University of Virginia Library

A New Balade or Songe / of the Lambes Feast.


I hearde one saye:

Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.

now awaye /

Make no delaye:
Alact / why stande yee than?
All is doubtlesse

Esa. 25. a.

redynesse /

There wantes

Math. 22. a.

but Gesse,

To the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest // in verye deede /
That's found a

Apoc. 19. 2.

Gest // in ye Mariage-weede.


THE Scriptures all /

Act. 3. c.


Bee, in this my Call /
Uoyced-out by H. N. (than):
I am Gods Loue

1. Iohn. 4 a


Com from aboue /
All Men to moue

Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b. Apoc. 19. h.


To the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


MAKE haste and speede /
I am indeede

Math. 22. a.


That Those must putt-on, than,
Which shall bee fitt /
Or-els permitt
Downe for to

Luk. 22. c. Apoc. 3. c.

sitt /

At the Supper of the Lamb.
For hee is now blest. &c.



Pro. 1. 2. Eccli. 6. c.

not dispyse

Thys myne Aduyse /
Yee that bee wyse /
And lust for to eate than,
Of the

Apoc. 2. a. b.

lyuinge Wood /

Or heauenlye Food /
So pure and good /
In the Supper of the Lamb /
For Hee is now blest. &c.


THAT Seede

Gen. 4. d.

of Seth /

Which passe thorowe

Iohn. 3. a. b. Rom. 6.


(In Abrahams

Gen. 15. 17. a. Rom. 4. b.


To Lyfe: They onlye than /
Shall be

Luk. 22. c. Apoc. 3. c.


With great Renowne /
And weare the

2. Tim. 4. a. 1 Pet. 5. a. Iam. 1. b.

Crowne /

In the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


ALL Scripture-wyse
That now surmyse,
How to dispyse
Mee / in their

1. Cor. 1. c.

Wysedom / than /

They shall no-dout
(Amonge all Stout)
Bee shutt

Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.


The Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


FOR none I saye /
Saue onlye thaye
That shall

Mat. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.


Myne holye Seruyce, than
(Which doth brynge-in

Rom. 6. Col. 2. b.

Death of Sin)

Maye enter-in,
To the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


THEN all that nowe

2. Cor. 12. c. Gal. 5. c.

Stryfe do growe /

And wyll not

Pro. 1. c. Tess. 1. a. 2 b


To My louelye Warnynges, than /
Must now at last
Cleene out bee cast /

Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.

neuer tast

The Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


THEN runne apace /
Whylst there is Grace

2. Cor. 6. a. Gal. 6. a.


Or Tyme and space /
Go fast as euer yee can /
To Syons

Esa. 2. a. 25. b.


Wheare All that wyll
May eate their fyll /
In the Supper of the Lamb.
For hee is now blest. &c.


NEGLECT Mee not /
As then dyd

Gen. 19. b. 2. Pet. 2. a.


Longe past / yee wot /
And perryshed all than:
My Loue pervse /
Make no

Mat. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.

excuse /

Lest yee refuse
The Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


WHEN All were sett /
And furnysht nett
(Both small and great)
So was it foreseene than,
Of the Brydegroome /
That ther was

Math. 22. a.


For more to come /
In the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest &c.


THEN must I go
To the

Math. 22. a.

Hye-wayes, lo /

And Hedges, tho /
And seeke them-vp all than:
All Those by name
That's Blynde or Lame /
And compell thesame,
To the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


THE Lorde hath swore
Longe-tyme before /

Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b.


Such as excused them than /
Shoulde tast or eate
Of the heauenly Meate
Or Porcion geat,
In the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest. &c.


FOR that all Kynges /
Under Loues Wynges
(Without Grudgynges)
In Peace mought

Sap. 6. a.

gouerne, than /

Praye All: that trust
Amonge the Iust /
Or haue a Lust
To the Supper of the Lamb.
For Hee is now blest // in verye deede /
That's found a Gest // in the Mariage-weede.

Another, out of Goodwill.


The Grace from God

Rom. 1. a. 1. Cor. 1. a. 2. Cor. 13. c. Ephe. 1. a.

Father hye /

Which is of Mightes most a /
The Mercye eake from Christ our Lorde /
And Peace from the holye Gost a,
Com to All // That now shall,

Iohn. 17. c. Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1. Cor. 1. a. Phil. 2. a. 3. b.

Loue with vs agree a /

And consent // With whole Intent,
To the Loues Soscietee a.


LOUE the

Deu. 10. 30 b. Math. 22. c.

Lorde aboue al-thinge,

Is the first Precept by name a:
Loue thy Neyghbour as thy-selfe,
The second's lyke thesame a.
Thus we see // Loue to bee,
Written with

Exo. 24. 34. c. Deut. 10. a.

Gods-his owne Hande a /


Iohn. 1. a.

geeue vs Light // And guyde vs right,


Iob. 10. c. Esa. 5. c. 60.

out of that darke Lande a.


YOUNGE-men in your

Mat. 11 d. 18


Remember what is sayde a:
Let all our Elders in the Loue,
Wyth Reuerence bee

Heb. 12. b.

obayde a.


1. Tim. 4. 1. Ioh. 3 a. 4. b.

// Amonge the

Ecch. 6. d. 8. a. 9. c.


That holye Seruice, then a /
Which God hath wrought // And also tought,
By hys Mynister H. N. a.


IN Loues

1. Cor. 13. b. 1. Iohn. 3. 4.

Preceptes let vs proceede /

And coupple arme-in-arme a /
The Serpentes Broode, that wolde destroye,
Shall ; then; doo vs

Gen. 3. a. Mark. 16. d.

no harme a.

Loue shee sowndes // All

Sap. 16. c.

our Woundes,

Wyth her most pleasant Wine a /
As wee

1. Pet. 1. b. 1. Ioh. 3. 4. a. b.

obaye // And lyue alwaye,

In her Seruice diuine a.


AGAINST the Sinne let vs putt-on,

Ephe. 6. b.

Armour as is best a /

Which in the Seruice of the Loue,
Is perfectlye exprest a.
And let vs

Math. 6. b.

praye // To God alwaye /

Eauen-lyfe as wee are taught a /
So shall we fynde // Within our Mynde,
How Sinne shall

Mich. 6. b.

go to naught a.



2. Cor. 7. a. Phil. 3. b.

ga-wee fourth, goodwillinglie /

And haue no

Deut. 20. a. Esa. 41. a. Math. 10. b.

doubt in mynde a /

Although so

Esa. 3. a. 27. a.

manye our Enemyes were,

As Heares on Head wee synde a:
Loue shall make // Them all to quake /
The Tyme is com-about a /
For with her

Esa. 11 a. 57. b. 2. Tess. 2. a.

Breath // If wee haue Faith,

So shall shee cast them out a.


AN vpright

1. Tess. 4. a. 1. Pet. 3. 4. a.

Lyfe in Lowlynes,

Let vs expresse alwaye a /
Amonge such as wee deale-with-all,
In all Affayres I saye a:
Go to

Psal. 134. 130 140. Col. 3. b.

prayse // God alwayse,

Eauen-as is sayde aboue a.
That's indeede // As wee reede /
The Seruice of the Loue a.

The bible references for the last six stanzas are missing from the original.

NO Godseruice els do wee knowe /
Nor none maye wee frequent a /
Without this most holye Seruice /
With her godlie Intent a /
Hee is blest // That's now prest,
To serue vnder Loues Bande a:
Shee shall byde // And neuer slyde /
But euermore shall stande a.
AL-though that wycked Seede of Cain,
To Rebellious-stryfe aryse a /
Yet shall those seeke the Peace and Rest,
So manye as be wyse a.
For all must tast // ; Now at the last;
Such Orincte as they do brue a /
And what they seeke // That shall them meete:
Thys thynge is verye-true a.
THAT Wanton-lust of Lamech Lyne /
Expell out of your mynde a /
And vnto her Lightmyndednes,
Bee you in no-wise kynde a:
For with all Findes // Or wycked Mindes
(Wheare Darknes doth remayne a)
Eauen in the Hell // Theare shall shee dwell /
With all that to her pertayne a.
THEN louinglye let vs stande fast,
In brotherlye Accorde a /
Lyke-as the Seruice of the Loue,
Requyreth in hys Worde a:
So Loue will // Blesse vs still /
And woorke all for the best a:
If so bee // Wee agree /
And mynde the Peace and Rest a.
LET vs obeye the Gouernours /
And lyue vnder their Lawes a:
And eake to them all Tribute paye /
Eauen for the Peaces cause a:
Yet Loue is free // Though shee agree,
That they shall haue such thynge a:
And what is right // To God almight,
That must wee to hym brynge a.
IN stilnes thus let vs go-fourth /
(With Thankfulnes amonge a)
Wyth fewe Woordes / as wee are taught /
And thus I ende my Songe a.
In Loues Bande // ; Hande-in-hande;
Let vs proceede on still a.
O Israell // Take this well /
As out of my Goodwill a.
Per VV. S. Veritatis. Amatorem. Anno. 1574.