University of Virginia Library

The Lamentation of Follie


To the tune of New Rogero.

Alas what meaneth man,
with care and greedy paine:
To wrest to win a wordly fame
which is but vile and vaine.
As though he had no cause to doubt,
the drift of his desire,
Not pleased though he rule the route,
but still to couet higher.
And wander after will,
farre passing his degree:
Not so contented still,
but a king himselfe to be.
Subuerting law and right,
detecting triall true:
Wringing euery wight,
that all the realme dooth rue.
Whose deed and ill desart,
compact and false consent:
I thinke no Christen heart,
can choose but needs lament.
Alas it seemed strange,
such thraldome in a realme:
Which wealthie was to wast away,
by will that was extreame.
Sith vertue was profest,
most famous franke and free:
Yet men transposed cleane,
more vile and worse to be.
And such as did pretend
to shew themselfe most holie:
Haue swarued in the end,
and fawned after follie.
Whose wordes so disagree,
as waters come and go:
Their liuings to be contrary,
that should examples showe.
And fawning after fame,
pursue their owne decay:
As though there were no God,
to call their life away.
What surety is in man,
what truth or trust at all:
Which frameth what he can,
to worke vnworthy thrall.
Oppression hath beene free,
the poore alas be spoyled:
Maides and wiues be rauished,
the simple are beguiled.
Lawe is made a libertie,
and right is ouerthrowne:
Faith is but a foolish thing,
falsehood is alone.
Pride is counted clenlinesse,
and theft is but a slight.
Whoredome is but wantonnesse,
and waste is but delight.
Spoiling is but pleasure,
riot is but youth:
Slaunder is a laughing game,
and lying counted trueth
Mariage is but mockage,
the children counted base:
Thus right is wronged euery way
in our accursed case.
Flatterie is the Forte of Fame,
and trueth is troden downe:
The innocent do beare the blame,
the wicked winne renowne.
Thus Sathan hath preuailed long,
and we for want of grace:
Haue troden vertue vnder foote,
and vice hath taken place.
But God that is most righteous,
hath seene our fatall fall:
And spred his mercie ouer vs,
to shield vs from the thrall.
Whose mercy is so infinite,
to such as were oppressed:
He hath restored them to right,
and hath their care redressed.
And though that our vnworthinesse
hath not deserued so:
Now let vs cease our wickednesse,
and graft where grace may grow.
And let vs pray for our defence,
our worthy Queene elect:
That God may worke his will in her,
our thraldome to correct.
That God be chiefely serued so,
as dooth to him belong:
That right may haue his course againe,
and vanquish wicked wrong.
That we may liue in feare and awe,
and truly to intend:
And haue the iustice of the lawe,
our causes to defend.
That truth may take his wonted place,
and faith be fast againe:
And then repent and call for grace,
that wrought our care and paine.
That God send vs a short redresse,
with wealth and great increase:
And to our Queene, to reigne and rule,
in honour, health, and peace.
W. E.

[A ballad of King Henry II]

Henry our roiall King would goe on hunting,
To the greene forrest most pleasant and faire:
[OMITTED]aue the Hart chaced, the dainty Does tripping,
[OMITTED] merry Sherwood his nobles repaire.
[OMITTED]and [illeg.] was vnbound, all things prepar'd,
For the same, to the game with good regard.
[OMITTED] a long Summers day, rode the King pleasantly,
With all his princes and nobles each one:
Chasing the Hart and Hind, and the Bucke gallantly,
Till the darke euening inforst them turne home.
then at last riding fast he had lost quite,
all his Lords in the woods, late in darke night.
Wandring thus wearily, all alone vp and downe,
[OMITTED]th a rude Miller he met at the last:
[OMITTED]king the ready way vnto faire Nottingham.
[OMITTED]quoth the Miller your way you haue lost.
yet I thinke, what I thinke truth for to say,
you doe not lightly goe but of your way.
[OMITTED]y what dost thou thinke of me quoth our king merily
[OMITTED]ing thy iudgement vpon me so breefe:
God faith quoth the Miller I meane not to flatter,
I gesse thee to be but a gentleman theefe.
[OMITTED] thee hacketh the darke [illeg.]ight not a downe,
Least that I presently cracke thy knaues crowne.
Thou dost abuse me much (quoth our king) saying thus,
I am a gentleman, lodging I lacke:
Thou hast quoth the miller not a grote in thy purse,
All thy inheritaince hangs on thy backe.
I haue gold to discharge all that I call,
If it be fortie pence I will pay all.
If thou beest a true man then answered the miller,
[OMITTED] swear by my tole [illeg.] lodge thee all night,
Heres me hand quoth our King that I was euer:
[OMITTED]ay sort quoth the miller thou mayst be a sprite.
better ile know thee ere hands I will shake,
[OMITTED] none but with honest men hands I will take.
Thus they went al a long vnto the millers bouse
Where they were [illeg.]ng of Puddings and souse:
[illeg.] miller first entred in, after him went the king:
Neuer came he in so smokie a house.
now quoth he let me see heere what you are,
quoth our king looke your fill, and doe not spare.
I like well thy countenance thou hast an honest face,
With my sonne Richard this night thou shalt lye:
Quoth his wife by my troth tis a good hansome youth,
Yet is it best husband to deale warily
art thou not run away, pray thee youth tel,
shew vs thy pasport and al shal be wel.
Then our king presently making low curtesie,
With his hat in his hand, thus he did say:
I haue no pasport nor neuer was seruiture,
But a poore courtier rode out of my way.
and for your kindnes now proffered to me,
I will requite it in euery degree.
Then to the miller his wife whispered secretly,
Saying it seemeth this youth's of good kinne:
Both by his apparel and eke by his manners,
To turne him out certainly were a great sinne.
For quoth he, you may see, he hath some grace,
When he speakes vnto his betters in place.
Wel quoth the millers wife, yong man welcome h[illeg.]
And though I say it, wel lodged shalt thou be:
Fresh strawe I wil haue, laide in your bed so braue
Good browne hempen sheets, likewise quoth she.
I quoth the goodman and when that is done.
you shall lye with no worse then with mine owne
Nay first quoth Richard: good fellow tell me true,
Hast thou no creepers in thy gay hose,
Or art thou not troubled with the scrubado?
I pray you quoth our King what things be those?
Art thou not lousie, or scabbed quoth he?
If thou beest, surely thou lyest not with me.
This causde our King sodainely laugh out most he
til the teares trickled downe from his face:
then vnto supper were they set orderly,
With hot bagpudding, and good applepies.
Nappy ale good and stale in a blacke boule,
Which did about all the boorde merily troule.
Here quoth the Miller, good fellow I drinke to it
and to all court[illeg.]les that curteous be,
I pledge thee quoth our King, and thanke thee ha[illeg.]
For me good welcome in euery degree.
and here in like manner I drinke to thy son,
do so quoth Richard and quicke let it come.
Wife quoth the miller now fetch me foorth light
that we of his sweetnes a little may taste:
A faire Uenson pastie then brought the foorth pres[illeg.]
Eate quoth the miller, but sir make no waste
Here is good lightfoot, in faith quoth our King,
I neuer eate so daintie a thing,
Ywis said Richard no dainte at all it is.
For we do eate of it euerie daie,
In what place said our king maie be bought like
We neuer pay pennie for it by my faye:
from merie Sherwood we fetch it home here,
now and then we make bolde with the Kings dere
Then I thinke quoth our King that it is venison,
Each foole quoth Richard ful wel may see that
Neuer are we without two or three [illeg.] the ruffe,
Uery wel fleshed and excelent fat.
but pre thee say nothing where euer thou goe,
we would not for two pence the King should it know
Doubt not quoth our King my promised secrecie,
the King shall neuer know more on't for me,
a cup then of lamps wool they drunke strait vnto
and so to their beds they past presently:
the nobles next morning went al vp and downe
for to seeke out the King in euery towne.
at last at this millers house some did espy him pl[illeg.]
as he was mounting vpon his faire steed:
to whom they ran presently falling downe on th[illeg.]
Which made the millers heart wofully bleed,
shaking and quaking before him he stood,
thinking he should haue been hangd by the rood
The King perceiuing him fearful and trembling
Drew out his sword, but nothing he sed:
The miller down did fall crying before them all
Doubting the King would haue cut of his head.
but he his kinde curtesie strait to requite,
gaue him great liuing, and dubbd him a Knight