University of Virginia Library


These Verses present in your Royall view,
Presumed not to presse into this roome:
But brought as prisoners to receiue from you,
Of Death, or Life, as likes you best, the doome.
Thus th'Author and his rimes both prostrate lie,
And as your Highnesse saies, say they, and J.
Your Maiesties most humble and faithfull Subiect and Seruant: Iohn Stradlyng.




The Song of Peace it is a copious theame,

Peace, a copious Theame.

Whereon a Poet learned, and at leisure,
Of royall paper well might fill a reame,
And do it without labour at his pleasure.
I haue nor learning, neither Poets skill,
Yet out of zeale will vtter my good will.


The God of peace (There to begin it's best)
So guide aright my slender oaten quill;
That what I write, the greatest and the least,
May take it well, as I intend none ill.
My theame is Peace, and Peace is my desire,
Else would my rimes were flaming in the fire.


Peace may be vnderstood more waies then one,

Peace, a word Ambiguous.

The word is full of ambiguitie:
And yet in each sence good: ere I haue done,
That shall appeare to euery pearcing eye.
Marke all the branches springing from this root,
You'l grant my words, and somwhat more to boot.


At Christ the Sonne of God his happy birth,
It is recorded in the sacred story:

Luke 2. 13.

A Quire of Angels sang with heauenly mirth,
Peace be on earth, and vnto God be glory.
If peace of blessed Angels be the song,

Peace, the Song of Angels.

The note of discord doth to diuels belong.



So sweet a Song was neuer heard before,
No Chanters such in no Cathedral Quire:
Some thousands were of Quiristers and more,
Their theame was Peace, there could not be a higher.
If ye aske, Where was pen'd this blessed Dittie?
In new Ierusalem that holy Cittie.


Three parts were of that Song, Gods glory first:
Next, Peace on earth: Then, Vnto men good will:
I hold them of all other people worst,
That seuer these through hate, or lacke of skill.
Peace and good will among the folke of Christ,
Redoundeth to the glory of the High'st.


In elder Writ, though God be named oft
The Lord of Hosts, none can be so but he,
For cause he brings the greatest Kings to nought,
And where he pleaseth doth giue victorie:
Yet in the new (as I can call to minde)
That title seild, or neuer doe I finde.


His pow'r and might is as it was before,
All Lords on earth to him are but as Flies:
And yet it seemes it was his pleasure more,
Since Christ came downe, to set before our eyes
His mercy shadow'd from his Maiestie,
So yeelding comfort t'our mortalitie.


1. Thes. 5. 23. Phil. 4. 7.

The God of Peace, by this name is he knowne,

His Peace all vnderstanding doth surmount:
Then those whom he vouchsafeth for his owne,
If they to dwell with him doe make account,
Must liue in Peace, and perfect Vnity:

1. John 4. 20.

Else if they say th'are his, I'le sweare, they lye.



Peace, Loue and Concord, Christian badges be,

Peace the badge of Christians. 1. Iohn 2. and 3. 10

By them are Christs disciples knowne from others:
But such as liue voyd of all charitie,
Are not his seruants, much lesse then his brothers:
They to another master doe retaine,
And he must pay them wages for their paine.


Sweet is the name of Peace, but sweeter farre
The thing it selfe, experience prooues it true:
An Adage old doth tell me, Sweet is Warre.

Dulce bellum inexperte.

To whom? To him that Warre yet neuer knew.
If any list to try before he trust,
Such will approoue my saying true and iust.


If men did vnderstand what ioy of heart,
What inward comfort to a soule distrest,
What ease of griefe, and what release from smart
Gods peace doth bring, and how it makes men blest;
They would sell all they haue to get that treasure,
Placing therein their only ioy and pleasure.


Of Peace God is the Author and the giuer,

1. Thes. 5.

A King so great and bountifull, as he
Bestowes not trifles on his true beleeuer:
Then Peace, Gods gift, must needs a good one be.

Peace is Gods gift.

All Monarchs vpon earth, though ioyn'd in one,
May not compare their gifts with his alone.


Christ whē he came brought peace, & whē he parted,

Ioh. 6. 33. Ioh. 14. 27.

Left that behind to his Disciples deere:
Their doctrine, vnto those whom they conuerted,
Was full of peace: And whil'st they liued heere,

Christ left Peace. His Disciples taught Peace.

They taught vs still to pray, Da pacem nobis,
As Christ at parting sayd to them, Pax vobis.



Ephes. 2. 14. Christ is our peace.

Christ is our Peace, what can be spoke more full,

In praise of that which needs none other glosing?
Yet are our wits, in things diuine, so dull,
As rather leane on humane sense reposing,
Then on the truth: whereon he that doth rest,
(Say worldlings what they list) is surely blest.


Peace, all blessings.

Well spake the Hebrewes, when they wished good

Vnto their neighbour whom they passed by:

Gen. 43. 23. 1. Sam. 25. 6.

Peace be to thee, which rightly vnderstood,

Implies all blisse, and all felicity.
That Sacred tongue in briefe expresseth to vs,
What good Peace (if we it imbrace) will doe vs.


Psal. 37. 11. and 37.

Men of meeke spirit shall the Land possesse,

Peace in abundance shall refresh their hearts:
Of innocence and perfect vprightnesse,
Peace is the end: (good pay for high deserts.)
The hauty-hearted, wicked, and vniust,
Some other thing for hire, expect they must.


Tell, Who began to breake the sacred band
Of blessed Peace, wherein man liu'd at first?

Gen. 4.

Was't not that Cain who lifted vp his hand,

And with a murthrous mind (O wretch accurst)
Brake peace, and foully slue his onely brother,
Though they had both one father, & one mother?


Cain the first Peace breaker.

This was the first of men that so transgressed,

Yet long before the diuell led the dance:
When Adam and his wife stood in state blessed
In Paradise: it fell not out by chance,
But by suggestion of the wicked fiend,
That man made God his foe, which was his friend.



The diuell was a make-bate, and man-slayer

Iohn 8. 44.

From the beginning, so continues still:
All that be such, must vnto him repaire,
Where they shall finde of brawles and stirs their fill.
Let them not looke for Peace, ther's none in hell,
“Nay hel's on earth, wheras Peace doth not dwell.


“In heauen is Peace, earth's heauē where peace dwelleth,
A man within himselfe may be at bate:
The Peace of Conscience all peace else excelleth,

Peace of Conscience. Rom. 5. 1.

What so disquiets that, well maist thou hate.
This, both with God, and with our selues doth set vs
At perfect rest, and then can nothing fret vs.


O what a hell is't in a countrey Cot,

Peace in a House.

Where dwels not Peace, but harsh debate and strife?
All plenties there, they are not worth a groat,
Iarres being only 'twixt the man and wife:
If they alone doe loue, and liue as friends,
For all defects besides, that makes amends.


Children th'example of their parents follow,
Good seruants doe their masters imitate:
Ther's none (but if he haue his heart all hollow)
That ioyes not in beholding such a state.
Such is the power of gracious vnity,
Makes earthly men, as heauenly Angels be.


Proceed yet further to a stately towne,

Peace in a Towne.

Where Peace & concord swayes 'mongst all degrees,
Riches and plenty doe their labours crowne,
They liue together like a swarme of Bees.
Both great and small bring honey to the hiue,
A drone is he that knowes not there to thriue.



Peace in a Kingdome.

Of Kingdomes and of Empires large and great,

Like may be said and more, if it were need:
“'Tis Peace that doth adorne a Princes seat,
“Making it glorious like Gods throne in deed.
“As Kings are Gods Lieutenants, so should shine
“Their thrones, in sort resembling the diuine.


No Peace breach in Heauen.

In heauens kingdome there is no contending,

Those subiects know, and doe their duties right:
All is so well, that there needs no amending,
There God and King is euer in their sight.
That's not for terror, but t'increase their blisse,

Psalm. 16.

For in his presence all contentment is.


Since the fall of Lucifer. Reuel. 7.

Once yet, aboue there was a foule rebelling,

When factious troupes of Angell-mutiners,
Ioyn'd with great Lucifer in damn'd pride swelling,
Were tumbled downe as vilde conspiraters,
From highest Heauen, into that burning lake,
Which once to thinke on, any heart would quake.


But since that time, there neuer chanced more
The least disorder: neuer will againe:
Those Angels that were true to God before,
Had this free charter, That whil'st he did raigne,
(Which is for aye) they neuer should decline,
Not the least iot from his good will diuine.


And so they liue in Peace, (there needs be spoken
No more) that is, in a most blessed state:
Such peace as henceforth neuer can be broken,
Such loue, as neuer can giue way to hate.
With Psalms, and hymnes, and heauenly melodie,
Yeelding laud to the glorious Trinitie.



Suppose there might be found but one great towne,
Or one small kingdome in this Vniuerse;
Where some resemblance of the state laid downe,
Were well obseru'd: who would not there conuerse,
Wishing himselfe a member to that head,
Which with such peace the body gouerned?


Blest were that people, blessed were that King,
As blest as on this center men may be:
All freely thither would their tributes bring,
And count that seruice greatest Libertie,
To liue in Peace, life, lands and goods secure:
What man but such a seruice would endure?


Such kingdomes hardly can be found on earth,
Ambition swaies too much mongst men of State:
Of Peacefull Princes, there is so great dearth,
For One I know, I cannot finde a mate:
That One must be the Phœnix of this age;
To him the Muses flie for Patronage.


Or nothing or enough before is writ,
To giue content vnto each man of reason:
Yet some there be, to shew their straine of wit,
Will haue their spoke, be't ne're so out of season.
I partly guesse what they meane to obiect,
Their shafts once shot, shall on themselues reflect.


They'le say, What tell you vs a tale of Peace?


You are a Clerke (it seemes) bound to your booke:
Goe sit you downe, command your Muse to cease,
And now a while vpon those triumphes looke,
Of Kings and Keisars, which doe eternize
Their names, and raise them vp aboue the skies.



The fame of great warriours.

Th'Assyrian Monarch hight Nebuchadnezzar,

That famous Greekish King, surnamed Great:
Romes worthy warriour, stout Iulius Cæsar,
And he that made proud Baiazet to eate
Crums at his feet: Neuer were men so high
Plac't in Fames chaire, crown'd with eternity.


That Carthaginean Chiefetaine, Hannibal,
(A better souldier neuer liu'd before him)
Which wel-neere brought great Rome vnto her fall:
And famous Scipio that ouer-bore him.
What say you of these Nobles, and their deeds?
It ioyes his heart that onely of them reeds.


A thousand Worthies else, as well as these,
Recorded are in Writers old and new:
Who following warres, regarded not their ease,
But ouer Hils, through Woods, and Riuers drew
Millions of men, to seeke out vnknowne Lands,
And reare them Trophies with victorious hands.


All these by warres great victories obtained,
Slue mighty Kings, and took their Crownes of gold:
O're-ran whole Countries where they after raigned,
And waxing powerfull, did euen what they would.
Both life and death lay in their conquering hands,
The world was all subiect to their commands.


These honours got they, not by sitting still,
And hearing Schoole-men prate of Sophistry:
They scorn'd to scribble paper with a quill,
Or beat their braines about Philosophy.
Their ioy was in their Armour and their Swords,
Their exercise was sturdy blowes, not words.



Who euer liu'd on earth with such delight,
As did those Worthies, and their valiant bands?
They got them glorious names with honours bright,
Riches and pleasures, houses, wiues, and lands.
They could not lacke: for all the world was theirs,
And when they dyed, left it to their heires.


Well spoke, and like a man at Armes indeed,

The Obiection answered.

You can (it seemes) get Kingdomes in a trice:
He wins that hath so sure a card at need,
Yet hazzards all, that trusts to cards or dice:
“Sure play is best, so say old gamsters oft:
“The Mault is sweetest when the fire burnes soft.


Strange is it to behold the vulgar sort,
And some of better ranke, borne with the tide
Into this gaping gulfe: Nay, it's a sport,
To see them tickled with a foolish pride
Of others Acts: They, only full of words,
When most of thē scarce euer drew their swords.


What got those great ones by their feats of warre?

The miserable ends of great warriours.

How long inioy'd they their felicity?
Did not swift downe-falles all their triumphs marre?
And leaue iust nought to their Posterity?
Some liu'd and dy'd exil'd; Some had their ends
By violence, as they had vs'd their friends.


He that vpon a Stage should once behold

A comparison, expressing the instability of mans estate.

Those gallant fellowes in their iollity,
Seeing them looke vp big, all clad in gold,
Attended on with braue Nobility,
Would thinke no men on earth so blest as they,
Nor that their limbs (like ours) were made of clay.



But shortly after in another Scene,
At the Catastroph' of the Tragedie,
Bereft of state, and rich attendance cleane,
Led to the whip, or else to Butcherie,
Or drinking poyson, stab'd with knife, or sword,
Might (enuylesse) their late ioyes them affoord.


“Ther's no assurance got by shedding bloud,
“No honour wonne by spoyle and robberie:
“Those be the fruits of Warre, which like a floud
“Sweepes all away, and leaues but miserie.

1. Sam. 24.

“One of Gods rods it is to chastise sinners;

“Strike where it will, shall neither side be winners.


Here am I ledde into a long digression,
To free my Muse from idle opposition:
Such Phantasies haue left so deepe impression
In some mens braines, as scant the best Physicion
Can purge the humor, or the men restore,
Submitting their conceits to reasons lore.


A Caueat of the Author.

Mistake me not: I am no man of State,

Nor diue I into hidden Mysteries
Of Kings, or Common-weales: My country pate
Had neuer practice in such secresies.
Nor am I so ill bred, but that I know,
To beare me to the high, as to the low.


Kings haue Power to war.

To Kings and Princes sure it doth belong,

By lawes of God, and man, and natures guiding,
To keepe their Persons, Subiects, States from wrong,
The care hereof is left to their prouiding.
“Faire meanes are best, try all such: if they misse,
“Then make no doubt, the sword as lawfull is.



“Gods Vice-royes (holy Writ hath made it known)

Rom. 13.

“Beare not the sword in vaine; nor dull, as treene:
“Sometimes of force it must be naked showne,
“And vs'd to prooue how that the edge is keene.
“The tree that wil not bow, must needs be broke,
“Be it an Hazell, Shrub, or sturdy Oke.


A Poet speaking like a man of State,
And in the greatest State that euer sway'd,

A meane in peace.

When Rome no equall had with it to mate,
Yet fearing grosse security, thus said:
“Roman, rule thou thy Realmes with Empire iust,


“Be wise, too much on peace set not thy lust.


“Spare subiects, Rebels proud lay in the dust:
A golden rule the greatest Kings to guide:

Basilicon Deron. lib. 3.

Though loth they are, yet somtimes strike they must,
To curbe iniustice, or to master pride.
“Wrongs to repell, but none to doe, is Princelike;
“A man may too long beare, as too soone strike.


It is their charge, and they are tyed to it
By God, who sent them in his roome to sit:
He bids them strike sometimes, and they must doe it;

Rom. 13.

They haue their warrant in the holy Writ.
“He doth the wrong (I heard mine elders say)
“Who hinders not wrong-doing when he may.


A holy King complain'd of his abode
'Mong men that loathed Peace euen in their hearts:

Dissembling Peace-men. Psal. 120.

He spake to them of peace, like mind they show'd,
Yet meant not plainly, but vs'd cunning arts.
For when of peace they openly did prattle,
Then vnder-hand prepared they for battle.



A warriour may be child of Peace.

A man of warre, of Peace may be the child,

If so he seeke and wish it from his heart;
He may be stout, and yet he may be mild,
On either Scene fitted to act his part.
“War being iust, and waged by constraint,
“May well agree with any earthly Saint.


Iam. 2. Abraham.

Old Abraham the friend of God: Though he

Most faithfull were, and full of honesty:
(That's no disparagement to his dignity)
Yet stirred vp by former iniurie,

Gen. 14.

To rescue Lot, did foure Kings pursue,

Their goods tooke, them, and all their people slue.



Holy King Dauid, (none else will I name,

I must be briefe, and shun prolixity)
If euer victories did purchase fame,
Neuer was King more glorious then he.
He vanquish't all; all that he sought, he wonne,
And left it wholly to his Princely Sonne.


Dauid forbid by God to build the Temple.

He fought Gods battels, fought against Gods foes,

Aduanced Truth, supprest Idolatry;
By Gods appoyntment to the field he goes,
Well so might he his quarrels iustifie.
“Few by such warrant can approoue their fights,
“Yet all that bangle doe pretend like rights.


What man would thinke so good a King, so iust,
So prest to fight as he was by his God,
Should be debarred of his holy lust:
And when he wished, should be flat forbod
To build Gods Temple, hauing so decreed,
And gotten all things that thereto did need.



He was forbid: But well obserue the cause,

1 Chron. 22. The cause why, note.

For that he in his time had shed much blood:
O this should make the greatest Monarches pause,
And well aduize, if so their cause be good,
Ere they set on their men of warre to kill,
Or mans blood, water-like, on earth to spill.


This was indeed a mystery of State,
(If I mistake not) in Gods highest Court:
I could say somewhat, but I list not prate.
If Doctors teach aright, it doth import,
“That men of Peace whose hands from blood are free,
“To build and rule Gods Church the fittest be.


Such was wise Salomon, the King of Peace,


By God appoynted to that worke so holy:

2 Sam. 7. Eccles. 47. 13.

All warres in those times God did make to cease,
That to the building he might ply him soly.
All neighbour Kings and Princes him assisted,
And he had from them gifts, such as he listed.


The stones for that faire Temple had been squar'd,

1. King. 6.

And ready hewne, ere they were thither brought:
Of Hammer, Axe, or Iron toole was heard
No noyse at all. Whereby w'are plainly taught,
“That in Gods House, the least harsh stirre, or iarre
“Doth hinder Piety, and deuotion marre.


Augustus Cæsar peaceably possessed

Aug. Cæsar.

The Romane Empire, great as 'twas of old,
When as the Sonne of God, our Sauiour blessed
Came downe, his sheepe to gather to his fold,
And to lay of his Church the sure foundation,
To be elected out of euery Nation.



Isa. 11. A prophecie of the great peace at Christs birth.

Then slept the Wolfe and gentle Lambe together,

The Leopard fierce with the wanton Kid,
The Lion with the harmelesse Oxe, yet neither
(A matter strange) least hurt to other did.
A little child might leade them in a string,
Such was the pleasure of our heauenly King.


The Temple and Church founded in peaceable times.

Thus both the Temple and the Church were founded

By men, and in the dayes of greatest rest:
Not one Alarum in those times was sounded,
With Peace the world, totally then was blest:
Blest was that world, so mought this be agen,
If Christian Princes all would say, Amen.


Tyranny against the Primitiue Church

Long was it not, before that old Deceiuer,

Which shifted Adam out of Paradise,
Began to stirre. (Alas, he resteth neuer
From plotting mischiefe!) First he did deuise,
And mooue the Kings of euery Heathen Nation,
To pluck vp cleane this new-begun foundation.


With might & maine they stroue, & strongly strock,
Thinking to raze this worke quite with the ground:
They were deceiu'd, it stood vpon a rock,
The more they beat, the faster was it found.
The Master-builder grounded it so sure,
As he would haue it euer to indure.


So went the building forwards and grew higher,
Vntill the Tyrants all of them were wasted:
Nor flouds, nor tempests, sword, nor rage of fire
Could hurt the house: Thē soon much people hasted
To harbour there, and set their helping hands,
It to inrich with treasure, fields, and lands.



Great grew this house, and great the family,

The growth of the Church.

The like was neuer on the earth before:
One Father made all one fraternity,
One Law to all alike was, and no more:
One badge at entring in, like food, like hire,
They all meant, and did all one thing desire.


That old make-bate hereat his teeth did grinde,

The diuell plots against the Church.

Swelling with enuie till he neere was burst:
And where might faild, another way did finde
To execute his malice most accurst.
“When battery wil not serue, mines must be vsed;
This lesson to his scholers he infused,


To breake that bond of Peace, wherby those friends
Had been so linked one vnto the other,
That all did walke one way, aim'd at like ends,
Each tooke his fellow-seruant for his brother:
He rais'd a faction in the Family,
That greatly troubled their tranquillity.


Some Rulers of the house were first infected,


And sucked poyson from the Serpent fell:
An heedlesse rabble shortly were detected,
Misliking some thing, (what they knew not well)
The Founders Lawes and ordinances brake,
And turne-coates false, their Master did forsake.


Yet would they not the place abandon quite,
Nor yeeld to be discarded of their roomes:
Pretending still to haue as good a right
As any else: (Fie on them pelting groomes!)
The house by such was oftentimes disturbed,
New started vp still, as the old were curbed.



My Muse doth scorne her verses so to wrong,
Which she hath vow'd to pure Diuinity;
As once to name those varlets in her song,
Vnmeet for place in meere humanity:
“A Renegado more should be detested,
“Then Gentile, neuer in the Church inuested.



One must I name (though worst of all the rest)

Foule Arrius, the diuels damned brat:
Whose venome wrought from East vnto the West,
None spred so farre, nor lasted like to that.
And though it burst the guts of that vilde wretch,
Yet did th'infection eft soone further stretch.



Th'old Serpents sweetest sonne, Arabian borne

Of bastard seed, much like a filthy Spider:
Suck't of those dregs ('mongst others) neer out-worne
And spitting made it flye a great deale wider.
His vermine fled the house, and it defied;
All her lawes scorn'd, the founder flat denyed.


Others desir'd, though not deseru'd the name
Of Brotherhood, in that society:
These raue, and curse and ban, voyd of all shame,
Delighting with extreme hostility
To spoyle the House, break lawes, kill young & old,
The Founders name to raze out, if they could.


Alas, too long that hell-hound, Mahound curst,
Hath triumph'd in the ruines of Gods House:
Hee's swolne vp big, (I hope ere long hee'le burst)
Crept from a little hole much like a Mouse:
Now Lion-like he raues, and spoyles the flocke
Of Christ, and of his Person makes a mocke.



More shame it is to those that might redresse it,

Quarrels among Christians, reprehended.

Christ being one in might, and mercy still
Would surely helpe, if we sought to represse it:
But we each others blood had rather spill,
And be at deadly feud for little trifles;
Nay, if I should say right, for very nifles.


Trifles, most part, (my words may be maintained)

The grounds of them greater in shew, then in substance.

Compared with the grounds of Christian faith:
In speeches scandalous, and slanders fained,
Did not depraue what either party saith.
The most, each other doe not vnderstand;
And some that doe, beare not an euen hand.


If learned men of temp'rate disposition,
Would reason mildly, rancour laid aside:
They might draw poynts of faith to composition:
But we are led with pre-conceit, or pride.
Some of vs call the rest Pelagians,
Who quit them backe with Solifidians.


A fault on both sides, as I doe conceiue:
“Faire words (men say) makes friends. Ill must hee heare
“That euill speakes. Such railings vs bereaue
“Of charity: a vertue that doth beare
“With neighbours faults; and whom wee cannot mend,
“Teacheth vs pray for them vnto the end.


I looke here to be tax't by some Diuine,

Preuention of a scandall.

As though I tended to newtrality,
And care not on which side the Sunne doth shine,
So we may liue lul'd in security.
He doth me wrong if any shall so deeme me,
As I am knowne, so let my friends esteeme me.



Tamberlanes opinion of diuersity in Religion.

I neuer learnd of Tamberlane to hold,

That God, being one, yet was content each Nation,
So they liu'd well, might serue him as they would,
This way, or that, after their Countrey fashion.
My Muse will shortly make you know me better,
Beleeue her, shee'l not falsifie one letter.


Reu. 3.

To be luke-warme, that is, nor hot, nor cold,

Is surely naught. Such shall be spewed out:
Yet of extremes, to say I am as bold,
They both are bad, hereof no man makes doubt.
“Excesse of cold, deuotion stupifies:
“And too much heate, Loues gentle oyle vp dries.


Precifians. Phineas. Numb. 25.

Some of both sides precise, will here extoll

The zeale of Phineas, in the Scripture praised:
Th'example no man (doubtlesse) dare controll
God for that act, the Actor highly raised.
Who this example to me reades, or cites,
I answere him, Here be no Moabites.


The stick-gatherer stoned.

The man which on the Sabbath gath'red stickes,

Was ston'd to death. This cannot be gain-said,
The best of's all vse more vnlawfull trickes
On that high Day. If so we should be paid,
We would be milder to our Christian Brothers,
And as we wish our selues, would doe to others.


One precedent, the precept iustifies,
So is the Law taken in it's full vigour:
Yet was not still the practice so precise,
Nor hath been alwayes vsed with that rigour:
Examples many might be cited heere,
But that were needlesse, sith the case is cleere.



It grieues my heart (needs must I tell it out)

Rayling among Christians taxed.

To reade and heare the raylings of some hot-spurs,
How shamelesly, among the simple rout,
They bite their neighbours, much like Mastife Curs:
Fie on the Heretike, one cries: Sayes t'other,
Pox o'the Papist, though he were my brother.


Yet most of these, if they were bid to tell
The difference 'twixt Protestant and Papist:
Could say but; T'one side, in the Church I dwell;
T'other, with Pope to liue I haue no list:
Whereas it's knowne, as well one side, as th'other,
Call and esteeme the holy Church their mother.


Th' Apostles, and great Athanasius Creed,

Our concordance in the maine points.

The Pater-noster, and Gods Precepts Ten,
We all beleeue, as in the Church Clarks reade,
And to each Article, we say, Amen.
The holy vndiuided Trinitie,
We all adore in perfect vnitie.


Of Faith and Works, though Volumes large are pen'd

Faith and Works.

On either side, full of distinctions subtill;
Yet late great

Propter incertitudinem propriæ Iustitiæ, & periculum inamis gloriæ, tutissimū est fiduciam totam in sola Dei misericordia & benignitale re ponere. Bellar. 1. 5. de Iustifie. c. 7.

Doctors, so the matter mend,

As neere they reconcile vs by their skill.
“'Tis safest to doe well, yet claime no hire,
“But wauing Merit, Mercy to desire.


And so doe all, when they draw neere their end:
The holiest man that in the Church doth dwell,
What-euer doctrine earst he did defend,
Will say at last: 'Tis comfort t'haue done well:
Yet our assurance is, that we relie
On him, who for vs on the Crosse did die.



The Sacrament.

The termes of Trans and Con-substantiation,

In matter of the holy Sacrament:
By Schoole-men stampt, to maintaine disputation,
True Christian concord haue so rudely rent;
That Christ his coate is thereby all to torne,
Which gloriously was wont his Spouse t'adorne.


What need? Nay, who at first durst be so bold,
To coyne words, by the Scriptures neuer taught,
Nor in the Prime-Church, or by Doctors old
Once spoken of? Assuredly 'twas naught.
This might suffice to say, and soundly thinke,
That we Christs Body eate, and his Blood drinke.


Joh. 6.

So spake the Truth; So speakes each true beleeuer,

And so beleeues he, else beleeues in vaine:
Yet must referre the maner to the Giuer,
Whose power surpasseth depth of humane braine.
“Faith is the stronger, where no reason leadeth,
“But so beleeues, because so written readeth.



One maine point more of faith that I can see,

Doth strongly hold the parties both asunder:
That is, the foulest sinne, Idolatry,
Which imputation one side goes-vnder:
A crime, so full of grosse impiety;
Men that know God, would not commit, say I.


I am not on that side, I doe confesse,
(If siding may be nam'd with charity.)
Yet in this place, sure I can doe no lesse,
Then purge their hearts from such impiety.
I know so many good, deuout and pious;
I'me sure th'are not so sacrilegious.



Doubtlesse they doe the power Diuine adore,
And know there is none other God but hee;
His heauenly ayde they daily doe implore,
And sticke to him in their necessitie.
To Saints (it seemes) they attribute too much.
Idolatry? I may not say 'tis such:


Not as learn'd men intend it. Be it so,
That skilfull Doctours by strong inference,
Doe vrge, that needs it must amount thereto,
And that it can admit none other sense:
“What rightly they distinguish in their heart,
“No Doctor can make one by all his Art.


Yet sure those worships such resemblance haue,
And the distinction 'twixt them is so nice;
As neuer can the vulgar sort behaue
Themselues vprightly: nay, all seeming-wise,
Can hardly shun their Shipwrack on these shelues:
God giue them grace to looke well to themselues.


Some differences yet there are beside,

Smaller differences of State and Policie.

But not so much of Faith, as Policie:
And those would neuer keepe vs off so wide,
If we were well dispos'd to charity.
The Court, more then the Church of Rome doth grieue,
That we doe not some other points beleeue.


A word's enough: Shall men of Christians bore,
And rightly in a Christian Church baptized,
Holding those Creeds and points confes't before,
By any Priest be Anathematized,
For not beleeuing iump as Schoolé-men teach,
Or 'cause in some slight points he makes a breach?



Old damnable Heresies.

Those deuilish damned Heresies of old

That did the Church disquiet in her prime:
When, some Christs God-head; some, his manhood, bold
Were to deny: (A most detested crime:)
Nor none such (thankes to God) with vs are found,
We all doe stand vpon a better ground.


1. Cor. 3.

So many as of one foundation hold,

And build thereon, though some lay on but wood;
Some hay, or stubble; some againe, pure gold:
These builders are not equall, yet all good.
“He cannot fall that on this Rocke doth bide;
“He may be shaken, but he cannot slide.


To Princes and Prelates.

Ye Princes great, and Prelates reuerend,

The chiefest Pillars in the House of God:
Beare with the weake, doe gently them amend,
Be not too sharpe in striking with the rod.
“Though some excel, & some come short of others,
“That hinders not, but we may all call Brothers.


Wee are all Christians.

W'are Christians all, and glory in that Name,

As did our Grandsires many hundred yeeres:
Except some late ones (more they are to blame)
Who rather would be called, Iesus pheers.
“Christs person to diuide, is worse, God wote,
“A great deale, then to rent his seamelesse coate.


1. Cor. 1. 12.

Can factions singularity be good?

Did Christ or his Apostles teach vs so?
Such lessons yet I neuer vnderstood,
And many learned Doctors tel me, No.
“Faith, Meekenesse, Loue, and true Humility,
“The farest markes of soundest Christians be.



I write in zeale, but not in bitternesse,
As wishing peace and concord with my heart;
If Church-men shew I erre in more or lesse,
I shall be glad to learne, it is my part.
“Force is no meane, mens consciences to win;
“Perswasion opes the doore that lets faith in.


Once more I'me bold t'addresse my speech to you,
Princes and Prelates, ruling Church and State:
O bid your priuate quarrells all adue,
And cause your people bury all their hate.
Command and teach 'mong Brethren vnitie,
That in one quarrell all may liue and die.


Peace-makers; blessed so ye shall be named,

Mat. 5. Peace-makers blessed.

(And be indeed) Gods children to him deare:
Like motiue can by no mans wit be framed
As this; In Scripture 'tis a promise cleare,
Doe you the deed, the promise hee'l fulfill,
Who neuer brake his word, nor neuer will.


This Peace once settled (would mine eyes might see't)

An Inuitation to a most holy warre against the Turke.

And discord, all deepe buried vnder ground:
We might intend a Quarrell farre more meet,
Where Victory should worthily be crown'd
With true Renowne, and Immortality;
In such a Quarrell 'twere a ioy to die.


A holy Quarrell 'gainst Christs greatest Foe,
Inuites vs all to hasten to the field:
Into that Quarrell, he that would not goe
In Armory, deserues not beare a shield:
Nor to be ranged vnder Christ his Banner,
Or stil'd his Souldier in any manner.



Heere let zeale sway.

Heere would I wish our zeale to burne as fire,

And that no smoake the flame of it should smother:
Let old incourage yong; the aged Sire
His lustie Sonne, and each good man his brother.
Men would be had, & meanes. Who will not giue
With a free heart, those Legions to relieue?


I haue a'State, though small, of sonnes good store;
These would I tender at my Soueraignes feet;
Giue gladly after my degree, or more,
Thousands besides, I'me sure would doe the like.
Iames, Brittaines King, of Christian Faith Defender,
In Christ his cause, his vtmost aide would render.


So Spaine and France, and other Kings about,
Princes and States holding Christen beliefe;
Would shew themselues as forward, ther's no doubt,
The meanest (to his power) as the chiefe.
And were not such a warre against the Turke,
Of Christian vnity, a blessed worke?


A blessed worke indeed, and better farre,
Then be the workes wherein we stand ingaged:
It seemes some aduerse Planet, or crosse Starre,
The hearts and wits of Christians hath inraged:
Nay, of Gods Iustice, it doth all proceed.
Who can auoyd the things he hath decreed?


What's past cannot be holpen; That's most sure,
Th'euent doth shew, that God would haue it so:
In future contingents we may procure
Redresse, and shun some things would work our woe.

God worketh by his Instruments.

“Though God doe all by his ore-ruling will,

“Yet we must moue and striue, and not sit still.



Who knows his will, till things be come to passe?
His working no way doth our wills inthrall:
Though he be Author, yet we nathelasse
Be instruments, and so doe worke withall.
“Most wondrous in his prouidence he is,
“Against our wills, we ought accomplish his.


As when a Ship swift driuen by the winde,

An apt simile.

With full swolne sailes doth hasten to the East,
A Ship-man (casting matters in his minde)
Goes stalking on the decke towards the West:
Anon perhaps he turnes, and walkes againe
Slowly, that way the Ship doth driue amaine.


Walke he which way he list, or talke, or sleepe,
The Pilot close at helme his course holds on;
The Ship skuds forward swiftly in the deepe,
And so comes safely to the Port anon:
The Master-Pilot he doth all he will,
Yet worke the Saylors too, and sit not still.


Gods Iudgements, holy Dauid likeneth well

Gods Iudgements are deepe and vnsearchable. Psal. 36.

To the great Deepe: An apt similitude.
What man so rash, will take on him to tell
The doings of the watrie multitude,
In th'Oceans boundles bottome? Or what matter
Lies vnderneath that deepest brinish water?


A foole, or mad man, well he might be thought,
That would his knowledge vaunt of things so hid:
More fooles that to beleeue him would be brought:
Yet farre more mad, who prate of things forbid,
In Gods deepe secret prouidence Diuine,
The search whereof, he wills vs to decline.



Deut. 29. 29.

Reuealed things, to vs and to our seed

Belong of right; so holy Writ doth teach:
In them must be our exercise indeed,
At vnreuealed things we may not reach.
“The Fly is burnt that flutters in the flame,
“And pride that soares too high, must fall with shame.


Pro. 25. 3.

An earthly King, if he be wise in heart,

Is deepe withall, not easie to be sounded:
For Regall ruling is no common Art,
Kings Councels vpon secrecie are grounded.
Therein the King of Heauen they resemble,
That's to be wise (in truth) not to dissemble.


A comparison.

The King of Kings, whose Wisedome farre excels

Mans with and cunning, more by much, then all
The waters of the Sea, when most it swells,
One drop that from a deawie bunt doth fall:
He will not haue that Ashes, Earth, and Clay,
Should further search then he hath said we may.


His pleasure is to hold vs in suspence,
And make vs doubtfull rest 'twixt feare and hope:
That we may leane all on his prouidence,
Setting his will and pleasure for our scope.

Euils sometimes turne to good: and on the contrary.

“Some crosse befalls vs, tending to our good,

“Though not of vs (at first) so vnderstood.


Againe, on th'other side it may fall out,
That things esteem'd to be for our good hap:
Before some months or yeeres doe wheele about,
Bring on our pates an heauy after-clap.
“Abuse of good things makes them turne to euill,
“Through mans owne fault, & malice of the deuill.



Haman growne great in fauour of the King,

Examples. Haman.

Bent to destroy the Iewes all in one day:
Furnish't with power, and with the Royall ring,

Hest. 3. 10.

Set vp a gallowes for poore Mordocay.
Then were Gods people neere vnto confusion,
Expecting of their liues a sad conclusion.


But God the prayers of his seruants heard,
And sent them succour in their greatest neede;
The honest Iewe to honour was prefer'd,


Haman attending on his royall Steed,
Was forc't himselfe to ride that curtoll Iade,
Which lately he for Mordocay had made.


The Princes seeking Daniel to entrap,

Daniel, and the Princes. Chap. 6.

When once they had him in the Lyons Denne:
Thought themselues seated in good Fortunes lap,
And next the King, to be the chiefest men.
“(So may it fare with men of like condition
“Who trouble States through enuie or ambition)


The Sinne of Adam brought on him and his


Gods heauie curse, and lost him Paradise:
Then was he cleane depriued of all blisse,
And from true Iustice, subiect made to vice.
As he had falne from God, the creatures all
From their obeysance due to him, did fall.


The Woman likewise Actor in the Crime,


With paines in childbirth (heauie doome) was paid:
Yet see how God vouchsaft in after time,
To haue that sharpe, with gentle sweets allayd.
That's made a meane to saue her soule from hell,

1. Tim. 2.

So shee 'bide faithful, striuing to doe well.



The Blessed Seede was promis'd to restore,
What man by his owne wickednesse had lost:
Ten times more blest then Adam stood before,
Are Gods Elect: Though for a season tost
With surges on this Sea of Miseries:
Heau'ns ioyes exceede far th'earthly Paradise.


Babel. Gen. 11.

Those foolish builders of the Babel Towre,

Amazed at their Speeches strange confusion,
Suppos'd the world t'haue ended in that howre,
Or that they were abus'd by some Illusion.
A whiles they stood astonied at the matter,
Th'one mused much to heare the other chatter.


Had Bacchus Liquor bin as rife that time

Act. 2.

As when th'Apostles spake in wondrous sort:

Each would haue thought his mate full of new wine,
And of that change (at first) haue made a sport.
But when they found the vncouth alterations,
The sundry tongues, grew into sundry nations.


They parted friendly, not for lacke of ground,

Gen. 13.

As Lot and Abraham in some ages after:

But, for one kenned not the others sound,
Their talke would stir vp choller, or moue laughter.
A gentle way acquaintance old to seuer,
And closer knit like Languagers together.


Belike those that were neerest ioyn'd in blood,
In speech were then diuided most asunder:
No Father his owne sonne there vnderstood,
No sister, brother Greater was the wonder,
Fitter the worke: That so Affinitie
Might not meete with neere consanguinity.



Thus sooner was the World inhabited,
In Regions more remote from Shinar plaine:
Therin the will of God accomplished,

Gen. 11. 8, 9. Vers. 4.

Albeit those People had another ayme.
This Chaos-like confusion was meant,
And turned to th'worlds greater ornament.


Had God beene pleas'd, a thousand waies beside,
He could haue stop't the raising of that Steeple,
He lack't not other meanes t'abate the pride,
And dash the purpose of that braine-sicke People.
This lik't him best; To them it was a crosse.
Though after-ages finde thereby no losse.


Bee't so, that th'Hebrew doth without compare,

The Hebrew Tongue excelleth any one.

Exceed each other Language of mankind,
As learned Clerks, noting the myst'ries rare,
Doe cleerly proue to all that be not blind.
Yet for some purpose, other Tongues doe well:
That, may one, but not ioyntly all, excell.


The sacred tongue for sacred vse was best,
Fit to expresse the worlds strange Creation,
Natures of plants, herbes, Angels, men, and beast,
Sun, Moone, the Stars, world-dwellers propagation:
With such like matters in that Language pend,
And so ('t may be) 'twas framed to that end.


Not, that it should promiscuously b'applyde
To euery science and humane profession;
God (haply) other Language did prouide,
Foreseeing man by his most vaine digression,
From sacred stories would decline to fabling,
He sent him tongues fit for such idle babbling.



In Hebers line the holy tongue and seed
Were solely settled; all the rest profane,
To Gods true seruice tooke but little heed,
Their thoughts, their tongues, their studies all were vaine.
So whil'st Gods Church was to one Natiō bound,
In other men, and tongues, small grace was found,


Act. 10. All Nations & al Tongues, sanctified at one time.

Till Peter by a vision taught vs cleere,

No Nation on the earth vncleane to call:
And that the holy Ghost vouchsaft t'appeare
In clouen tongues, guiding th'Apostles all,
With Gentile-language, as with Hebrew speech,
The sacred myst'ries of Gods Word to teach.


Thinke, how those builders all amaz'd did stare,
When each heard other prate he knew not what:
Thinke likewise, how these last confounded were,
How wist they look't, how much they mus'd thereat,
To heare one mouth at once all tongues expresse:
Both sorts were like distracted, as I ghesse.


A miracle, the great'st for wonderment,
That after Christs Ascension hath been wrought:
It strucke the hearers with astonishment,
And to the Church store of beleeuers brought.
All Nations and all tongues were sanctifide,
The curse of Babel-builders nullifide.


Since then, the Artes, the Sciences humane,
The workes of Poets, and Philosophers,
The learned writings of great Scribes profane,
Historians Greeke, and Latine Orators,
With all professors in humanity,
Are meet attendants on Diuinity.



What doth this world more grace and beautifie,

In variety, is Beautie, and Delight.

Then change of fashions, multiplicitie
Of Languages pleasing variety,
Which sweetly seasons loath'd saciety?
“The man well skil'd in tongues of sundry lands,
“High in esteem with Church & States-men stāds.


That famous King of Pontus, Mithridate,

Mithridates spake 22. languages.

Who ruled seuerall Nations twenty twaine:
When they Embassies to him did relate,
In their owne tongues could answere all againe.
And was not this a greater grace, thinke ye,
Then to haue knowne but's mothers A.B.C?


Amongst the best Diuines that lately wrote,
Esteemed by chiefe Church-men of our age:
I haue not knowne one of more speciall note,
Then he that deckt Gods Booke in euery Page,

Arias Montanus.

With seuen seuerall tongues; each yeelding light,
The sacred sense (somewhere) to hit aright.


Thus, sundry tongues and their interpretation,

1. Cor. 10. 12.

A speciall gift is of the holy Spirit:
Th'Apostle notes it for a commendation,
Thankes God, that he himselfe excelled in it.

1 Cor. 14. 18.

“Loe, God a curse can turne into a blessing,
“For th'vse of men, his holy faith professing.


This driues men more Gods wisedome to admire,

Gods prouidence wonderfull.

And wonder at his forme of gouernment:
Instructs vs, that we ought not once aspire
To search, but waite vpon experiment.
“The rarenesse of euents falne out in fine,
“Makes vs both feare, and loue the power Diuine.



The frequent, set, and ordinary sway
Of things in nature strange and admirable:
All deepe regard thereof driues cleane away,
Onely (perhaps) we see them amiable.
“Hence Prouidence procures more admiration,
“Then doth Gods wondrous work of the Creation.


Suns course and Moones; Seas ebbs & floods, though strange,
Yet obuious vnto all peoples eyes;
Mooues vs much lesse, then doth the sudden change
Of States or Kingdomes: When the low doth rise,
The high falls downe, ere men can fully learne,
Or causes whence it comes to passe, discerne.


Saul, Salomon, &c.

To thinke of Saul, and royall Salomon,

Great Kings, once highly seated in Gods fauour:
So of Nabuchodonosor for one,
And him, who hanging, turn'd vnto our Sauiour.
The different liues, and ends of these, and like,
Into a strange amazement doth me strike.


Who sayes he is not heerewithall confounded,
And beaten cleane from reasons fraile defence:
I say, of flesh and blood hee's not compounded;
Or if he be, hath lost all humane sense.
As well as others, one thing I can see,
That is, in this point nothing doe I see.


O boundlesse, groundlesse, bottomlesse, broad Sea,
Of Gods Almighty Wisedome, and Iudgements!
Inscrutable, Ineffable they bee;
No forecast, what he hath decreed preuents.
Blest be his Name, his will fulfilled bee;
So sing the Saints in heauen: so say wee.



Of Kingdomes and of Empires, all that bee,

The bounds of all Kingdomes set by God.

Or were, or shall be, God hath set them bounds:
The times likewise and seasons, none saue hee
Can let; but sometimes they must dance their rounds.
What need I cite examples? euery child
Step't out of Grammar, store of such can yeeld.


Who knowes the causes why God first did raise
That barbarous Tyrant to so huge a height:
As now the best part of our world he swayes,
And crushes all his neighbours with his waight?
“With modestie to ghesse, is none offence;
“And with mistakes herein, men may dispence.


Perhaps (yet) some fore-promise made of old

Coniecturall causes of the Turks greatnesse.

By God, to some of Abrahams by-borne sonnes,
Or Nephews; (to say sooth, I am not bold,
Yet this 'mong other ghesses currant runnes)


Might be extended to these people fierce,
And giue thē power through many lands to pierce.


Alb'it out of the Couenant they were throwne,
And to Gods people euer stood aduerse:
Yet that they should be Princes great, 'twas showne,

Gen. 16. 10.

And that their Off-spring should grow numberlesse.
None vexed Israel more then such By-broods,
So these doe Christians in their angry moods.


What if God would, these people fierce and fell,


On wildest Mountaines of the world y bred,
Should be remoou'd in milder climes to dwell;
That being there with gentler ayre long fed,
Their natiue fiercenesse might weare out in time,
And they grow milder in a milder clime!




Or graft vpon the stocks of ciuill plants,

From them should some cuility deriue:


Or'mongst them dwelling, find out their own wants;

And by example, or by Precept thriue.
“(Of secrecies in Gods deepe prouidence,
“We ghesse, but not define, without offence.)


An apt comparison.

So the good Husband-man from out his crops,

Grubs vp some gribbles of a Crabbish kinde
Set in his Orchard, there he proynes and lops,
And fits them, as seemes best vnto his minde.
From fruitlesse Shrubs, & stubbed Stocks, as these,
They grow at length to pleasant fruitfull trees.


What ere they were, or what so was the cause
Of their great growth: (belike not one alone)
I boldly say, and neither feare nor pause,

5. Sinnes of Christians.

The sinnes of Christians, without doubt was one.

“Contempt of God, neglecting of his Word,
“Weake faith, ill maners, still draw on the sword.


So far'd it alwayes with the stubborne Iewes,
As we may see and reade in holy Writ:
Therefore to vs it ought not seeme as newes,
If for like sinnes, we with like rods be smit.
“God changeth not, his Iustice is the same,
“Lay not on him, but on our selues, the blame.


Yet as to them, so to vs hee's a Father;
Though he correct, let vs obserue the end:

Iob 5. 17.

“We should not faint, but take it kindly rather;

“He beateth not to hurt vs, but to mend,
“Sometimes to try how we will take his rod,
“And cause vs flie to him, as to our God.



A sea of matter swimmeth in my braine,
Whereon once lanched I might saile so long,
As hard it were by steering backe againe
To reach the Harbour: Therefore left my Song,
Beyond my scope should to a volume rise,
The summe of all in few words i'le comprise.


Of one cause lastly, and no more i'le write,

6. The last cause by the Author coniectured.

(I hold it firmely next vnto my Creed)
And if herein I hit the marke aright,
I hope the better in my wish to speed:
“Turks pow'r is rais'd so great, therby to make vs,
“Vnto a Christian concord to betake vs.


If brothers chance to fall at bate together,

An apt similitude inducing to Christian vnity.

As in their choller oft times it doth hap:
Though friends intreating can preuaile with neither,
Till each on other hath bestow'd a rap:
Yet if a stranger strike one, they'le soone gree,
And both fall on that stranger lustily.


This circumcised miscreant is he,

Incouragement against the Turke

That strikes and beates vs while we be at strife:
Let vs like brothers, (as in Christ we be)
Fall both vpon him, rid him of his life,
Or send him packing ouer Hellespont,
And thence pursue him vnto Acheront.


Ther's one lookes for him, and prouides a chaire
To set him in, it flameth all with fire:
Of that vast kingdome he is like be heire;
There shall he haue what here he did desire.
Strange griping torments, these were his delight:
Cymmerian darknesse, as he hated light.



Isa. 30.

Topheth of old was made for such as he,

Tyrants that hate Gods truth, and vexe his Saints;
He cannot scape Gods iust seuerity,
That scornes the Orphans, and the Widowes plaints.
“Good Kings in heauē on highest thrones shal sit:
“Fell tyrants low'st lye in the boundlesse pit.


Our Fathers rowz'd these Tigers from their dens,
And sought them out euen at Ierusalem:
We sit at home not much vnlike brood-hens,
And now are bearded at our dores by them.
“A little dog (men say) at his owne dore,
“Will bite a Mastiffe, though he dye therefore.


O how are we become degenerate!
Where is that ancient vertue of our Sires!
How can we suffer checks by such a mate!
Or let him in our houses kindle fires!
“First quench at home, then set flames in their tow'rs:
“That is the safest way to secure ours.


I long to see this businesse set on foot,
And thinke each yeere till it begin, mispent:
Better it is the sooner we goe too't,
And giue him not long leisure to preuent.
“The matter once begun well, were halfe ended.
“Best shal they speed, that best with God are friended.


My Genius tels me 'tis our Fathers will
It should be so, and so 'twill be in fine:
Yet I confesse it goes beyond my skill,
Of times and seasons rightly to diuine.
“I wish, the child already borne should see it,
“And him vnborne, that will not say, So be it.



Pardon my Muse for striking on this note,

The Authour craues pardon for his zeale.

She is so much delighted in the tune:
Nor pen, nor inke needs, she sings all by rote,
As merrily as any bird in Iune.
She may craue, leaue while she doth neither flatter,
Nor chide, but closely keepes her to the matter.


Once more I will be bold to speake a word

To the Kings Maiesty.

(I hope without offence) to my dread Lord;
Here is a cause wherein to draw your Sword,
Whereby your memory shall be deeply mor'd,
Bud and beare branches euer fresh and greene,
Whil'st men on earth, or Stars in heauen been.


I thinke I doe perswade not much awry,
Nor greatly straying from your Princely minde:
If so, then sure the better hope haue I,
Acceptance of my zealous wish to finde.
“He that perswades a man to what he meant,
“May hope for his good will not to be shent.


Would other Kings and Princes bore like mind,
And were so forwards to this holy warre:
The cause should soone a glorious passage finde,
And not be check't by any priuate Iarre.
I cleerly see, if you be not the meane,
For one whole age it must be dashed cleane.


A word to you, ye worthy men at Armes,

To men at Armes.

Commanders great, that Armies know to rule,
And other Chieftaines train'd oft in Alarm's;
Bold in attempts, not-vsed to recule:
Shew readinesse vnto this sacred Battle,
Brandish your Swords, & let your Armours rattle.



I am perswaded, some such liue abroad
Among Christs people, like those worthy wights,
Huniades, and Scanderbeg that rode
Attended on with many matchlesse Knights,
Ouer the neckes of Mahometan bands,
And slue whole hundreds with their proper hands


Transiluanian Sigismond.

Long is't not when that Transiluanian Prince,

Hight Sigismond, came little short of those:
And yet much later, euen scarce one yeere since,


The hardy Polaiks chast their doughty foes:

Making them glad, sit still and keepe their bounds,
E're while incroching on their neighbors grounds


Agria Battell. Am. 1596.

At Agria the last great battell fought,

Wherein the Turkish Monarch shew'd his head:
Our victors on base pillage turn'd their thought,
And gaue new heart to them who hartlesse fled,
Leauing their Great Lord neere captiuity,
Onely our foule couetice made him scape free.



Lepantoes seruice may not be let slip,

Where Iohn of Austrich taught them to their cost,
That in Sea-fight, with Galley or with Ship,
The Christians their old courage had not lost.
There came no hundred thousand fresh supplies,
In such (I reade) their chiefest boldnesse lies.



Looke backe, obserue how first they entred Greece,

And wan that Countrey fairest vnder skie:
Brought in by some their neighbours for to fleece:
Which done, they skinned both sides easily.
Th'Imperiall City won through martiall might,
By Mahomet, great Souldier, doe him right.



No more such Mahomets I hope they'l haue,

Tokens of the Turkes declining.

Their Great Lords, exercise of Armes neglect:
Their Ianisaries larger license craue,
By them both Lords, and Leaders oft are check't.
Good tokens that their State will grow no higher,

Verified by their deposing and murthering Osman their Late Emperour.

But that their vtter downefall drawes the nigher.


Of Asiatike warres ther's lesse account,
Their Veni, Vidi, Vici, fell out right:
Our Europeans those folke farre surmount,
In all respects, as best Historians write.
On Europes ayde he sets his chiefest rest,
He may haue more elsewhere, but these are best.


What great atchieuemēts haue they wrought of late,


Since first they set their foot in Hungarie?
Exposed to them thorough priuate hate,
And kept by fraud, and Turkish trechery:
Protectors to defend an Infants right,
Brought in by guile, and holding fast by might.


There are they held at bay by handfuls small
Of Christian Princes, priuate quarrels plying:
They hold their ground (and that I thinke is all)
I trust it shewes their Empire lyes a dying;
Yet will not breath it's last without more helpe,
Ioyne all good men to strangle such a whelpe.


What may the power of Christian Kings vnited,
Princes and States (thinke ye) be able doe;
All to this sacred warre at once excited,
Imploring meekly Christ his aide thereto?
All's in Gods hand: But in mans iudgement sure,
They could not such assaylants long indure.



Their numbers great should not be greatly feared,
Too many may doe harme, like as too few:
Forces enow of Christians will be reared,
Men fit to doe, and not to make a shew.
Next vnder God, good leaders doe the deed;
Such, euer make good Souldiers at a need.


Their name is greater then their puisance,
Yet this in no wise should be fondly slighted:
“Counsell is it great actions doth aduance,
“The best aduis'd, is commonly best righted.
Plenty of both sorts Christian Countries yeeld,
As well for Councell-tables, as for field.


Our cause is Gods.

Our cause is Gods, and will not want good-speed,

Vnlesse we marre it by our owne defaults:
We are assured of his helpe at need,
If counsell guide: and if in all assaults
“We courage haue, it boots not cry for ayd,
“If we like cowards shrinke, or be dismayd.



At Ioshuahs entrance to the holy Land,

Though God did promise to goe with him than;
Yet oft he laid vpon him this command,

Iosh. 1. 6, 7.

Be strong, haue courage, see thou play the man.

He said not, Sit thou still, I will doe all:
“We must lift vp our selues, else must we fall.


God is not pleased wonders still to show,
Nor worke without fit meanes (take that for Gospel)
Yet is it meet againe, all men should know
Who tyes him to the meanes, doth not doe well.
“The Kings high way is best for vs to keepe,
“We may be drowned if we wade too deepe.



When Moses brought the people neere the Sea,


And they shut in 'twixt it and Wildernesse,
Pursu'd by Pharoa, They began this plea,
Why hast thou been to vs so mercilesse?

Exod. 14. 10.

Better we had in Egypt dig'd our graues,
Then in this Desart dye, or be made slaues.


Stand still (said he) feare not, but be ye bold,

Vers. 13. 14.

Your God himselfe anon will for you fight:
You need doe nought, if ye your tongues can hold,
The Lord on your behalfe, shall shew his might.
So did he in the Churches Infancy,

Miracles in the Churches Infancy.

To shew his power, and faith beget thereby.


This may not alwayes be. For were it so,

They are not ordinary, and why.

Faith were a vertue of the lesse regard,
Confirmed daily by new wonders mo:
Such faith deserued but a poore reward.
“Then as for our parts, let vs doe our best,
“And with good comfort leaue to God the rest.


Our warre with them I hold to be as iust,

The iustnesse of this war. Gen. 14.

As that of Abram, when he rescu'd Lot:
Robbed we are by them, and needs they must,
Restore vs what they wrongfully haue got.
'Tis shame to let them hold that, and seeke more,
'Twill not be well, vntill we cleere the skore.


Of Lands and Countries they haue dispossest vs,
And tooke our goods away by violence:
Our houses faire, where we were wont to rest vs,
And Churches where we vs'd with reuerence.
To worship God: There do they serue the deuill,
And their false prophet, author of this euill.



The bodies of our brothers, friends, and kinne,
Vnder most seruile bondage they detaine:
Their soules (alas) they drowne in deadly sinne,
To seeke of them release, it is but vaine.
If all this cannot rowze vs out of sleepe,
Let good men pray, and women fall to weepe.


“Prescription's no good warrant to doe wrong,
“It rather makes the iniurie the worse:
They haue vsurped Christ his rights too long,
So they deserue of him the greater curse.
They must be scourged with his Rod: and we
His instruments to execute, must be.


They haue already had on vs their fill,
We take it as the guerdon of our sinne:
God rais'd them vp his purpose to fulfill,
When they haue done, I hope we shall begin.
We wish them good, for th'euils all they did vs,

Math. 5. 44

Because our Sauiour in his Gospell bid vs.


We wish their good, but they will not be taught,
Like Adders deafe, they will not heare our charmes:
To their owne good by force they must be brought,
Instead of tongues, we must apply our Armes.
“When arms shal cause thē yeeld, thē tongues may teach,
“The way wherby their soules shall heauen reach.


That worke becommeth Christian Kings indeed,
And Christians all, if euer any other:
Win more beleeuers to the Christen Creed,
Make of a wretched Infidell, a Brother:
Inlarge Christs Kingdom, wicked liuers mending:
Lift soules to heauen, late to hell-ward tending.



How many thousand Christian hearts will dance
Within their captiue bodies, when they heare
The holy Legions, ready to aduance,
And when it's surely bruted, they draw neere?
He knows, that long hath fettered laine in chaines,
And free'd doth walk, inlarged from those paines.


“There is no greater worke of Pietie,

A vvorke of Piety.

“Wherein a Christian can his faith expresse,
“Then ridding Christians from captiuity,
“And yeelding comfort to the comfortlesse.
Admit there were no motiue but this one,
It were enough to mooue an heart of stone.


But there be many more, that would require
A Volume, if they should be written all:
This onely is my scope and my desire,
To touch a few: thereby (perhaps) to call
Some man of deeper iudgement to goe on,
And finish that which I haue but begun.


Heere zeale (I see) transports me somewhat farre,
(I to those miscreants beare a Christian hate)
As when a Captaine, Victor in the warre,
Pursues in chase, the vanquish't to their gate.
I cannot leaue them, 'tis against my heart;
But wish them tam'd by might, or else by Art.


I doe behold, as plaine as in a Vision,
The progresse and euent of this great worke;
“Ther's nothing else but our vnkind diuision,

Our diuision vpholds the Turke.

“That doth vphold the Empire of the Turke.
Breake off this prop, their Kingdomes you shal see,
'Mong Christian Princes soone diuided bee.



The Author preuents a cauill.

Some man (perhaps) will say, I doe but dreame,

Or growing old, doe now begin to dote:
What should I meane to handle such a theame?
Out of my Element, I speake at rote.
A Scholler neuer trained in the field,
In such exploits can slender reasons yeeld.


True Sir, I neuer sern'd but in my Studie;
For acting much I haue no cause to boast:
And yet I feele my braine nothing so muddie,
But that I partly see who rules the roast:
The plots, the lets, the aymes at other ends,
And so 'twill be till Christians all be friends.


Friends if we were, it might be made appeare,
My speech bewrayes nor dreaming, neither dotage:
Yet truely neuer was't my meaning heere
Ought to prescribe, but onely to incourage.
This may be granted to a Christian Scholler,
And put no man of State in any choller.


Peter the Hermite.

That good old Hermite Peter, (whom I name

For honours sake) by his strong perswasion,
(Would I could doe the like) Author became
Of that most famous Christian inuasion;
When Godfrey marched to the Holy Land,
And tooke it from the Mahometans hand.


Q. Isabell of Spaine.

Faire Isabell, that famous Queene of Spaine,

In zeale to Christian Faith, and pure deuotion,
When small appearance was of worldly gaine,
At her owne charge imbrac't that happy motion,

K. Henry 7. K. Ferdinand.

Which two wise Salomons before reiected.

Who knowes not what thereby hath bin effected?



Dame Margaret, for pious deeds renown'd,

La. Margaret Countesse of Richmond.

Great, by the greatnesse of her Royall Sonne:
In Court, as glorious as a Princesse crown'd,
With Robes and Iewels shining like the Sunne;
Exceeded all that age in Pietie,
And zeale t'affurther Christianity.


Loathing foule warres among the flocke of Christ:
So those might be compos'd and quarrels ended:
Her selfe (of subiects greatest and the high'st)
Vow'd to leaue State; yea, thus low she descended;
A Lawndresse for the Christian Campe to worke,

Expressed in an ancient Table at her Picture.

And spare nor paines, nor cost against the Turke.


Example rare, exceeding imitation!
Yet if chiefe Rulers in Christs Common-weale
Did once begin; a pious emulation
Would soone produce a common Christian zeale.
The hearts of many good men are inflam'd,
To see that Monster ouercome and tam'd.


A Bishop great, and holy Martyr old,

Cam. Brit. Glamorgan

(I must esteeme him more then all know why)
Of whom, a little Modicum I hold,
As haue done diuers of mine Ancestry:
Me thinkes he bids me mind that holy place,
Where some of them receiued Knightly grace.


Thousands haue like incouragements, and more;
But some stand vp and make another motion:
What shall we gaine? And let vs heare wherefore

An objection.

We should ingage vs in this hot commotion?
We must be well maintained, well regarded,
Well furnished, and lastly well rewarded.



Fauour of Kings and Princes, doth infuse
Into great Leaders, spirits to begin:
Honour attending, makes the Gentry choose,
T' aduenture liues, that they may Trophies win.
The Souldiers gape for gold and siluer store;
So they haue that, most of them seeke no more.



Heer's for you all (my friends) of euery ranke,

Your Victories shall stretch beyond your scopes:
No man his lot shall draw out with a blanke,
You shall be lifted all aboue your hopes.
Fame, Honour, Riches, Countreys, Citties stately,
Shall all be yours, that were your foe-mens lately.


Siluer and gold, which they in rauenous sort,
Haue scrapt and hoorded vp for many a yeere,
Shall be dispers'd abroad to make you sport,
Your labours will returne you that good cheere.
In Armory, Shields shall ye all deserue,
If so the rules of Gentry you obserue.


Among the greatest you shall haue your share
In Townes, and Fields, you need not fall to bate:
Each one may take enough, and much to spare,
No good man shall haue cause t'enuie his mate.
“Ill borne and bred is he that cannot tell
“How t'hold himselfe content when he is well.



Glory of Countreys, Greece, Europes faire Garden,

And that renowned Seate of Constantine:
There to be seated, were a Souldiers guerdon,
And to beare rule, meet for a Royall Line.
Pittie it is fierce Wolues should there inhabite,
To hunt thē thence, each Shepherds dog shuld bite.



Nor list we all repose our selues in Greece,
To new atchiuements, great hearts would aspire:
As did Greekes Worthies for the Golden fleece,
Through water working passage, and through fire.
The Holy Land and Citie daily cry,

The holy Land

For Christians there to liue, where Christ did die.


His blessed and most comfortable birth,

Motiues thither.

His wonders there in great abundance wrought,
His conuersation yeelding heauenly mirth,
His holy Doctrine in those Regions taught,
His fastings and his prayers practis'd there,
His stripes & suffrings, which most painefull were,


His death, and his soule-sauing Passion,
His Sepulcher wherein his Body lay,
His most illustrious Resurrection,
His conquest ouer death on the third day;
All these moue zealous Christians with their hearts,
To chase those Infidels from out those parts.


As in a Forrest thicke I am enwrap't,
Run in with ease, but know not how get out:
My Soule (it seemes) is with a fury rapt,
And I, as in a whirle-poole wheel'd about.
Floods of new matter would me ouerwhelme,
Wer't not for one that sitteth at the helme.


Peace, Period of my Song commands me stay,
And doe to her the rights that I haue vowed:
Therewith she points, and sets me in the way,
So I (as bound) of her aduice allowed.
And thus my wandring Spirits recollecting,
I bend to her, all by-discourse reiecting.



Peace Vniuersall and Perpetual, the end of that warre.

Peace Vniuersall that iust warre will breed,

(A worke aym'd at by each good Christian man)
Perpetuall to vs, and to our seed,
And what will be the state of Christians than?
I leaue you to your owne coniectures free,
'Twere folly t'vtter all one doth foresee.


Who is so blind, that doth not see th' effects?
Or who so dull, doth not compre'nd the blisse?
Who is so gracelesse, that such grace neglects?
Or to reiect it, who so deuilish is?
Blind, dull, vngracious, deuilish, I them call;
Although I hope few such there be at all.


Fewer the better, yet there is no ground
So good by nature, so manur'd by skill;
But 'mongst the wheate some cockle will be found,
The Husband-man may weed them if he will.
Such weeds pluck vp, Grand-masters of great fields,
Your land thereby the better burthen yeelds.


Your Kingdomes are your fields, where Peace well sowne,
Shall cast a crop will giue you full content;
The workemen and the Reapers are your owne,
They cannot bring you in a better rent:
Such Iustment 'tis (take this aduice of mine)
You need not raise the rent, nor aske a fine.


Blest be the Plow-Swaines which such seed do sowe,
Blest be the grounds that bring vs such increase,
Blest be the workemen, reape they, either mowe,
Blest be the Garners, stored with such Peace:
Blest altogether Owners, fields, and Swaines,
The greediest need not gape for greater gaines.



Ther's choice of seed in euery sort of graine;

A simile. Good and bad seed of Peace.

Some light, some worme-eate, some bruiz'd with the flaile,
Some good; Take that, for feare you sowe in vaine,
Or at your Haruest, hopes may hap to faile.
“All is not gold, that like to gold doth show,
“The touch-stone teacheth true frō false to know.


Peace true, and such as Christians should imbrace,

Peace true and Christian.

The fruit of loue and blessed charity,
Must rule our hearts, and not make shew in face,

Col. 3. 15.

When cancred hatred lurketh inwardly.
“Fie on dissembling, 'tis a loathsome crime,
“Yet growne the common fault of this our time.


Peace, Iacobs sonnes, Simeon and Leui,

Gen. 34 False or counterfeit Peace.

Spake to the Shechemites like brethren seeming:
When as their hearts were bent to Trecherie,
The others no such falshood once misdeeming.
Their Father for that fact gaue them a curse,
For punishment there could not be a worse.


Peace in the mouth, oft harbours hate in heart,
“'Tis hard to know a friend by outward lookes,
“A wise man must beware: There is an Art
Of fayning Peace, some write it in their Bookes.
Ioab kist, kindly spake; How fares my Brother?

Joab. 2. Sam. 20.

Imbrac't with one hand, stabbed with the other.


Peace, false Antiochus and his wicked bands

Antiochus. 1. Mac. 1. 29.

Spake to the Iewes, though they sad mischief meant;
For when the Citie fell into their hands,
They murthred some, and some to bondage sent.
“Bad men sticke not to falsifie their oath,
“Good men, on their bare word, wil speak but troth.



Herod. Mat. 2.

Peace, (Fained worship) Herod did pretend

Vnto the Wise-men, hoping to o're-reach them:
When as our Sauiours murther was his end,
As God by th'Angel in a dreame did teach them.
“A murthrous mind cloak't with a faire pretence,
“Doth not diminish, but increase th'offence.


Iudas. Mat. 26.

Peace, or (Hayle Master) Iudas, caytife wretch

Spake, when his Lord he purpos'd to betray:
That friendlike glozing was a cunning fetch,

Vers 48.

His Person vnto strangers to bewray.

Iudas disciples hath, had, will haue still;
“Their end must be as his, for all their skill.



Peace, Machiauell grand master of deceits

Taught his disciples closely to pretend;
Vsing faire glozes as most subtil baits,
Thereby t'entrap their true-plaine-meaning Friend.
Such Iuggling tricks blear'd most mens eyes at first;
Now, better knowne to all, th'aue done their worst.


K. Richard 3. By Sr. Th. More.

Peace, thus; My Lord, welcome with all my heart,

Spake Tyrant Richard to that gentle Child,
For whom he had prepar'd a deadly dart,
Shaddowing rancour with a count'nance mild.
This man might well haue Mach'uels master bin:
“Greater the person, greater is the sin.


The great Rich man. Luk. 12.

Peace, that great Rich man (boasting of his wealth,

And taking pride of his abundant store)
Thought himselfe sure of, being in good health,
And furnish't for some doozen yeeres, or more.
Eate, drinke (sayes he) take rest, and liue at ease:
He thought he did inioy a happy Peace.



Peace Atheists, Worldlings, loosest Libertines,

Atheists, &c.

That liue in bestiall sensuality,
Faine to themselues, and promise to bad hynes,
So drawing them to grosse security.
Such Peace, destruction sudden soone drawes on,
And leades them headlong to perdition.


These all are bad seeds, keep them from your ground,
The rankest weeds doe not so much offend:
Their semblance makes them harder to be found,
Weeds may be sooner nypt, as sooner kend.
They take the name of Peace b'equiuocation,
Yet worse then warre, by due examination.


The world doth oft her darlings deere deceaue
With such false peace: Christ did expresse it plaine;
When Peace to his Disciples he did leaue,
And putting difference, said to them againe,

Christs Peace not as the worlds. Iob. 14. 27.

Not as the world giues, So giue I to you;
For that giues false peace, I bestow the true.


Striue for this Peace, it is a precious Iewell:
(Fondlings, worldlings, hunting after muck,
Of discord, warre, and bloodshed chiefest fewell)
Get it by purchase, or by lawfull trucke.
Both Indies yeeld you not so rich a treasure:
Why scorne ye t'one, seeke t'other out of measure?


Soule-slaying peace worlds children fondly seeke,

Peace of this world, enmity with God. Iam. 4. 4.

Such as with God sets them at enmity:
They dare not with their hand at vice to strike,
But yeeld themselues to it's base slauery.
Christ cōming brought a sword, and his must fight
Against such foes, with courage and with might.



As did his seruants in the Churches prime,
Against old Tyrants that withstood his Word:
With Patience, Meeknesse, Weapons meere diuine,
With spirituall Armour, and with spirituall sword.
They wan more by their patient suffering,
Then others doe by bloody bickering.


Thus hauing winnowed with the wind, or fan,
Good seed from bad, and sowne that to your mind:
Next duty of a carefull husbandman,

Weeds in the field of Peace.

Is to plucke vp the weeds of euery kinde.

I'le poynt at them: they be but few in number,
The growth of Peace, yet greatly they do cumber.


Of differences in Diuinity,
Choking the fruit of Peace in Christes field:
My Muse with naked ingenuity,
And faire intent, hath spoke as she was skil'd.
She must touch gently some professing Law,
Who in the shield of Peace doe make a flaw.


Peace broken by striuing and brabbling.

Peace is not onely broke by shedding blood,

(Though thereby most) but by vnchristian striuing:
Contending, brabbling, lawing, are not good,
All such as vse it, seldome see I thriuing.
“In troubled waters some men find best angling,
“That makes them pleas'd to see their neighbours wrangling.


A poore man seised of a little Land,

Wrangling at Law.

And hauing had neere forty yeeres possession:

Fees an Atturney dwelling nigh at hand,
As one thought cunning in his owne profession;
And shewes his Deed, for some cause to be tryed,
His Feed-man errour in the writing spyed.



To th'other side he goes, and takes a fee:
(Somtimes, though seld', such tricks haue been discouer'd)
And saies, Sir, if ye will be rul'd by me,
The Land for you ere long shall be recouer'd.
He giues not ouer till the seely lowt,
Wrapt in the briers, knowes not how come out.


With Eiectione firmè he begins,
Therein he tugs at least one yeere and halfe:
Then non sint falu', a Writ of Right he brings,
There two or three yeeres longer leades the Calfe
And failing therein, for his last dead lift,
Perswades him strongly to this cunning shift.


I doubt not but I'le force him to compound,
So you will onely follow my direction:
Or else Ile make him spend fiue hundred pound,
And neuer draw you to the Size nor Session.
Giue me the chinkes, and you shall see him tamer;
I'le frame 'gainst him a Bill in the Star-chamber.


It shall containe matter of Periurie,
And thereto will we put in Subornation:
I'le not forget charge him with forgerie,
It would doe well to lay downe combination.
This Bill will cause him yeeld you halfe the land,
Or else I care not if I lose this hand.


Some such professe the Law (rather hang on)
Who raise their fortunes by the fall of others:
They hold their Clyents in their causes long,
All's one to them, if 'twere betweene two brothers.
These be the skum of that graue learned Calling,
Which doth vphold each ciuill State from falling.



The Law commended.

What Kingdom or what Cōmon-wealth stood euer,

Not propped with the pillar of the Law?
Which doth protect each man, how high soeuer,
Which keepes seditious Rebels vnder awe,
Which giues to euery faithfull Subiect right,
Which sees poore men be not opprest by might.


That State (some say) stands in a wofull case,
Where Lawyers and Physicians doe abound.
The Law and Physicke hold a reuerend place,
And in best Kingdomes alwayes haue been found
Professors of those Sciences, whose skill
Hath done their Countrey good, and euer will.


Yet, where there needeth neither Law nor Physicke,
More happy are that people, and more blest.


Wher's that? Forsooth where men are neuer sicke;

Where each one holds his owne, and liues at rest:
Where no man offers wrong, all keepe good diet,
No surfetting, no violence, no riot.


“Peace, and the Law, goe hand in hand as twins,
“Each interchangeably vpholds her fellow:
“In peacefull times the Law most credit wins:
“So while Lawes flourish, peace growes ripe & mellow.
“A meane is good in both: I learn'd a lesson,
“One may haue too much of his mothers blessing.


1. Cor. 6.

Though Paul rebuked sharpely in his time,

The faithfull lawing 'fore an Heathen Iudge:
It seemes a matter wholly voyd of crime,
And whereat best Diuines should neuer grudge;
A man by Law in peacefull wise to keepe,
What lawlesly others would from him sweepe.



The Magistrate is placed to that end,
By sword, or lawfull sentence (as it haps)
To curbe wrong-doers, Innocents defend,
As mothers doe their children in their laps,
Else Iusticers, and Iudges might sit still,
And suffer wrangling fellowes haue their will.


Sure, wrongs we ought to suffer, none to offer,
Yea giue our cloake to him that takes the coat:

Math. 5.

This is no doctrine for an Atheist scoffer,
Hee'l sooner take a pound, then giue a groat.
Such high perfections Euangelicall,
Few can aspire to, none attaine at all.


One weed yet stands, and needs must be cut downe,

The worst weed in the field of Peace.

It is a Cutter in it's proper kind:
Fighting and stabbing, knocking on the crowne,
We may not leaue this weed vntouch't behind.
Too oft by these is Peace directly broke,
For Peace by no meanes can indure a stroke.


Man was not fram'd to fighting by his nature,

Man framed to Peace.

But borne without offensiue weapons any:
So is it not with euery other creature,
For they are furnish't, if not all, yet many.
Some hornes, some hoofes, some cruell teeth, some pawes,
Som haue their stings, & som their griping clawes.


Man after Gods owne Image was created,

Gen. 1.

That Image who presumeth to deface,
Of God and men he doth incurre the hatred,
And vengeance lights on him, or on his race.
“He that the blood of man doth shed, saith God,

Gen. 9. Blood for Blood.

“By man the blood of him shall eft be shod.



The rule is peremptory, strict and strong,
The Iudge that gaue it, not to be intreated:
His Vnder-officers must do no wrong,
Such is his wisedome, he cannot be cheated.
“All thing are open to his piercing sight,
“The darke to him as cleere is as the light.


Cases reserued.

Yet that high Iudge kept some reserued cases

Vnto himselfe, wherein he might dispence:
He may, and doth in certaine times and places,
Or pardon, or reprieue for this offence.
The Law is subiect to the Makers will,
That may be proued euen by reasons skill.


Cain. Gen. 4.

Examples cleere the best. Assoone as Cain

His brother slue, seeking the fact to hide,
(It would not be, his shift therein was vaine,
The blood from-out the earth for vengeance cry'd)
His conscience told him he deseru'd to dye,
And fearing all he saw, began to flye.


Ere Moses wrote, the Law was iust the same.
God wrote it in the heart of man at first.
Else had not Cain incurred so great blame,
Nor for his fact had been so much accurst.
But since he knew the Law grauen in his hart,
The sinne he could not hide with any art.


He feared death, and certainly he knew,
(For all the shifts and cunning he could vse)
That punishment vnto his sinne was due,
To God he so confest, he could not chuse.
Yet God was pleas'd to set on him a marke,
And spare his life: as our Law doth a clarke



That reades his neck-verse. Burning in the hand
Acquits his life, the Law hath so decreed:
Such burning is to him a marke or brand:
The necke is spared, if the tongue can reed.
Somtimes of punishments ther's commutation,
Sometimes repriuall, or procrastination.


When Dauid was reprou'd for Vryes death,


And humbly did confesse his grieuous sinne:
The Prophet comforts him, and kindly saith,

2. Sam. 12. 13.

Thou shalt not dye. Implying plaine therein,
That death was due: yet God to him was milde,
And sparing Dauid, onely tooke the child.


As God himselfe, sometimes his deputies
Vpon occasions great, to them well knowne,
May (sparingly) vse their prerogatiues,
Not suffring Lawes full rigour to be showne.
They may commute, deferre, or pardon quite,
And leaue to God, wherein they misse, to right.


Prouided that the Law be neuer wrested,
Nor due proceedings stopt by might or meed:
For, such iniustice is of God detested,
As in his Word we commonly doe reed.
“Kings may not legall courses change at pleasure,
“But whē Law hath run on, dispence with measure


Ioah two hainous murthers did commit,


For each of them he well deseru'd to dye:
King Dauid for a time did winke at it,
And let him liue: (Onely the King knew why)
Yet lastly charged Salomon his sonne,

1. King. 2.

To slay him for those murthers long since done.



Man-quellers then by rule of Law must dye,
Blood cryes for blood, as Abels did long since:

Exod. 21.

Hand for hand, foot for foot, and eye for eye,

This is Gods Law, he onely can dispence;
And they to whom his power he doth impart.
But take ye heed, for God doth know the hart.


A beast that kills a man. Exod. 21.

A beast that kils a man, must dye the death,

Though reasonlesse, and meerly led by sense:
It may no longer liue, nor draw the breath,
But life for life must be the recompence.
Learne thou how much God doth this sin detest,
Reuenging it euen in (no sinning) beast.


Nay, he who kept a beast which vs'd to gore,
If it did after, chance a man to kill:
The owner knowing of that vse before,
Must answere for the blood his beast did spill.
The flesh of such an Oxe might not be eaten,
Death to thē both, the Law of God doth threaten.


Man slaughter is bestiall.

To slay a man in sudden passions heat,

And not vpon fore-thought deliberation:
Is not vnlike the fury of bruit Neat,
And yet deserueth greater castigation.
The man had reason passion to amend;
The beast not hauing it, doth lesse offend.


The poorest slaue that grindeth at the Mill,
Or toyleth in the most abiect condition:
The greatest hath not warrant him to kill,
Nor may he doe it without Gods commission,
His substitutes can doe it in his roome,
All men are bound be subiect to their doome.



We ought not strike, much lesse blood may we spill,
Strokes breake the peace, by law of Christian land;
For he that striketh, oftentimes doth kill,
And for that striking must hold vp his hand.
Yea, though twelue men say, non cul, there doth lie
Appeale of murther in a Court more hie.


Where needs no Iury, nor no euidence,
The Iudge the matter fully vnderstands:
The witnesse are th'offenders conscience,
The Gailor prest to doe his office stands.
No priuiledge of Booke, nought but iust guerdon,
Saue only heauens Kings most gracious pardon.


That's seldome had for murther, diuelish crime:

Murther is Diabolicall.

Yet by mediation of Gods onely Sonne,
If one with true repentance turne by time,
And not despaire, Gods fauour may be wonne.
“His Iustice and his mercy stretch more farre,
“Then lowest center from the highest starre.


O hate-bred murther, deepest damned sinne,

Murther described.

“Proceeding from the deuils Instigation!
“God's not before their eyes when they begin,
“But malice worketh by premeditation.
The wicked Fiend delighteth most in this,
The Actors of it commonly are his.


For some man-slayers God assign'd a place
Of refuge, and to be a Sanctuary;

Sanctuary. Deut. 19.

That flying thither, there they might finde grace,
And learn thenceforth to beare thēselues more wary.
“The Altar was no fence for wilfull murther,

1. King. 2.

“A man might kill him there, and goe no further.



Kill. Kings detested. Psal. 82.

What may be thought of such as teach the way,

To murther those whom Scripture calleth Gods?
Yea Subiects, bound their Soueraignes to obey,
And with all meekenesse to endure their rods?
To write downe what I thinke, I lacke a letter:
Deuils, though not; I hold them little better.


If heathen people should such lessons teach,
'Twere no great maruell, vnto Christen men:
They know not God, nor haue they higher reach
Then by the light of nature they can ken:
And yet to Nations lawes it's cleane contrary,
And from the course of nature it doth vary.


But when I thinke of Christ, and of that Name,
So glorious, where, when, and how began:
I cannot choose but turne my head for shame,
And blush to thinke there should be found a man
Of that high calling, and most blest profession,
Would let such thought take in his hart possession.


Dauids reward to him that killed Saul. 3. Sam. 1.

Dauid, of Israel, that most holy King,

Whom Saul pursued with a deadly hate:
Rewarded him that did the tydings bring,
And brag'd that he had slaine King Saul but late.
If kill-Kings all were sure to haue like hire,
They would not to such wicked deeds aspire.


But they are taught it is a worke of merit,
And rest on hope (escaping) to be graced:
Yea, that at least heauens Kingdome they inherit,
And on the bead-roll of great Saints be laced.
Monsters of men! If these in heauen dwell,
Who then (i'the deuils name) shall furnish hell!



Well, God amend them, worse they cannot be,
Some sorts besides of these same weeds remaine,
The Husband-man must looke about and see,
And by all meanes remooue them from the graine.
The growth of Peace, I wish no weed should marre,
No not so much as strife, debate, or iarre.


A man vnto himselfe is euer neerest,

Manslaughter, se defendendo.

His neighbour ought to be esteemed next:
Ones owne life God hath made to each man dearest,
I trow this Glosse doth not corrupt the Text.
“To saue himselfe, he that another slayes,
“Ought not therefore be shortned of his dayes.


So he that minds a man none ill at all,

Chance, or Misaduenture.

But shoots a shaft, or carelesse throwes a stone;
If on his neighbours pate it hap to fall,
And take the life, where purpose such was none.
To these mishaps a Pardon freely giuen,
I thinke, doth not displease the King of heauen.


But what of him that on himselfe layes hands,

Of such as kill themselues.

And cursed wretch, cuts oft his loathed life?
How hopelesse he before Gods Iudgement stands;
The case is cleere, and need not come in strife.
“We ought iudge no man in particular;
“Yet iudging such, a man doth seldome erre.


The heathen people tooke it for a glory

A common practice with the heathen.

To kill themselues, once brought into a straite:
So may we reade in euery ancient Story,
Their foe-mens sword they seldome would awaite;
As fearing torture, shame, or slauery;
They chose themselues to end their misery.



True, were it not for breach of Law Diuine,
And feare of damning neuer-dying soule:
He that would such a speedie death decline,
Deserued to be marked with a cole.
One stab or draught, to end a thousand woes,
Were better then be tyranniz'd by foes.


Forbid by Gods Word.

But Lawes of heauen doe forbid that fact,

As God hath taught vs in his holy Word:
“In heauens high Parliament there past an Act,
“Decreed by all with vniforme accord:
“That he which on himselfe did violence,
“Should be exiled euermore from thence.


Dan. 6.

The Lawes of Medes and Persians might not change,

They stood so strict vpon their gouernments:
But farre lesse liberty men haue to range
From Lawes Diuine; And greater punishments
For breach of these, then those prouided are:
As God all earthly Princes passeth farre.


Preuention of cauil by Swaggerers, Cōbat ants, Duellists.

I heare some Iolly fellow make a motion;

You Scholler, Sir, pray answere me a word:
Since you so much doe leane vpon deuotion,
Tell me, Is't lawfull that I weare a sword?
Your pen to you, is as to me my pike;
As well as you may scribble, may n't I strike?


I'le not be led into fooles Paradise,
Nor bind my selfe to bookish Propositions:
I scorne to follow your Precepts so nice,
I care not for your subtill oppositions:
If I be wrong'd, mine honour stands vpon't,
I'le be reuenged, though my life lie on't.



Whoso my reputation dares once touch,
Or offer me the stab-deseruing lie:
I'le fight, and make him with my sword to crouch,
I'le kill him, were I sure for it to die.
If like a man hee'l meete, and with me fight,
I'le seek nought but my sword, my wiōgs to right.


This hath bin long the practice of our age,
And these men valiant, vulgarly were thought:
Who egged on by choller, or by rage,
Their owne reuenges by their sword haue sought
A course aduerse to Lawes of God and man,
It's cleere to him that will the matter scan.


I list not stand to make a declamation,
Or largely to dilate vpon this case:
Nor answere euery wranglers allegation,
Gods Word shall only checke them to their face.
If that will not suffice, I must forbeare,
And with meere pittie, leaue them as they were.


The Magistrate, as in Gods seate doth sit,

Vengeance belongeth to God and his Magistrates. Rom. 12.

He takes reuenge from-out all priuate hands:
He with the sword must strike, when it is fit,
And take the life, as well as goods or lands.
Vengeance is mine, faith God, I will repay:
As he, his lawfull Deputies so may.


And so they must, else they shall beare the blame,
Blood spilt will be required at their hand:
It's plainely written (oft I reade the same)
“There is no way from blood to purge the land,
“But only by the Blood of Him that shead,

Num. 35.

“It's He must make atonement with his Head.



If head and heart would fully cleere the score,
And leaue no after-reckonings in the Booke,
The matter were the lesse: But there is more,
The slayer to an higher Court must looke:
His soule must run the hazzard of her doome:
A Pardon serues not from the Sea of Rome.


“A man should looke before he rashly leape,
“And cast the danger of foole-hardinesse:
“For as he sowes, he must account to reape,
“Repentance comes too late to yeeld redresse.
In quarrels he that hath another slaine,
Would lose a lim to make him liue againe.


Combates for trifles.

Many such haue I knowen in my dayes,

Who for some trifle, falling out at Tables;
Or for some word, or ouersight, at plaies
With Cardes or Dice, or such like childish brables,
Haue fought, and left both bodies in the place,
Their soules departing in a wofull case.


Magistrates Office.

This to preuent, to higher powers pertaines,

It's not enough to punish such faults done;

A simile.

A carefull Pilot wisely beates his braines,

How he the shelues and Rockes' forehand may shun.
“'Tis better so, then touch, and spring a planke,
“And then with skill to make the Vessell stanke.


To the King.

Great Pilot of Great Brittaines floting Ile,

Worthy to steere the Arke, wherein mankinde
Is carried wandring in his long exile,
Vntill the wished Hauen he can finde:
Heerein thy wisedome, as in other things,
Shewes thou exceedest former-liuing Kings.



Thou hast not only stopped all the Leakes,
And calk't the gaping ioynts of thy great Hulke;
But so forecast, that she no longer breakes,
Abiding stanch in hatches and in bulke.
Long guide this Ship, & teach thy Princely Son,
To rule hereafter as thou hast begun.


I well remember numbers slaine by duell
Within this Land, before thy wise preuention:
One Combate, of another was the fewell,
Now (happy change!) I seldome heare such mention.
Blessing light on his head, by whose good meane,
That Caine-like custome is abolish't cleane.


Somewhat forespoke, a caution doth admit,

A caution.

I must explane, for feare I be mistaken:
I meane not that a man should sottish sit,
And neuer mooue, till he be all to shaken.
Ther's time and place wherein I wish to fight
With courage bold, as best beseemes a Knight.


In Countries cause, and Soueraignes defence,

When, and in what quarrell one may fight.

Led to the warre by good authority:
For dastard minds, there lurketh no pretence;
We must be stout, resolu'd to kill or die.
The Souldiers calling, Iohn did not repre'nd,

Luk. 3. 14.

But taught them lessons how their faults to mend.


That shamelesse Towne-clerke, the deuils Pen-man,

Machiavell no Christian. Max. 3.

Amongst his maximes teaching knauery;
Hath one, wherein he labours what he can,
And sets it out with heath'nish brauery:
That Christian faith doth take frō men their spright,
And makes them cowards, all vnapt to fight.



Hush, foule-mouth'd Florentine, and blush for shame,
The lye is giuen thee in thy Rauens throate;
A cudgell wanted such a Curre to tame,
I thinke he was a Turke when this he wrote.
Nay, Turks haue felt the waight of Christiā swords,
And haue iust cause to giue them better words.


Humility, no let to Magnanimity.

Christs Doctrine, teaching Peace, Humilitie,

Loue, Softnesse, Meekenesse, workes fit for a Saint:
Doth no way hinder Magnanimitie,
Nor in the battell giues vs cause to faint;
“He fights more bold that hath God on his side:

Jam. 4.

“God stands with meekenesse, but withstandeth pride.


Pride, the vice of Infidels.

Pride is a vice, link't to an vnbeleeuer,

What's due to God, vnto himselfe he claimes:
He lookes not vp to him that is the giuer,
But at his owne selfe-soothing glory aimes.
“Christs Souldier sets Gods glory for his marke,
“Then his owne vertue cannot bide in darke.


To Christian Champions.

Ye noble Champions of the Christian faith,

Prest with your hearts and hands it to maintaine:
Marke what this idle prating fellow saith,
And by your deeds, prooue his words to be vaine.
And so I doubt not, 'twill appeare at last,
As hath beene fully prou'd in ages past.


Constantine Charlemayne.

Were Constantine the Great, or Charlemaine,

Stout Christian Chieftaines, tainted with the crime

K. Richard I.

Of Cowardize? Or he that once did raigne

In this faire Ile, surnamed in his time,
Cœur de Lyon, Ierusalems crown'd King,
Whose praises lowd o're all the world doe ring?



Godfrey of Boleyn with his warlike traine,

Godfrey of Boleyne Robert Short-thigh.

Robert of Normandy, and such like Knights:
Who Pagans fury strongly did restraine,
And beat them downe continually in fights?
Could they and theirs with cowardize be stayn'd,
Who with lesse numbers, on the greater gain'd?


Of later Worthies I haue writ afore,
I feare t'offend with idle repetition:
In this cleere cause, I need to say no more,
All wise men know that Slanderers condition.
From him some Christians sucking poysoned arts,
In all our Tragedies haue play'd their parts.


What? Cowardize with Christianity:
I neuer heard it coupled but by him:
He was a teacher of all villany,
His Prince with such faire Iewels he doth trim?
His scholers (like the master) still infect,
The Christian world with their damned sect.


'Mongst Christian Knights, I find in Heraldry,

A Christian Knight sworne not to fle frō three Turks

They are obliged not to turne their face
From Pagans, if they haue but one for three.
And may not this giue credit to our case,
That Christian Knights abhor the shamefull blot,
Falsly cast on them by that mongrell sot?


No, no, 'tis neither cowardize in vs,
Nor courage in the vnbeleeuing crue
That beats vs downe, makes them presumptuous:
I told you oft, and all men finde it true,
Our discord lifts them vp, and keepes vs low.

Our discord lifreth vp the Turks.

Who sees not that which euery child may know?



Psal. 133.

“A ioyfull thing 'tis brethren to agree;

“Like Hermons dew, drop't downe on Sion Hill:
“All blessings follow gracious vnity;
“The house of Peace with plenties God doth fill.

Math. 12. 25.

“A Realme diuided in it selfe must fall,

“Were it inuiron'd with a brazen wall.


Exhortation to Christian vnity.

Why then should Christians fight against their fellowes,

And with fell hatred one consume the other?
What fury puffes vp those who are the bellowes
That blow the coles, to burn the church their mother
They'l say (forsooth) 'tis zeale vnto our Sauiour.
I neuer read he taught them such behauiour.


To Christian Princes.

Lend not your eares (great Princes) to those teachers,

Their doctrine swarues from Christianity:
Th'enemie of mankind sends forth such Preachers,
To breake all bands of meere humanity.
These, masking fury with the cloke of zeale,
Disturbe the Church, & spoyle the Cōmon-weale.


Christs Doctrine is all Peace; they make debate.
He wil'd vs to forgiue: Reuenge, say these.
He charg'd vs loue our foes: These bid vs hate,
Spoyle, rob, and kill, and say it doth him please.
They sow the tares of discord 'mongst Christs Seed:
O cleanse your lands from such a lothsome weed.



Foule discord, ruine of each Empire great:

(The Romane great'st of all doth serue for proofe)
Foule discord, downfall of each kingly seat:
(I need not seeke examples farre aloofe.)
Foule discord, canker of each ciuill State,
Experience teacheth when it is too late.



Concord the bond of Peace, none tyes so fast:


Concord the badge of brothers, liuery faire:
Concord the fruit of loue, which aye doth last:
Concord Gods blessing, making heauens haire.
Compare thē both, then chuse which likes you best;
The first, or last: the cursed, or the blest.


Now fairely 'gins the field of Peace to flourish,

The Authour, by contemplation takes a suruey of the heauenly Ierusalem.

Weeds all cleane rooted vp that did offend:
Now fertile soyle, the seed doth solely nourish,
And Peace in euery bud and branch doth mend.
I long to see it as described heere,
I would be glad it might be so this yeere.


My soule is all inflam'd with chast desire,
Of this faire Virgin Peace, in full perfection:
It makes her to an higher place aspire,
To view her neerly, not by bare reflection.
Shee'l slip out of her prison for a while,
She knowes a way the Keeper to beguile.


My thoughts now lift me farre aboue earths station,
And lend me Eagles wings to mount on high:
Celestiall-soule-pleasing contemplation,
Conueyes me vp beyond the azure skye.
There doe I with my nobler part behold,
Things fitter to be thought on, then be told.


Tell them I must, yet onely to the best,
They are acquainted with like thoughts diuine,
Vulgars of such hid mysteries make a iest,
And so it's like they will esteeme of mine.
Take each one as he list, or as he may,
I will not stick, what I shall see, to say.



I see Ierusalem, new City, holy,
The seat of God, and of the Lambe his Sonne:
Mother of faithfull, Saints there dwelling solely,
Shining farre brighter then the cleerest Sunne.
Angels in number numberlesse still flying,
The seruice of great heauens King applying.


Father of all mankind, without a father,

Luk. 3. 38.

The eldest Sonne of God, so by creation,

Adam. Abel.

Adam, and Abel, who came there the rather,

Through Cains accursed murdrous indignation.
Th'one, first that liu'd; the other first that dyed;
Both liuing there, and ioying I espyed.


Henoch. Gen. 5.

Henoch, the same who in his time is said

T'haue walk't with God, and pleased him aright:


Methuselah his sonne, that longest stay'd

A pilgrim on this Globe, stood in my sight.

Noah. Heb. 11.

And Noah, who through faith that great Arke builded,

Where man and beast, frō drowning all were shielded.


Abraham. Gen. 22.

Father of faithfull, Abraham, Gods friend,

That tendred him his sonne in sacrifice:


With all the holy Patriarks I kend,

Sitting on stately seats in glorious wise.
Grac't with the fauour of the power Diuine,
The sight would dazell sharpest mortall eyne.


And so did mine. But soone I felt a change,
The priuiledge of that place affoorded strength:
Then greedily mine eyes about 'gan range,
Till bent vpon a settled course at length,
They fixed stood on that magnifike traine,
Where they began reflecting there againe.



Moses sate next, that mighty man of God:


Then Aaron in his Priestly vestments dight,


With Vrim, Thummim, and his famous Rod,
Which Pharo and his folke did often fright.
These two sate somewhat seuer'd from the rest;
That, as he rul'd: This, eu'n as if he blest.


A ranke of Prophets followed on a row,


With Kings and Princes all of elder Law:
Dauid was first: The next I did not know,


To aske his name (forsooth) I stood in awe.
He look't like Salomon, yet I durst not sweare,


To erre vpon my oath, I stand in feare.


Among the Prophets vpmost in the ranke,
A Crowne of gold hung, set with precious stone:
None in that Seat sate, onely 'twas a blanke
Ordained for a King, but I saw none.
For Saul I thinke, sith Samuel looked sad,

1 Sam. 15. 35.

As oft as to that Seat an eye he had.


It seem'd to me that Samuel once did start,


As though somewhat affrighted he had been.
'Twas my mistake; for certes all the art

1. Sam. 28.

Of Endors Witch could doe no scath to him.
At first I thought him troubled with her charme,
But I did erre, and he did feele no harme.


Of Prophets more a double rank did sit,
All had been Pen-men of the sacred Booke:
Twelue (I perceiu'd) some little volumes writ,

The 12. lesser Prophets.

I did not long vpon their writings looke.
Yet read there, blessings to such as doe well;
And to the wicked, threats of plagues in hell.



The 4. greater Prophets.

Foure others somewhat higher sate before,

Messias plainely they describe at full:
The Iewes they threaten with Gods vengeance sore,
And teach the Gentiles (then a people dull)
That they at length shall come into Gods fauour,
And knowledge the Messias for their Sauiour.



I ioy'd at sight of louely Daniel,

That in expounding dreames did once excell,
That stopt the Lyons mouthes, as with a spell,
That kil'd the Dragon, and confounded Bell,
That of the Monarchies did things foretell,
And as he spake, so it to them befell.


Like as on earth with Kings he had beene great,
So here in heauen a crowned King (me thought)
Attending him where e're he went, did waite;
Who thither by his guiding had beene brought.


A Lady chaste likewise, whose innocence

He cleered from false Iudges foule pretence.


Elias. Elizeus.

Two Prophets more, like man and Master walked,

A mantle of great worth the Master wore:
A firie Chariot parts them as they talked,

2. King. 2.

Resembling what once hapned them before.

In works of wonder none came neere these twaine,
Iust as it's written, heere I saw all plaine.


Joshua. Iudas Maccabeus.

A brace of noble Warriours shined bright,

Among the Hebrew-Worthies rightly placed;
With Shields and Armours they seem'd richly dight,
That glorious Court, their presence greatly graced.
Th'one set Gods people in the Holy Land:
Th'other, long after, fenc't them with strong hand.



Ten thousand times ten thousand, ten times told,
And millions more there stood, and sate together;
These all I knew were of the Hebrewes old,
Or such as led by them, had got vp thither.
But when I cast mine eyes another way,
Halfe what I saw, I am not able say.


All Kings on earth should they agree in one,

A comparison, describing the new Ierusalem.

To make a Court in shew maiesticall:
From Indies East and West if each rich stone,
Polish't by skill most artificiall,
Were got and set to furnish vp one roome,
'Twere but a lodging for a simple groome,


Compared with Gods high Imperiall Chamber,
Still grac't with presence of the Deity,
When Rubies, Diamonds, Siluer, Gold, and Amber,
Are base materials for Eternity.
Onely to fit our weake capacity,
It must be shadowed by Analogie.


The walles and streets are Pearle and precious stone,
The waters Nectar, trees with fruit still stor'd:
The Sun nor Moone in that place neuer shone,

Reu. 22. 5.

Those lights are dim'd with brightnes of their Lord,
A candle at high noone giues farre more light,

Another comparison.

Then cleerest Sun in this great Monarchs sight.


I kneeling, humbly praid to that great King,

The Authors Prayer.

Whose traine is Angell-like Nobility:
Pardon (dread Lord) that I presume to sing
Of thy high Court, with rusticke melody:
One drop of heauenly Nectar please thee giue
My fainting spirit, somewhat to relieue.



I felt new vigour, therewithall proceed,
And make description of another hoste:

Reuel. 7.

Their number man nor Angell can areed,

They are of euery Nation tongue, and coste
From vnder heauen, making vp one fold
Of Sheep and Lambs, ioynd with that flock of old.


Reuel. 5.

The Shepheard chiefe a Lambe slaine and aliue,

Did leade and guide this flocke by power diuine:
They walked gently as he did them driue,

Reuel. 7.

All teares he wiped from their tender eyne.

Of Woolfe or hireling there no feare they had,
The Shepherds presence euer made them glad.


For he is Sonne and heire vnto the King,
And King himselfe as is his heauenly Father:
A person third there is, yet all one thing,
One Diuine Essence, I should terme it rather.
These all in one, and one in all agree,
The flocke to him and them obedient be.


The blessed Virgin.

Mother of God, faire Virgin, she shone cleerest,

Among that blessed glorious heauenly crue:
For to her Sonne I alway saw her neerest,
And from his Person greater splendor drew.
Blest aboue women, 'cause she God-man bore,

Luk. 11. 28.

Yet by beleeuing in him, blessed more.


S. Iohn Baptist.

One of a comely presence I might see,

Walke here and there, as to him seemed best:
I boldly ask't an Angell, What is he,
That keepes alone diuided from the rest?
He seemes to be a Saint of speciall note,

Math 3. 4.

Me thinks I might haue knowne him by his cote.



The Harbinger of the Messias hight,

Mat. 3. 1.

Of wondrous birth, in life all sanctitie;
Elias, not in person, but in spright,

Luk 1. 17.

'Mong womens children none more great then he:

Mat. 11. 11.

For Gods deare Sonne, the way he did prepare,
And of his God-head cleerest witnesse bare.

Joh. 1. 29.


Apostles twelue the second place supplied,


For they most soules vnto that Kingdome brought:
Peter and Paul, the foremost I espied,
And yet that blessed Virgin, as I thought,
Next to her person vs'd to haue another,

S. John. Ioh 19. 26.

Who by the Crosse had tane her for his mother.


Foure others ranged sate like beasts in show,

Euangelists. Reuel. 6.

All full of eyes, sharpe-sighted to descry:
Gods praises still they sounded on a rowe,
Winged they were, prepared for to flie.
These truly writ the Story of Christs Birth,
His Life, his Death, his Actions on the Earth.


Martyrs succeeded, marching Souldier-like,


Such valiant Legions neuer were led forth,
By any Chieftaine, Barbarous or Greeke,
Nor euer any shewed halfe that worth:
Through patience, all their foes they ouercame,
And freely gaue their liues for Iesus Name.


With Angell-face, the foremost of them all

S. Stephen, Protomarry: Act. 6. 15.

Shone, as vnto the Iewes he seem'd of yore,
Set in the Councell, when that yong man Saul,
The rayment kept of them that falsly swore.
Now Paul and he liue Martyrs both together,
The first the higher, though come later thither.



Of all the heauenly troopes, these triumphs most,
And haue the stile of the Victorious Band:
The victory their dearest hearts blood cost,
Now beare they palmes in their triumphant hand.
The seed of Christ his Church their blood became,
More glorious therefore is become their name.


The holy Innocents. Reuel. 6. 9.

One regiment of these (sweet company)

I saw lie neere the Altar of their Lord:
Slaine by false Herods gracelesse tyrannie,
They neuer cease to cry with one accord,
Vengeance (good Lord) returne vpon the head
Of those, who care not guiltlesse blood to shead.


If Tyrants in the world did heare that cry,
Or credit giue to those that tell them troath:
I thinke (so they hold Christianity)
To spill blood innocent they would be loath.
Remember well that you shall once appeare,
To answere for such deeds as ye doe heare.


S. Donatus B. and M.

Among that noble Martyr-Army, one

Aboue the rest, I wished to behold:
Him, looking well about I spi'd anon,
And pressing neerer to him, I was bold
To tender homage for the slender fee,
Which vnder him I hold by Chiualrie.


The Thiefe. Luk. 23. 39.

There stood one by himselfe, well to be noted;

A Thiefe he had been, hanged for his crime:
Yet, 'cause when all the world (almost) doted,
His faith was firme in that perfidious time:
The worlds Sauiour freed him in a trice,
And brought him forthwith vp to Paradise.



Not one Saint grudg'd to see him thither rais'd
From wretched state, and ready bound for hell:
Nay, all the goodnesse of their Sauiour prais'd,
For quitting his short-strong beliefe so well.
He in the Vineyard wrought scarce halfe an houre,
And rests for euer in heauens glorious Bowre.


This one example shewes two lessons cleere,

No man may despaire.

That no man euer should despaire of grace;
If he haue sure faith in his Sauiour deare,
And turne, whil'st for repentance there is space.
“Eu'n with the first the last come hath his hire;

Mat. 20.

“God freely giues his owne, if wee desire.


Yet may we not presume on this mans case,

No man may presume.

Nor post off our amendment to the last:
For none is certaine he shall haue like grace,
Then, to repentance best it were make haste.
“Better late then neuer, too late is neuer;
“Foole-virgins come too late, were kept out euer.

Mat. 25.


Of blessed Saints, besides in each degree,
Kings, Princes, Prelates, Lay and Learned men,
The number came neere to infinitie:
They may be yet as many moe agen
E're day of doome. (Then iudge ye what a Court
Of state is this, where wonneth such resort!)


Heere saw I roomes and seates in order placed,
For other Saints ascending daily thither:
Peace-makers, 'mongst them all were chiefly graced,


Peace-haters, none I could perciue come thither:
Those are Gods Childrē: whose thē be these others?
Satans sonnes (I feare) must call them brothers.




Yet haue I left the chiefest traine vntold,

Of this great Kings Attendants, Angels bright:
In number farre surmounting new and old
Of earth-bred Saints, and ten times more of might.
They alwayes prest to doe their Makers will,
And his commands most readily fulfill.


Their Office.

Whether it be, his seruants to protect

From Tyrants raging fury: Or to strike
Such wicked worldlings as he doth reiect,
Which neuer cease against his Lawes to kicke:
Or to correct vnto amendement,
His Chosen, when he leads them to repent.


Their degrees and orders ineffable.

The order of this Court is ineffable,

Degrees of dignities I well did note,
Which rightly to distinguish I'me not able,
Nor no man else, but if he speake by rote.

The curiositie of some, taxed.

Yet some, who neuer haue beene in the place,

Seeme to tell all, and not to bate an ace.


I only doe in some sort here describe,
Some orders and degrees, as I did note them:
Yet I confesse there's no man need be tide
To this my bead-roll, well I could not quote them.
As much as I could marke, and beare away,
That I am bold (blamelesse I hope) to say.


1. Cor. 15.

Some starres in brightnesse others doe excell,

So is it with this holy Company:
They are not shuffled vp, as 'twere pell-mell,
Their gouernment endures no Anarchie.
As to their ioyes, they all haue what they will:

Psal. 23.

The pinte, as well as Pottle-pot, is full.



Nor can I solue you of another doubt,

An idle question vnsolued.

Whereof I often heard Doctors dispute:
If each know other in that heauenly rout,
For feare to erre, I rather will be mute.
They know as much as breeds their perfect blisse,
Of further knowledge there no reckoning is.


The language of these blessed Citizens,

Another idle question taxed

(I well remember when I vs'd the Schooles)
Great Clerks were bold to scribble with their pens,
But for their labour, most account them fooles.
I say not so, I owe them more respect;
And yet herein, I am not of their sect.


Of this I'me sure: Each other vnderstands,
I heard no diffrence in pronuntiation:
The King no sooner by a becke commands,
But they perceiue as 'twere by Proclamation.
He that taught mē al tongues with one breath t'vtter,

Act. 2.

Can doe as much, though lips doe neuer mutter.


I feare lest I haue erred in this place,
In touching questions curious, forbode

1. Tim. 6. 20.

By Gentiles great Apostle: I beg grace,

2. Tim. 2. 23.

And am content, for meddling, to be chode:
Yet sith in nothing rashly I define,
I hope thereby sharpe censures to decline.


To heare the sweet soule-pleasing harmony,

All worldly delights base, in comparison of heauenly.

Of all sorts singing in this heauenly Quire:
Would driue a mortall into extasie,
And make him cleane abandon base desire
Of worldly trash and paltry childish pelfe,
Yea, wholly to forsake and leaue himselfe.



Heere heard I no confused noise or cry,
Heere saw I no disordered libertie,
Heere no contesting for proprietie,
Heere no contending for prioritie.
Halleluiah, all at once did sing,
A pleasing Dittie to their Soueraigne King.


Heere found I what on Earth I neuer saw,
Loue without hatred, friendship without faining:
No iarre in concord, courage without awe,
In all this Court, nor enuie, nor disdaining.
Gods glory, to themselues; Peace, is their aime:
All ioyntly this, and nothing else doe claime.


Peace in her full perfection.

Peace, here in her full perfection shined,

I sought it long below, but found it not:
Peace, all heere to maintaine are close combined,
They keepe it sure, not failing in one iot.
When I returne, and make hereof relation,
Earth-dwellers may be brought to imitation.


Oh how was I o're-ioyed with the sight,
And longed heere to make my habitation?
I neuer thought of any vaine delight,
I nought esteem'd all other recreation.
Yet, more to prooue the goodnesse of this place,
One bid me looke on deuils wofull case.


A short suruey of hell.

(Things by their contraries are cleerest showne)

He made me at a little hole to peepe,
Feare not (said he) for to thee be it knowne,

The blessed and damned come not together. Lk. 16.

The fiends and soules that lie with them in deepe,

Can neither to vs come, nor may we goe
To them: Our God hath well prouided so.



Be sure thou pittie none whom thou see'st there,

The blessed doe not pittie the damned.

Heauens Lawes vnchangeable doe so decree:
For, to our God an iniury that were,
And some mayme to our owne felicitie.
“Gods will must serue vs for a full content;
“For what he doth, we ought not to relent.


Then voyd of feare, I did as I was taught,
And there beheld an horrible confusion
Of soules, that in the world had liued naught,
Led thereunto by Satans slie delusion.
It's no delight to harpe vpon this string,
Yet I of these a Verse or two must sing.


Blasphemous Atheists held the highest place,


Who once thought hell, and heauen to be fables:
There doe they find how altered is the case,
Now are they fed at deuils damned tables.
If any such hap reade these Gospel-Rimes,
Recant for feare, and turne to God betimes.


Curs't Infidels (Idolaters th'are all)


That serue the creature, in the Creators stead:
False Prophets, teaching men from Christ to fall,

False prophets.

Who for their sakes vpon the Crosse did bleed.
Heere Mahomet and Sergius his Scribe,

Mahomet. Seruius. Arrius.

Both chayn'd with Arrius chiefest of their tribe.


Next t'Infidels, false Christians I behold,

False christians

That vse Religion onely for a cloake:
The Traytor Iudas, who his Master sold,


Eu'n when he kist him, and most kindly spoke:
False Machiauell, that taught men to beguile,


Could not deceiue the deuill with his wile.



These all, and millions more foulè sprites tormented
In furious flames, with pitch and brimstone fed:
The diuels, daily tortures new inuented,
Whereto the wretched soules they fiercely led.
There heard I weeping, howling, wofull crying,
Desiring death, and yet were still a dying.


Murtherers, Manslayers, Make-bates, &c.

Among them all I spide a damned crue

Of murthrers, cut-throats, hacksters smear'd with blood,
Seditious make-bates, such as others drue,
To kill and murther all whom they thought good.
All these detested Peace in former dayes,
With their owne weapons them the diuell payes.


Th'are whip't and lash't with rods of knotted wyer,
Some cut with kniues and swords, their flesh all tore:
They haue the same which once they did desire,
They cry, Oh spare, but they are whipt the more.
They hated Peace, here peace from them doth flye;
There stabbing shall they find, and neuer dye.


The Deuils delight in murthering and killing

The furies most doe wreake their wrath on those,

Ther's nothing wherein they take more delight:
'Tis sport with them to see how this world goes,
That Christians with such blooddy fury fight.
Proud Lucifer, and his black traine all dance,
To see these broyles in Germany and France.


My soule amazed stood that newes to heare,
For when from bodies prison she slipt out,
And mounted vp to this celestiall Spheare,
She thought Peace had been towards out of doubt:
Now frustrate of her hope, faine would she stay!
Whereas she is: But th'Angell tels her nay.



Thou must a while goe downe to see the end
Of these hot quarrels 'mongst thy Christen mates:
Weepe, fast, and pray, so God will all amend.
Therewith his former speech he iterates:
Goe, gentle soule, thy bodies prisoner be,
Vntill the King of heauen set thee free.


Thus back return'd with an exact Idea
Of Perfect-Peace, which she aboue had seene:
I seem'd afresh launch't into a broad sea
Of Peace, whereon before I had not been:
As likewise of debate, strife, foule confusion,
That long might keepe me from a full conclusion.


Me thought I had but newly heere begun,
And onely at my Theame t'haue made a glance:
Ten times as much as is already done,
Might yet be added to hold on the dance.
Few words content the wise, them would I please;
Much talke likes others, I write not to these.


My Muse would more, but more she shall not sing;
Inough is held as good as any feast:
Thus much, she hopes may not displease a King.
Her last words to her Patron are exprest,
With Christian heart, in sweetest Hebrew phrase,
Peace be to thee, and vnto God be praise.


TO THE REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, Theophilvs, LORD BISHOP of Landaff; sent with the Booke, and crauing his iudicious censure.

My Lord, since you were here, I writ a Song,
I know not how to like it, 'cause 'tis mine:
Ballad you may not call it; 'tis too long:
Nor bawble, sith the subiect is diuine.
Not as a Friend, but as a Iudge, reade right:
May it deserue the darknesse, or the Light?
Io. Stradlyng.

The Lord Bishops Censure.

The Song you writ, since I was late your ghest,
I look't through, lik't the better, 'cause 'twas yours:
Call it, The Song of Songs, A Hymne at least,
The worthy worke of many well-spent houres.
Not as a partiall friend, I'le iudge aright:
It is no deed of darknesse, but of Light.
Th. Landauensis.


Sir Raleigh Bvssie, Knight, his Censure of the Booke, subscribed and returned to the Author, vpon perusall thereof.

While Ianus Temple stood, it did declare,
When it was closed, Peace: when open, war.
This booke if clos'd (such is the mist of sight,
Eclips't from knowledge) we in warres delight:
But when it opens, (as the Sunne doth cleare
All foggy mists) the rayes of Peace appeare.
That earth-built Temple felt the common rage
'Gainst earthly things, foes force, and fading age:
But this Soule issue while a mortall breathes,
Shall liue, and flourish, crown'd with Oliue wreathes.
Raleigh Bussie.

Another of the same, by way of Reply, To the Author.

Whereas you write, my censure sauours rather,
Of friend, then Iudgmēt: though i'le not deny
That title holds in me Supremacy:
Yet, as I flew, with iudgement I did gather
Those honey-sweets, that had a stranger writ,
I would haue prais'd the worth I found in it.


Your Subiect, Peace: your Obiect, Peace: your aime,
Peace to good men, exprest in peacefull vaine,
A smooth-delighting, and perswasiue straine.
And shall not then your peacefull Poem claime
The fruit of Peace? Eternitie is due,
As birth-right vnto Peace, and so to you.
Both men of Peace and Warre will reade your Layes,
And gather thence the hony of delight:
Captaines from causelesse warres you doe affright,
Yet so, as that, Warre breeding Peace, you praise.
Shall all men reade, and Peace her birthright giue,
And may not I pronounce, Your Layes shall liue?
I will not then. Your pleasant Hymne shall cease,
When that the Spring of Helicon is drie,
The Muses losing skill of Poesie;
And bloodie Warre triumpheth ouer peace.
Till then, my former censure I auerre,
So perfect Criticke, that it cannot erre.
Ra. Bussie.

Walter Mansell, Esquire, to the Authour.

Gods sacred Charter, to Peace-makers grants
A blessing, that mans thoughts surmonteth farre:
Well may he then, who so diuinely chants
Of blessed Peace, among th'alarm's of warre;
An ample share of blessing claime with these,
Sith he so sweet a

Poet and Maker, words of one sense and originall.

Maker is of Peace.

Wa. Mansell.


To his worthily esteemed Kinsman, Sir Iohn Stradling, Knight and Baronet.

Sir, I haue seene your Letter, where your loue
Did shine vpon me, with so cleare a beame
That it my sorrow-clouded thoughts did moue,
Prom griefe to ioy, to feele the each extreame:
I read your Booke, wherein faire peace I finde,
The glew of soules; the knot of bodie and minde.
Hauing receiu'd an Oliue branch from you:
I send you backe the Laurell, as your due.
William Mathewe.

In laudem Authoris.


The same in English.

Except thy minde, with flames of heau'nly loue
Did burne, most worthy Knight, and from aboue
Inlightned, thou could'st not be so inflam'd
With loue of Peace, nor yet could'st thou haue fram'd


A Poeme, so diuinely setting foort,
Of blessed Peace, the plenteous fruits, and worth:
Whereby much do'st thou please the God of Peace,
(Who thee to blesse therefore will neuer cease:)
And a Peace-making, wise, and pious King;
From whom, through Peace, our earthly blisse doth spring.
Loe how a Martiall Knight, who Peace proclaims,
And at all Christians good, so doing aim's,
Conuinceth you, that of Peace being Preachers
By function, are of strife and discord teachers.
Sweet is the name of Peace, sweeter the thing;
Bless'd be our Halcyon dayes, our peacefull King:
From Englands Peace, as from a fountaine pure,
May Christendome draw Peace that may indure.
Let swords be turn'd to sithes, the blood that's spilt,
Is too too much; too haynous is the guilt.
Repentance fits both sides: both sides had fits;
God send these calmer times more temp'rate wits.
Were worthy Stradlings spirit, in heart or braine
Of arming Germanie, or armed Spaine,
Or France; that swelters in her owne deare blood,
Whil'st Iesuites laugh, and sing, and cry, Good, Good:
Then may our Baronets, Bannerets of alliance,
Ioyfully hold, not Banners of Defiance:
And English Trumpets, sound to Nations farre,
Musicke for Peace, not onsets for the Warre.
T. H.