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[The Angell Cradle, in] Memories of Brown

traditions and recollections gathered from many sources

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The Angell Cradle.



Once to earth there came an angel,
Wingless he was wafted down,
And his wailings woke the echoes,
Slumbering round the walls of Brown.
Chorus—Cocachelunk che lunk, etc.
Then outspoke a reverend senior,
Bending with the weight of years,
“We will give him a reception,
Worthy of the name he bears.”
“We will frame a mighty cradle,
Suited to this youthful swell,
(For the student knows how useful
Is the art of lying well).
“It shall be propelled by clock-work,
Which will teach this juvenile brick,
In his youth to play the student—
Wanting ‘rocks’ to go ‘on tick.’”
When the mighty work was finished,
On the gift one glance he threw,
Crowed his moderate approbation,
And concluded it would do.
Now the rolling year has vanished,
We with loyal hearts and true
Come to wish “that blessed baby”
With success, successors too.
Let us hope for future classes,
Repetitions of the scene,
Not like other “angel's visits,”
Neither “few nor far between.”
John Hay, 1858.