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This article grew out of work on an edition of Sappho and Phao for the Revels Plays to appear, along with George Hunter's edition of Campaspe, in late 1989. Readers interested in the details of textual transmission after Q2, discussed briefly in this article, or in further data on the variants between Q1 and Q2, are referred to that edition. Bibliographical information on title pages and the like is also available in W. W. Greg, A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration, number 82. I am indebted to Eric Rasmussen, Paul Werstine, and George Hunter, as well as to the editor and assistant editor of Studies in Bibliography, for reading various drafts of this essay and providing invaluable insights.


See for example Hamlet, ed. Harold Jenkins (Arden, 1982), pp. 46-47. First observed by W. W. Greg, Shakespeare's First Folio: Its Bibliographical and Textual History (1955), pp. 331-332.


Line numberings are to the new Revels edition of Campaspe and Sappho and Phao to be published soon. In R. Warwick Bond's The Complete Works of John Lyly, 1902, the lines referred to here are at 3.3.50, 72, 74, and 82. Bond's line numbers in other instances are correspondingly close to those cited herein.


W. W. Greg, "Bibliography—An Apologia." Collected Papers, ed. J. C. Maxwell (1966), p. 263. See also Fredson Bowers, "The First Edition of Dryden's Wild Gallant, 1669," The Library, 5th ser., 5 (1950), 51-54.


G. K. Hunter, John Lyly: The Humanist as Courtier (1962), pp. 367-372; W. W. Greg, "The Authorship of the Songs in Lyly's Plays," MLR, 1 (1905), 43-54; John Robert Moore, "The Songs in Lyly's Plays," PMLA, 42 (1927), 623-640; M. R. Best, "A Note on the Songs in Lyly's Plays," N&Q, 210, n.s. 12 (1965), 93-94.