titles high,
For evill ends, or elce unreverently:
By witchcraft, cursing, swearing, blasphemy,
This violated is undoubtedly.
Whoso by preparation doth not fit
Himselfe to keep the Sabbath, breaks the same,
As those that holy exercise omit,
Or come thereto only for fear of blame,
Nor have delight or profit by the same;
So it is broke by carnall recreations,
By worldly works, by speech, or cogitacions.
When that inferiors disobedient are,
Vngratefull, stubborn, fancy, impudent,
Fayling in reverence, love, respective care,
To their superiors, bating Government,
Such grosly break this Fift Commandement:
As those superiors whose bad Disciplin
Or ill example, makes inferiors sin.


This is transgrest by murther, or debate,
By being mindfull of revenge likewise,
By sinfull anger, envy, malice, hate:
By vexing words, and scornfull mockeries,
Which are occasions of extreamities,
Distresse of mind, heart-griefe, perplexity,
And life hath often prejudice thereby,
All thoughts impure this Cōmandment breaks,
So lewd pastimes, light gesture, wanton lookes,
Wearing apparell contrary to Sex,
Ill company, vain talk, lacivious books.
And all that may entice like baites or hooks,
To Fornication or Adultery,
VVhich breakes this Precept most apparently.
This is transgrest by any kind of stealing,
By covering our nighbours goods also,
By fraud oppression, or deceitfull dealing,
By not disposing well of that we ow,
Refusing honest works to undergoe,
By being not content with our estate,
Not helping those we should commiserate.
This violated is by false witnesse bearing;
Likewise by any Lie we break the same,
By raiseing false reports, or gladly hearing
Ill of our nighbour, touching his good name,
By not maintaining his deserved fame,
By speaking truth of him maliciously
And not exhorting him in secresie.


This is transgrest by lusts, and mocions vain
Though we thereto give no consent at all,

Ro. 7. 7

As the rebellion of the flesh, or stain
And blor, we have by sinne Originall,
Corrupsion of our nature we it call;
From which because that no one can be free,
Then all transgressors of the Law must be.
Who by the morrall Law beholds his sin
And sees withall ther's left him no defence,
To sorrow therefore now he doth begin,
His Conscience being toucht with lively sence
Of Gods displeasure for his great offence,
Dispairing of salvation, in respect
Of ought that by himselfe he can effect.
The curse contain'd in this exquiset Law,
Doth work this sorrow so effectually,
For truly he alone is brought in aw,
Whose Conscience is inform'd of this hereby;
Who breaks but one commandement only
In all his life, and that in coggitacion,
Is not-with-standing subject to damnacion.
Thus when the heart is fitted and prepard,
The seeds of Faith forth-with are cast therein,
VVhich in their orders briefly are declard:
The first is when one wearied under sinne,
To feel the wiaght thereof doth now begin
And thereupon acknowledgeth with speed
That of a Saviour much he stands in need:


The second is a vehement desire,
Or ardent longing to participate
Of Christ, and eke his benefits entire
And nothing else can this desire abate,
Consume of limit, quench or mittigate:
As doth the Hart the water brook desire,
So humble Souls a Saviour doth require.
The third is flying to the Throne of grace,
Even from the sentence of the Law so strict,
Which doth profane security deface,
Because that thereby the Conscience is prict,
Which doth the humble man for good afflict
By shewing such the danger of their case,
And for a cuer, sending them to grace.
Now this is done by fervent supplications,
By constant prayer, most prevailing known,
Exprest with hearty strong ejacculacions,
For Gods especiall grace in him alone,
In the forgivenesse of his sins each one;
And in his prayer, persevear will hee
Vntil the thing peticion'd, granted bee.
Then God, as he hath promised, will prove
Propicious to the sinner penitent,
And let him feel th'assurance of his Love,
His Favour, Grace, and Mercy Excellent
The which in Christ, appears most emminent:
A lively Faith this full assurance is,
Wrought by Gods Spirit, in the hearts of his.


But there are divers measures or degrees
Of Saving Faith, the least whereof is this,
When he that hath a humble Spirit sees
He cannot feel, his Faith so little is,
As yet the full assurance, inward bliss,
Of the forgivenesse of his sinnes so free,
Yet pardonable findeth them to bee.
And therefore prayeth they may be pardoned,
And with his heart the same of God requires,
Recals himself, as formerly misled,
Giveing no rest unto his large desires,
His Soul it faints not, nor his Spirit tires,
Although he be delayd yet still he praies,
On God he waites, and for an answer staies.
That such a man hath Faith it doth appeare
For these desires doe plainly testifie,
He hath the Spirit of his Saviour dear,
For tis his speciall work or property,
To stir up longings after purity:
Now where his Spirit is there Christ resides,
And where Christ dwels true Faith though weak abides
Of saveing Faith the largest quantity,
Is when a man comes on in Faith untill,
He finds the full assurance happily
Of Gods free mercy, favour, and good will,
To him in Christ, which doth his joy fulfill:
Finding he hath obtained free remission,
And that he's safe in Gods divine tuision.


This full assurance of his grace and love,
The Lord vouchsafes his servants true who he,
Doth for their inward sanctity approve,
VVhose outward doeings also righteous be,
For such alone the evidence may see,
Of his inheritance, true happinesse,
VVhich for Christs merits sake they shall possesse,
A Christian in his infantcy in grace
Finds not this full assurance usually,
Vntill he hath been practis'd for a space
By sound Repentance with Sincerity:
And finds Gods Love to him abundantly
Then shall his soul this full perswasion see,
VVhich is the strength of Faith or highest degree.
By Faith in Christ much profit we do gain,
For thereby only are we justifide,
At peace with God free from eternall pain,
And thereby only are we sanctifide,
VVhere faith is, by those friuts, it may be tride:
True faith being by friuts discovered
A barren faith must deeds be false and dead.
Now to be justifide, is to be freed,
From gilt and punishment of sin likewise,
To be accepted as for just indeed,
VVith God, whose grace it is that justifies;
And not our works, as vainly some surmise:
But that we may still orderly proceed,
It followeth next how we from sin are freed.


The sins of those that God will justifie,
Were by Christ's sufferings so abolished.
As that they cannot hurt them finally,
Were they as Scarlet or the Crimson Red

Esay 16. 16

They shall be white as Snow and cleared,
Even by Christs Blood, the w[illeg.] to free was spent
The faithfull, from deserved punishment.
Now comes to be considered how they may
VVith God, for Perfect just accepted be,
VVho of them-selves by nature (truth to say)
Are in no part from sinnes corruption free,
How such are tane for just, here may we see,
Christs righteousnesse is theirs, by impreccion,
And so esteem'd by gracious acceptacion.
The true beleever, benifits are great,
VVhich they by being justifide possesse
For such shall stand be ore Gods judgment seat,
As worthy of Eternall Happinesse,
Even by the merits of Christs Righteousnesse,
For of themselves, they cannot merit ought,
Who are not able to think one good thought.
Then far from doing any work whereby
They might deserve Salvation on their part,
For God whose only perfect purity,
Will find in our best works no true disart,
But rather matter of our endlesse smart:
For in Christs Blood the Saints wch are most dear
Must wash their Robes before they can be clear.


Though by good works we do not gain Salvacion
Yet these good Duties that our God requires,
We must perform in this our conversacion,
With all our might, endevours, and desires,
Before this short uncertain time expires,
And at perfection must we allwaies aime,
Though in this life we reach not to the same.
For he that by his Faith is justifide,
It followeth also necessarily,
That such by Faith are likwise Sanctifide,
Corrupcion of our nature is thereby
Disabled so, as that inniquity
No longer rules, being by grace subdude,
Whereby the heart to goodnesse is renude.
Corrupcion of our nature purged is,
By vertue of Christs Precious Blood only
Which when by Saving Faith applyed is,
Serves as a corrasive to mortifie
And kill the power of inniquity,
Whence tis that those who Sanctified bee,
From sins dominion, happily are free.
The other part of true Sanctificacion,
Is life or quickenning to holinesse,
And may therefore be called renovacion,
Like a Restorative it doth redresse,
And him revive, that is dead in trespasse;
Tis by the power of Christs Resurrection,
That we are rais'd from sinne to such perfection.


Sanctificacion must be then entire,
Not for the present, perfect in degree,
Yet in respect of parts and true desire,
Each part and power Sanctified must bee,
Although no part from all Corruption's free;
Yet every power must with goodnesse sute,
Though in this life no part be absolute,
Like as a Child new born without defect,
A perfect man he may be sayd to bee,
Because his body's perfect, in respect
Of parts, though not in stature or degree
Of grouth, untill of perfect age he bee:
So have the faithfull imperfections some,
Till to a perfect age in Christ they come.
The graces of the Spirit will appeare,
And spring up in his heart thats Sanctifide,
And these the fruits of Righteousnesse will beare
Which in his conversacion are discride,
These graces hath he that is Sanctifide,
A detestacion of inniquity,
And love to goodnesse, Zeale and Purity,
Whereof Repentance blessedly proceeds,
Which is endeavour, purpose or intent
To leave all sin which causefull sorrows breeds
And not to give allowance or consent
To break Gods Law, or least Commandement:
But ever walk exactly there-unto,
Though to the flesh it seemes too much to doe.


So that continuall combates will arise,
Between Gods image, on the soul renewde,
And Sathans image, greatest contraries
Which ever seek each other to exclude,
Though in the end the worst shall be subdude:
Yet in this life it wilt in no wise yeeld;
Against whose force, Faith is the only sheild.
Now when a man hath got the victory,
In such a conflict or extream temptacion
He sees Gods love to him abundantly,
By reason of his speciall conservacion,
VVhich of his favour is a demonstracion;
Now this increaseth peace of conscience most
Together with joy in the Holy-Ghost.
But if the wicked do so far prevaile,
By Gods permission by some provocacion
To over-come the faithfull being fraile,
And subject to be snar'd with temptacion
When not suspecting such abominacion;
But this their fall is through infirmity
VVho shall not be forsaken utterly.
For soon a Godly sorrow will arise
And over-flow the heart of such a one,
Which blessedly the same so mollifies,
That it relents for having so mis-gone
Which godly griefe or sorrow is all one
For haveing so displeased God by sinne,
Who hath to him a loveing Father been.


Yea he for this abhors himselfe as vile
Acknowledging his execrable case,
Till he be reconsil'd to God, that while
Himselfe by lowest thoughts he doth abase,
As far unworthy to find any grace;
Yet cries to God in this humiliacion
For the return of wonted consolacion.
And when he hath attain'd recovery,
The breach without delay he fortifies
With stronger resolucion manfully,
And with a Watch impregnable likewise,
Against assaults of this his enimies,
And all assaies of their re-entery
Through which so many perish finally.
This much touching the ground of Truth I hold,
VVhich sith at first they rectified my mind,
I will not cast them off, as worn and old,
Nor will be so alone to them confind
As not admit of things of higher kind;
But will as God shall light dispence to mee,
(By ayd divine) walk up to each degree.


A Song expressing their happinesse who have Communion with Christ.

When scorched with distracting care,
My minde findes out a shade
Which fruitlesse Trees, false fear, dispair
And melancoly made,
Where neither bird did sing
Nor fragrant flowers spring,
Nor any plant of use:
No sound of happynesse,
Had there at all ingresse,
Such comforts to produce,
But Sorrow there frequents,
The Nurce of Discontents,
And Murmering her Mayd
Whose harsh unpleasant noise
All mentall fruits destroyes
Whereby delight's convayd.
Whereof my judgment being certifide
My mind from thence did move,
For her concepcion so to provide,
That it might not abortive prove,
VVhich fruit to signifie
It was conceaved by
Most true intelligence
Of this sweet truth divine


Who formed thee is thine,

Esay. 54. 5.

Whence sprang this inference;
He too, thats Lord of all
Will thee beloved call,
Though all else prove unkind;
Then chearfull may I sing
Sith I enjoy the Spring,
Though Sesterns dry I find.
For in our Vnion with the Lord alone,
Consists our happinesse,
Certainly such who are with Christ at one
He leaves not comfortlesse,
But come to them he will
Their Souls with joy to fill,
And them to Fortifie
Their works to undergo
And beare their Crosse also,
VVith much alacrity:
VVho his assisting grace
Do feelingly imbrace,
VVith confidence may say,
Through Christ that strengthens me
No thing so hard I see

Phil 4. 14

But what perform I may.
But when the Soul no help can see
Through sins interposicion,
Then quite forlorn that while is she,
Bewailling her condicion;
In which deplored case


Now such a Soul hath space,
To think how she delayd
Her Saviour to admit
Who shu'd to her for it,
And to this purpose sayd,
Open to me my Love,
My Sister, and my Dove,

Can. 5.

My Locks with dew wet are
Yet she remissive grew,
Till he himselfe with-drew
Before she was aware.
But tasting once how sweet he is,
And smelling his perfumes,
Long can she not his presence misse,
But griefe her strainth consumes:
For when he visits one
He cometh not alone,
But brings abundant grace
True Light, and Holynesse
And Spirit to expresse
Ones wants in every case;
For as he wisedome is,
So is he unto his
VVisedome and Purity,

1 Cor. 1. 30

Which when he seemes to hide,
The soul missing her guide,
Must needs confused lie.
Then let them know, that would enjoy
The firme fruition,


Of his Sweet presence, he will stay
With single hearts alone,
Who [[illeg.]] their former mate,
Doe quite exterminate:
With all things that defile
They that are Christs, truly,
The Flesh do Crucifie
With its affections vile

Gal. 5.

Then grounds of truth are sought
New Principles are wrought
Of grace and holinesse,
Which plantings of the heart
Will spring in every part,
And so it selfe expresse.
Then shall the Soul like morning bright
Vnto her Lord appeare,

Can. 6. 10.

And as the Moone when full of Light
So fayr is she and cleare,
With that inherent grace
Thats darted from the Face
Of Christ, that Sunne divine,
Which hath a purging power
Corruption to devour,
And Conscience to refine;
Perfection thus begun
As pure as the Sunne,
The Soul shall be likewise
With that great Blessednesse,
Imputed Righteoussenesse
Which freely Justifies.


They that are thus compleat with Grace
And know that they are so,
For Glory must set Sayle apace
Whilst wind doth fitly blow,
Now is the tide of Love,
Now doth the Angell move;
If that there be defect
That Soul which sin doth wound,
Here now is healing found,
If she no time neglect;
To whom shall be reveald
What erst hath been conceald,
When brought unto that Light,
Which in the Soul doth shine
When he thats most divine,
Declares his presence bright.
Then he will his beloved shew
The reason wherefore she
Is seated in a place so low,
Not from all troubles free;
And wherefore they do thrive
That wicked works contrive;
Christ telleth his also
For who as friends he takes
He of his Councell makes,
And they shall secrets know:

Iohn 15. 15

Such need not pine with cares
Seeing all things are theirs,
If they are Christs indeed;

Cor. 3. 21.

Therefore let such confesse


They are not comfortlesse,
Nor left in time of Need.

A Song shewing the Mercies of God to his people, by interlacing cordiall Comforts with fatherly Chastisments.

As in the time of Winter
The Earth doth fruitlesse and barren lie,
Till the Sun his course doth run
Through Aries, Taurus, Gemini;
Then he repayres what Cold did decay,
Drawing superfluous moistures away,
And by his luster, together with showers,
The Earth becoms fruitful & plesant with flowers
That what in winter seemed dead.
There by the Sun is life discovered.
So though that in the Winter
Of sharp Afflictions, fruits seem to dy,
And for that space, the life of Grace
Remayneth in the Root only;
Yet when the Son of Righteousnesse clear
Shall make Summer with us, our spirits to chear,
Warming our hearts with the sense of his favour,
Then must our flowers of piety favour,
And then the fruits of righteousnesse
We to the glory of God must expresse.


And as when Night is parted,
The Sun ascending our Hemisphear,
Ill fumes devouers, and opes the powers
Which in our bodies are, and there
He drawes out the spirits of moving and sence
As from the center, to the circumference;
So that the exterior parts are delighted,
And unto mocion and action excited,
And hence it is that with more delight
We undergo labor by day then by night.
So though a Night of Sorrows
May stay proceedings in piety
Yet shall our light like morning bright
Arise out of obscurity,
Then when the Sun that never declines
Shall open the faculties of our mindes,
Stirring up in them that spirituall mocion
Whereby we make towards God with devocion
When kindled by his influence
Our Sacrifice is as pleasing incense.
Now when we feel Gods favour
And the communion with him we have,
Alone we may admit of joy
As having found what most we crave,
Store must we gather while such gleams do last
Against our tryalls sharp winterly blasts
So dispairacion shall swallow us never,
Who know where God once loves, there he loves ever
Though sence of it oft wanting is
Yet still Gods mercies continue with his.


So soon as we discover
Our souls benummed in such a case,
We may not stay, without delay
We must approach the Throne of Grace,
First taking words to our selves to declare
How dead to goodnesse by nature we are,
Then seeking by him who for us did merit
To be enliv'd by his quickening Spirit,
Whose flame doth light our spark of Grace,
Whereby we may behold his pleased face.
From whence come beams of comfort,
The chiefest matter of tru Content,
Who tast and see, how sweet they be,
Perceive they are most excellent,
Being a glimce of his presence so bright,
Who dwelleth in unapproachable light:
Whoso hath happily this mercy attayned,
Earnest of blessednesse endlesse hath gayned,
Where happinesse doth not decay
There Spring is eternall, and endlesse is day.

A Song declaring that a Christian may finde tru Love only where tru Grace is.

No Knot of Friendship long can hold
Save that which Grace hath ty'd,
For other causes prowe but cold
VVhen their effects are try'd;


For God who loveth unity
Doth cause the onely union,
Which makes them of one Family
Of one mind and communion.
Commocions will be in that place,
VVhere are such contraries,
As is inniquity and grace,
The greatest enimies,
Whom sin doth rule shee doth command
To hold stiff opposicion
Gainst grace and all the faithfull band
Which are in her tuision.
This is the cause of home debates,
And much domestick woes,
That one may find his houshold mates
To be his greatest foes,
That with the Wolfe the Lamb may bide
As free from molestacion,
As Saints with sinners, who reside
In the same habitacion.
By reason of the Enmity
Between the womans Seed
And mans infernall enimy,
The Serpent and his breed,
The link of consanguinity
Could hold true freindship never,
Neither hath neare affinity
United freinds for ever.


For scoffing Ishmael will scorn
His onely true born brother:
Rebeckahs sonns together born
Contend with one another,
No bond of nature is so strong
To cause their hearts to tarry
In unity, who do belong
To masters so contrary.
The wicked ordinarily
Gods dearest children hate,
And therfore seek (though groundlesly)
Their credits to abate,
And though their words and works do show
No colour of offences
Yet are their hearts most (they trow)
For all their good pretences.
And those that strongest grace attain,
Whereby sin is vanquished,
By Sathan and his cursed train
Are most contraried;
Because by such the Serpent feeles,
His head to be most bruised,
He turnes and catches at their heeles,
By whom he is so used.
His agents he doth instigate,
To vex, oppose, and fret,
To slander and calumniate,
Those that have scap't his net,


Who servants are so diligent,
That like to Kain their father
They whose works are most excellent
They mischiefe will the rather.
Yet there are of the gracelesse crew
Who for some private ends
Have sided with prefestors tru
As trusty pious friends,
But to the times of worldly peace
Their friendship was confined
Which when some crosses caus'd to cease
The thred of league untwined.
Such friends unto the Swallow may
Be fitly likened,
Who all the plesant Summer stay
But are in Winter fled:
They cannot 'bide their freind to see,
In any kind of trouble,
So pittyfull (forsooth) they bee
That have the art to double.
Such will be any thing for one
Who hath of nothing need,
Their freindship stands in word alone,
And none at all in deed,
How open mouth'd so e're they are,
They bee as closely handed,
Who will (they know) their service spare,
They're his to be commanded.


Therefore let no true hearted one
Releife at need expect,
From opposits to vertue known,
Who can him not afect:
For his internall ornaments,
Will ever lovely make him
Though all things pleasing out ward sence
Should utterly forsake him.
In choise of Freinds let such therefore
Prefer the godly wise,
To whom he may impart the store
That in his bosome lies:
And let him not perniciously
Communicate his favours,
To all alike indifferently,
Which shewes a mind that wavers.
Gods children to each other should
Most open hearted bee;
Who by the same precepts are rul'd,
And in one Faith agree,
VVho shall in true felicity,
Where nothing shall offend them
Together dwell eternally,
To which I do commend them.


A Song demonstrating The vanities of Earthly things.

Shall Sadnesse perswade me never to sing
But leave unto Syrens that excellent thing,
No that may not be, for truely I find,
The sanguin complexion to mirth is enclin'd.
Moreover, they may who righteousnesse love,
Be soberly merry, and sorrows remove,
They only have right to rejoycing allwaies
Whose joy may be mixed with prayer and praise.
Wherefore rejoyceth the epicure?
As though his fadeing delights would endure,
VVhereas they are ended, as soon as begun,
For all things are vanity under the Sun.
Riches and Honour, Fame and Promocion,
Idols, to whom the most do their devocion;
How fadeing they are, I need not to show,
For this by experience, too many doe know.
They that delight in costly attire,
If they can compaste the things they desire,
Have onely obtained, what sin first procured,
And many to folly are therby alured.


Learning is sure an excellent thing,
From whence all Arts and sciences spring,
Yet is it not from vanity free,
For many great Scholars prophane often be.
Whoso hath studied Geometry,
Or gained experience in Geography,
By tedious labour much knowledg may gain,
Yet in the conclusion, hee'l find all is vain.
He that hath studied Astronomy,
Though his meditacion ascend to the Sky
He may mis of heaven and heavenly blis,
If that he can practise no studdy but this,
But they that delight in Divinity,
And to be exquisit in Theology,
Much heavenly comfort in this life may gain,
And when it is ended their joyes shall remain.
VVhat should I speak more of vanities,
To use many words when few may suffice,
It argueth folly, therfore I have don,
Concluding, all's vanity under the Sun.


A Song manifesting The Saints eternall Happinesse

Sound is the Minde
Which doth that Hope possesse
Whose object is Eternall joy
Or Heavens Happinesse;
Such healthfull hearts
Their spirits doe sustain,
In thinking on the Rest which for
Gods peeple doth remain,
A Treasure inaccessible,
Or Everlasting Life,
A blessed State which never shall
be cumbered with strife

Heb. 4. 6

With endlesse Glory cleare,

2 Tim. 2. 10

And each good thing to be desir'd
Are in their Fountain there;
Flowers are here,
Together with the weeds
Exposed to all kinde of stormes,
Which much confusion breeds:
Some for weaknesse are dismaid,
And some are comfortlesse,
Because of some defect of sence,
Or want of comlinesse.


Grant some may have
Proporcion so compleat,
That correspondency of parts
Declares Perfections feat
Yet doubtles such
Then but then have also
By reason of their travell which
They needs must undergo,
For in every calling is
A tedious wearinesse
Which whoso followes carefully
Is driven to confesse.
Further suppose
One might be freed from all
Afflictions which externall are,
Or crosses corporall
Yet if the soule
Be sencible of sin
It cannot be but such will have
Enough to do within:
For to Preserve the heart and waies
From being over grown
With fruits of that contagious seed
That's in our nature sown.
Doubting some times
The Soul with anguish tires,
Who must anon encounter with
inordinate desires:


Lust oft prevailes,
And then the consequence,
Will be a great ecclips of grace,
And losse of comfort sence,
In striving to recover peace,
The soule is oft opprest,
As he that's conscious of his sin,
Hath here but little rest.
From all those woes
And many more that bee,
The Saint that finisht hath his course
Shall be for ever free,
And likewise have
For ever to posesse
A most exquisit Diadem,
The Crown of righteousnesse,

2. Tim. 4. 8.

Of that divine inheritance
Which fadeth not away,

1. Pet. 1. 5.

They shall be really posest,
And ever it enjoy.
Bodies which here
Are matter thick and grosse,
Attaining to this happinesse,
Are freed from their drosse:
And as the Sunn
Appeares in brightest Sky,

Mat. 13. 43.

So every body glorifi'd
Shall be for clarity,


And likewise be impassible,
Uncapable of pain
Having agility to move.
VVhose vigour shall remain.
Glorified Soules,
Are fild with all delight,
Because the spring of Beuty is
The object of their sight:
Also they have,
(Their joy to amplify)
Immediat sweet communion with
The blessed Trinity.
Which satisfies the appetite,
Which else were empty still,
Because no finite comfort can
Content the mind and will.
Briefly a word
O place and company
Which Saints in Glory shall enioy,
The place is heavenly

Heb. 12.

The citty of the Lord:
Discover'd by such precious things

Rev. 21.

As pleasure most afford,
The consorts, Angelis numberlesse,
The whole Assembly

Heb. 12.

Of Saints, who shall for ever dwell
With Christ Eternally.


VVhy hath the Lord
For his such Ioyes prepar'd
Because their pacient sufferings
He richly will reward,
This light distresse

2 Cor. 4. 17

Which for a moment dures
An excellent eternall waight
Of Glory his procures,
But our afflictions merit not

Rom. 8. 18.

This Glory that exceeds
But it as Gods all other gifts,
Of his free-Love proceeds.

Rom. 6. 23.

Now they that have
This Hope of Heaven sure,
Shew it by striving to be cleane
As Christ our Lord is pure,

1 Iohn: 3. 3.

Also they take
Their croses chearfully
Because a substance they expect,
Eternall heavenly,

Heb. 10. 34.

To which my Soule aspired still
And cannot setled be,
Till shee returns againe to him
That gave her unto me.

Ecl 12. 7.


A Song exciting to spirituall Alacrity.

Discomforts will the heart contract
And joy will cause it to dilate;
That every part its part may act,
A heart enlarg'd must animate.
Unfruitfull ones therfore they are
That planted be in sorrow's shade,
Sith by the blasts of cloudy care
They are unfit for action made.
The ill effects of fruitlesse greife
Are in this place no further shown,
Because the meanes of true releife
Is more convenient to be known.
Now he in whom all fullnesse dwels

Col. 1. 9.

All good and meanes of good must bee,
His presence Sathans rule expells
And doth from Legall terror free.

Gal. 3. 13.

So that their Soules which are so blessed
His sacred presence to enioy,
Can never be so much distressed
But consolacion find they may.


Having a hiding place secure,

Isay. 32. 1. 2

And covert from the stormy wind,
And streames of water perfect pure
To vivify and cheare the mind.
If scorched with afflictions heat
They to their shady rock may fly,
And be in safties bosome seat
And lap of true felicity.
Where are delights Angelicall,
The quintisence of all good things,
Refined wine to cheare withall
And food which life eternall brings.
Which though the Saints by faith posesse,
Doe not suppose it solace give,
But truly reall happinesse,
As they that feele alone beleeve.
Who thence abundant strength collect,
In all condicions to support,
No troubles can them much deject,
Who have this soules defensive Fort.
Suppose temptacion sist them sore,
Sufficient grace will them releive,

2 Cor. 12. 9.

And make their Faith appeare the more,
Which will to them the Conquest give.


Or be their Scourge some outward Crosse,
As causlesse hate, or poverty,
Decay of parts, disease, or losse
Of Credit, Freinds, or Liberty.
Nay were their state compos'd of woes,
In whom the Morning Star doth shine,
Whose lively luster will disclose,
To his a heritage divine,
Which he of Love did them procure,
With freedom, not to Adam dain'd
To tast the Tree of Life most pure,
Whereby the soule alone's sustain'd
The sence of Love-Eternall, doth,
with Love, Obedience still produce,
Which active is, and passive both,
So suffrings are of speciall use.
Bearing the soule with joy and peace,
Through true beleeving, evermore,
Whose sweet contentments take encrease:
From heavens never-fayling store.


Another Song exciting to spirituall Mirth.

The Winter being over
In order comes the Spring,
Which doth green Hearbs discover
And cause the Birds to sing;
The Night also expired,
Then comes the Morning bright,
Which is so much desired
[illeg.] all that love the Light;
This may learn
Them that mourn
[illeg.] put their Griefe to flight.
The Spring succeedeth Winter,
And Day must follow Night.
[illeg.]e therefore that sustaineth
Affliction or Distresse,
Which ev'ry member paineth,
And findeth no relesse;
Yet such therefore despaire not,
But on firm Hope depend
Those Griefes immortall are not,
And therefore must have end:
They that faint
With complaint


Therefore are too blame,
They ad to their afflictions,
And amplify the same.
For if they could with patience
A while posesse the minde,
By inward Consolacions
They might refreshing finde,
To sweeten all their Crosses
That little time they dure;
So might they gain by losses,
And harp would sweet procure;
Bu[illeg.] the minde
Be inclinde
To Vnquietnesse
That only may be called
The worst of all Distresse.
He that is melancolly
Detesting all Delight,
His Wits by sottish Folly
Are ruinated quite:
Sad Discontent and Murmors
To him are insident,
Were he posest of Honors,
He could not be content:
Sparks of joy
Fly away,
Floods of Cares arise;
And all delightfull Mocions
In the conception dies.


But those that are contented
However things doe fall,
Much Anguish is prevented,
And they soon freed from all;
They finish all their Labours
With much felicity,
Theyr joy in Troubles savours
Of perfect Piety,
Doth expresse
A setled pious minde
Which is not prone to grudging
From murmoring refinde.
Lascivious joy I prayse not,
Neither do it allow,
For where the same decayes not
No branch of peace can grow;
For why, it is sinister
As is excessive Griefe,
And doth the Heart sequester
From all good: to be briefe,
Vain Delight
Passeth quite
The bounds of modesty,
And makes one apt to nothing
But sensuality.


This Song sheweth that God is the strength of his People, whence they have support and comfort.

My straying thoughts, reduced stay,
And so a while retired,
Such observacions to survay
VVhich memory hath registred,
That were not in oblivion dead.
In which reveiw of mentall store,
One note affordeth comforts best,
Cheifly to be preferd therfore,
As in a Cabinet or Chest
One jewell may exceed the rest.
God is the Rock of his Elect
In whom his grace is incoate,
This note, my soule did most affect,
It doth such power intimate
To comfort and corroberate.
God is a Rock first in respect
He shadows his from hurtfull heat,
Then in regard he doth protect
His servants still from dangers great
And so their enimies defeat.


In some dry desart Lands (they say)
Are mighty Rocks, which shadow make,
Where passengers that go that way,
May rest, and so refreshing take,
Their sweltish Wearinesse to slake.
So in this world such violent
Occasions, find we still to mourn,
That scorching heat of Discontent
VVould all into combustion turn
And soon our soules with anguish burn,
Did not our Rock preserve us still,
Whose Spirit, ours animates,
That wind that bloweth where it will

Iohn. 3. 8

Sweetly our soules refrigerates,
And so distructive heat abates.
From this our Rock proceeds likewise,
Those [illeg.] streames, which graciously
Releives the soule which scorched lies,
Through sence of Gods displeasure high,
Due to her for inniquity.
So this our Rock refreshing yeelds,
To those that unto him adhere,
Whom likewise mightily he sheilds,
So that they need not faint nor fear
Though all the world against them were.


Because he is their strength and tower,
Whose power none can equalize,
VVhich onely gives the use of power
Which justly he to them denies,
Who would against his servants rise.
Not by selfe power nor by might,
But by Gods spirit certainly,

Zach. 4. 9.

Men compasse and attain their right,
For what art thou. O mountain high!
Thou shalt with valleys, evenly.
Happy was Israell, and why,
Jehovah was his Rock alone,

Deu. 33. 29.

The Sword of his Excellency,
His sheild of Glory mighty known,
In saving those that are his own.
Experience of all ages shewes,
That such could never be dismayd
Who did by Faith on God repose,
Confessing him their onely ayd,
Such were alone in safty stayd.
One may have freinds, who have a will
To further his felicity,
And yet be wanting to him still,
Because of imbecility,
In power and ability.


But whom the Lord is pleas'd to save,
Such he is able to defend,
His grace and might no limmits have,
And therefore can to all extend
Who doe or shall on him depend.
Nor stands he therefore surely,
Whose Freinds most powerfull appeare,
Because of mutabillity
To which all mortalls subject are,
Whose favours run now here, now there.
But in our Rock and mighty Fort,
Of change no shadow doth remain,
His favours he doth not Transport
Is trifles movable and vain,
His Love alone is lasting gain.
Therfore my soule do thou depend,
Upon that Rock which will not move,
When all created help shall end
Thy Rock impregnable will prove,
Whom still embrace with ardent Love.

Another Song.

[The Winter of my infancy being over-past]

The Winter of my infancy being over-past
Then supposed, suddenly the Spring would hast
Which useth everything to cheare
With invitacion to recreacion
This time of yeare.


The Sun sends forth his radient beames to warm the ground
The drops distil, between the gleams delights abound,
Ver brings her mate the flowery Queen,
The Groves shee dresses, her Art expresses
On every Green.
But in my Spring it was not so, but contrary,
For no delightfull flowers grew to please the eye,
No hopefull bud, nor fruitfull bough,
No moderat showers which causeth flowers
To spring and grow.
My Aprill was exceeding dry, therfore unkind;
Whence tis that small utility I look to find,
For when that Aprill is so dry,
(As hath been spoken) it doth betoken
Much scarcity.
Thus is my Spring now almost past in heavinesse
The Sky of pleasure's over-cast with sad distresse
For by a comfortlesse Eclips,
Disconsolacion and sore vexacion,
My blossom nips.
Yet as a garden is my mind enclosed fast
Being to safety so confind from storm and blast
Apt to produce a fruit most rare,
That is not common with every woman
That fruitfull are.
A Love of goodnesse is the cheifest plant therin
The second is, (for to be briefe) Dislike to sin,


These grow in spight of misery,
Which Grace doth nourish and cause to flourish
But evill mocions, currupt seeds, fall here also
whence springs prophanesse as do weeds where flowers grow
VVhich must supplanted be with speed
These weeds of Error, Distrust and Terror,
Lest woe succeed
So shall they not molest, the plants before exprest
Which countervails these outward wants, & purchase rest
Which more commodious is for me
Then outward pleasures or earthly treasures
Enjoyd would be.
My little Hopes of worldly Gain I fret not at,
As yet I do this Hope retain; though Spring be lat
Perhaps my Sommer-age may be,
Not prejudiciall, but benificiall
[illeg.] for me.
Admit the worst it be not so, but stormy too,
He learn my selfe to undergo more then I doe
And still content my self with this
Sweet Meditacion and Contemplacion
Of heavenly blis,
VVhich for the Saints reserved is who persevere
In Piety and Holynesse, and godly Feare,
The pleasures of which blis divine
Neither Logician nor Rhetorician
Can well define.


Another Song.

[Having restrained Discontent]

Having restrained Discontent,
The onely Foe to Health and Witt,
I sought by all meanes to prevent
The causes which did nourish it.
Knowing that they who are judicious
Have alwaies held it most pernicious.
Looking to outward things, I found
Not that which Sorrow might abate,
But rather cause them to abound
Then any Greife to mitigate
Which made me seek by supplicacion
Internall Peace and Consolacion
Calling to mind their wretchednesse
That seem to be in happy case
Having externall happinesse
But therewithall no inward grace;
Nor are their minds with knowledg pollisht
In such all vertues are abolisht
For where the mind's obscure and dark
There is no vertu resident,
Of goodnesse there remaines no spark
Distrustfullnesse doth there frequent
For Ignorance the cause of error
May also be the cause of terror


As doth the Sun-beames beutify
The Sky, which else doth dim appeare
So Knowledg doth exquisitly
The Mind adorn, delight and cleare
Which otherwise is most obscure,
Full of enormities impure.
So that their Soules polluted are
That live in blockish Ignorance,
Which doth their miseries declare
And argues plainly that their wants
More hurtfull are then outward Crosses
Infirmities, Reproach, or Losses.
Where saving Knowledg doth abide,
The peace of Conscience also dwels
And many Vertues more beside
Which all obsurdities expels,
And fils the Soule with joy Celestiall
That shee regards not things Terrestiall.
Sith then the Graces of the Mind
Exceeds all outward Happinesse,
What sweet Contentment do they find
Who are admitted to possesse
Such matchlesse Pearles, so may we call them
For Precious is the least of all them.
VVhich when I well considered
My greife for outward crosses ceast,
Being not much discouraged


Although afflictions still encreast,
Knowing right well that Tribulacion
No token is of Reprobacion.

Another Song.

[Excessive worldy Greife the Soule devouers]

Excessive worldy Greife the Soule devouers
And spoyles the activnesse of all the Powers,
Through indisposing them to exercise
What should demonstrate their abilities,
By practicall improvment of the same
Unto the Glory of the givers name.
Though Envy wait to blast the Blossoms green
Of any Vertu soon as they are seen,
Yet none may therfore just occasion take
To shun what Vertu manifest should make,
For like the Sun shall Vertu be beheld
VVhen Clouds of Envy shal be quite dispeld;
Though there be some of no ditast at all
Who no degree in worth can lower fall.
Prefer'd before the Verteous whom they taunt
Onely because of some apparent want,
Which is as if a Weed without defect
Before the Damask Rose should have respect,


Because the Rose a lease or two hath lost,
And this the Weed of all his parts can boast;
Or elce as if a monstrous Clout should be
Prefer'd before the purest Lawn to see,
Because the Lawn hath spots and this the Clout
Is equally polluted thoroughout
Therefore let such whose vertu favours merits,
Shew their divinly magnanimious spirits
By disregarding such their approbacion
Who have the worthlesse most in estimacion,
For who loves God above all things, not one
Who understands not that in him alone
All causes that may move affection are,
Glimpses wherof his creatures doe declare,
This being so, who can be troubled
When as his gifts are undervalued,
Seeing the giver of all things likewise
For want of knowledg many underprise.


A Song composed in time of the Civill Warr, when the wicked did much insult over the godly.

VVith Sibells I cannot Devine
Of future things to treat,
Nor with Parnassus Virgins Nine
Compose in Poëms neat
Such mentall mocions which are free
Concepcions of the mind,
Which notwithstanding will not be
To thoughts alone confined.
With Deborah twere joy to sing
When that the Land hath Rest,
And when that Truth shall freshly spring,
Which seemeth now deceast,
But some may waiting for the same
Go on in expectacion
Till quick concept be out of fame,
Or till Lifes expiracion.
Therefore who can, and will not speak
Betimes in Truths defence,
Seeing her Foes their malice wreak,
And some with smooth pretence


And colours which although they glose
Yet being not ingraind,
In time they shall their luster lose
As cloth most foully staind.
See how the Foes of Truth devise
Her followers to defame.
First by Aspersions false and Lies
To kill them in good Name;
Yet here they will in no wise cease
But Sathans course they take
To spoyl their Goods and Wealths increase,
And so at Life they make.
Such with the Devill further go
The Soule to circumvent
In that they seeds of Error sow
And to false Worships tempt,
And Scriptures falsly they apply
Their Errors to maintain,
Opposing Truth implicitly
The greater side to gain.
And to bind Soul and Body both
To Sathans service sure
Therto they many ty by Oath,
Or cause them to endure
The Losse of lightform Liberty
And suffer Confiscacion,
A multitude they force therby
To hazard their Salvacion.


Another sort of Enimies
To Lady Verity,
Are such who no Religion prise,
But Carnall Liberty
Is that for which they doe contest
And venture Life and State,
Spurning at all good meanes exprest,
The force of Vice to bate.
Yet these are they, as some conceit,
Who must again reduce,
And all things set in order strait
Disjoynted by abuse,
And wakeing witts may think no lesse
if Fiends and Furies fell,
May be suppos'd to have successe
Disorders to expell.
How-ever Truth to fade appeare,
Yet can shee never fall,
Her Freinds have no abiding here,
And may seem wasted all;
Yet shall a holy Seed remain
The Truth to vindicate,
Who will the wrongeds Right regain
And Order elevate.
VVhat time Promocion, Wealth, and Peace,
The Owners shall enjoy,
Whose Light shall as the Sun encrease
Unto the perfect Day


Then shall the Earth with blessings flow,
And Knowledg shall abound.
The Cause that's now derided so,
Shall then most just be found.
Prophanesse must be fully grown,
And such as it defend
Must be ruind or overthrown,
And to their place defend,
The Sonns of strife their force must cease,
Having fulfild their crime,
And then the Son of wished peace
Our Horizon will clime.
That there are such auspicious dayes
To come, we may not doubt,
Because the Gospels splendant rayes
Must shine the World throughout:
By Iewes the Faith shall be embrac't
The Man of Sin must fall,
New Babell shall be quite defac't
With her devices all.
Then Truth will spread and high appeare,
As grain when weed are gon,
Which may the Saints afflicted cheare
Oft thinking hereupon;
Sith they have union with that sort
To whom all good is ty'd
They can in no wise want support
Though most severely try'd.


Another Song

[Time past we understood by story]

Time past we understood by story
The strength of Sin a Land to waste,
Now God to manifest his Glory.
The truth hereof did let us taste,
For many years, this Land appears
Of usefull things the Nursery,
Refresht and fenc'd with unity.
But that which crown'd each other Blessing
Was evidence of Truth Divine,
The Word of Grace such Light expressing,
Which in some prudent Hearts did shine,
Whose Flame inclines those noble minds
To stop the Course of Prophanacion
And so make way for Reformacion.
But He that watcheth to devour,
This their intent did soon discry,
For which he strait improves his power
This worthy work to nullify
With Sophistry and Tiranny,
His agents he forth with did fill
Who gladly execute his will.
And first they prove by Elocution
And Hellish Logick to traduce
Those that would put in execucion,
Restraint of every known abuse;


They seperate and 'sturb the State,
And would all Order overthrow,
The better sort were charged so.
Such false Reports did fill all places,
Corrupting some of each degree,
To whom the highest Title graces
From hearing slanders was not free,
Which Scruple bred, and put the Head
With primest members so at bate
Which did the Body dislocate.
A Lying Spirit mis-informed
The common peeple, who suppose
[illeg.] things went on to be reformed
They should their ancient Customs lose,
And be beside to courses ty'd
Which they nor yet their Fathers knew,
And so be wrapt in fangles new.
Great multitudes therefore were joyned
[illeg.] Sathans plyant instruments,
With mallice, ignorance combined,
And both at Truth their fury vents;
[illeg.]st Piety as Enimy
They persecute, oppose, revile,
[illeg.]en Freind as well as Foe they spoyle.
[illeg.]e beauty of the Land's abollisht,
[illeg.]h Fabericks by Art contriv'd,
[illeg.] many of them quite demollisht,
And many of their homes depriv'd


Some mourn for freinds untimely ends,
And some for necessaries saint,
With which they parted by constraint.
But from those storms hath God preserved
A people to record his praise,
Who sith they were therefore reserved
Must to the heigth their Spirits raise
To magnify his lenity,
Who safely brought them through the fire
To let them see their hearts desire
Which many faithfull ones deceased
With teares desired to behold,
Which is the Light of Truth professed
Without obscuring shaddowes old,
When spirits free, not tyed shall be
To frozen Forms long since compos'd,
When lesser knowledg was disclos'd.
VVho are preserv'd from foes outragious,
Noteing the Lords unfound-out wayes
Should strive to leave to after-ages
Some memorandums of his praise,
That others may admiring say
Unsearchable his judgments are,
As do his works alwayes declare.



The first Meditacion.

The Morning is at hand, my Soule awake,
Rise from the sleep of dull security;
Now is the time, anon 'twill be to late,
Now hast thou golden opportunity
For to behold thy naturall estate
And to repent and be regenerate.
Delay no longer though the Flesh thee tell,
Tis time enough hereafter to repent,
Strive earnestly such mocions to expell,
Remember this thy courage to augment
The first fruits God requir'd for sacrifice,
The later he esteemed of no price.
First let's behold our natural estate
How dangerous and damnable it is,
And thereupon grow to exceeding hate
With that which is the onely cause of this;
The which is Sin, yea Disobedience
Even that which was our first parents offence.


The reasonable Soule undoubtedly
Created was at first free from offence,
In Wisdom, Holinesse, and Purity,
It did resemble the Divine Essence,
Which being lost, the Soule of man became
Like to the Serpent, causer of the same.
The Understanding, Will, Affections cleare,
Each part of Soule and Body instantly
Losing their purity, corrupted were
Throughout as by a loathsom Leprocy
The rayes of Vertu were extinguisht quite
And Vice usurpeth rule with force and might.
This sudden change from sanctitude to sin
Could but prognosticat a fearfull end,
Immediatly the dollout did begin,
The Curse that was pronounc'd none might defend,
Which Curse is in this life a part of some,
The fulnesse thereof in the life to come.
The Curse that to the Body common is
The sence of Hunger, Thirst, of Sicknes, Pain:
The Soules Callamities exceedeth this,
A Tast of Hell, shee often doth sustain,
Rebukes of Conscience, threatning plagues for sin,
A world of Torments oft shee hath within.


Unlesse the Conscience dead and feared be,
Then runs the soule in errors manifold,
Her danger deep shee can in no wise see,
And therefore unto every sin is bold,
The Conscience sleeps, the Soule is dead in sin,
Nere thinks of Hell untill shee comes therein.
Thus is the Conscience of the Reprobate,
Either accusing unto desperacion,
Or elce benummed, cannot instigate
Nor put the Soule in mind of reformacion;
Both work for ill unto the castaway,
Though here they spent their time in mirth and play.
Yet can they have no sound contentment here,
In midst of laughter oft the heart is sad:
This world is full of woe & hellish feare
And yeelds forth nothing long to make us glad
As they that in the state of nature dy
Passe but from misery to misery.
Consider this my soule, yet not despaire,
To comfort thee again let this suffice,
There is a Well of grace, whereto repaire,
First wash away thy foul enormities
With teares proceeding from a contrite heart,
With thy beloved sins thou must depart.


Inordinate affections, and thy Will,
And carnall wisdom, must thou mortify,
For why, they are corrupt, prophane and ill,
And prone to nothing but impiety,
Yet shalt thou not their nature quite deface,
Their ruines must renewed be by grace.
If that thou canst unfainedly repent,
With hatred therunto thy sins confesse,
And not because thou fearest punishment
But that therby thou didst Gods Laws transgress
Resolving henceforth to be circumspect,
Desiring God to frame thy wayes direct.
Each member of thy body thou dost guide,
Then exercise them in Gods service most
Let every part be throughly sanctifide
As a meer Temple for the Holy Ghost;
Sin must not in our mortall bodies raign
It must expelled be although with pain
Thou must not willingly one fin detain,
For so thou mayst debarred be of blis,
Grace with inniquity will not remain,
Twixt Christ and Belial no communion is,
Therefore be carefull every sin to fly,
And see thou persevere in piety.


So mayst thou be perswaded certainly,
The Curse shall in no wise endanger thee,
Although the body suffer misery
Yet from the second death thou shalt be free;
They that are called here to Holinesse
Are sure elected to eternall blisse.
A Taste of blessednesse here shalt thou say,
Thy Conscience shall be at Tranquility,
And in the Life to com thou shalt enjoy
The sweet fruicion of the Trinity,
Society with Saints then shalt thou have,
Which in this life thou didst so often crave.
Let this then stir thee up to purity,
Newnesse of life, and speedy Conversion,
To Holinesse and to integrity,
Make conscience of impure thoughts unknown
Pray in the Spirit with sweet Contemplacion
Be vigilant for to avoid Temptacion.


The second Meditacion.

The Preamble.

Amid the Ocean of Adversity,
Neare whelmed in the Waves of sore Vexacion,
Tormented with the Floods of Misery,
And almost in the Gulfe of Despairacion,
Neare destitute of Comfort, full of Woes,
This was her Case that did the same compose:
At length Jehovah by his power divine,
This great tempestious Storm did mittigate.
And cause the Son of Righteousnesse to shine
Upon his Child that seemed desolate,
Who was refreshed, and that immediatly,
And Sings as follows with alacrity.
The storm of Anguish being over-blown,
To praise Gods mercies now I may have space,
For that I was not finally orethrown,
But was supported by his speciall grace;
The Firmament his glory doth declare,

Psal. 19. 1

Yet over all his works, his mercies are.

Psal, 145. 9

The Contemplacion of his mercies sweet,
Hath ravished my Soule with such delight
Who to lament erst while was onely meet,
Doth now determine to put griefe to flight,
Being perswaded, hereupon doth rest,
Shee shall not be forsaken though distrest.


Gods Favour toward me is hereby proved,
For that he hath not quite dejected me;
VVhy then, though [illeg.]les be not yet removed
Yet so seasoned with pacience they be,
As they excite me unto godlinesse,
The onely way to endlesse happinesse.
Wch earthly muckworms can in no wise know
Being of the Holy Spirit destitute,
They savour onely earthly things below;
Who shall with them of saving Grace dispute,
Shall find them capable of nothing lesse
Though Christianity they do professe.
Let Esaus porcion fall unto these men,
The Fatnesse of the Earth let them possesse
No other thing they can desire then,
Having no taste of Heavens happinesse,
They care not for Gods Countenance so bright,
Their Corn and Wine and Oyle is their delight.
To compasse this and such like is their care,
But having past the period of their dayes,
Bereft of all but miseries they are,
Their sweet delight with mortall life decayes,
But godlinesse is certainly great gain,

Tim. 6. 6

Immortall blisse they have, who it retain.
They that are godly and regenerate,
Endu'd with saving Knowledg, Faith, and Love,
When they a future blisse premeditate,


It doth all bitter passion quite remove;
Though oft they feel the wine of outward things
Their heavenly meditacions, comfort brings.
They never can be quite disconsolate,
Because they have the onely Comforter
Which doth their minds alway illuminate,
And make them fleshly pleasures much abhorr,
For by their inward light they plainly see
How vain all transitory pleasures bee.
Moreover, if they be not only voyd
Of earthly pleasures and commodities,
But oftentimes be greivously an oyd
With sundry kinds of great Calammities,
Whether it be in Body, Goods, or Name,
With pacience they undergo the same.
And why? because they know and be aware
That all things work together for the best,
To them that love the Lord and called are,

Ro. 8. 28.

According to his purpose, therefore blest
Doubtlesse they be, his knowledg that obtain,
No Losse may countervail their blessed Gain.
Which makes them neither murmor nor repine
When God is pleasd with Crosses them to try,
who out of darknesse caused light to shine

2 Cor. 4. 6.

Can raise them Comfort out of Misery
They know right well and therefore are content
To beare with pacience any Chastisment.


This difference is betwixt the good and bad;
When as for sin the godly scourged are,
And godly Sorrow moves them to be sad,
These speeches or the like they will declare:
O will the Lord absent himselfe for ever?
Will he vouchsafe his mercy to me never?
VVhat is the cause I am afflicted so?
The cause is evident I do perceive.
My Sins have drawn upon me all this woe,
The which I must confesse and also leave,
Then shall I mercy find undoubtedly,

Pro. 28. 13.

And otherwise no true prosperity.
Whilst sin hath rule in me, in vain I pray,
Or if my Soule inniquity affects,
If this be true, as tis, I boldly say,
The prayer of the wicked, God rejects;

Pro. 15. 8.

If in my heart I wickednesse regard
How can I hope my prayer shall be heard.

Psal. 66.

If I repent, here may I Comfort gather,
Though in my prayers there be weaknesse much
Christ siteth at the right hand of his Father
To intercede and make request for such,

Rom. 8. 33.

Who have attained to sincerity,
Though somthing hindered by infirmity.
I will forthwith abandon and repent,
Not onely palpable inniquities,
But also all alowance or consent


To sinfull mocions or infirmities;
And when my heart and wayes reformed be,
God will with-hold nothing that's good from me

Psal. 84.

So may I with the Psalmist truly say,
Tis good for me that I have been afflicted,
Before I troubled was, I went astray,

Psal. 119

But now to godlinesse I am adicted;
If in Gods Lawes I had not took delight,
I in my troubles should have perisht quite.
Such gracious speeches usually proceed
From such a Spirit that is Sanctifide,
Who strives to know his own defects and need
And also seekes to have his wants supplide;
But certainly the wicked do not so
As do their speeches and distempers show.
At every crosse they murmor, vex and fret,
And in their passion often will they say,
How am I with Calamities beset!
I think they will mee utterly destray,
The cause hereof I can in no wise know
But that the Destinies will have it so
Unfortunate am I and quite forlorn,
Oh what disastrous Chance befalleth me!
Vnder some hurtfull Plannet I was born
That will (I think) my Confusion be,
And there are many wickeder then I
Who never knew the like adversity.


These words do breifly show a carnall mind
Polluted and corrupt with Ignorance,
Where godly Wisdom never yet hath shin'd
For that they talk of Destiny or Chance;
For if Gods Power never can abate,
He can dispose of that he did create
If God alone the True Almighty be
As we beleive, acknowledg, and confesse,
Then supream Governor likewise is he
Disposing all things, be they more or lesse;
The eyes of God in every place do see
The good and bad, and what their actions bee.
The thought hereof sufficeth to abate
My heavinesse in great'st extremity,
When Grace unto my Soul did intimate
That nothing comes by Chance or Destiny,
But that my God and Saviour knowes of all
That either hath or shall to me befall
VVho can his servants from all troubles free
And would I know my Crosses all prevent,
But that he knowes them to be good for me
Therefore I am resolv'd to be content,
For though I meet with many Contradictions
Yet Grace doth alwayes sweeten my Afflictions.


The third Meditacion.

Faint not my Soule, but wait thou on the Lord
Though he a while his answer may suspend,
Yet know (according to his blessed word)
He will vouchsafe refreshing in the end,
Yea though he seem for to withdraw his grace,
And doth not alwaies show his pleasing face.
As by the Sun though not still shining bright,
We do enjoy no small Commodity,
Whilst that the day is govern'd by his Light,
And other works of Nature testify
His wonderfull and rare Effects alwayes,
Though often vayled be his shining rayes.
So it is no small mercy, though we see
Gods Countenance not alwaies shining bright,
That by the same our minds enlightned be,
And our affections guided by that Light,
And whilst the winter-fruits as it were we find
In Pacience, Sufferings, and Peace of mind.
Then let it not be told in Ashzelon,
Neither in Gath let it be published,
That those that seek the Lord and him alone
In my case should be discouraged,
Lest it rejoyce the wicked this to see,
Who think the wayes of grace unpleasant be.


Where-as they are most pleasant, sweet, and fair
Yeilding delights which onely satisfy
Our minds, which else transported are with care
And restlesse wandrings continually,
But those that do no taste hereof attain
Seek rather for content in pleasures vain.
When Kain had lost the happy harmony,
He by a peace full Conscience might enjoy
His nephew [illeg.]uball then most skillfully
Invented Musick, thereby to convey
Unto the outward eare some melody,
But no true joy comes to the heart thereby.
For it is onely a Certificate
Brought by Gods Spirit from the Throne of Grace
That may delight the Soule Regenerate,
Which certifies her of her happy case,
That shee's already in a gracious state,
Which will in endlesse glory consummate.
Again, the blessed Soule may take delight,
To think on Sions great prosperity,
In that the Gospell long hath shined bright,
Sustaining no Eclips by Heresy,
So that the meanes of knowledg is so free,
Gods Worship rightly may performed be.
If then my Soule, the Lord thy Porcion be
Delight'st his Word and sacred Covenants
Wherby his Graces are conveyed to thee,
As Earnests of divine inheritance,


And which may cause tru comfort to abound
Thy Lot is fallen in a pleasant ground.
Then let not any trouble thee dismay
Seeing the Light of Grace to thee hath shone
The sable Weed of sadnesse lay away,
And put the Garment of salvacion on,
With chearfullnesse, Gods blessings entertain
Let not the object of my mirth be vain,
Which as a Cloud would stop the influence
Of that true Light that doth the Soule refine
And predisposeth it through lively sence
To that eternall brightnesse most divine;
Then cheifly to admit that joy, accord,
Which commeth by the Favour of the Lord.
God's Favour ever highly estimate,
As the prime motive of tru happinesse,
VVhereof, since that thou didst participate,
In Life or Death, feare no kind of distresse;
VVhen humane help shall sayl thee utterly
Then is Gods saving opportunity.
Deadnesse of spirit that thou mayst avoyd,
The lively means of godlynesse embrace,
And cease not seeking though thou be delayd,
But wait till God do manifest his grace,
For thy deliverance, prefix no day,
But paciently the Lords due leisure stay.


The fourth Meditacion.

Alas my Soule, oft have I sought thy Peace,
But still I find the contrary encrease,
Thou being of a froward disposicion,
Perceivest not thy mercyfull Physician
Doth give thee forthy health these strong purgacions
So may we call out daily molestacions,
VVhich how to beare, that thou mayst understand
Take heed of two extreams under Gods hand,
The one is, too light takeing thy Distresse,
The other's, hopelesse Greife or Pensivenesse;
Between these two, observe with heedfull eye
A middle course or mediocrity;
Consider for the first, if one correct
His Child, who seemeth it to disrespect,
VVarding the blow or setting light therby,
How is he beat again deservedly;
So if that thou should'st seem to disregard,
The Chastisments of God, or seek to ward
The same by wayes or meanes impenitent,
How just shall God renew thy punishment:
If Physick for our Bodies health be tane,
VVe hinder not the working of the same,
Strong Physick if it purge not, putrifies,
And more augments then heales our malladies,
And as is sayd, our manifold Temptacions,
Are nothing but thy scouring Purgacions,


VVherin a dram too much, hath not admission,
Consected by so Skilfull a Physician
VVho will not have their bitternesse abated,
Till thy ill humors be evacuated;
Then loose it down for thy Humilliacion,
And hinder not its kindly Opperacion,
As thou mayst by untimely voyding it
By vain contentments, which thou mayst admit,
VVhich makes us drive repentant thoughts away,
And so put far from us the Evill day;
But that content which is by such meanes got
Is like cold water, tane in severs hot,
VVhich for the present, though it seem to ease,
Yet after it encreaseth the disease;
But thou dost rather unto Grief incline,
At Crosses therfore, subject to repine,
Supposing oft, thy present troubles are
Intolerable, and thy bane declare;
VVhilst thou for this, thy selfe dost maserate
Dispair unto thee doth intimate,
That none hath been afflicted like to thee,
Unparaleld thy visitacions bee;
The by-waies being thu, discovered,
Endeavour in the right way to be led,
With tru Repentance, hope of pardon joine,
Deny thy selfe, and trust for help divine,
Seek first with God in Christ to be at peace,
Who onely can thy Tribulacion cease,
For he that laid the Rod (affliction) on,
The power hath to pull it off alone;


Twere but in vain for one that were in debt,
To see the Officers a discharg to get,
Till with his Creditor he doth agree
He cannot walk out of his danger free;
So vain are they, which think their course is sure,
When in the use of meanes they rest secure,
Whereas if God his blessing doth restrain
VVe by the creature can no help attain:
Though it hath pleased God out of his grace,
Naturall causes over things to place.
Yet keeps he to himselfe, (blest be his name)
The staffe and operacion of the same;
Then do not think my Soule to find redresse
By meanes of Freinds, or by self Skilfulnesse,
But rather all created helps deny,
Save as they serve for God to work thereby:
Now for as much as God is just alone,
Know, without cause he hath afflicted none,
Sith without doubt, his wayes so equall be,
For som great fault he thus correcteth thee,
Therfore to lowest thoughts thy self retire,
To seek the cause that moved God to ire.
Which when thou findest, whatsoere it be
As thy right hand or eye so dear to thee,
Resolve for ever to abandon it,
Be watchfull lest the same thou recommit,
Renew thy Covenant with God, and vow
In the remainder of thy dayes, that thou
Wilt walk before him with an upright heart
If for that end his grace be on thy part,


If when hereto thou dost thy forees try,
In them thou find a disability,
Then look to Christ, who doth thy weaknesse veiw
And of compassion will thy strength renew,
From him alone thou mayst that grace derive
Which like a Cordial or Restorative,
Will strengthen and repair thy faculties,
Which else are dead to holy exercise,
Twill make thy Understanding apprehend
God as a Father, who in Love doth send
Correction to his Children when they stray,
When without check the wicked take their sway;
This grace once tasted, so affects the will,
As it forsaketh that which cannot fill;
The well of living waters, to frequent,
Can onely fill the Soule with tru content;
The memory it doth corroberate,
To keep a store, the Soule to animate,
Gods precious promises the treasures be,
Which memory reserves to comfort thee;
The over-flowings of this grace divine
To goodnesse the affections will encline,
Turning the hasty current of thy love
From things below, unto those things above,
Seeing it is the grace of Christ alone,
Which makes the Soule to be with God at one,
Endeavour for it, give thy selfe no rest,
Till feelingly thereof thou be possest.


The fifth Meditacion.

Such is the force of each created thing,
That it no solid happinesse can bring,
Which to out minds may give contentments sound
For like as Noahs Dove no succour found,
Till shee return'd to him that sent her out,
Just so the Soule in vain may seek about,
For rest or satisfaction any where,
Save in his presence, who hath sent her here.
Gods omnipresence I do not deny,
Yet to the Faithfull he doth spec'ally,
Alone his gracious presence evidence,
VVho seeing all true blessings flow from thence,
Are troubled onely when he hides his Face,
Desiring still to apprehend his Grace,
This Grace of God is taken diversly
And first it doth his Favour signify,
That independent Love of his so free,
Which mov'd him to his mercyfull Decree,
His Merum beneplacitum it is
That's motive of all good conferd on his:
The fruits of this his Love or Favour deare,
Are likewise called Graces every where,
Election and Redempcion, graces are,
And these his Favour cheifly do declare.


Faith, Hope, Repentance, Knowledg, and the rest,
Which do the new Creac'on manifest,
Now these are counted Grace habituall.
And lastly, this the Grace of God we call,
His actuall Assistance on our side,
VVherby we overcome when we are tride;
How ever then the word is understood
Grace is the cheif desirable good.
Tis Summum bonum; is it so? for why?
Because without it no Prosperity,
Or earthly Honours, in the high'st degree,
Can make one truly happy sayd to be,
For as we might their miseries condole
Who should inhabit neare the Northern-Pole,
Though Moon & Stars may there apear most bright
Yet while the Sun is absent, still tis night,
And therfore barren, cold, and comfortlesse,
Vnfit for humane creatures to possesse:
More fruitlesse, empty comfort is the Mind,
Who finds the Sun of Righteousnesse declind.
Yea, though all earthly glories should unite
Their pomp and splendor, to give such delight,
Yet could they no more sound contentment bring
Then Star-light can make grasse or flowers spring;
But in that happy Soule that apprehends
His Loving kindnesse, (which the Life transcends)
There is no lack of any thing that may
Felicity or tru delight convey;
As whilst the Sun is in our Hemisphere,
We find no want of Moon nor Star-light cleare,


So where the Fountain of tru Light displayes
Happines, there is no need of borrow'd joyes,
For where he is who made all things of nought,
There by his presence still fresh joyes are wrought
Nor need he help to make a happy one,
Sith all perfection is in him alone,
Grant then his Grace is most to be desir'd
And nothing else to be so much requir'd;
But here a carnall crew are to be blam'd,
By whom the Grace of God so much is nam'd
Who are experienc'd in nothing lesse
As do their course and practises expresse,
For though they say the Grace of God's worth all
Yet will they hazzard is for Trifles small,
Hereof they'll put you out of all suspicion
VVhen Gods Grace coms with mens in competicion
For holy duties lightly such neglects,
Whereby Gods Love is felt with its effects,
The favour of a mortall man to gain
Though but a shew thereof he do attain,
And that perhaps for some employment base
VVhich one cannot perform and keep tru Grace,
Therefore tis probable, how ere they prate,
Gods Grace they value at too low a rate
For to be purchast by them, sith they leave
Their hold of it, a shaddow to receave;
But they that do in truth of heart professe
That they have found this Pearle of Blessednesse
Will not adventure it for any thing,
Whatever good it promiseth to bring,


Because they know the choisest quintesence
Of earthly pleasures greatest confluence,
Cannot procure that sweet blissefull peace
Which from Gods Favour ever takes encrease;
Yet many times it comes to passe we see,
That those who have tru grace so senslesse be
Of it, that they in seasons of distresse,
Abundance of impacience do expresse,
But tis their sin, and brings an ill report
Upon their cheifest Comfort, Strength, and Fort;
Such therefore should endeavour paciently,
To beare whatever crosse upon them ly,
And that by strength of this consideracion
That they have need of this theyr tribulacion

1 Pet. 1. 6.

It may be to mind them of some offence
Which they committed have (perhaps) long since
Yet they remaine unhumbled for it,
Or elce (may be) some Duty they omit,
In which remissive course they will remain,
Till with a Rod they be brought home again;
Or if they would consider how they prove
The Lords great Pacience towards them and Love
In wayting for theyr turning to his wayes,
They would not think so greivous of delayes,
Of restitucion to that solace sound,
VVhich in the sence of Grace is ever found,
VVhich whoso will in Heart and Life preserve,
These following directions must observe;
The first is, to purge out inniquities
VVith all that might offend Gods puer eyes,


The next is, to have Faith in Christ, and Love
Of God, and that which he doth best approve;
Humility must likewise have a place
In them that will be sure of tru Grace,

Iam. 4. 6

Then there must be sincear Obedience
To all Jehovah's just Commandements,
For God will manifest himself to those,
Who by Obedience, Love to him disclose.

Ioh. 14

Now lastly, that which fits one to embrace
The sence of God's exceeding Love and Grace
Is skilfulnesse in that most blessed Art
Of walking with the Lord with upright heart,
That is to manage all things heedfully,
As in the veiw of Gods omniscient eye,
And so, by consequence, by Faith to joyne
In union with the Trinity divine;
This is the very life of happynesse,
Which one may feel far better then expresse:
But lest whilst being wrapt above my sphere,
With sweetnesse of the Theame, I should appeare
Quite to forget the nature of a Song,
And to some this might seem over-long,
My thoughts theyr workings, speedily suspends,
And at this time my Meditacion ends.


Verses on the twelvth Chapter of Ecclesiastes.

All Earthly Glories to theyr periods post,
As those that do possesse them may behold,
Who therfore should not be at too much cost
With that which fades so soon, dies & growes old
But rather minde him in their youthfull dayes,
Who can give glory which shall last alwayes.
Ere Light of Sun or Moon or Stars expire,
Before the outward sence eclipsed be,
VVhich doth direct the heart for to admire
These works of God which obvious are to see,
The Fabrick of the Earth, the Heavens high,
Are to the mind discoverd by the eye.
Again, before the strong men, low shall bow,
And they that keep the house shall tremble sore
Ere natures force be spent, or quite out-flow;
And wonted courage shall be found no more,
VVhen weaknesse shall each part emasculate
And make the stoutest heart effeminate.


Moreover, ere the grinders shall be few
VVhich for concoction doth the food prepare,
And Dames of musick shall be brought so low
That for their melody none much shall care;
Harsh and unpleasant, then the voyce shall bee
The breast being not from obstructions free.
Also before that, causlesse feares arise,
By reason of much imbecility,
Conceit of harmes will in the way surprise
Such feeble ones, which would from shadowes fly
VVhen chilling Frost of sad decrepid age,
The force of vitall vigour shall aswage.
The Almond Tree shall blossoms then declare,
Gray hairs presage to them the end is nigh,
Naturall heat having no more repaire,
Desires fayle, as flames wanting fuell, dy,
Nothing remayning wherby strength's suppli'd
The marrow wasted, and the moysture dri'd.
And ere the silver cord be loose and weak,
Before the veins be stopt, and sinews shrink
And ere the golden Bowl or Pitcher break,
Before the heart for want of spirit shrink
The head whereas the animals reside,
Now full of maladies, and stupyfide.


The Body thus out-worn and quite decayd,
The dust returneth to the Earth again;
To God who gave it, is the Soul convayd.
VVho doth with it as he did preordain,
However som to vent their falacy
Conclude the Soul doth with the Body dy.
VVhich if were truth why did our Saviour say?
Feare him not which the Body kils alone,

Mat. 10. 24.

And hath no might the Soul for to destray,
It with the one the other must be gone;
But that they may declare impostors skill
Twixt Soul and Spirit they distinguish will.
The Soul (say they) doth with the Body dy,
Then there's a third part which they Spirit call,
VVho doth return to God immediatly
Leaving the Dead till judgment-generall,
And then returning breathing doth infuse
In Soul and Body, wherby life ensues.
For which they have no Scripture (I suppose)
Save what they wrest unto theyr own Perdicion,
As this, where 'tis said, the word with power goes
Twixt Soul & Spirit by divine commission.

Heb. 4. 12.

Twixt joynts and marow it doth penetrate,
Facing all secrets, heart can meditate.


The joynts and marrow of the Body be
Not sev'rall species, but of kind the same,
The Body to support, each part agree,
And ev'ry member hath its sev'rall name;
So Soul and Spirit is one entire thing,
Immortall by the vertu of its Spring.
More texts of Scripture these Deceivers wrest,
Which should be answered, Truth for to defend;
But seeing here I have so long digrest,
What I begun, I hasten now to end,
Which is to stir up youth their God to mind,
Before effects of evill dayes they find
All here is vanity the Preacher sayes,
Yea use of many books are wearisome,
If cheifly don for self-respect or prayse
It doubtlesse will to such a snare become:
Of all the matter, then the End let's hear,
Keep Gods commandements with son-like fear.