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President’s Commission on Diversity and Equity

He reviewed several racial incidents that have occurred at the University over the last few months and announced that he will create a President’s Commission on Diversity and Equity. The membership will include faculty, students, representatives of the administration, alumni, parents and community members. The list of members will be announced in the next several weeks.

The commission will be charged with evaluating University programs that address issues of diversity and equity; identifying gaps in programs and suggesting remedies for filling those gaps; reviewing previous University studies on diversity and equity and examining comparable programs elsewhere for recommendations that should be implemented; and developing a “best practices” model. The commission will begin work later in the month an will deliver its final report to the President by May 1st, 2004, and will issue quarterly reports previous to that.

The President emphasized that he expects the commission to recommend specific courses of action for consideration by the University administration and the Board.