University of Virginia Library


Hymn for the Union League,

JULY 4, 1865.


Air—“Old Hundred.”

Thank God! the bloody days are past,
Our patient hopes are crowned at last;
And sounds of bugle, drum and fife
But lead our heroes home from strife!
Thank God, there beams o'er land and sea
Our blazing star of victory;
And every where, from main to main.
The old flag flies, and rules again!
Thank God, O dark and trodden race,
Your Lord no longer veils his face,
But through the clouds and woes of fight
Shines on your souls a better light!
Thank God, we see on every hand
Breast-high the ripening grain-crops stand,
The orchards bend, the herds increase;—
But O, thank God, thank God, for Peace!
George H. Boker.