University of Virginia Library


Her verses,—where she lies
The tall trees bend and whisper;
Soft voices from the skies
Recall the tuneful lisper:
The sunny nooks she loved,
Her flower-beds untended,
Afflict us with neglect,
Like fair things ill-befriended.
Yet 'tis so merciful
That Time wipes out our traces,
And that the thick-set moss
Grows o'er our darkened faces,
Till but some faithful heart
Our faded traits comprises,
And sorrow, dead in earth,
In harmless beauty rises.


She had a guileless heart,
And Life was rude to grieve it;
She had a soul of fire,
And Heaven is kind to shrive it:
The years are past that said,
“Keep long this seal unbroken;
But, when my name's forgot,
Then let my words be spoken.”
So, standing at her grave,
With trembling hands I gather
The blossoms of her life,
Bedimmed with rust and weather.
O World! while thus I wave
Her dead hand's blessing o'er thee,
Think 'tis my other self
Whose heart lies bare before thee.