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Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter

With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie]

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Damons dittie.

Damons dittie.

VVhen Ioue first broken had the Chaos ancient,
And things at variance had set at vnity:
When first each element, fire, aire, and water,
And earth vnmooueable were placed as you see:
A plow-man then he made, he made a sheep-feeder,
The plow-man he made of stonie progenie,
Rebelling to the plough, like to the flinty field,
Hard-hearted, full of hate: The noble sheepfeeder
He made of a milde and lowlie progenie,
Gentle, and very meeke, like a sheep innocent,
Oft times he to the Gods sacrifice offered,
One while he gaue a Lambe, one while a tidy calfe,
Since that time sillie swaines and noble sheepfeeders
Haue bene much visited and loued of the gods.
Go to my merie Muse, sound out vpon a pipe
Shepheards antiquities, and noble progenie,
A shepheard was Abram, Lot was a sheep-keeper,
Great Angels, from aboue came many times to these,
Yea Ioue omniregent leauing his heauenly seat
Talkt with thē, men affirm, as they sate by their heards
Of them sprung valiant and noble nations,
Go to my merie muse, sound out vpon a pipe,
Heardsmens antiquitie, and noble progenie,
Paris sate with his flocke, in Ida redolent,
When he was made a Iudge to Venus and Iuno,
And Pallas beautiful three mighty goddesses.
Go to my merie muse, sound out vpon a pipe
Herdsmens antiquity and noble progenie.
Dauid sate with his heard, when as a Lyon huge
And eke a Beare he slew, this little pretie swaine
Kild a victorious and mightie champion,
Whose words did make a king & al his host to feare
And he ful many yeares raign'd ouer Israell.

Go to my merie Muse, sound out vpon a pipe,
Heardsmens antiquitie, and noble progenie.
Moses fed sillie sheep, when like a fiery flame
Iehouah called him out from a bramble bush,
O what great monuments and mightie miracles
In Egypt did he shew, and to king Pharao.
Iordans waues backe he driue, Iordan obeyed him.
Go to my merie muse, sound out vpon a pipe,
Heardsmens antiquitie, and noble progenie.
Angels brought (men afirm) to busie sheepfeeders,
In fields of Bethlehem newes of a Sauiour,
Before Magicians and noble Emperours,
Th' infant laid in a crib, Ioues mightie progenie,
Mankinds ioy, life, and health cuntrie swains viewed:
Cease now my mery Mnse to tune vpon a pipe.
Heardsmens antiquitity and noble progenie
Damons dittie is done, begin you Thestilis also,

Aide me, my pleasant muse, O Pan god musicall aid me.