Poems, and phancies written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected |
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VVhat Atomes make Fire Burn, and what Flame.
VVhat makes a Spark of Fire to burn more quickThan a great Flame? because 'tis small to stick;
For Fire it self is in its nature dry,
Falls into parts, as crowds of Atomes lye.
The Sharpest Atomes keep the Body hot,
To give out Heat some Atomes forth are shot.
Sometimes the Sparks for anger fly about,
Or want of room do thrust the VVeakest out,
They are so Sharp, that what they meet devour,
If other Atomes them not over-power:
As Ants, though small, will eat up a dead Horse,
So Atomes sharp use Bodies of less force;
As Stings in Flies are not so sharp as Bees;
And when they meet a Body, solid, flat,
The Weakest fly, the Sharpest work on that.
Those that are not so Sharp do fly about,
And seek to eat some lighter matter out,
Thus lighter Atomes Air do turn to Flame,
Because more Thin and Porous is the same;
And being light and weak fast hold to take,
Hotter a Burning Coal than Flame do make.
The Sharpest into Firmest Bodies fly,
But if their Strength be small, they quickly Dye:
Or if their Number be not great, but small,
The Blunter Atomes beat and quench out all.
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