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Arma virumque cano, Æneidos Lib. 1.

And that these dayes should be remembred and kept in perpetuall remembrance throughout every Generation. Ester. 9. 8.


An Hymne to God.

O thou who art Etern, from whose bright eye
nothing can hidden lye:
Who rul'st the things above, and eke below,
And all mens hearts dost know.
Enter my frozen brest, and let there be
A warmth infus'd in me
That I may laud thy Name, as it is meet,
Extoll thy mercies sweet.
First, that thou Lord wert pleased for to give
An heart to some to strike:
And seek thy glory, when alas we thought
In bondage to be brought.


And when we troubled, those things for to see,
Adhered to Popery:
Next that thou hast been pleased for to blesse,
And crown with good successe
Their just endevours, so that now we may
Serve thee without gainsay,
And hast subdued thy foes, so that theirs none
Thy truth to tread upon.
Go on our God, we pray, and crown the end,
Thy goodnesse still extend:
So shall those that hate thy ways convicted be,
To see how wondrously:
Thou hast supported us through dangers great,
And troubles that didst threat.
But let not us, we thee entirely pray,
Be not brought unto decay.
By Davids Division, but so order thou
And such prudence allow
Unto the State of England, that they may
Be able for to stay
Ayded by thee, all ills, that else would hap,
Are laid us to intrap:
That having setled thy true worship, We
May have Conformitie.