| Poems, and phancies |  |
Of the Motion of the Sun.
Sometimes we find it Hot, and sometimes Cold,
Although the Sun equal degrees doth hold;
And in a Winters day more Heat is found,
Than Summer, when the Sun should parch the ground;
Wherefore if Heat doth make him gallop fast,
'T must ever equal be or stay his haste;
If so, then Seas which send up Vapour, may
His fiery Courage cool in the mid-way;
Besides, the middle Region which is Cold,
And full of Ice, will of his strength take hold:
Then 'tis not Heat that makes him run so fast,
But this fast running Heat on Earth doth cast;
And Earth sends Vapours cold to quench and break
His fiery strength, which makes his Beams so weak.
 | Poems, and phancies |  |