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A booke in Englysh metre, of the great Marchaunt man called Diues Pragmaticus, very preaty for children to rede

wherby they may the better, and more readyer, rede and wryte wares and Implementes, in this world contayned [by Thomas Newbery]

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When thou sellest ought vnto thy neighbour or byest any thyng of him: deceaue not, nor oppresse him. &c. Deut. 23. Leuit. 19.


God the great geuer, of vertue and grace,
Hath planted man here, but for a space:
To liue and to learne, by his vocation,
To serue God and man, by their ordination.
To bye and to sel, accordyng to truth,
Whether it be in age or in youth:
Some for to trauayle, or to labour with tooles,
And some al their lyfe, to studye in scooles.
Some by diuinitie doeth honour attayne,
To be chief of the clergye, in learnyng to raigne:
And some to the law, as grace doeth them call,
And some to good sciences, as most vnto fall.
As I haue my chaunce now, a Marchaunt to bee,
To al the whole world, to bond men and free:
To credit or lend, from this day to that,
To tale and retale, for money pit pat.
To heare now my name, you wyl be glad,
And that shal you know, both mery and sad:
My name is truely, Diues Pragmaticus,
A man rich and busy, with thynges Mundus.
For stone, pearle, or gold, and al kyndes of ware,
None vpon earth, with me can cumpare:
Myne occupyeng is, by sea and by land,
As you shall hereafter well vnderstand.
Al Christen and Heathen, of my marchaundyse bye,
And I agayne of theirs, or els I should lye:
Now truly for to bye, and truly to sell,
Is a good thyng (as I haue heard tell)
Yf it be vsed accordyng to ryght,
Both God and man, in it doeth delyght.
But false weightes and measures be execrable,
And to the occupyers most dampnable:
Also Usury and Simonie, be thynges as yll,
And al that the people doeth powle and pyll.
And as I haue heard tell by predication,
That extorcion is as great abhomination:
As all men doe know, as well as doe I,
Whight from blacke, to lyue or to dy.
Wherefore good reader, marke well in mynd,
Who hath of me neede, as foloweth in kynd:

And I neede of them, money to catch,
Now come who that wyll, I haue to dispatch.
Pope, Legates, or Cardinalles, of me may haue,
Wares for their money, fine pleasaunt and braue:
Byshoppes, Deanes, and Doctours, of me may speede,
Priestes, Clarkes, and Sextens, of al that they neede.
Yea, Emperours and Kynges, or Queenes in degree,
Dukes, Earles, and Lordes, wyll send vnto mee:
Barons, Knyghtes, and Squyers, that wares doeth want,
Gentylmen and Yeomen, nothyng shal be scant.
Husband men, and Craftes men, as you shall heare,
Must come or els send, to my shop for geare:
Al occupacions to me must resort,
To buy and then sell, to others coumfort.
Al Brewers, Bakers, Butchers and Cookes,
Al Printers, Stacioners, and sellers of bookes:
Al Poulters, and Pedders, that ryde day and nyght,
Al Farmours and owners, that in money delyght.
Al Poticaries, Grocers, to me wyll enclyne,
Al Tapsters, Uintners, that selleth good wyne:
Al Haberdashers, Pedlers, and makers of pinnes,
Al true Hostellers, and keepers of Innes.
Al Websters, Weauers, Sheremen and Fullers,
Al Carders, Spinners, and sheepeskin pullers:
Al Dyers, Drapers, and Mercers lykewyse,
Al Sylkemen, and Semesters, that I can deuyse.
Al Broyderers, Taylers, Quylters and Limners,
Al Upholsters, Brokers, Furriers and Skinners:
Al Gold smythes, Copper smythes, fine or playne,
Al Blacke smithes, Blade smithes, and Glouers certaine.
Al Bag makers, Pursers, and turners of tops,
Al women hosiers, and makers of slops:
Al Coller makers, Ropers, and Turners of dyshes,
Al makers of Nets, and catchers of Fyshes.
Al Pewterers, Tynkers, Glasiers, and Plummers,
Al Lawyers, Proctours, Scriueners, and Sumners:
Al Grauers, Caruers, and Paincters of clothes,
Al Dice makers, Carde players, and swearers of othes.
Al Armourers, Furbushers, and Cutlers also,
Al Costard mongers, that by the way go:

Al Barbours, Tooth drawers, and Fetherbed dryuers,
Al Collyers, Wood masters, and good Billit clyuers.
Al Mylners, Maultsters, and Founders of belles,
Al Brasiers, Potters, and makers of welles:
Al Sadlers, Sawyers, and makers of tappes,
Al makers and dressers of hats, hoodes, and cappes.
Al makers of pattens, and lanthornes for lyghts,
Al Bellowes bottels, and cases for myghts:
Al Cherurgiens, Phisiciens, that visiteth the sicke,
Al makers of lyme, of tyle, and of bricke.
Al Diggars, that occupieth shouels, mattockes and rakes,
Al Reapers, and Mowers, of corne and of brakes:
Al Saulters, and Sopers, in Citie and Towne,
Al Caryars and Carters, that dryue vp and downe.
Al Cowpers, and Curriars, and Tanners of leather,
Al Shooe makers, and Coblers, that worke for al weather:
Al Free masons, Bricke layers, and dawbers of walles,
Al Carpenters, Ioyners, and makers of balles.
Al Bowyers, Fletchers, and makers of heads,
Al makers of Hornes, maundes, baskets and sleads:
Al makers of Glasses, and workers with fyer,
Al makers of Pastes, and drawers of wyer.
Al makers of Combes, and forgers of lyes,
Al Spectacle makers, for dim sighted eyes:
Al Maisters of ships, and Mariners bolde,
Al Captaynes, and soldiours, that kepeth any hold.
Al maisters of Musicke, and Iuglers stout,
Al Players and Minstrelles, and the ruflyng rout:
Al occupacions, now vnder the Sunne,
For to be briefe, with me haue to doone:
And that shall you know, perfectly and true,
By readyng this booke, as here after doeth ensue.
And thus endeth the declaration, of the great Marchaunt of the world: called Diues Pragmaticus.


Here foloweth the booke, and his callyng of people to sale of his marchaundyse: with a rehearsall of part of his wares by name.

What lacke ye sir, what seke you, what wyll you bye?
Come hether to mee, looke what you can spye:
I haue to sell of all thynges vnder the Skye
What lacke you my masters? Come hether to me.
I haue to sell bookes, for men of Deuyne,
And bookes of all lawes, most pleasaunt and fyne:
Of al Artes and Storyes, as men wyll enclyne,
What lacke you Gentylman? Come hether to me.
I haue all the holy Doctours, and other wryters graue,
Bookes of all languages, here may you haue:
Fables and balades, sad mery and braue,
What is it that you lacke? come hether to me.
I haue inke paper and pennes, to lode with a barge,
Inke hornes, and pennours, fine small and large:
Primers and a b c es, and bookes of small charge,
What lacke you Scollers? come hether to me.
What lacke you good people? come hether fayre mayde,
What bye you what seeke you? speake, be not affrayde:
Here is to be bought, all thynges to be sayde,
Both for high and low, come hether to me.
I haue wares for Emperours, Kinges Queenes & Dukes,
As Stone, Pearle, and Gold, wrought of al sutes:
Damaske, Silke, Satten, and fine Ueluet of Lukes,
What lacke you, what bye you? come hether to me.
I haue fine Purple, Scarlet, and cloth of grayne,
French hoodes, caps, hats, from Uenice and Spayne:
Fine head bandes, necke bandes, from Flaūders & Millayne,
What lacke you Madame? come hether to me.
Fyne Raynes, fine Camericke, I haue here to sell,
Fyne Lawne, fine Holland, of a marke an ell:
Fyne Lockeram, fine Canuas, and fustien of Napell,
What lacke you mistris? Come hether to me.

I haue billemenntes, braceletes, fine gyrdels and rynges,
Owches, brooches, and fine aglets for Kynges:
Triangles, hookes, claspes, with many gay thinges,
What lacke you gentleman? come hether to me.
I haue pinnes, poinctes, laces, of gold silke and threed,
For all people to weare, what law doeth betyd:
My shop is so large, nothyng can be hyd,
What lacke you good people? come hether to me.
I haue fine gownes, clokes, iacketes, and coates,
Fyne iurkins, dubletes, and hosen without moates:
Fyne daggers, and knyues, bages purses for grotes,
What lacke you my friend? come hether to me.
I haue fine peticotes, Kyrteles and cassockes,
Wast cotes, safegardes, vardyngales and frockes:
Fyne muflers, and rayles, fine shyrtes and smockes,
What lacke you gentylwoman? come hether to me.
I haue partletes filletes, fruntletes and sleues,
Fyne napkyns, pastclothes, and gibbetes for theues:
Sylke basketes, fine maundes, and preaty Bee heeues,
What by you good woman? Come hether to me.
I haue fine Estrich fethers, white blew blacke and redes
Bolsters and pyllowes of Downe, to lay vnder mens heades
Fyne testers, curteynes, and fine carued bedes
What seeke you, what lacke you? Come hether to me.
I haue Couerletes of Arras, and fine Tapistrie worke,
Of all sortes and culloures, bright sad and durke:
Stayned clothes and Images, from the great Turke,
What lacke you my friend? Come hether to me.
I haue Inkyll, Crewell, and gay Ualances fine,
Pannes to warme bedes, with gyrte corde and lyne:
The money is your owne, and the ware is myne,
Come see for your loue, or come bye of me.

I haue fine Cubbords, Countours, and fine table bords,
Ioyned formes, stooles, and trestels, buskelers and swords:
Leekes Unions and Garlyke, rootes Millions and Gourds,
What lacke you good wyues? Come hether to me.
I haue to sell Carpets, chestes, coffers and locks,
Presses and Keyes, whorles spindelles and rocks:
Pyg Goose and Capons, Hennes Chickens and Cocks,
What wares doe you lacke? come hether to me.
I haue table clothes fine, and napkins great and small,
Fyne Saultes, spoones and trenchers, for parlour and ball
Fyne Papers with stories, to nayle on a wall,
What lacke you mistris? Come hether to me.
I haue Basons, Ewers, of Tin Pewter and Glasse,
Great vessels of Copper, fine lattin and brasse:
Both pots pannes and ketteles, such as neuer was,
What lacke you sir, what bye you? come hether to me.
I haue platters dyshes, sawcers and candlestickes,
Chaffers, lauers, towels, and fine trickes:
Possenets fryeng pannes, and fine puddyng prickes,
What is it that you seeke? come hether to me.
I haue of all thynges plenty, to furnysh a house,
Rackes for cheese, and trappes for a Mouse:
Fyne pannes for mylke, and trim tubbes for sowse,
Fyrst cheape, and then bye, come hether to me.
I haue Ladels, Scummers, Aundyrons and spits,
Drippyng pannes, pot hookes, ould Cats and Kits:
And preaty fine doges, without fleas or nits,
What lacke you my friend? come hether to me.
I haue fier pannes, fier forkes, tonges, treuetes & tramels,
Rost yrons, flesh hookes, and buckets for welles:
Troughes, trayes, flaskets, mortars and pestels,
What lacke you good mother? come hether to me.

I haue Racketes, Balles, and all sortes of reeles,
Wull cardes, Combes, and fine spinnyng wheeles:
Rowles for past, and for Bakers long peeles,
I haue for your mynd, come hether to me.
I haue fine Cearces, boulteles and flower,
Long poales and crotches, to buyld vp a Bower:
Lyme sand and stone, to make with a Tower,
What lacke you my masters? come hether to me.
I haue fine mouldes for Cookes, and fine cuttyng knyues,
Ares for Butchers, and fine glasses for wyues:
Medecines for Rates to shorten their lyues,
What lacke you what bye you? Come hether to me.
I haue Fannes forkes and flayles, short and long rakes
Skepes busheles and peckes, hardeles and stakes:
Beltes, beetyles and wedges, that good billites makes,
What lacke you good housebandes? Come hether to me.
I haue to sell water cannes, bowgetes and bottels,
Shouels, mattockes and Moule spades, wickers & stoppels:
Tankardes and measures, of pyntes quarts and pottels,
Come see for your loue, and bye for your moneye.
I haue leades for Dyers, fine Limbeckes and stylles,
Quernes and querne stockes, and great stones for mylles,
Halberdes, Polaxes, Clubes, and forest bylles,
What is it that you lacke? Come hether to me.
I haue Wyne Ale Beere & Syder, simneles and bunnes,
Cakes loaues and crackeneles, tubes barreles and tunnes:
Harcabushes, Halfehakes, and all sortes of Gunnes,
What ware doe you lacke? Come hether to me.
I haue to sell Gun powder, match and gun stone,
Long bowes, Crosse bowes, and all that to them gone:
Warbraces, shootyng gloues, and rodes of Whales bone,
What lacke you yong men? Come hether to me.

I haue Speares Pykes Iauelins, and Irish Dartes,
Spokes Nauelles Wheeles, and Axeltrees for Cartes:
Whippes and whipstockes, and cases for Fartes,
What lacke you fayre maydes? come hether to me.
I haue Plowes plow trace, Horse Harnis and Harowes
Packe saddeles Collers Seles, and Wheele barrowes:
Byrd lime and lime twiges, for wyld fowle and Sparrowes
What doe you lacke friend? come hether to me.
I haue to sell Pinsons Fyles, Hammers and Sawes,
Horse shoone Nayles Halters, and fine thinges of strawes:
Curdes Cheese and Creame, and little Calues mawes,
What doe you lacke, what bye you? come hether to me.
I haue all kynd of victuales, aswell flesh as fish,
Mylke Butter Eges, and one principall dish:
Called fine laced mutton, or what you can wish,
What lacke you what seke you? come hether to me.
I haue Sucketes Sirrupes Grene ginger and Marmalade,
Biskites Cumfectes and Carawayes, as fine as can be made:
As for Poticary and Grocery, I haue all that trade,
You shall se of all thynges, come hether to me.
As Figes Almondes Rayzens, Long pepper and Graynes,
Dates Prunes & Nutmeges, and good spice for your braynes
I haue all thinges coumfortable, for the backe and vaynes,
What doe you lacke sir? come hether to me.
I haue fine Triacle of Genes, the plague to preuent,
Fyne Waters fine Oyles, of odour excellent:
Fyne Gummes and Parfumes, as euer was spent,
What lacke you Gentleman? come hether to me.
I haue fine Pomaunders, fine Toothpikers & Whistles,
Pincases Penknyues, fine Brushes of bristles:
Great Acornes for Hoges, and for Cunnies tough Thistles,
What doe you want what lacke ye? come hether to me.

I haue Lye potes Combes, and fine culoured heare,
Muske Ciuit and Camphere,, with other swete geare:
I haue for your purpose, I pray you come neare,
What is it that you lacke? come hether to me.
I haue fine pouder to make you sleape,
Fyne Sythes and Sikcles, for them that can reape:
Of Gryndstones and Whetstones, I haue a great heape,
What lacke you honest man? come hether to me.
I haue here to sell, fine Needeles and Thimbels,
Nayle pearsers small podes, Chyselles and Wimbils:
Blades, and for Weauers: fine shutteles and Brembils,
What doe you lacke friend? come hether to me.
For Polcates and Wezels, I haue trappes and snares,
Fyne hornes for Hunters, and Houndes for Hares:
Fyne Bugles for Gentylmen, and Horses for Mares,
What lacke you sir, what bye you? come hether to me.
I haue Harnesse Helmets Mayle cotes and Iackes,
Gyrt webbes and Gyrtes, Sacke cloth and Sackes:
Panyers for Pedders, and wantels for packes,
What lacke you what bye you? come hether to me.
I haue all thynges for Barbours, Cases kniues & sisours
For Players and Mummers, garments and vysours:
Cockes combes and hoodes, and gay cotes for Dizsours,
What lacke you my masters? come hether to me.
I haue Haukes lures, Key thonges and Clogs,
Leames Collers Cupples, and chaynes for Dogs:
Kynges for wroottyng, and Yockes for Hogs,
What lacke you good wyues? come hether to me.
I haue Rolling pinnes Battildors washbouls & Brome,
Wyld beastes and Puppets, set from beyond Rome:
Fyne gay & straunge Garlands, for Bryde & Bryde grome
What lacke you fayre maydens? come hether to me.

I haue Harpes, Lutes, Uyalles, Tabretes, and Pypes,
Shouellers, Cranes, Pecockes, Wagtayles, and Snypes:
Fyue lessons for maydes, to kepe them from strypes,
What is it that you lacke? Come hether to me.
I haue Brydels, Saddels, Styrrops, and Trappers,
Sheres for Sheremen, for Taylours, and Cappers:
Bytes, Snafles, and Spurres, and also bell clappers,
Wha doe you lacke sir? Come hether to me.
I haue all instruments, that Cherurgiens doe vse,
To graue or to carue, new fet from the Iewes:
Yf ye knew what I haue, you wold wonder and muse,
What doe you lacke? Come hether to me.
I haue Ships for the sea, Boates, Barges, and Keeles,
Fysh hookes, and Netes, and great trunkes for Eles:
Salues for all sores, and for ould humbled heeles,
What seke you, what bye you? Come hether to me.
I haue Timber, Tyle, Bricke, Straw, Seg, and Reede
Great plenty of grayne, and all kynd of seede:
Looke what you lacke, of me you shall surely speede,
Why be you so straunge? Come hether to me.
I haue Staples, Barres, Hookes, Hynges, and Latches,
Fyne Steele, and Flint, Tunder boxes, and Matches:
Pattrelles and Males, without peeces or patches,
What doe you lacke sir? Come hether to me.
Iaue Fullyng myles, Oyle myles, Wynd myles and sayles
Hoopes, Hydes, Lether, Ietes, Scuppets, and Payles:
Lampe blacke for Curryers, Claspes, Eyes, and Mayles,
What lacke you, what bye you? Come hether to me.
I haue here to sell Buccles, Alblades, and Lastes,
Shoone Slippers, and Bootes, Cables and Mastes:
Boxes for Iuglers, and many fine castes,
What doe you lacke? Come hether to me.

I haue haye for Hostlers, Ladders and Rar,
Fyne Sault Sope and Candell, Pitch Tar and War:
Yron Cole Rozen, Hempe and fine Flar,
What lacke you my masters? Come hether to me.
I haue Ornamentes Implements, fit for the Church,
Fyne Rodes for children, of Wyllow and Burch:
Yf I haue not quicke sale, I shall haue a lurch,
What doe you lacke sir? Come hether to me.
My Rodes wyll wex seare, within weekes nyne,
Yet a thousand I haue, knit vp in a lyne:
Yf I sell them not all the sooner, the losse wyll be myne,
Come masters, come dames, come bye of me.
You shall vnderstand, that I haue much more,
Farmes Houses Woodes, and Cattell great store:
Great Land and Pastour, from shore to shore,
What lacke you Gentilmen? Come hether to me.
I haue Spectacles, made of fine Burrall glasse,
And cases from Turkye, that yet neuer seene wasse:
Such thinges as I haue, come cheape or you passe,
Looke here for your loue, come, what will you bye?
I haue cases for Crabes, for Creuesses and Cranes,
Cases for Medowes, for Fal gates and Lanes:
Cases for Cucke stooles, and for Horse manes,
What doe you lacke? come hether to me.
I haue cases for Castels, for Steeples and Trees,
Cases for the Wynd, and the weather that frees:
Fyne cases for Tounges, that neuer agrees,
What doe you lacke wyues? come hether to me.
I haue cases for Shippes, for Hulkes and for Hooyes,
Cases for Pewes, for Pulpetes and Pooyes:
Cases for Grashoppers, that much corne strooyes,
What lacke you what bye you? come hether to me.

I haue cases for Scotches, for them that kepe fennes,
Cases for Whele barrowes, and for Goose pennes:
Cases for Caues for Capons and Hennes,
What doe you lacke now? come hether to me.
I haue cases for Cole rakes, for Tumbrelles and Milles
Cases for Lime pites, for Mountaynes and Hylles:
Fyne cases of Hempe, for such as powles and pylles,
What is it that you lacke? or what wyll you bye?
I am not able halfe my wares to expresse,
Seuerally by name: I tell you doubtlesse:
But briefly thus of all thynges, part I confesse,
Saying what lacke you? come hether to me.
Come to me all you, that newly begynne,
And I wyll hould you vp, euen by the chinne:
Though you lese in the first yeare, the next you may winne
I wyll so be your friend, come hether to me.
Come to me you, that yet neuer could thryue,
Foote men and Horse men, that by the way dryue:
You that with Neuerthrift dayly wyll stryue,
Lack no kynd of wares, but come hether to me.
Take heede to whome, and where you doe lend,
Take heede with whome, and how you doe spend:
All you that in deede, your euyll lyues amend,
Lacke no sortes of wares, but come hether to me.
Also this shall be now, my next exhortation,
That you forsake Dice, Cardes, and fornication:
All excesse in apparell, and all blasphemation,
Then lacke no wares, but come hether to me.
The oulde Prouerbe is, kepe the whole from the broken
By the mouthes of al people, thus haue I spoken:
Because all Marchauntes and Chapmen, I doe betoken,
Styll callyng what lacke you? come hether to me.

Thus to conclude, no further to clyme,
With this mery Iest, and poore simple Ryme:
For Seruauntes and Chyldren, to passe with the tyme,
At conuenient leysure, no hurt it wyll be.
Honest myrth in measure, is a pleasaunt thyng,
To wryte and to rede well, be gyftes of learnyng:
Remember this well, all you that be young,
Exercise vertue, and rule well your toung.
(quoth) Thomas Newbery.